Curvin Mason charged for Esola’s murder

Romaih Esola Remy

Curvin Mason, 31, of Grand Bay has been remanded at the state’s prison after being charged for the murder of 30-year-old Romaih Esola Remy of that community.

Remy and his brother, 28-year-old Josiah Remy, was shot to death on Christmas night but according to a police report aired on DBS news this morning, Mason was said to be only charged for Esola’s death.

Josiah was hospitalised in critical condition but succumbed to his injuries late Saturday night. The men were shot at about 7 p.m. in Geneva Grand Bay on the said night.

Mason’s preliminary inquiry is scheduled for May 16,2011. He appeared before a Roseau Magistrate’s court yesterday.

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    December 30, 2010

    Why are they charging him with murder? These stupid prosecutors know darn well that to prove murder you have to prove intent. That is why many killers go free. Be safe and charge the man with first degree manslaughter to guarantee that he is locked up. You stupid fools!!

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  2. Bam! Bam!
    December 30, 2010

    i do not commend the person for killing, but these both brothers were trageting people in the Gradbay community for some time now, they were even harassing people who visited the community.

    who deals with these people and their bad, unacceptable behaviour? did they have to frustrate people so much that it reached the level of killing them?

    who sale out the fella that killed?

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  3. communist
    December 30, 2010

    when the court system does not deal what is worng the citizen must take control. my brother was shot cold bloobed no one said anything. so if one day his brother deiced to take action who can stop it. unless justice is served there will continue to be murder till all the bad eggs are gone.

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  4. EyeZ
    December 30, 2010

    Ok so Buju was charged for 1 murder???? Well to me it simply says that there is another shooter walking free!!!I pray that they find you!!! If not I hope your conscience eat away at your very soul… We did not give life,who are me to take it? No matter how bad a person may be….God is the one who decides our fate. We are not judge, juror and executioner! You did the crime, is guts you have, face up to it! You want to play ruthless and Shatta…why stay behind the wall you shot Josiah from….your time will come just like theirs.

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  5. D/can to de Bone foregin
    December 30, 2010

    Pm please address the nation on the spate of crimes in Da

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  6. D/can to de Bone foregin
    December 30, 2010

    The prime minister is not saying nothing about the amount of murders in the country and what about the attack on Mr Emanuel./ Prime Minister we need you to addrss the nation it is a serious matter. The Police needs more resources to combat crimes. Invest in the security of your people..

    While I support the government for the economy management and the PM for his dedication to his country he need to be more focus on the crime wave , it just to much….

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  7. Country Gyal
    December 30, 2010

    Can somebody please help me knock some sense in Grandbay people head, and tell them that badness-out-a-style?

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  8. confused 16 year old
    December 30, 2010

    look i really dont think we shuld be arguing who used to kill and who killed who…. this is not the matter at hand. what we should be concerned of is what is happening in our country… slowly but surely our nature isle is becoming a deadly deadly trap… people are simply killing people and doing soo many crazy things. before two young men have a disagreement one pulls out a knife the other pulls out a gun… people where is this taking us… sad to say i am 16 and it hurts my heart to see that girls my age find themselves falling in love with these suckers… umm y’all where r ur brains.. i think it iz time we dominicans take a stand and stop the useless arguing and try makin our beautiful Dominica a better place…. come on guys i wonder what life will be like when my children come around in the years to come…. a deadly life if we continue on this road… and you know what, the fixing of this problem need to start from our leaders… how do we expect the drug trade to stop if the policemen are involved and others with high posts in our country. how are the young people to show any other attitude and do any other actions when their very parents and the other adults in society live their lives acting in the same foolish manner…. where are the people, the role models that we are suppose to look up too.. they are in their homes going about their own business… dominicans it is time that we rise up :cry:

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  9. haha
    December 30, 2010



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  10. thickers
    December 30, 2010

    This is just sad really sad but I’m still wondering why one?? Was there another killer??? Somebody show us the light

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  11. Spiritual
    December 30, 2010

    Welll………we’ll see how this one plays out.He’s just going to be released. Isn’t that how it goes? He already has it in his mind…some people might praise him as Mason did their job or what they wanted but he still got to answer to our Maker just like all of us…In the end was it worth it Mason?

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    • Spiritual 2
      December 30, 2010

      Of course it wasn’t worth it and if he didn’t know before, I’m sure he does now! He will indeed answer to a higher power. Surely you know the system was never put in place to protect us. 3 black lives wasted and more idiots ready and willing to follow suit. The shackles and chains were melted into guns and bullets…..U FIGURE IT OUT!!!!

      My dear friends we have only begun to witness what goes along with devil-upment……I mean development.

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    December 30, 2010

    buju boy i know you personally and it’s sad that you had to go that way i am not the one to pass judgement cause every story has three sides and one is the truth but i only have this to say pray to God and trust in the lord my friend cause weeping may endure through the night but joy cometh in the morning,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,amen

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  13. ??????????
    December 30, 2010

    Hanging a man for his crimes will not limit the amout of that particular crime. A man will do what he feels at the moment, no matter the consiquences of his actions. Stop begging for the death penalty and start begging for other ways to make society better so that people wouldn’t have to result to taking such actions on their own. Death penalty is the answer.

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    • LMAO
      December 30, 2010

      ????????? are you contradicting yourself or am I reading haywire? If the death penalty should not be returned why is it that when there was a death penalty all over the world there was less murders and grievous crime?

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    • Spiritual
      December 30, 2010

      “Stop begging for the death penalty”. “Death penalty is the answer”. Can you clarify because this sounds self contradicting to you that is.

