DLP manifesto has the ability to transform Dominica – PM Roosevelt Skerrit

DLP manifesto coverLeader of the ruling Dominica Labour Party (DLP) and Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, has said that the DLP 2014 manifesto is a collection of “carefully chosen policies and programs” which together, “have the capacity to transform Dominica.”

The party launched its manifesto last week in Trafalgar after introducing it to officials of the private and public sectors and students of the Dominica State College (DSC).

Skerrit said the manifesto contains a summary of the DLP’s major achievements over its 14 years in office and shows a clear outline of its plans for forward of social and economic change over the next five years.

“We have been the change agents for fourteen years and we intend to continue changing things for the better of all Dominicans,” he said.

The DLP leader said every topic is connected to another.

“For example, education is connected to creating wealth and employment. We don’t want our graduates to sit at home and wait for jobs,” he said. “We are creating opportunities in modern agriculture, in sports, in the cultural industries and in eco-tourism for enterprising young people to earn a decent living.”

He said one of the most important lessons that the DLP learned over the past 14 years is that in the new global market place, Dominica cannot take chances with its economy.

“If our economy doesn’t grow we cannot provide essential services to our people. If we borrow too much money at high interest rates we could be in trouble,” adding, “The problems associated with the current recession have affected nearly every country of the world.”

He said in 2000, his party embarked on developing new policies and programs in keeping with the new world order.

“These policies are embedded in this 2014 Manifesto,” he said. “In my letter at the front of the Manifesto is a clear statement of our policy…let me remind you however that the Dominica Labour Party saw these challenges, not as disasters but as opportunities to use our God given resources to pursue the vision of a prosperous, just and peaceful Dominica,” he said.

He said the UWP misunderstood and continues to misunderstand, the New World Order that was and still is evolving.

“From the inception we knew that we had to stabilize and grow the economy, “he said. We needed finance to invest in projects, put money in people’s pockets so we developed a new foreign policy and we made friends with nations that could help us. This investment was carefully spent to boost the economy and create employment,” Skerrit explained.

He said during the past 14 years, the DLP has been able to reduce poverty from nearly 40 percent to 28 percent and pointed out that additionally, as outlined in the manifesto, vast improvements have been in transport by land, air and sea in Dominica.

“We have improved 60 percent of our major road network, “in particular the Dr. Nicholas Liverpool Highway and the Roseau to Portsmouth road. Upgraded the Douglas-Charles Airport and signed an MOU with a private company in China to build the new International Airport at Compton Point,” he noted.

The DLP leader, who is seeking his fourth term in office said, “In section A4, we have made it clear that the policy of the DLP is to ensure the conservation, protection, management and use of the nation forest resources, while benefiting from the productive capacity of the forest for goods, products and services in such a way that they will maintain, enhance for present and future generations.”

He added “Section A5 shows that we have decided to abandon our reliance on fossil fuels to drive the economy, develop the geothermal energy sector to produce cheap, clean electricity for local consumption and export.”

Section A6 of the manifesto, he said shows how his government had been promoting entrepreneurship and micro-business development by boosting the Dominica Youth Business Trust, The National Development Foundation of Dominica, The Employment and Small Business Support Unit and the National Employment Program to help potential entrepreneurs.”

With regard to agriculture and fisheries, Skerrit says the manifesto “shows how from 2000 government came to the rescue of farmers through the AID Bank and helped them to diversify farming with the production of coffee, cocoa, livestock and a range of root crops.”

The prime minister also predicts that, according to the manifesto, manufacturing and agro-processing will be boosted with the availability of cheap, clean geothermal energy and manufacturing will grow from 4.5 percent to 10 percent of GDP.

Tourism will be diversified and developed to a account for 15 percent of the country’s GDP and, “the tourism master plan of 2013 will be fully implemented,” according to Section 6A of the manifesto.

Meanwhile, he said the DSC will be assisted in establishing a hospitality faculty, “and I am saying to the secondary and college students, come January 2014 every student will be outfitted with a tablet to assist them with their education,” pointing out the government of Venezuela has made a commitment to provide “us with more than 7500 tablets for our students in Dominica.”

