Two gay men from Eastern Shore Lane in Southern California, Dennis Jay Mayer and John Robert Hart who pleaded guilty to the charge of “Indecent Exposure” were scheduled to leave the island on Thursday, after paying a fine of EC$2,400.00 each.
The court heard that the men were seen on the balcony of the cruise ship, Celebrity X Cruises, naked, fondling each other.
Hart, a retired police officer and Mayer a personal assistant real estate agent told the court, ”We are sorry for what happened, we regret the incident and humbly apologize to the people of Dominica.”
When approached by the police about the incident, Hart said, “We were naked on the balcony but we were not having sex.” Mayer’s explanation was, “I’m not involved….but was slightly undressed on my balcony.”
In mitigation, defense lawyer Bernadette Lambert told the court that her clients regretted the incident and never intended to offend the laws of Dominica.
“They were struck by the beautiful mountains, clear fresh water and beauty of the island and they also had a few cock-tails and so threw caution to the wind. They came here for a good time and did not mean to offend the laws of the country,” she said.
She told the court that both men were of good character and they had fully co-operated with the police and begged for a non-custodial sentence. “They are extremely remorseful,” she said.
Both men then apologized to the court for their actions but were told by Chief Magistrate Evelina Baptiste that they had behaved like “rogues and vagabonds.”
These men did nothing wrong. They were on a balcony that probably had solid wall balcony. What was the creep doing looking up there anyways. What is he a peeping tom? Big deal so they may have been naked. Adam and Eve were naked. Get over your stupid selves and go back to your evil ways of gangbanging and drug dealing. All you ignorant people are not stating facts in your disgusting comments towards gays. You are only stating an opinion that happens to be wrong! hell with you all there is no way in hell that you are better than this college educated, law abiding faggot American. I hope you all die from a tidal wave.
d should never do this .Jesus don’t like dat
D should nerver do this . jesus do like this
…what is “EC” when they were fined “EC$2400”. doesn’t it spells EASY?

I’d blame the cruise ship and the travel agent for not informing the parties of Dominica’s laws.
Your comments goes to show that you should be stoned for ignorance and intolerance.
and what will the country do with the fines collected, is there any project in the country that needs funding to prevent people from violating such law? i think something like this deserves a warning or a little understanding…. hey how often does it happen?…. what is that EC on EC$2,400 fines again?
Good stuff to know, but i am more concern how does this type of events affect tourism.
Honestly, after this event, how likely are you considering Dominica for your next vacation based on your knowledge of their law, how the locals feel about you and your personal interests, and other laws which might affect the way you would spend your times on the country which you are not aware of.
Type “A” if Dominica is on top of your list for your next trip or “Z” as the last destination to consider. Thanks for your input and enjoy!
Well, at first I thought there were reasonable responses to what happened. But now, after reading of the way those two men were treated, no way will I, nor any of my straight friends or relatives be going to that disastrous place called Dominica.
As a past cruiser on Atlantis cruises, the problem I see with this incident is:
1. Who is this witness?
2. How far away was he?
3. Are there any corrabarating witnesses?
4. Are there any photos or videos of the incident?
5. If indeed there was indecent behavior occurring on a ship’s balcony; are we sure this witness from a distance, from the outside of this ship identify the exact cabin?
From the actions of the police, captain of the ship, owner of Atlantis (Rich Campbell), the Magistrate, the citizens of Dominica, and most of the posters in this blog – one unidentified witness can successfully make a charge of buggery/indecent exposure against the word of two other individuals and have his word held out as God!
There is no question, Dominica (especially the dock workers) were aware of the gay passengers’ arrival.
Without questioning the accuser, how can anyone be certain he saw these two passengers, or the accuser is not a homophobic bible thumping religious conservative zealot?
Missing from this entire unfortunate incident is – the accuser! I for one will never take the word of an unidentified, unquestioned, unconfronted and cowardly “witness!”
when we go to your country we respect your laws..when you come to mines, respect ours, we don’t discriminate against gay, but they were doing it in public…..come on!
the gay people dont spend money they can be very cheap.if the guy ship dont come to dominica ,dominica dont loose any thing only the port service that makes the money
@ Jane
Do they or other tourist really spend a lot of money in Dominica? They only come to visit the island and their beauty. This is as far as they go. The Minister of Tourist and the Tourist Board should take note of this.