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  14. Angry Grandbayrian
    December 30, 2010

    For some strange reason i just find that there is too much violence going on in grandbay…I am not saying that the guy was right to shoot the two brothers but as they say who lives by the gun shall die by the gun…While this esola guy was in the BVI and even in Dominica he was a menace to society…he had no respect….thats just karma….The Government of Dominica needs to have harsher penalties put on those who kill….It seems as if someone who is caught with illegal drugs spends a longer time in prison than those who kill…This is absurd!Skerrit i know u seein nd hearing thm things time to do sumthing bout them …!!sighh!!!

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    • Alas
      December 30, 2010

      Everything is Skerrit. Is a stupid mentality that we Dominicans have to blame the Government for all tragedies on the Island.

      When we bring up our children the wrong way in society and not teach them right from wrong. When we leave our children for grandparents, aunts and uncles to raise while we overseas making money and living the life, when we don’t live by examples in society, what do we expect of our children? We are not there to guide them. Some do not even know how to guide their own.

      Yet we blame to Government. Maybe Skerrit should go from house to house searching for guns, marijuanna and counselling each member of the household. Maybe then you all will be satisfied.

      Stop blaming the government for EVERYTHING, we are all responsible for Dominica. Dominica is not only for Skerrit.


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  15. rude gal
    December 30, 2010

    who kill the other brother they kn who kill him :

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    • thickerz
      December 30, 2010

      I wondering the same thing

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    • West side
      December 30, 2010

      Is his own friend that kill him the fair skin one

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  16. rude gal
    December 30, 2010

    where is the other kill find him they kn who kill the other brother

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    • cONfUsEd
      December 30, 2010

      someone else killed the other brother?

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  17. what kind of law is dat?
    December 30, 2010

    They are trying to say that because he succumbed to his death it is not a murder. Well the court is absolutely wrong. The cause of his death is from the gun so it is considered murder. They need to go back to law school. That’s some b.s.

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    • Anonymous
      December 30, 2010

      he is only charge of one murder cause he only cause one……soon to come u will find out who kill the other one……it is not because he died later….sometimes i just wish u dominicans that always they know it all would just shut u all mouth

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      • LMAO
        December 30, 2010

        Anonymous, Some English classes would definitely help you express yourself clearly, and me, understand what the hell you are trying to say.

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    • dominican Abroad
      December 30, 2010

      nowhere in the article it says that he isnt going to be charged for the murder of the other brother, maybe they are doing further investigations, autopsy etc. we need to wait and see.

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      • Anonymous
        December 30, 2010

        oh please..he is not going to be charge cause he did not do it….yes i was his gun but not his fingures pulling the triger

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    • justice is better than peace
      December 30, 2010

      @ Anonymous : What do you know about law school? I’m in law school currently, as we so speak and doing criminal law and justice right now. It is not murder as yet, A jury has to deceided whether it is murder or man slaughter. If it was intentionally planned iniquity, then a jury will deceide if it is murder, Right now it looks like man slaughter, for one of the deceased, and who know the defence of whether it was self defence for the shooter, is still yet to be brought fourth, Since he died at the hospital and there are also different kinds of manslaughter , :Volunatry and involuntary manslaughter..

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  18. true dominica
    December 30, 2010

    My Grand bay people please let us love each other more, and stop bring each other down.

    Grand Bay is my community and i love my community withall my heart and soul we a loving people, but we need to show it more to each other in our community.

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  19. AM HERE
    December 30, 2010


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    • WOW
      December 30, 2010

      you shouting hang him, yes that’s how we hypocrite. Say one thing and do the other.
      I am not saying that Curvin should have killed him, no, I cannot support those things because it is against God’s law “thou shall not kill”. How ever, I suspect you knew Esola well so you knew all what he was doing all those years. I just want to know why you never hang him or propose that some body hang him for what he was doing??

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      • Anonymous
        December 30, 2010

        If u knew ur bible so well ud know god said vengeance is his, there is a time for everything under the sun and in the older days ppl were stoned to death hands cut off etc for wrong deeds.

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        • WOW
          December 30, 2010

          I suspect some of you cannot understand basic things, read my comment again and you should see that there is no negativity in it, just truth. I never said he should have killed him. I just said that they should not call for him to be hanged.

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  20. OMG
    December 30, 2010

    Yes can someone explain why its only one charge of murder and not 2?

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    • Oh My!!
      December 30, 2010

      i guess because one died later, so maybe the other charge will come later.

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      • Disappointed
        December 30, 2010

        He came prepared to kill, it should be two first degreee murders or at least a mruder and a manslaughter or has the law in DA changed that much the if you don’t die instantly it makes the crime less severe?

        If the death penalty will make them think twice before using guns and knives to settle arguments, bring it on.

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  21. timbok 2
    December 30, 2010

    y is it only one death? didn’t he pull the triger on the next brother…waitin for more on this

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  22. ....
    December 30, 2010


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  23. yout
    December 30, 2010

    that esola remy fella have some striking resemblence to an old primary school teacher of mine ,Ms Remy…….SMP 80’s .WOW they most likely related

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    • Anonymous
      December 30, 2010

      yeah i remember her….true that……..

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  24. Anthony P. Ismael
    December 30, 2010

    I’m not a proponent of the death penalty, but if this individual is found guilty after due process, he should be hanged. Let this be the first post that starts a campaing, to reinstate the “Death Penalty” in the Dominican Judicial System for 2011. We need to start sending a strong message to those thugs who continue to kill with impunity. Hang them!!!

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    • beautiful billon
      December 30, 2010

      if that was ur brother would u want them to hang him?

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  25. Guy
    December 30, 2010

    are guns sold on the island?

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    • Anonymous
      December 30, 2010

      they are the ones bring in the guns and selling it our trading it….so that is why there own weapon killling them

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