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  1. Francisco Telemaque
    November 18, 2014

    As I said before, if someone said “I am going to take Dominica to the next level” and I say I am going to transform Dominica; it seems to me that both rhetoric absolutely means the same thing!

    When Skerrit said “I am going to take Dominica to the next level” he actually said he was going to transform Dominica. That was five years ago; now he has returned talking the same crap, if Skerrit remains Prime Minister of Dominica, conditions will remain the same and even get worst.

    Anybody who votes for the labor party on December 8th 2014, will be jeopardizing their future, and the future of the youths of the country, even the future of children not yet born!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  2. November 18, 2014

    People a manifesto is just ideas published. Actions speaks louder than words. I was a freedomrite. Voted for the late Rosie Douglas, and for Roosevelt Skerritt in 2005 and 2009. This time around I shall be voting the UWP Team Dominica. Why? because I am feeling feeling the SQUEEZE which most Labourites also is feeling . If the DLP returns to Office there will be more more SQUEEZE. UWP Rites I have a strong feeling that the DLP will get a resounding Victory including the constituents that the UWP now holds.

  3. Anthony Ismael
    November 18, 2014

    We can skip the “Manifesto” and announce the design firm for the new Princess Margaret Hospital and its proposed completion date.

    Then we can move straight to the renegotiation of DOMLEC;s current deal, coupled with the completion date for the refurbishment of the “Marigot Hospital and the completion of the Coast Guard Base in the East that was promised.”

    If we borrow too much money at high interest rates we could be in trouble,” adding, “The problems associated with the current recession have affected nearly every country of the world.”

    I wonder if these factors were given any consideration during the borrowing spree that spanned 15 years. Clearvoyance appears to have come a bit too late for the Hon. Minister of Finance.

  4. November 17, 2014

    If the transformation is expected to be like the transformation the then PM Skerrit and the dlp government brought over the past fourteen years, YAHWEH Said No. Therefore We The People Agree And Say No.
    Same personality, same character, same mind set and ideas, and same or like members. No different outcome can manifest with the same input.

  5. Neg
    November 17, 2014

    Your manifesto is just another bunch of useless paper, the claws and teeth of the big bad wolf / lion and it’s cubs will all fall on the 8th of December 2014.

  6. Laba right
    November 17, 2014

    A manifesto is just a bunch of papers. It takes people to transform a country. The DLP has printed tons of manifestos overs the years and Dominica has grown backward under their watch.
    Just imagine that Dominica used to export bananas and now they are about to import from Martinique. Dominica used to export Colgate toothpaste, now they have to import. Dominica made Coca-Cola soft drinks, now they have to import and the list goes on.
    So people stop allowing those desperately cruel labour ‘politrixtsters’ from taking you on a long and painful ride to NOWHERE.

    November 17, 2014

    I like section A5… but I believe that to be truly free of Fossil fuels once Geothermal energy is up and running we should invest in electric cars because the rising cost of fuel will inevitably cripple the economy of vehicles are entirely dependent on gasoline to transport goods, services and people. A plan should be put in place as a phase or next step to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels. Just my humble opinion like onion giving the food flavor.

  8. MagaretJ
    November 17, 2014

    “”For example, education is connected to creating wealth and employment. We don’t want our graduates to sit at home and wait for jobs,” he said. “We are creating opportunities in modern agriculture, in sports, in the cultural industries and in eco-tourism for enterprising young people to earn a decent living.””

    –Mr. Prime Minister, why haven’t you been able to do this for the past 5, 10 or 14 years? You have been talking about education and a graduate in each house – it is only now that you know that the graduates should not be sitting at their homes waiting for jobs? Why didn’t you think about that when you used a loan to build the state house but gave the jobs to chinese workers? Did you just realize these graduates need jobs because it is election time? Promises, promises. It is said that ‘past behavior/performance predicts future behavior/performance’.

