Nine Venezuelans have been remanded at the Dominica State Prison for drug and customs-related offenses after they were apprehended in a boat near Roseau last week.
Chief Prosecutor and Police Public Relations Inspector, Claude Weekes, the men appeared at the Roseau Magistrate’s Court on Thursday and were read their charges. Weeks declined however to disclose the specifics of the charges, such as the type of drug and the quantity.
“It was a combined effort between the police and the customs having intercepted a boat with nine Venezuelans outside of Roseau within our territorial waters,” Weekes said.
Weekes added that the men had attempted to escape upon realizing that the police were unto them.
“Two of the engines of the boat in question had to be disabled to minimize their escape because when they recognized the police… they were on their way. So the police coast guard… pursued,” Weekes said.
The defendants will remain in police custody until their trial on the matter at the end of the month.
Dominica News Online will continue to give details on the matter as soon as it becomes available.
My name is Jesus Enez I am from Margarita Island Venezuela. The Venezuelan fishing boat captured by The Dominica Coat Guard was not a ghost vessel that suddenly appears in Dominica waters.The real reason for this trip was to deliver about two tons of fresh on ice fish to the city of Portsmouth (as far as I know still Dominica territory) at this place a French registered boat was expecting the fish load to “legally” perform what is called a in bond transshipment operation. The service of a well known marine agent at Portsmouth was hired full documents for both boats the Venezuelan and the French were send and the proper early notification was done. Finally the results for all this was four days of terror with for six innocent people with no food handled like the worse criminals. This was the way the authorities of Dominica welcomes the citizen of the country who built for free their main airport and also offers petrol nearly for free for next 200 years.
why dont u shut up and stop ur reproach. do u think bcuz of that you can just pass ur a in dominica with ur drugs?????????? pendou
Allez. Good job on them. I agree with the cops. Half the drug crime in Dominica is because of those venesualian bastards. Sadly …. pm skerrit will let them go… Why does he have a multi milliion.. home in da and …. when Dominicans like him have to live in basic prefab homes. Where there’s justice. Injustice will be round the corner. Well done coppers!!
My people,a bunch of whining misguided ignoramouses,if you guys have nothing positive to say…SHUTTT your faces and let the Police do their jobs…As bias as they can some times be,they are still our law enforcement officers…BACK OFF THE DAPD.
i understand mr alleyne is representing them.can someone verify? i hope if a local is caught, mr weeks will not disclose any information abut the details.
I was not aware that Venezuelans were caught! Represented by an Ambassador and released ! W T F!
Somebody send the name of that ambassador to me . [email protected] Like someone said send them to Possy for the magistrate their.
We may need to take a page from our dear friend the chineese. Remeber what they did to the Englishman for trying to smuggle drugs in China about a month ago. Louis XVI
As always they will use their own money to pay for the charges and they will be on their way.
That is just for show just as the other times they were caught with millions of dollars they will be given thier money their boat and gas so they can go back to venezuela our relationship with venezuela is more important than the crimes they commiting so we wont prosecute them trust me i know i use to interpret for the force when i use to be a police so i know at i am talking about
Bon! Those criminals that are having our youths getting parro in Dominica.
Good work by the Cops, but sadly they might be wasting their time due to corrupt politicians and court system.
dominicans some of u are so negative if the police do good u cretized if they do bad u critized if they dont do a thing u still cretized .its a shame . tks to the police for the job they are doing .while some of them are lazy and corrupt there are those who do their best.and even some of u no the corrupt ones but u wont call them out. da is ours lets take care of her. help the popo to do a better job theres no need to cretisize if u are not willing to help. the persons that bring in drughs to da dont just bring them and look or persons to sell to their contact are dominicans who have contacted them to bring it in .just as those who live da to go out and sell drugs have their contacts to which they take their drugs.finaly lets not play politicks with this one and make statements as i have read about .like its not because they give money to us . the gov of venezula did not send they to dis drugs just as the gov of da dont send persons out to deal drugs
it really irks me when i hear the cops talk about the drug prblem in da. its the plebs who always get the blame.its abou time some centurions pay for the destruction of the da comunity
hello folks.the ambassador to venezuella has not heard the news.police will not divulge the amount seized for obvious reasons.this should be the plan of attack. all dominicans in roseau etc should attend the court hearing on this issue.Q95 and that new organization headed by raphael should use this incident as an objective. u non aggressive organizations.hers your chance to start debar.this will cost you.PATRIOT.
so why weeks cannot say what they were caught with and whats their charges the police did a job for them selves not for for the country cause is they that benefittying in whatever they caught
Its good to see our officers of the law doing the job that they are suppose too. I do hope that they get the full punishment for their crimes.
