Direct flights from New Jersey begin early next year, says Charles-Pemberton

Denise Charles-Pemberton

Tourism Minister Denise Charles-Pemberton has announced that United Airlines will begin direct service to Dominica commencing on February 15, 2025.

“Today is a proud day for all Dominicans. The commencement of ticket sales for United Airlines direct service from Newark, New Jersey to our very own Douglas-Charles Airport for once weekly flights commencing on February 15, 2025,” she said. “This is yet another historic milestone for the development of the tourism industry in Dominica.”

According to Charles-Pemberton, after years of careful planning, major investments, and numerous conversations with stakeholders here and in the diaspora, “We are realizing our goals.”

She stated that this flight is another step towards the goal of 500,000 visitors by 2030.

“We are forging right relationships with key airline partners, like American Airlines and now United, ahead of the completion of the new international airport,” Charles-Pemberton stated.

She continued, “By that time we will be focused on direct connections further away in a much more comfortable space.”

Furthermore, she stated that this is what good governance and sound policy look like in action.

Additionally, Charles-Pemberton mentioned that for too long visitors and Dominicans have faced challenges when it comes to traveling abroad whether for work, school or simply to reunite with loved ones.

“Today, we are bringing the world closer to Dominica and Dominicans closer to the world,” she noted.

She added, “This new direct flight is not only about convenience for tourists, it’s about making life easier for our own people by helping the average man who needs to travel for business, education, or to visit family.”

She went on to state that this achievement is part of Dominica’s broader vision, a vision that puts the needs of Dominicans first.

“We have upgraded Douglas-Charles Airport, improved our runway, and laid the groundwork for future growth. And this is only the beginning,” she said. “United Airlines choosing Dominica is proof that our investments are paying off and that we are moving forward, building a future that truly benefits all Dominicans.”

Charles-Pemberton said the ministry of tourism together with the Government of Dominica is committed to continuing this progress.

“We will keep working to create opportunities for our people, connect families, and make Dominica more accessible to the world,” she stated.


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  1. En Ba La
    September 30, 2024

    I stayed in the United States and observed these people. The government of Dominica in Parliament and their speaking overtime.

    Look at past videos Anou Parlay in later 2020 to early 2021. I found out that there is an individual who was in real time doing something out of camera view and even the prime minister.

    at a later time he said you behind the camera it is time to get married .

    A person who should have spoken up against this in Dominica was doing it .

    He studied politics he did this with American legislators as he internet with them.
    Dominica should not be doing this.

    I am a political science student ant I am reporting it.

  2. En Ba La
    September 30, 2024

    A woman who wasted her time doing what others do.

    DNO print my comments they are genuine and truthful.

    People are afraid to speak up.
    Speak up people. Anything that these people do and say out of sentence. If you know how the speak begin comparing their speeches from the beginning.

    It is not whether people improve or not in their speech. Words like “TIBET” come out when no one else is talking.

    I am putting this out there for people to know and learn how to identify what this government is involved in.

    When these people come to talk to you you will begin to feel something odd you cannot explain but there is an explanations.

    The President of the USA clearly said it “third world countries are beginning to engage in it”. you would

    Speaking to the Politicians you will feel and ODDITY. Remember when the claim that they are listening to people from the financial center. It is real but NOT a thing for people to do. I have witnessed this first hand.

  3. Roseau River
    September 29, 2024

    Congrats. Step in the right direction. Please keep adding North American air carriers. Next we need to improve the presentation of the country, marked roads, directional signage, proper facilities for locals and tourist. Stay focus on the goal and we will get there and beyond.