  9. Ma Moses
    November 17, 2014

    “An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises”
    (Mae West)

  10. November 17, 2014

    Trubble Sum November 16, 2014 Your comment is awaiting moderation
    I personally read all 64 pages of this beautiful manifesto and I am NOT impressed. This manifesto, in my educated opinion, represents a regurgitation of ideas and plans that would have been way more impressive and meaningful if they were being implemented during the last fifteen (15) years of the DLP’s Administration.
    The sad thing about being an incumbent is that your plans and ideas during an election campaign MUST align with your track record.
    However, for every “good” deed that was done by the Dominica Labor Party there were ten “bad” deeds that overshadowed! For instance, the 27 million dollar “State Palace” came before a proper hospital and even culminated with our Prime Minister flying his dear wife out to the U.S. to have their son. NOT a good track record to speak of. All Dominicans are aware of the numerous other instances left unmentioned so I will just continue with addressing the “GREAT MANIFESTO”!
    Mr. Skerrit, your Manifesto fails to address the fact that your Administration victimizes those who hold opposing views. Your Manifesto fails to address the fact that you banked our economy on a failing tourism industry that certainly did not do well in terms of GDP growth. Your Manifesto failed to address the fact that your idea of assisting the less fortunate is to provide said assistance directly from your offices instead of the proper social agencies. Your Manifesto also failed to address the facts that there are millions of dollars that were misdirected from the Dominican People; millions that went into your pockets and the pockets of a select few of your Ministers.
    Your Manifesto with all its pretty pictures of projects yet to come, failed to mention how past major projects left many skilled Dominicans on the wayside. It also fails to mention the many projects, proposed years ago, that are yet to be completed and some that have never materialized. Mr. PM your pretty little 64 page manifesto still does not mention or address why for 15 years your Administration did not see the need for an International Airport until you realized the response received by your Opponent’s mention of an International Airport on the 1st of September last year in Castle Bruce!!!! Mr. Skerrit, I can clearly see that you view this entire Campaign as some type of big competition between yourself and Mr. Lennox Linton. You present to us a manifesto attempting to paint the DLP as the party that saved Dominica from a major economic meltdown, yet your track record proves that during the very years of financial crisis that you mentioned, you and others in your administration became increasingly wealthy. Now, if that is not a major contradiction I just don’t know what is!!!
    Mr. Skerrit, for the past fifteen years Dominicans, especially those in rural villages, felt the pinch of your fiscal management. Your manifesto is very misleading in its attempt to portray your Party as the champions of the poor. Even most of your supporters felt the hardship and misery of your fiscal policies. Your manifesto fails to address the lies, misrepresentations and psychological games that your Administration has used to mislead and confuse the populace with regards to the real issues that should have had you voted out years ago. The question is: will your pretty manifesto save you this time? On the 8th of December you will most certainly find out!!!!

  11. Just Blaze
    November 17, 2014

    I hope to see words put into action after you win the next elections Mr. Skerrit. As we all know Lennox and his crew do not stand a chance against you. How can a seasoned politician lose to a talk show host.

  12. anonymous
    November 17, 2014

    after 15 years this group of incompetent people could not transform Dominica in a positive manner, so they should be voted out without a second thought!

  13. St.Joe
    November 17, 2014

    Change is coming but the one man Team who is Skerrit, will not be part of this transformation.
    We in Dominica are tired of one set of people eating all the bread.
    UWP will not only give you a fish , they will teach us how to fish.
    Don’t you feel proud when you go out there and work and then be able to purchase your own items?
    So if this is the case, lets see you at the polls making that change possible!

  14. Massacre
    November 17, 2014

    Same story different day! When didi it dawn on you the Dominica needs a transformation?
    We have given you 15 years to do that and all you did was transform your bank acount. Now is time for the common Dominican man and woman to have something of their own.

