The body of a man was fished out of the sea at Donkey Beach in Canefield and the police are treating the matter as a suspected homicide.
Police PRO, Pellam Jno Baptiste said the body of 22-year-old Princely Hilton Graham of Bena Ravine in Canefield, was fished out at around 9:45 am on Thursday, June 30, 2016.
The body was transported to the Roseau Health Center where Graham was pronounced dead.
Jno Baptiste said the police are investigating the matter as a suspected homicide.
Anyone with information which can assist the Police should contact the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) at 266-5164/266-5165/266-5119, or Crime Stoppers Dominica at 1-800-8477.
My condolences to the family,i wish to sympathize with you all.Very unfortunate that such a young life can be taken in such a disgraceful way. But then,such is the result,depending on what path of life we take. Talking about the beach and simeon;this man spends most of his time defending his interest in a rogue government, rather than living up to the position he imposed himself in……………….. For those who want to think that politics and government has nothing to do with crime like these,has not overstand the natural and spiritual laws of life. Whatever happens at the top, trickles down to the nation,so the leader,so the people!
It’s sad that people are getting murdered and killers are walking amongst us. Imagine a young woman picks up a young man and he is a murderer and no one knows. To society he is a decent young man. To the family I say accept my sympathy. To young man haunt your killer let him get out of society. Any one knows who commits the crime call crimestoppers.
Sorry but I do not understand this message.
Someone or some people that have boats need to report their whereabouts to the coast guard. The coast guard needs to implement a tougher policy for boats/ships in DA waters.
How Donkey Beach looking, what does that have to do with a death of an individual. Come on people grow up. My cousin lost his life, I don’t care what transpired between he and whoever, they had no right to kill him. He is somebody’s child. Now he has left to mourn a grieving mother, father, siblings etc. Instead all you sympathize in a nice way, you all are so negative, always playing politics. Talking about garages, workshops, urban council chairman and how the beach is looking. PURE RUBBISH. Those days people don’t care where they kill others, they don’t have to look for the most tidy or untidy place to do their crime.
My condolences to you and your family.
While I understand your views, you also need to be tolerant of other people’s views. You can not tell people what to say or how to express themselves. This is freedom of speech. You may want to judge someone based on what they say and the circumstances under which they say it, such as this case but tolerance for others’ views is the hallmark of a thriving democracy.
I am sorry that young man died, probably through suspicious circumstances. But that donkey beach has become an unsavoury place, strewn with waste and frequented by disturbing characters. Unplanned proliferation of so called garages and workshops with total disregard for the environment. I used to enjoy a swim there but these days stay well away. Does that area come under the remit of the chairman of Canefield urban council?
Jah! Another ghetto youth fall prey to the wicked system while some are being born at this moment. Jah guide over the ghetto youth, protect us on our way in an our way out. Jah!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, don’t breed in the ghetto then because according to you that will only produce more suffering youths. Nobody forcing anyone to make children there. People have their own responsibility too.
sorry about the death of the young man too however donkey beach has become an eyesore. we are talking tourism and nature then clean up donkey beach relocate the garages and landscape the area. if simeon can pull this of then would see him in a different light.
@silver bird…A young man just lost his life…this is not the correct platform nor article to discuss tourism….C’mon man..
Mi kalash!!!!! What a life!!!!!
Yah donkey beach was top a top now it’s a garage smh…
That’s such sad news to hear for the last say of the year. Hope his family find peace. This too shall pass. I do hope the culprit is found and dealt with accordingly. Hoping that’s not the case though. May his body rest in peace. The crime in Dominica is on the rise, cause for concern.
I meant the last day of the month of June….
This death coincides with the lump sum of cash confiscated by the police.
HMMMMM have you seen the road?
Now that Carbon is finished disarming law abiding fire arms holders after being directed to do so from the Dear Leader, I hope that closure can be brought to the family members of the deceased, with a thorough investigation by members of the Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force.
While we are it. There was a young man who got shot and killed in the Bortanical gardens a fews years back, what yhas happened to this case. Was the police officer suspected ever questioned?..
On a different note, see how donkey beach looking these days in the background. that area should have been more popular than mero beach. the government and AID Bank have let there go to a complete waste. Sorry about the death of the young man. Jah guide.
Stick to the issue. You ALL like too much politics and pointing fingers. What did YOU to help solve the problem You blaming others for?
Well first of all i just spoke on a matter that needs attention. A lot of crime goes down on donkey beach because of the way it is right now. It is a wasteland if u haven’t been there recently check it out. My comment wasnt to take detract people from the unfortunate death of this young man, and my condolences to his family, but if the beach was well let, well kept, with vibrant businesses that complimented the area operating, these activities would most likely not have occured on donkey beach. think bigger than just the act. Lets looks at the possible causes an solutions. As to what i am doing about it, let me worry about that. you worry about you are going to do after opening your mouth.
I agree, Donkey beach attracts crime because of the bad state it is in.
As a little boy I would hitch hike a ride from town to that beach. A few years ago I came home and went for a swim I was saddened by the state of my childhood swimming area. They really need to do better.
Place only good now for dumping dead bodies.
Here you go again blaming government when are we going to get of our butt and do something the public should get together like before on a week end and do something to help there area instead they sit at home or by the road waiting for government to fix every thing the beach is ours we use it we dirty it
we should step up and help go to your parl.rep.tell he or she what you want to do to help round up a few friends and neighbors and get something done .
You are joking of course, the Chairman of the urban council; responsible for that area spending his time on public radio spewing political venom and vilifying people that oppose the government instead of doing his job keeping this area clean and safe. And you want me and others to take care of things while he is cursing us being paid our tax money? Be real man.
@ wallace hussey, I think government and AID Bank were mentioned because they may have owned the property on the beach which includes a garage.
That won’t happen unless free plywood and cement is first given. As a young man we would clean up our community without government intervention. The reward was a cleaner healthier community. Today, we have conditioned our citizens that free building materials is the reward for everything.
Wallace apparently you havent been there in ages. There is a garage for storage of chinese equipment right behind Daniel Green’s grave site, and garages and spray shops all the way up the beach on the right and derelict vehicles on the shore side left by the garages. The AID Bank is responsible for that area as it is their “industrial site”. The Environmental Health Unit has not addressed the matter it seems because the matter has gotten worse over the years. We as citizens can come together and clean it up, this is not just picking up garbage on the sand. Bull dozers need to be brought in. then we begin to get political. My comment was in no way an attemt to take away from the crime committed, it would actually strengthen thee outcry for the cleanup of the beach. as it stands it is a wasteland. Noone goes there or ventures there past Mr. Marshall’s bar once the sun goes down. it is unsavory, dirty, a complete mess. perfect for murders and ill dealings. it cuold b the opposite.
Sorry to hear about this terrible news, my heart goes out to his family. I am a visitor living in Dominica for the last 8 months and yes, the government has the resources. It is their job and responsibility to take care of the beaches. The country is talking tourism and not one good beach in the Roseau area, why would you be paying taxes and still wants to get up or send others to do the work of the government? The place needs to be clean and yes the government needs to put their priorities in the right places.
You can not even walk there safely anymore because of human excrement along the shore.
Places like that attract crime and unsavoury characters. What a place to find a body, just like a dead animal. No regard for human dignity. Simeon clean your backyard first before coming to make mpuis on radio.