Most of the people here are running away from the main issue.The prosecution of these men had nothing to do with thie sexual orientation. The facts is just plain and simple,they broke the law with their lewd behavior in public,and paid the price,and at the same time learn their lesson.If it was in the USA they were displaying the same act in public,they would be arrested. So on both sides of the issue stop the damn gay issue,because this is not about being Gay.
I am not a lawyerbut it seems to me that a precedent has been set. therefore next time carnival is here, can i call the police to reoport seeing people having sex in brosd view of everyhone who jus look the other way and say oh is carnival man oh sacway hypocrites zor yeah
do it in your room
Plus homosexual sex is disgusting. It makes your skin crawl. They should pay a higher fine and longer jailtime than heterosexuals.
Comment taken from KTLA (California local news were those men are form)
read the kix them man own people making about them LOL
THE WORLD is so sinful and sick the big countries like AMERICA LONDON AND FRANCE makes it legal for a man to married a nother man yet they say in GOD we put all our trust.NOW i think our leadders should legalized that wich is not sinful in the sight of GOD.
i am a dominican and i am certainly not up to you all nasty behaviours:you all are negatively influencing the youths:jehovah made a man for a woman and a woman for a man so please be a dare and keep it to yourselves.
You know, “Every man to his own order”. This is not about what you display in public it’s about being gay, being different. If two ordinary citizens walk down the street, they are in love, and starts kissing each other, would they be breaking the law too? A man is entitled to his own beliefs and interpretation inspite of what the bible says, according to your interpretarion. God is his judge, not man.
What happen, you guys have not realised that the guys did not give any trouble? They have paid the cost and is leaving your island peacefully. Why are you trying to crucify them. You allowed the ship to dock, you knew who was on the ship but you wanted numbers for your tourism and the money that they can spend on your island, so you accepted them. How can you accept them and not their ways . . . ?
Look- I have been to dominica. I am an open gay man. I would never- EVER in a million years walk out on a balcony in a foreign Naked. or in an attempt to touch my partner. Secondly they were on an all gay cruise. There is bound to be critism. Thirdly, the tour guides in Dominica are not stupid- they knew my story and treated me with the respect that I treated them. I compensated them wll for their tour, special treatment and safety they provided me while traveling through that gorgeous country. While I think your laws are archaic, and completely obsurd. I agree that any sexual contact like that made in public is completely unacceptable no matter what your orientation is. I hope that some day your laws will change for the better with gays and lesbians so that everyone can live harmoniously. BUT- It is up to the TRAVELER to know the laws of the foreign country that you are visiting. I have traveled to Jamaica, and Barbados. I dont live a closted lifestyle when I am there. However, I do not make myself obvious, I respect the laws for the short time I am there and enjoy the beauty the country has to offer me. It is ignorant as an American to expect other country laws to bow down to what we believe is socially acceptable. I would have been appauled at their behavior. Another reason why I dont go on gay cruises and never will. Its actions by gays like this that give the rest of us a bad name.
meant to say- Walk out naked on a balcony in a foreign country. Hell- I dont walk around naked in my own House.
Well said. Dominica will never get to that stage of accepingt public diaplay of affection by gays for we are a small country whose structure is built on the bible. Though I do not have a problem with gays this behavior is unacceptable not matter the sexual orientation
@ Marc
There is no exultation in being homosexual. You already have a bad name. You are homosexual, having a relationship between another man which God did not ordain and frowns upon for it an abomination and offends Him. Repent and live a holy life and an exemplary one.
Well Said. I am a Dominican living in the US VI. The vi culture is different from the main land and to many tike I see those behavior. That is not gay issue or gay discrimination, it is individual stupidity.
haha lol
that gay thing is tight i use to look at woman when i was young and i mean beautiful women and its all in the brain and mind gay comes fr but am not gay and i dont look at women like that again still them people pay their hard earn money to take their cruise and to do what they want on their cruise so why bother with them doing their thing let them live their live if they have to be punish let god deal with them and is not gay alone that isd a sin sleeping with people husband is a sin and sex before marriage is also a sin happy gaying you all but next time when you come to dominica stay indoor in the cabin you pay for bon chance
May God bless you richly Chief Magistrate Evelina Baptiste. All good laws are from God and to uphold the Law brings blessings to your nation. Resist the world and especially the Sodomites and God will reward you with blessings overflowing.