  15. sweet
    November 17, 2014

    You were not able to transform it in fifteen years, you will be able to do so in the next five years? What a lie! You did not care about us but to fill your pockets. You and your ministers have become the wealthiest in the Caribbean. We are in a democracy. You had enough time to transform Dominica. You want another term just to stay in power until you get old and to had over our country to your son. You want to stay in power to secure the things that you have accumulated with our tax payers money. You have done every thing in secret. It is time for you and your ministers to be investigated. We had enough of your dictatorship. It is time for you to go. There are other sons and daughters of Dominica who can do a better job than you. We care about our future and our children. It is time for you to go. Team Dominica will bring the development that Dominica so long desire. You had your chance. Time for you and your cabal to go! Leave our country along. It was not willed to you. Our country deserve better. We no longer want you.

  16. Dominican in tortola
    November 17, 2014

    This manifesto is like a menu with out prices.

    • Ma Moses
      November 17, 2014

      Exactly, you know that old saying about a pretentious place like that “if you ask the price you can’t afford to eat here”. Typical.

  17. Shaka zulu
    November 17, 2014

    As I have seen it, our political mindset and mode of operation is the biggest hindrance to development and waste of money. Let’s put that in perspective. Over 30 years now there has been talk of an international airport. The present government for the past 15 years decided it was not important and instead spent millions to give a dinosaur a face lift.
    A project like an international airport should be debated in parliament, voted upon, and source of funding passed. Once that is set by parliament it cannot be changed when a party changes. If that was dome 30 years ago, let’s say 10 million set aside per year specifically for airport construction, today we would have an airport paid for and built by our nation.
    The UWP had already purchased lands, secure, funding and done preliminary studies. A new party came in scrapped the plans and decided for 14 years it is not important. Today while the labor hopeful for the wesley consttuency is asking to return lands to the farmers of proposed airport area, her party in their manifesto after 14 yrs in office realizes an international airport is important.
    Now my question is what has happened to the millions already invested over 14 years ago in the construction of the international airport? Where is our common sense? Having a project of such magnitude go through parliament is how we build a nation together. Now we see Millon’s of dollars spent on campaign . I bet 90% of campaign material was not produced or bought in Dominica. Hence, millions of dollars that could be circulated in our economy has been syphoned out by parties trying to run the country.
    When will we wise up as a people?

  18. joe bob
    November 17, 2014

    dominica are wicked set of people.skerite say he doe have money to increase people salary but he have money millions millions dollar campaign magwaysaaa!!!!!!! it doe have no jobbb no jobb for young people ,but the man have a millions millions to campagn weh wehhh weh margwaysaaaa! dominicana u mean to tell me all u not seeing that wickednesss???????????????? after fifteen years in government?????????

  19. Annon
    November 17, 2014

    OK, but would it create jobs? Jobs that people can rely on for more than 3 months?
    The Chinese will provide the financing but knowing them, if you don’t let them call all the shots they will only bring Chinese to do all that transforming. Don’t you think?

  20. Papa Dom
    November 17, 2014

    “one of the most important lessons that the DLP learned over the past 14 years is that in the new global MARKET PLACE, Dominica cannot take chances with its economy. If our economy doesn’t grow we cannot provide essential services to our people. If we borrow too much money at high interest rates we could be in trouble.”
    Well Mr Skerritt, I noted that it took you and the DLP 14 years to realise this important truth, so will it take another 14 years before you are able to do anything to improve the economic situation? One of your operatives said recently that your government prefers aid over trade. Was the good doctor enunciating the policy of your government or just speaking out of turn? If it is the latter, then maybe you should consider showing us some respect and address the Dominican public yourself. If however it is the first, how then do you intend on transforming the economy through AID especially when the aid you receive and the concessionary loans which “you” negotiate do not provide employment for Dominicans? Do you understand sir, the nexus between employment and economic growth?

  21. Anonymous
    November 17, 2014

    I wish these guys speeches were similar to this.. that’s wh
    at i expect not all that bashing and name calling that sounds so immature

  22. November 17, 2014

    Mr Skerrit you shore your barber is not voting UWP. check it out he messed up your hair line bro.

