Dominicans can look forward to an exciting and colourful day today at the New Roseau Market as Dominica observes Market Day With a Difference.
Market Day with a Difference is observed primarily to highlight the contribution of farmers and vendors contributions to the national development effort.
A number of farmers and vendors will be recognized and awarded for their outstanding contributions and opportunities created through the production and distribution of food over the years.
Opening ceremonies begin at 8:00 am and will include speeches by Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, Minister of Trade Dr. Collin McIntyre and Parliamentary Representative for the Roseau Central Constituency Norris Prevost.
The Pointe Mitchel Cultural Group led by Mrs. Joan Frampton will entertain patrons with a number of cultural performances throughout the day.
Dominicans are invited to participate in this important event on the Independence celebrations calender.
There was much produce but not many buyers, vendors were complaining. I wonder why? Things are tough these days, we have to tie our waists.
I agree the pic does look good but the vendors can make the price good as well. We pay more for our produce than the other countries who import the food from us. That’s just rediculous, i know they have to make money but people have to eat as well. That is why KFC, Perkys, Pizza hut and Subway can still make money. If you don’t belive me, make a survey.
Come on Vendors,and all of us crying Dominica hard, especially you all, if you sell a little cheaper then people will be able to buy and Dominica will not be too hard annymore.
Brooms used as decore………..brilliant idea….Wow!!!!! More pics please!!!
More photos pease DNO. This pic is fabulous……….bananas, sugarcane, flowers, beautifully displayed fruits and vegetables, etc. We need to see more pics please…………Oh, fertile Dominica, the land of beauty and splendour. Land of natural beauty……………God’s Creation!!!
Love ur reply ADMIN
Boy/Girl Satelite I saw the pic and was tellng my sister the same thing and was going to make a request simlar to yours but you beat me to eat. I too have that photo in my folder and want to see a new ic of todays Market Day With a Difference.
ok where is my post? Suporting satelite requests for a pic of today’s market da with a difference.
looks different as they said so the tittle has a meaning .
We the dominicans diaspora appreciate the pictures, more pictures is appriated , next time add more pictures,of the market, scene like people, different food items exctra.thanks again for the pics.
Dominica prouduces some of the best if not the best quality natural foods in the Caribbean…
For those of us in diaspora even if they are old photos there are refreshing to see
where is the news on last night’s creole festival first night?,
Please DNO can we get some photos of the awards, dignitaries and crowd?
Admin, I appreciate your desire convey the message of Market day with a Difference, showing off the many wonders and colours that our local markets have on display, on a day like this, BUT THIS PHOTO IS AN OLD PHOTO. I HAVE THIS PHOTO SAVED IN A FOLDER ON MY PC. Please send us something new, thank you.
ADMIN: Geeeezzzz!!! We posted the story long before the event started. Can’t you just wait till we take good photos to post? You think we will just pull photos out of thin air? SMH
DNO ADMINISTRATION!!! I post a comment to fix up the little problem in your response to the person’s comment and you did not post my comment and NO WHERE under your rules did my comment interfere or disregarded any of those said rules for commenting. YOU DID NOT POST MY COMMENT AND TOOK A RIGHT FROM ME A VIEWER and READER!! you have forged this understanding between DNO and its Readers and Commenter. Don’t worry, if that’s how you are going to treat people then so you shall be treated. Don’t try that “1 person cannot make a difference thing” we’ve all heard it before, just wait. And you don’t have to post that comment its okay, I got you to read it anyway.
more photos dno, please, more photos
where are all the photos!!! there were not enough pics from creole day! DNO come on! hundreds of pics plz!!