Deepening bonds of friendship and culture in the future for Dominica and China, says ambassador

Chinese Ambassador to Dominica His Excellency Chu Moaming has assured the Dominican public that cultural exchanges will continue to expand with deepening friendship between The People’s Republic of China and the Commonwealth of Dominica.

He was speaking during the opening ceremony of a cultural exchange held at the Alliance Française this week, which formed part of celebrations to mark the 20th Anniversary of diplomatic relations between Dominica and China.

According to him,  despite being separated by over 14,000 kilometres and speaking different languages, China and Dominica have always worked together for the same goal. And the relationship of both countries features solid mutual understanding and support.

“China stands with Dominica to implement the global civilization initiative,” he said. “China and Dominica share rich, colourful, and vibrant cultures of which we are both proud, ” Ambassador Moaming stated. “And we are both committed to promote cultural exchanges.”

As the Chinese Ambassador to Dominica, he noted that it is his responsibility to promote mutual understanding and in-depth exchanges between the two countries.

“I believe cultural exchanges will continue to expand with deepening friendship,” Ambassador Moaming noted.

Meanwhile, Acting Prime Minister Dr. Irving McIntyre expressed that over the past two decades, Dominica and the People’s Republic of China have built a friendship based on mutual respect, cooperation, and shared progress, “ and it is fitting we also share our culture, traditions and history.”

According to Dr. McIntyre, China has been a firm partner in Dominica’s journey toward development, providing support in infrastructure, health, education,  and trade, and now through this cultural exchange, the friendship is strengthened even further.

“Ambassador, we welcome this opportunity to share features of our distinctive cultures and traditions and to deepen the bonds of friendship which we have developed over decades,” he stated.

He continued, “I assure you that Dominica will continue to embrace these activities which demonstrate the depth of our respect and affinity towards each other.”

Dr. McIntyre added, “You can be secure in the knowledge that Dominica is a true loyal friend to The People’s Republic of China.”

Furthermore, he  mentioned that Dominica looks forward to continuing these types of exchanges, “that expands our people’s understanding and appreciation for both the Dominican and Chinese way of life.”

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  1. jazz FIFTYTHREE
    June 2, 2024

    We should demand that ,otherwise we are loosing our identity to the generation that have no knowledge of Dominica.

  2. if we knew better
    May 31, 2024

    How bout giving the Dominican people a quality all you can eat restaurant with lunch time specials. that will deepen supposed bonds of friendship.

  3. alepie
    May 31, 2024

    It’s disrespectful to have China’s flag imposed on top of tDominica’s flag in the picture. The half of our flag should be placed first and above in the right corner where China’s flag is. That may seem insignificant, but it is important.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 2
  4. Shaka Zulu
    May 30, 2024

    Are we now getting married and going to have intercourse? The courting period is over and we about to make it official. China is already screwing dominica so I assume China is the big dog and dominica is it’s lil side bitch. the sugar daddy now has demands. should we replace the mountain chicken with sweet and sour chicken. any deeper and we are a Chinese satellite.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 0

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