  23. Titiwi
    November 17, 2014

    That man is not labour at all but freedom in labour clothing, like a fake Prada bag made in China.. Take back your party and don’t vote him don’t vote Skerrit.

    • Papa Dom
      November 18, 2014

      I agree that he is not labour but he is not freedom either. He is just a self serving dishonest guy who believes that he can fool all the people all the time.

  24. Anonymous
    November 17, 2014

    You mean a fancy brochure is going to change our lives? Is only Skerrit I seeing there. That is a one-man party then for true. That manifesto not even good for the latrine it does not absorb anything. What a waste of money.

  25. November 17, 2014

    If he was going to transform Dominica he would have been 50% there already. He has been distracted . Dominica needs a new leader be it Linton or Blackmore.

  26. November 17, 2014

    After 15 yrs Dominica still has not transformed? Why do the Dominica Labour Party and Saint Lucia Labour Party have so much in common. Bluff and Fluff. Those three renegades from Saint Lucia, Dominica and St Vincent have to go. #ChangeIsComing in Saint Lucia and i hope #ChangeIsAMust in Dominica.

  27. I will marry you
    November 16, 2014

    John 10:10King James Version (KJV)

    10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:
    John 8:44The Voice (VOICE)

    he cannot tolerate truth because he is void of anything true. At the core of his character, he is a liar; everything he speaks originates in these lies because he is the father of lies

  28. Anonymous
    November 16, 2014

    What about job creation? sports, gender etc are all good but cannot put food on the table. We need to see efforts are reviving agriculture, making Dominica tops in Tourism, reviving construction. The NEP cannot be sustained for a long time. We need permanent jobs. Or else Dominica will become nation where half of its people will need to be on welfare. This is not sustainable Roosevelt Skerrit!

  29. I will marry you
    November 16, 2014

    1 Peter 5:8-9

    8 Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

    9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith
    You deceiver you!

  30. zamm
    November 16, 2014

    Mr Skerrit you should be ashamed of yourself to have the guts to come forward to talk such nonsense to Dominicans……. Only in Dominica can you and your comrades talk so much nonsense…..
    Here you go with a manifesto got potential to transform Dominica… A manifesto is just fine print on paper….
    How many manifestos have you all presented and Dominica is not better off….
    Look how you went on to ask God to curse people, and to call down fire on people…
    Look at the amount of money spent for an election and look at the amount of money given to foreign artist and so forth just to fool Dominicans….. If You guys had cared, you would have used the money to develop Dominica and put food on people’s table,,,,
    Look at how farmers are suffering because You and your regime killed agriculture, tourism and nothing is happening to Dominica……
    Now if you and your party were so confident to pull off this election, why is it that you all are using Dominicans by fooling them with Money, Plywood, house, laptops and tabletsssss? Imagine disrespecting people by giving them tablets when they don’t have money to have internet and so forthh….
    Why is it that the talk is going around that Dominicans abroad are coming Home to vote? If you guys are so confident you guys don’t have to sleeep with the devil just to win an election…… If You guys are Godly and righteous, there should be no fear ……………………….. if you guys wanna winnn, winnnnn based on performance and delivery, not bribing poor people…….
    Please answer the question, why are Poor Dominicans supporting you all? Is it because you all have bought them with houses, money, and other gifts ,,,,, ? Are they voting based on conscience or based on dependency,,,,,,,, Many of the labour supporters are rallying with labour based on eat a food and help they receive from red clinic and so forth….
    No wonder, the big shots and those with interest in labour, join the attack on Dominicans who dont support labour…..
    This government cares for the poor only during elections, after dat everybody sucking salt……. wen they drinking champaign
    Manifesto has potential to Develop Dominica, thats a big huge joke ……..Dimples maybe

  31. Kalinago Chief
    November 16, 2014

    It is very unfortunate that Roosevelt Skerrit has not recognized the indigenous kalinago peoples chief who is democratically elected, by refusing to congratulate him, refused to attend the Chief & council inaugural meeting, has not responded to an invitation from the chief and council to discuss future plans for the territory development, but unfortunately the plans the chief discussed with the council has found its way in Skerrits’ labour party manifesto; yet you are the ones accusing Lincton for pagering, clearly you had no meaningful plans for Dominica’s indigenous people development, but planned to lie, fool, use and abuse them.

