Six girls have been selected for the 2012 Miss Dominica pageant.
The contestants were at Papillote in Trafalgar earlier, for a photo shoot; they will be formally introduced at the official launch of Dominica’s 2012 Carnival celebration next week at Fort Young Hotel.
Seven ladies participated in the pageant last year, which is one of the most anticipated events during Dominica’s carnival. However, many patrons have over the years, complained about the preparedness of contestants.
Carnival 2012 street parades will be held in February. The Calypso eliminations competition will start on 08 January.
good luck to all the young girls. i know they all have talent. at the pre show i was happy with indiana griffith, shanelle dubique and nadira’s performance. the other girls
were lovely to.
i think the girls are beautiful. but sometimes the chaperones dont do a good job in terms of dressing. i was disappointed in the way indiana griffith looked during the opening parade. she is an attractive young lady but why did they do that to her face? and what was up with the weird outfit. I was also disappointed with the dubique girl outfit. another problem i have with the girls is that some of them have a fake accent when they speak. However, the pre show was wonderful.
i do believe that each of the young ladies have the potential to put on a splendid oerformance on the night of the show
please note we do have young beautyful ladies from marigot who would love to take the challenge in competing in the miss dominica pagent.i knw personally that former 2009 miss wob dwiyet winner samantha yankey is interestin and willing to explore the ever we dominicans need to stop gving bad omments about others and help develop dominica.
we should atleast have a representative from every contituency there for we would have less probelm finding young ladiesfor the show
some one there i this youn lady by the name of samantha yankey former miss wob dwiyet 2009,wouldlove to take part in the queen show comptition..if not tis year put hen th list for 2013..thank you..
DNO. How about saying six young ladies instead of “six girls” I think young ladies sound better that “girls”.
Carnival already eh? That’s why some patrons are requesting for a change of date. I’m not sure how that would work out, but I know for sure we would have the Christmas season for Christmas only. Just giving my two cents.
DNO how comes you all did report on Ruff in that show she did in ST. Martin not too long ago. From my reports she didn’t do well a repeat of queenshow 2010. Carmem
the opening is on January 21st, 2012
What happen allu forget about Christmas man… what a shame!!
Well next year queenshow songing like its going to be just like 2004. The poorest of them all. I waiting and see. They already call me to be a judge for the show. We shall we. WHOSSSSSSSS
Only white contestants have gone up from Marigot puss.. whoss mind me
come out der,all bunch of hypocrtes,if all u aself wuznt chekin carnival,y all u even concern about carnival queen contestants for…
anyone knows wen is carnival opening
Papa we forget about Christmas it seems
Satan that doing that
Calypso Competition all the way
Yo Christmas aint even pass yet and allu talking carnival. This world is too sad to see that people doh have time to celebrate Christ anymore.
The carnival queen show committee should look seriously in meeting d chaperones halfway.All dey care about is chaperone signing contract,but they never get to give them a proper topup to get in touch with their girls, or even help to give them some petrol to get their contestants from point a to b, c……to z especially to get them prepared. D time chaperones used to do that has passed, as everything is money,money and more money and time.
Committee chairman,put through a word for your chaperones.
d romo
Please do not attack the lady she does not deal with top-up etc. We know who u are.
Can we have their names before their official launcing please :)))
let’s see how it gonna be in 2012….
we need the pictures, last year about that time they were already out.
I do not think to many will be looking forward to it. I am sure not looking forward to it. I was disappointed last year with the result. Calypso all the way.
they are not girls.. they are young ladies…. goshh……
Calypso I waiting for,
u r an a@@,,they talking about queen show u talking bout calypso,,u really AN a,,CALYPS IS AROUND THE SAME TOIME SO JUS SHUT UP
Jeeeeze! Cool it, “baby!” Cool it. No need to tear down “Mike” because he does not seem to share your passion for the Queen show. No need to be so puffed up and rude. Why do you seem so vex, “baby?” Go have a Kubuli!
shut up baby. you make no sense. Mike can say whatever he wants. It’s his opinion. You seem to have some serious issues.
me to