Major Ray Salas
U.S. Marine Corps, Retired
May God bless you richly Chief Magistrate Evelina Baptiste. All good laws are from God and to uphold the Law brings blessings to your nation. Resist the world and especially the Sodomites and God will reward you with blessings overflowing.
Major Ray Salas
U.S. Marine Corps, Retired
DUDE – you are total mess. People like you are the reason there is a MESS in the USA. Keep your religion to yourself. Your comment is as foul as me saying it is ashame you didn’t serve a tour of duty in Iraq and DIE.
Bitch Pleeeeze
JMG because you have never heard of Dominica don’t be stupid enough to say no one in the US has ever heard of Dominica. Whether not even a fly from the US has heard of us we will still survive so get a life and stop trying to intimidate. We will not be intimidated.
Isn’t this just a case of “Dominicans too fast and don’t like to mind their business”??
This “act of fondling” maybe lasted less than five minutes. But someone had to see cause they could not stay at their home and do their chores.
By the time the news reach to me , I was given the impression that this men where involved in hard core gay porn on the “BAYFRONT”. That’s just to show that sometimes we like to make something more than it is.
So if it was a man and woman engaged in having sex, they would go and say the even see the color of the woman’s Virgina.
Everyone knew it was a “Gay” boat in port but it was as if, some persons were waiting to see something like that happen.
If Dominica claim to not be Anti-Gay and only charged the men with indecent exposure why all the hype…. like I said before at the end of the day………It’s God who is the judge!!!
jah burn down sadom and gomaro
@ Chris
It is disrespectful and they deserved to be punished. Too bad you lack this enlightenment.
TO DNO ADMIN: It’s time to take this story off your site, i’m saturated with that story right now
@ Amazing face
You have the prerogative not to access it. Who are you to dictate to DNO? You are only one in a thousand if not a million readers. Have respect and keep your views to yourself.
Gay/Straight or whatever the point is what kind of idiot has sex in public ? As drunk as I have been in my life I dont ever remember turning to my gf/wife and saying “HEY lets drop our pants and go at it!”
your loss.
what kind of idiot? I ll tell you. those in that popular band at carnival time whose members are supposedly from the upper echelon of society in dominica. it s oke for them to have sex in broad daylight and not get arrested.. sacway hypocrite
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When in Dominica, do as the Dominicans do. This isn’t a discrimination issue, and as one post pointed out, it’s not even news. It’s a matter of respecting the laws of another country, whether one agrees with them or not.
Hey, its their country, their laws, when we travel, were suppose to honor their laws. Simple.Now they were not peeking into the mens bedroom, these 2 no class men were indecent and knew it, throw the book at them. Just because your gay , does not mean you have no class, or respect for the others that had to see them having sex,that is disgusting!
I was onboard the ship when they got arrested, Let me clear your minds. They did not get arrested for being gay,It was the passangers who reported them.They were having sex in the balcony. Having SEX in the view of public is against the law, Not only there but everywhere. They got arrested for public indecency. I don’t feel sorry for them,They giving gays a bad name.
gay is a bad name
You need to speed to the medias in the US to clarify this.
Why are the women of your small country so fat?
Why are the women of your country so obese?
maybe its because there is lots of food to eat. This country is small but it has 365 Rivers and and it has the highest density of farmers per sq area in the caribbean.
RUEBEN lol they are trying to copy the American Culture where obesity is a big problem that you guys are trying to tackle and by the way lets not stray from the issue at hand Saqway Sodomite !
I am shocked to see how some Dominican women have gotten so fat>>>> back in the 80s and 90s women were never that fat. I guess it is the KFC and Pizza hot. they have forgotten the fig, dasheen etc. Everythin is now fried this and that. And they take the bus back and forth to go to the city when they can walk. SMH
just like ur big head ruben takr a look at ur head
WOW! Dominica even reach on BOSSIP.COM I wonder if they will reach MEDIATAKEOUT.COM!!!! IS DERT!!!! hahahaha
Why are all the women of your small country so fat?
they fat just like your moms
loook at all that dominican…..no wonder their husbands does leave and go behind other people because they to like to mind other people business………………when their lives are a mess…………..some have food on the fire lol well that food must burn………..they to like row row
We’re in over five international newspapers this morning. Read one or two comments by the gay community here:
All you say all you want tourism. Tourist come in many different. Forms.