  4. Air Dominica
    September 28, 2024

    If it’s real I welcome it but lots of questions. My first question is, what will become of AA, since it depended on passengers from that part of the the US to operate? Let’s not forget AA is only a 78 sitter flight and most times all seats were not sold. So another US flight would definitely mean that AA future in Dom might be shaky, tickets on both airlines will be very expensive with time, or maybe government might have to pay a good amount to keep them.
    Another thing is, could it not be an election thing for Skerrit’s kind of election and though for now the announced February 15 as the start date but they might change it to an earlier date to facilitate them?
    To me if they were serious about boosting arrival to Dom, Air France would make more sense since they fly to Guadeloupe

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 3
    • Anthony P. Ismael
      September 30, 2024

      Competition is important in the marketplace. Flying to Dominica has always been exorbitantly expensive and cost prohibitive for most Dominicans wishing to travel to the Nature Isle. Obtaining a direct returning flight, minus the layover and uncertainty of returning to work on time, remains another obstacle. Hopefully, this is a sign of good things to come. The reasoning for Melville Hall’s expansion, was to ramp up flights to Dominica, so that when the international airport is completed, we will be in a position to receive larger aircraft, with more visitors ashore.

      • Air Dominica
        September 30, 2024

        Are you going to compete if the maths not mathing? if it’s about competing why not compete where you feel you have a fair chance of winning? Man everything is telling me that government has a secret deal with both airlines

    • September 30, 2024

      Stop with the negativity Mr. Air Dominica. United is a top class airline and it must have done a research of the market, that’s why it has only one direct weekly flight, the other flights will come through PR and SM using silver air and winair respectively. Airlines don’t make money by being stupid.

  5. Ibo France
    September 27, 2024

    Many of the neighbouring OECS territories accommodate larger aircrafts two, three and four times per week.In these islands this news would not even stir a modicum of excitement. This euphoria from the minister about this miniature jet flying to Dominica next year, shows how distant we are when compared to our neighbours.

    This particular minister has a double doctoral degree in exaggeration. She embellishes a lot. She is very adept at hyperbole. As the Minister of Tourism, what transformative changes have occurred in the tourism sector? NADA!

    What can we look out in anticipation for next week? Spacecraft landing at the Douglass Charles Airport?

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 8 Thumb down 6
    • September 30, 2024

      Well all the other islands have international airports, that’s a universally known fact. We don’t have an international Airport to accommodate big planes because LeBlacnc, couldn’t build it. Patrick couldn’t build it. Eugenia couldn’t build it and Edison also couldn’t build it. The failure of these past governments to build an international Airport was all due to poverty. The current administration is now building an international Airport. The other Islands will not be excited about Dominica getting directly flights from the US but they will be concerned as there will be fewer Dominica bound passengers overnighting in their island paying hotel and taxi.. so continue to cry you enemy of progress.

  6. Roger Burnett
    September 27, 2024

    And that’s from our very own existing Melville Hall Airport! I stress the word “existing”.

    I make no apology for using the airport’s original name as I believe Prime Ministers Rosie Douglas and Pierre Charles deserve better recognition.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 0
  7. Kashif
    September 27, 2024

    hello good news America announcement direct flight in Dominica I really appreciate USA announcement direct flight in Dominica .

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
  8. Pipwe
    September 27, 2024

    who are u all going to bring in? Dominican or hatians? these flights always come around but can’t be sustained…who are the investors hoping to come?.just a news item…thanks DNO…

  9. Putin
    September 27, 2024

    Bravo! Bravo! Well done. Laybah ka twavai pou tout dominitchen.

    A government that never sleeps.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 22
  10. pedro
    September 27, 2024

    Politician talk as usual to score points. Went to the website. One or two flights seem to be available direct. The rest are code share with Silver via San Juan. What’s the rollout plan? There should be a joint statement from United you would think, with a new destination like they do all the time. Nothing from United. Is it once a week? Steups.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 10 Thumb down 12
    • Madrid
      September 28, 2024

      Just like when American Airlines commenced service with 2 weekly flights and then built up to daily during peak times, United will do the same. That’s how airlines trial new destinations!
      Try as you might try to pour cold water on such an achievement you’ve failed.
      Your hatred for the current government sounds like a hatred for Dominica.