  32. Views Expressed
    November 16, 2014

    YOu are too late in talking of transformation. The only transformation we need is you and your DLP out of office and make way for CHANGE…IT IS A MUST.


  33. Nac Vibes
    November 16, 2014

    There is that word that all humanity should be afraid of ” The New World Order”

  34. Come down Fada
    November 16, 2014

    Father, a nuff things a gwan round ya, it’s wickeder than before,
    We really check sey we coulda run things, but it nuh look so anymore.
    Come down father, come down
    Oh I see greed and I see selfishness, everyman is for themself
    Only u can talk to them father, cause they listen to no one else
    To the hearts of those responsible, let them know their actions are despicable
    Remind them that is u who wears the crown
    Oh, unto the ones who think you can do these wrongs and get away,
    Woe unto u, and watch out for your day.

    Skerrit and his cabal must go!!!!!

  35. November 16, 2014

    Man where is the census? A whole bunch of percentages in that manifesto but nothing to indicate where we are. So how can a manifesto transform a country when the true picture of the country is hidden. We going down slowly, slowly, slowly, with no direction.

  36. November 16, 2014

    I personally read all 64 pages of this beautiful manifesto and I am NOT impressed. This manifesto, in my educated opinion, represents a regurgitation of ideas and plans that would have been way more impressive and meaningful if they were being implemented during the last fifteen (15) years of the DLP’s Administration.
    The sad thing about being an incumbent is that your plans and ideas during an election campaign MUST align with your track record.
    However, for every “good” deed that was done by the Dominica Labor Party there were ten “bad” deeds that overshadowed! For instance, the 27 million dollar “State Palace” came before a proper hospital and even culminated with our Prime Minister flying his dear wife out to the U.S. to have their son. NOT a good track record to speak of. All Dominicans are aware of the numerous other instances left unmentioned so I will just continue with addressing the “GREAT MANIFESTO”!
    Mr. Skerrit, your Manifesto fails to address the fact that your Administration victimizes those who hold opposing views. Your Manifesto fails to address the fact that you banked our economy on a failing tourism industry that certainly did not do well in terms of GDP growth. Your Manifesto failed to address the fact that your idea of assisting the less fortunate is to provide said assistance directly from your offices instead of the proper social agencies. Your Manifesto also failed to address the facts that there are millions of dollars that were misdirected from the Dominican People; millions that went into your pockets and the pockets of a select few of your Ministers.
    Your Manifesto with all its pretty pictures of projects yet to come, failed to mention how past major projects left many skilled Dominicans on the wayside. It also fails to mention the many projects, proposed years ago, that are yet to be completed and some that have never materialized. Mr. PM your pretty little 64 page manifesto still does not mention or address why for 15 years your Administration did not see the need for an International Airport until you realized the response received by your Opponent’s mention of an International Airport on the 1st of September last year in Castle Bruce!!!! Mr. Skerrit, I can clearly see that you view this entire Campaign as some type of big competition between yourself and Mr. Lennox Linton. You present to us a manifesto attempting to paint the DLP as the party that saved Dominica from a major economic meltdown, yet your track record proves that during the very years of financial crisis that you mentioned, you and others in your administration became increasingly wealthy. Now, if that is not a major contradiction I just don’t know what is!!!
    Mr. Skerrit, for the past fifteen years Dominicans, especially those in rural villages, felt the pinch of your fiscal management. Your manifesto is very misleading in its attempt to portray your Party as the champions of the poor. Even most of your supporters felt the hardship and misery of your fiscal policies. Your manifesto fails to address the lies, misrepresentations and psychological games that your Administration has used to mislead and confuse the populace with regards to the real issues that should have had you voted out years ago. The question is: will your pretty manifesto save you this time? On the 8th of December you will most certainly find out!!!!