So we should welcome all tourists to have sex naked infront of locals cause that’s e type of tourism we are promoting
ALL forms of tourism are good EXCEPT criminal tourism. Dominica have been welcoming gay tourism for many time without any mishaps. These two men had to spoil every thing by exposing thier indignities to women and children, and senior citizens on this tranquil island state.
FYI, I currently live in Dominica…and it is a daily trend to see naked men or women bathing themselves in streams or rivers. How about we lock them up and make them pay fines. Oh wait, because Dominicans only choose to oppress the gays…
Naked yes but performing lewd acts -NO!!!!!!!!
that is our culture and u said it right bathing not having sex
Unfortunately, this has probably crippled the country for years. They are barely surviving as a nation as is…and this has furthered their demise. The notion that these people are “educatued” has basically gone out the window due to this ridiculous story. Unfortunately, this primitive country has shown its true colors of how simple minded the people of Dominica truly are. The “morals” they instill are clearly adopted from western tradition, however, due to the clear lack of education (or mere intelligence lol), or lack of ability to distinguish right from wrong, they will never be able to think for themselves until once again they are dominated, or taught, by a superior nation. While this country is stuck in the 90’s the rest of us are flourishing in the 21st century. Clearly this country has been given fish, and not taught to fish. Unlike the western civilizations they desire to become, these people will never be able to think for themselves. Instead the lazy people of this country are content with the sociology brought to them years ago, and will never grow. Hopefully, one day, someone can bring intelligence to this foolish country, and they can escape the ignorance that plagues them.
Our morals do not come from the western world in fact they derived mostly from the church which originated mostly in Europe and if people decide to keep beliefs of the oast it is still their beliefs and perhaps you should revise your definition of primitive and intelligence because it certainly differs from that of theDICTIONARY
Homosexuality is only now become a normal thing in country’s like the us and even theor they are discriminated and getting bullied
In Dominican schools there are people we know that are gay but they aren’t bullied not to a great extent and then of they are it is instantly stopped by the teachers and principal
Teeana, Please do educate me on Dominican morals, the last time I was there, which was in February, I could hardly notice one. So please do list all the lovely present Dominican morals, and enlighten me. Can’t wait to hear them. Please do not list saying “good morning” and “good afternoon” to elders, because the manners moral has also gone out the window, right next to “do not steal from your neighbour”
you nout only sound ignorant for making such a generalized statement but you also sound bitter and alone…utter rubbish..Dominican students have excelled over and over again in College all over the US ..perforing at a much greater level than american student yet still they are considered primitive…well Dominica has been doing and will continue to do just fine without America’s gay cruiseship….
Am very happy to tell you, as a student of the U VI.student educated in Dominica are the the top achievers at U VI and throughout the us, how is that for unintelligent. far from being a foolish country I’m proud of my people for standing up. Mark a passage said, “I was on board the ship when they got arrested, Let me clear your minds. They did not get arrested for being gay,It was the passenger who reported them.They were having sex in the balcony. Having SEX in the view of public is against the law, Not only there but everywhere. They got arrested for public indecency. I don’t feel sorry for them,They giving gays a bad name.” so look at the issue.
They were FONDLING.
Papa God, Dominicans like to exaggerate!
they pleaded guilty !!!!!!
Dominica will pay a dear price for this in tourism, especially that of Gay and Lesbian tourist who have ample money to spend. I hope every gay cruise along with every gay traveler avoids the island like they are already doing with some of the islands due to the less than welcome attitude given. Dominica will lose much more than the $4800 in fines they levied for this, they have already become the laughing stock of international news. And before you go spouting off how moral Dominica is you should apply that morality to the autrocities being committed by the Dominica police. In a report published in October 2011, Amnesty International documented an unacceptable and persistent pattern of abuse and killings by police in Dominica. I think you all have more important things to worry about than two tourists fondling each other.
So it’s embarrassing to convict someone for indecent exposure?