      Why don’t you try and celebrate success for once!

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    • Dean
      September 28, 2024

      The article did say once weekly! The flight is available for booking. Congrats. A good start and your people deserve this.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
    • SilentMajority
      September 28, 2024

      Looks like it’s once a week(Sat). (Feb15-Aug16)

    • DMAAV
      September 28, 2024

      The Flight is UA2849. It’s scheduled to begin on February 15th, 2024 (Once weekly) – 4 hrs 29 mins nonstop.
      The airline still has some things to complete before making an official statement (like a proving run).

    • Ayden
      September 28, 2024

      Once a week a week is more than none.

    • October 1, 2024

      @ Pedro, it is one direct flight a week from Newark to Dominica starting February 15th 2025. that was clearly stated in the release. Go to the United airlines site to verify the schedule and stop creating issues.

  11. MEME
    September 27, 2024

    Dominica LAST! All other OECS countries have had direct flights from one key destination or another:
    Antigua Yes
    St Kitts Yes
    St Lucia YES
    St Vincent YES
    Grenada YES
    Dominica NO WAY! NO MY DEAR!!
    Shameless!!!!! Dominica deserves better.
    Should i clap for this? No! It’s a darn insult, that a party in office for 24 long years is shamelessly saying this in 2024.
    Dont forget to tidy up Roseau. It’s unwelcoming and it’s already a turn off for locals. You all are so lazy and incompetent that you all salaries should be kept at the treasury. Stttttuuuuupppppeeeeessssss!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 40 Thumb down 22
    • Starlight
      September 27, 2024

      So whose fault is it that Dominica doesn’t have an international airport ??????? Is it the fault of this government? I would really like to know.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 4
      • MEME
        September 30, 2024

        Whose fault is it. You darn well know it’s you and Skerrit. That’s an extremely dumb and stupid question. You ought to have known the answer before posting this baldersash.

    • Mark
      September 27, 2024

      Hope to see your name on the ballot next election cycle but I doubt it. You see, folks like you are all talk, BS talk. You will never step up to the plate and deliver because you’re incapable of doing so.Here we have a major announcement and all you can do is criticize. You must be one hell of a miserable person when all you can do is find faults with whatever one is trying to accomplish. Jealousy is a hell of a thing. You’re only complaining because it’s not you who will receive the Kudos for this achievement.

      You call this new announcement a shameless insult to Dominicans. How so? Tell that to the many Dominicans who will benefit from this new service and they will tell you that’s great news.

      GET A LIFE.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 6
    • September 27, 2024

      @Meme, why are you so vex about this small achievement? Why did the Freedom Party not build an international Airport during its 15 years in office or even extend and light Melville Hall to accommodate flights from major tourist markets, the DLP has extended the Melville hall runway and lighted it, that’s why we can now accept direct flights from USA. Despite the challenges a new Airport is being built unfortunately people like you and the UWP are strongly against it and are working hard to stop it. You all will fail…..!!

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 7
    • RastarMarn
      September 27, 2024

      Give Credit where credit is due Nuh!!!

      Bettah late dan Nevah!!!

      So dere we go again!!!

      And why we need and International Airport again???

      Look wi I thought she was Lying lol,,,

      Recommended Flights Tooltip, Select this button to trigger the tooltip
      9:10 AMDeparting at 9:10 AM
      2:39 PMArriving at 2:39 PM
      EWROrigin New York/Newark, NJ, US (EWR)
      4H, 29MDuration 4 hours and 29 minutes
      DOMDestination Dominica, DM (DOM)
      UA 2849 (Boeing 737-700)Flight Number UA 2849. Aircraft Boeing 737-700


      269 kg CO2Carbon emissions estimate: 269 kilograms. This is a lower emissions flight.
      Learn more about carbon emissions

      United Economy (N)
      Select fare for Basic Economy (most restrictive)

      United Economy (T)

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1

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