  37. john Doe
    November 16, 2014

    Skerrit man you talking foolishness. Fourteen years in power you never transform Dominica. Now you are going to lose the election only now you can transform Dominica. Man bow out in peace and let Lennox Linton team Dominica lead the country forward.

  38. Doc. Love
    November 16, 2014

    The man has been Prime Minister for two terms, the present Labor Party has been in power for fifteen years, he did not transform Dominica then , why should we believe he can transform Dominica now, sa sort nou sort non.

  39. Anonymous
    November 16, 2014

    Nonsense, you have, apart from a few road developments, achieved nothing positive for Dominica. You can twist and turn it as much as you like – this is a fact. And even that is questionable since we do not know what you have promised China in return. You have and continue to disown Dominicans and turn them into beggars and modern style slaves of the DLP government. However, in doing so you enriched yourself, your fellow ministers and your advisers.
    You had over 14 years to transform Dominica into a better place but you failed miserably. Therefore it’s time for you to go. An other 5 years in government for you would definitely spell disaster for Dominica on many fronts!

  40. Mee3
    November 16, 2014

    A manifesto is a booklet with a lot of empty promises so there is no way that is going to transform Dominica. If i was Lennox, i would not even bother launcing a manifesto. Political parties give those things to rev up their base and get them excited for the election day and once that day passes, choo pool.

  41. November 16, 2014

    Both party are not ready to transform Dominica.My pm you had 15 years to do that.In 5 years Dominica and Dominican will still be the same,Y because most are very lazy and depend on government to much.

  42. Channel 1
    November 16, 2014

    :lol: :lol: :lol: ………..look de joker saying his manifesto have the power to transform Dominica…….. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I wonder how comes his previous manifestos failed to do so.

  43. Dominica supporter
    November 16, 2014

    It is sad when a party who has been in power for 15 years cannot rely on their track record to win an election. Instead they attack the honest Dominicans presenting themselves for public office with lies,false accusations mapuis, and utter rubbish, insulting the intelligence of Dominicans who pride themselves as being among the smartest in the world.

  44. Little to late
    November 16, 2014

    Its interesting that a manifesto can transform Dominica but the labor Government can not.
    The man has lost his way. show us what the Government did for the last 15 years

  45. me
    November 16, 2014

    Just thinking aloud.. Since when it is not ok to express your own political views without becoming an enemy, being an enemy and having enemies? Since when democracy means paying you under the table to vote? When did we place ourselves in this demeaning condition? Prostituting our country for our own vain, selfish ambitions? How must I vote, and for whom? Hmm corruption is at its peak and no party or individual is exempted from it. Therefore, I strongly believe to honestly represent a country/people, The party/individuals must be selfless, having the interest of the people above their wallets. Seeking ways to develop the country for its future generations. Leaving a legacy that others can follow in their footsteps. It’s not about creating the fight we call campaigns, the slandering of one’s character we call pubic speaking. It’s about and has always been about the COUNTRY!
    So whether you are vying for the position you presently hold or are you hoping to be the new sheriff in town show me someone who possesses, these qualities: integrity, discipline, optimism, bravery, loyalty, conviction, humility and I’ll show you a great leader!
    Vote for good representation of your country Dominica

  46. Big Bangbang!
    November 16, 2014

    So Skerrit, what about the last 15 years? Didn’t the DLp have a manifesto in 2000, 2005,2009? Was DA transformed? Why should I believe your 2009 bin bobol manifesto will transform Dominica this time? Yes, we know your life and the lives of those close to you were financially transformed as most of you became millionaires and are competing to see which one will be the first billionaire. However, that was not the case with 95% of us who got a raise of 000% while others ended with a deficit that will never be able to overcome as long as the oppressor Skerrit, is involved in our leadership.

  47. fools verses wise
    November 16, 2014

    But Mr. Skerrit even if the West Indies cricket board and team have a good vision on paper that has the ability to transform cricket in the West Indies, and they haven’t got the team, players, and talent to implement the vision, don’t you think that even their supporters will take them for jokers when they open their mouth? You sound worse than Bravo that said in his own words that they were going to restore the image of the west indies only to find out that after four games they boycotted the tour and returned home. What a transformation?