Police have been know to make mistakes in all countys
And if you guys think that Dominica is the only Caribbean country who is against homosexuality then your dead wrong
lost…all this because the guys were arrested for public indeceny…
can somebody tell me who was left with the embarrasment?this whole bad movie did not have to be made.while we pointing fingers and blaming people it was boiled down to “indecent exposure” and the little loss of a few million tourist dollars a year.i guess an island with a few broke artist is not that bad.80 thousand people eh . . is nothing if it is not less.
It is very likely that the offending former police officer has been on the other side of the law, enforcing indecent exposure and public indecency laws while performing his past duties. I can only hope that he showed mercy and compassion to the intoxicated man urinating at the side of a building or road or the hot-blooded, horny teenagers making out in the back-seat of their parents car. Remember that ignorance of the law (even in a foreign land) is no excuse for breaking the law. The men broke the law, apologized to the court and our country, and paid their fines. Let them go in peace and go along their merry way. The rest of us need to do the same.
As a gay man that has been to Dominica twice I was disgusted that two gay cruise ship passengers were having sex out in the open on the island. After I heard that a “peeping tom/s” noticed that they are having sex in the privacy of their own cabin on the balcony, I was appalled that the men were arrested and taken off of the ship by the local authorities. My first trip to Dominica was with my partner on a cruise ship and we fell in love with the island. I returned last year for a week and had my best Caribbean experience to date. While I am an “out” gay man I understand that in a foreign country you have to respect that many people and governments aren’t as progressive as things are in the US. And that one can’t necessarily act as one would at home. However I also don’t believe that one should hide who they are either. As I stated I had a wonderful experience and I will return. I felt safe and loved the fact that the island isn’t built up like the rest of the Caribbean. At a time when many countries are struggling with their budgets Dominica is unique that it has a national resource to attract travelers to its island paradise. If they were smart they would adopt a more progressive attitude towards Gays and Lesbians and go after the gay dollar. Once they get to know us they will see that we are just like everyone else; spirit and all.
You will be well advised to read the press release by the tour operators. You will realise that your view of the incident is distorted. The men were on a public in full view of all including elderly women and small children.
Gay rights are respected here but wanton public display of indecency by anyone is frown upon and rightfully so. Because this is a small country does not mean that it should be a wantonly lawless state.
You visited the island and you honestly think that the police made an arrest based on “peeping toms” words? Why weren’t you arrested then because I am certain you and your partner engaged in sexual activity while there? They exposed themselves in plain view of the public and gays all over should be reprimanding these men for putting them several steps back in their “cause”.
@ Visitor
You are not like everybody else. You are a homosexual and the majority of us are normal, heterosexual people. Note the difference. You can be like everybody else if you renounce your homosexual tendency and activity.
I’m a dominican who lives in New York, and you will get arrested by the nypd if you are exposed in public. You will be charged with disordely conduct and even spend the night in prison. The men did not get arrested because they are GAY they got arrested for not following the LAW. you small minded people have to look at the big picture and stop being so narrow minded if you break the law in new york where i live you will be fined or get put in prison.
I got fined for walking through the train cars. Dominicans living abroad have to abide by the law in another man’s country. The same should rules should apply for any body coming to dominica. should abide by the law of the land.
DNO, I am surprised that your Website did not crash with all those comments but it is slow.
I guess Websites do not crash. It will take me hours or days to peruse the comments and of course provide my comments as usual which I would love to do when I have the time.
It is quite an interesting story. So they had a few drinks and viewed the landscape of DA and thought they would indulge in this illicit activity? No excuse. If they were in the U.S., Canada or Europe, they would also be charged. They could not do this even during their so-called gay pride parade. They could have stayed in their rooms where no Dominicans would see them. Surely this is what they did all night sleeping together. Did they not have enough of it for the night?
Hats off and Laurels to the DA Police Force Authorities. I am pleased that they were arrested and paid a price for their immoral actions. $2,400 EC was not enough. Now they are short-changed. I wonder if they had that money in their bank accounts or that family members or friends lent it to them. What if they did not have the money and were not able to obtain it?
It is a lesson to be learned that they must respect the Law of the land and its nationals. This pertains to others who visit the islands. It is a clear indication that they have no respect for islanders. Otherwise they would not have conducted themselves in such an unbecoming manner. Would they do this in the U.S., Canada, U.K and other parts of. Europe? I bet not for they would know the repercussion of their actions. I hope such a cruise ship never returns with those people.