Well I am proud to see news like this. The Coast Guard officers are doing a GREAT JOB and I hope they keep up their good work, and not be discouraged by those officials in high places which will press dem cause an incident like this could possibly mess up our relationship with Venezuela. I am 100% for the Coast Guard!!!
is not because they giving us money to think they can just come and lahkay their drugs in our country.they do their crime let them pay their time.
Hope that they do not go free again.If this trend continues, our country and especially the young ones will be spoilt and corrupted from the embryonic stage..GOOD JOB GUYS!
just you wait and see, some heads will roll for this arrest. Many people in authority will not be pleased. This is a job well done, but will not get the praise it deserves.
Job well done officers. We all know that policing is one of the thankless professions but your hard work is a glaring example of why we still have the best and most honest police forces in the caribbean. Some may disagree because they have not left our shores or plain out anti-police
Now take them up to posse for Tyani so they can blessed with a hefty sentence. Hopefully, I say hopefully this time the politicians will not intervene and set them free with all their cash. After al, it happened the last time. In addition, I hope if they go before the chief magistrate that seems to be so cozy with criminals they will get an even bigger sentence this time. Remember, law and order must be maintained at all cost…….
Good job? Dominicans have memoire poule oui garcon. A few years ago Venezuelans were caught in our waters and Dominica’s Ambassador to Venezuela at the time represented them at the time. They were quickly released and their boat and cash were handed back to them. Let’s wait and see what happens this time!
I find it very strange that the prosecutor did not disclose the specifics of the charges? Very very strange!
Lets hope they don’t walk free!!! The magistrates in Dominica need something to wake them up!! The same criminals they make walk free should come back and haunt their lives!!
I think this is a very good job by the customs and police and I congratulate them. I just hope that our ties with Venezuela doesn’t allow these crimininals to get away. We need to get drugs out of our country.
Since we got in ties with venezuala all that crap happening, however its just a matter of days u all gonna hear that they gave the venezualans back their boat and send them back!!!!! Until they return again, read between the line. Chavez incharge
Good job guys. but u all know who is the leader soon they will be back in venezuela free of charge but if is Dominicans u know what next
Well done!! But let’s just hope that they are not set free and given back their boats. That was what happen 2 years ago…. 2008 right around Christmas time if i remember right.
Well everyone knows that Venezuela is one of the countries involved in the trans shipment of illegal drugs to the US Mainland. The question is, which other Caribbean countries are involved with them in this venture?
Very impressed. Keep up the good work.
So far so good, but the job will not be complete until the appropriate punishment is handed down and without unseen influences!!
And you can be sure that this is only the tip of the iceberg that has of recent been eroding Dominican youth and the moral fibre of the Island. It is almost common knowledge that Venezuelans have been smuggling guns and drugs in diplomatic bags, cough cough!!
Yes that’s right, but it seems that this bit of intelligence has only trickled through to the mere mortals on the street and not to the police or government…… I wonder why, and whose hands are being greased?
Does anybody remember Venezuelans being caught, boat confiscated and money as well only to be represent by……………………………..and released, sent on their merry way. I hope there is no repeat of this incident. It would be really um…………….what’s the word i’m looking for…………………….yes, got it…..criminal.
Good job CDPF.
Guys, just want you to know that I am so proud of you. Even with so limited resources and little to motivate you I admire your ability to motivate yourself and to continue giving the Dominican public the kind of service it deserves. Great job and continue to show that you’re the finest in the Caribbean.
Guidance from your brothers in Bermuda.
If these alleged drug traffickers are found guilty, please judges and legal persons, come down on them hard. They should not see the light of day even after 50 years. Please don’t let them out in a few years so they can resume their ‘career’.
Drug abuse can destroy Dominica. We in Dominica have a chance to prevent the rot from taking hold.
Please take that chance.
well what allu expect nah, you dunno is Cocaine that comes from South America i.e venezuela?
Some Caribbean governments have accused Venezuela of not pulling it’s weight when it comes to drug trafficking. It’s as though the Venezuelan authorities just turn a blind eye, so much corruption down there anyway.
good job guys
kool..!!.good jobs guys ..risky though however the benefit is great