  48. November 16, 2014

    I listened to Mr.Linton speech his a humbleguy and well spoken guy not like Mr.Skerit who likes to scream that indicates to me his afraid of Mr.Linton.I am not a supporting ever party I like to share my opinion so far the DLP has the ability to transform Dominica,

      November 16, 2014

      @DAHMAN, stop playing your game and instead be honest with yourself. Do you know how long Skerrit has been the PM of Dominica? FYI it’s been 10 yrs! Do you know how long since the DLP has been in power? FYI it’s 14.5 years! Do you know how long Skerrit has been in the cabinet?. 14.5 years! Is Dominica better today than 14.5 years? Have you made time to read any of their manifestos? Did they not have good policies and programs that should have transformed Dominica? Did you see any transformation except that of Skerrit’s personal gains? What makes you think Skerrit has the ability to transform Dominica? Though most of us are fools not all of us are

    • The Facts
      November 16, 2014

      You should vote to fulfill your national and electorate obligation.

    • Papa Dom
      November 17, 2014

      You are entitled to your opinion but I don’t quite understand what you are saying here. You were complimentary of Mr Linton but without showing why, you conclude that labour has the ability to transform Dominica. Does it mean that UWP lacks the ability to transform Dominica? and if so, why?

    • C
      November 17, 2014

      NO vehicle can climb a hill in NEUTRAL. No country can get anywhere with passive people. So by not supporting either party, you are of little use to the development of Dominica. whislt no side is perfect, there is one side that is superior. If you are not sure well that is Team Dominica.

  49. Artfield
    November 16, 2014

    Fifteen years and all of a sudden this manifestation has the ability to transform Dominica, haahaaaa LMAO at this mans desperate comments

    • The Facts
      November 16, 2014

      Where have you been? Have you been sleeping for 14 to 15 years? Can you not see the change in D/ca? Those who reside abroad and are broadminded, who read DNO of all are fully aware of the many changes which took place in D/ca for those years which have benefited Dominica and nationals. They are sensible enough to know that Dominica has progressed as never before. Give the PM credit for that.
      I have confidence that, as my instinct informs me and what I have read on D/ca, it will become better under the leadership of Prime Minister Skerrit.

    • November 16, 2014

      @Artfield November 16, 2014

      What you people have failed to take into consideration is the development of a country does not happen overnight. 15 years is no time for us to see the level of development that we would like to see–like one day at a time; it has to be 5 years at a time; step by step, level from level.

      With a country like ours–in terms of its landscape and of course the attitude and conducts of the people–work could remain at a standstill from term to term; it is very unfair for you people to be saying that Dominica is heading downwards–not upwards–that is just not true!

      I will continue to say that the Dominica, where I lived from birth to 1974 is not the Dominica that I was at for 6 weeks in 2008 and 2 weeks in 2013. If I had not been to Dominica to see for myself–it is possible that I would believe the nonsense that you people are speaking on the internet.

      I am pleased with our development–starting with my home village of Giraudel, that is the reason I am planning to move back to my Dominica, where I know that Life and Love exist, after living in one of the richest countries of the world–Toronto, Canada, for 40 years.

      Why my decision? Because I have seen and lived with the difference; and I know now, that money can buy luxury but it cannot buy the necessities of Life and Love–that is all I want, for with Life and Love I have everything I need.

      Just think about that; and give thanks to God for the beauty of Life which you people have in Dominica, that blessed gift of living, which the richest nations of the world–including Canada– could never afford. And so, stop the stupid crying, like spoilt children; that is what you all are –both young and old

  50. art laudat
    November 16, 2014

    As a conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a totalitarian world government.[3][4][5][6][7]

    The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda that makes the establishment of the New World Order the culmination of history’s progress and an ideology. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an unduly influential cabal that operates through many front organizations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes.[3][4][5][6][7]

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