What a backward country full of ignorant. Roseau have lots of “buggaman”, why would people instead of finding work to do gather to watch two gay man. Any right thinking person, including god-fearing people will stay away from Dominica.
tell me something Neutral, have you ever seen any of those “buggaman” in Roseau fondling each other’s private parts IN PUBLIC????????????? NO??? well shut your pie-hole!!! You people are just not understanding the issue….any sex act done out in the open will be punished…capishh???
I wonder if that person had a good meal that morning before leavin home to just walk along Roseau Harbour only to macho men on a cruise ship and also depend on them for a dollar that day to survive,they should mind their damn buisnes and leave people buisness alone.in this world no one is the same.MACHO NEIGHOUR MIND U DAMN BUISNESS.
We are so shallow-minded, so hateful towards those who act and believe differently. No longer why our officers are still riding in the back of pickup trucks in 2012. For we are doomed and blinded in our our selves.
@Big bannan
They are riding at the back of pickup trucks for the same reason why police officers in developed countries ride on exposed motor cycles or even on the ultra primitive horse’s back.
Soldiers in these developed countries ride at the back of open trucks all the time. so whats your point??’
Wowwww ignorant r my people. ebeh is now america will start to deny their american citizenship and greencards to Dominicans. ya’ll are so tiny minded that its crippling the country’s development and crippling the ability for dominicans who have been known to be very educated and “smart” people, to think without being biased or judgemental. gays come to dominica so what? move along. dont pay them no mindgo along ur business if the fact that they gay bother u so much. if the sight of them holding hands kissing hugging and doing whatever they do bothers u then doe look or come on the bayfront….im damn sure many of u hypocrites on here went down to the bayfront especially bcuz it was a gay cruise. sor tay lay weh sah say maco la tay ka feh now allu saying allu mentally disturbed… if ur so disturbed by the matter take ur bibles and pray for god to shine his light. dont discriminate them. im damn sure most of them will make it to heaven regardless of their sexuality. unlike some of u that pretend that u are such holy people and r already at the gates of hell.
I really wish u guys would spend just as much time trying to bring REAL CRIMES to justice instead of harrassing the lives of innocent pple. Jonster i am a dominican and i for one am deeply sorry for the way that the people were treated. i dont blame u for having a total negative disposition towards dominicans. THE ONES THAT HAVE BEEN IN DOMINICA ALL THEIR LIVES AND NOT BOTHERED TO MAKE THEMSELVES AWARE OF THE PRESENT DAY FACTS R THE ONES HURTING THE COUNTRY’S NAME. HOWEVER THE COUNTRY dOMINICA ITSELF WELCOMES U WHENEVER U FEEL LIKE IT…IF U FIND THE RIGHT PERSON IN DOMINICA THEY WILL MAKE U FEEL VERY COMFORTABLE.
so we should see 2 men having sex in public, turn our heads….if u stand for nothing u will fall for anything..
Hotel manager murdered, business owners attacked and beaten, a child raped in front of her parents, tourists being brutally attacked and robbed, Dominicans shooting & stealing from Dominicans, multiple robberies . . . how long will it take for there to be justice for these REAL, DISHEARTENING, EVIL crimes….. yet a couple on board a cruise ship is arrested within hours. Not to mention I see at least 3 naked people a day while traveling to work and around town, and public nudity and sex during Carnival. GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT DA!!!!!!
That is not sex.
Wowwww ignorant r my people. ebeh is now america will start to deny their american citizenship and greencards to Dominicans. ya’ll are so tiny minded that its crippling the country’s development and crippling the ability for dominicans who have been known to be very educated and “smart” people, to think without being biased or judgemental. gays come to dominica so what? move along. dont pay them no mindgo along ur business if the fact that they gay bother u so much. if the sight of them holding hands kissing hugging and doing whatever they do bothers u then doe look or come on the bayfront….im damn sure many of u hypocrites on here went down to the bayfront especially bcuz it was a gay cruise. sor tay lay weh sah say maco la tay ka feh now allu saying allu mentally disturbed… if ur so disturbed by the matter take ur bibles and pray for god to shine his light. dont discriminate them. im damn sure most of them will make it to heaven regardless of their sexuality. unlike some of u that pretend that u are such holy people and r already at the gates of hell.
I really wish u guys would spend just as much time trying to bring REAL CRIMES
Can you go to America and do what they did without being arrested. Have you ever been to America. You need an Education. The Island have laws just like America and they are to be respected.
Dominica is right!! Just because this is acceptable in the US does not make it acceptable in DA. Would they have done this in the US. Not they would be in JAIL with all the gay they are gay. Indecent exposure is not prejudice against gay. You want to be gay do your crap privately. NOT IN DA! And yes I live in the US.
I mean …really?! Are u condornin wat doze guyz did? Yes day may reach heaven, but just like you and I…only if day repent 1st. If we are a prayin and christian community as we claim 2 B den we shude nt accept doze tingz openly. Wat pple do in their privacy is dere business and we cant stop it but we shude follow the GOOD BOOK and condemn dat abominable crap! We have a young generation comin up is dat wat we want 2 teach dem? So we goin 2 accept doze nonsense for green card and citizenship den? Ridiculous! Well pa if u doe get ur greencard yet we’re soooo sorry.
In your statement you said “to think without being biased or judgemental. gays come to dominica so what?” also “if ur so disturbed by the matter take ur bibles and pray for god to shine his light. dont discriminate them. im damn sure most of them will make it to heaven regardless of their sexuality. unlike some of u that pretend that u are such holy people and r already at the gates of hell.” God does not hate the sinner, He hates the sin. But dont you think you are being judgemental when you tell people where they are going? I always believe a hyprocrite is: to know one you have to be one.
I am sorry to say it, but stop kissing America’s ass they don’t give a ….about Dominica. So denying us green card is doing us a favor, because that green card is a permit to slavery
is prostitution legal everywhere in the states? why do they arrest people for soliciting prostitutes? its against the laws that’s why? go cry down the us you so quick to worship? and for you info they have to repent of their abominable deeds in other to get to heaven..don’t get that mixed up please. you seem to forget God destroyed a whole city because of their homosexual and lesbian activities. go read your bible. No one has a problem with gays visiting Dominica but they need to respect our laws when the are here plain and simple.i suspect alot of people condoning what these guys deed are gay themselves. why not just come out off the closet if you feel so strongly? have a gay march in the streets of roseau to make all you concerns known. if you guys wanna be gay then go aahead and be gay ,more girls for me but don’t try to force your lifestyle on straight ppl.
i am not saying that dominica was wrong for enforcing the law i know the damn law. im saying they shouldn’t have made such a big issue about it and neither shud u guys on here…yes they were charged with indecent exposure as they shud be but the only reason that these people were even seen all the way on their freaking balcony was bcuz dominicans r very nosey beffy people. it has nothing to do with american law and kissing america’s ass. it has everything to do with equality and ALWAYS enforcing the damn law not only becuz these people r gay we have to treat them like the shyt we flush. they were rightfully charged but the “law” did nothing to protect their identities.
But as usual you all are pressed about these people and their choice of partners so of course you wud react to this without thinking.
carry on papa…its not my cross to carry
The people commenting here and begging for greencards and visas are obviously those who have no hope of ever being in the US. Guess what, America has laws just like the rest of the world. To us, the act of breastfeeding in public is natural. Do you know how many women have been arrested here in the US for that act? Countries make their laws to govern based on their cultures. For many years, sodomy was illegal and still is in many states, here in the US. Stop villifying your country fools. The law was broken and those men were charged. END OF STORY!
i am a young dominican woman n i disagree with people slandering the name of my country wen i think that the punishment the men got is just..yes my country has gay people some that we know n some that are still in the closet but that dont mean that they can expose n behave immorally in public.. i feel sorry for people who wants to be angry and uphold what these men did an anybody talking their nonsense bout dominica just wanted their piece of the action to.. u grown folks need to stop n think about what u say before u say it.. AND SERIOUSLY LIVE MY COUNTRY ALONE!!.. just a set of educated fools makin dumb comments
this is why your country is a hellhole
nasty coming right DA and do all u thing
This act is an abomination in the sight of God. Gay cruise ships should not be permitted to dock at our ports.
Hey Lucifer…don’t even preach the word of God. You belong in hell
I want to know if u working in the tourism department and if u do tlk for yrseF because there have been other gay cruises and thin thing as extravagant as this occurred so who are u to cut the source of someones income