UPDATED: Dominica Club to be transformed into a premier venue (with photo gallery)

Parliamentary Representative of the Roseau Central Constituency, Melissa Poponne-Skerrit has announced that plans are in place to rehabilitate the Dominica Club, transforming it into a premier venue for recreation, sports, and entertainment.

This, she said,  is part of the government’s plans to transform the City of Roseau.

“I am pleased to address you today, as our government takes a significant step towards transforming Roseau into a modern city and a vibrant hub for recreation and commercial activity in alignment with our ‘Dynamic Dominica’ plans,” Poponne-Skerrit said in a statement. “As part of this vision, I promise to rehabilitate the Dominica Club, turning it into a premier venue for recreation, sports, and entertainment.”

She said the facility will offer opportunities for tennis, pickleball, squash, and rollerskating,  providing the city with diverse and engaging activities.

According to Poponne- Skerrit, phase one of the project which begins this week, includes the clearing of the site and the demolition and  of existing structures, enhancing access to the site for the rehabilitation of the tennis courts.

“These initial steps are crucial in laying the foundation for the transformation ahead,” the Roseau MP stated.

She said she has been working closely with Billy Doctrove and his team from the Dominica Olympics Committee.

Meantime,  Doctrove welcomes the rehabilitation of the Dominica Club. He is of the view that this rehabilitation project will greatly benefit the tennis players in Dominica.

Speaking with Dominica News Online (DNO) Mr. Doctrove said the rehabilitation of the Dominica Club has been in the cards for several years especially after it was destroyed by Hurricane Maria, adding that the Dominica Club was the home for tennis for many years.

“Since we took office as the DOC executive in 2017 after Hurricane Maria we were always saying we would like to assist in the rehabilitation of the courts on High Street. So a few months ago we came together and prepared a project and we did a submission to Panam Sports who is one of our financers.

We must say we were very happy when they approved the project. So we are looking forward to the start of the project and also the complete rehabilitation of the courts, “ Doctrove said.

The Dominica Club is located at the junction of Bath Road and High Street.

“We know the Parliamentary Representative for Central Roseau Mrs. Poponne-Skerrit has always been talking about hoping to rehabilitate that area. The land is owned by government, so we approached Panam Sports for funding but we also had to get the permission from the government to be able to rehabilitate the place. We have basically formed a partnership with the government. We will provide the monies that Panam Sports have given us and the government in turn will provide part of the funding to complete the project,” Doctrove added.

Doctrove also used the opportunity to thank Panam Sport and the government of Dominica.

“We in the DOC are very happy that Panama Sports has decided to support us. And they said quite clearly it is because of the way we have managed our finances and the general governance of the DOC, which they are very happy with. So according to them, they are rewarding us for our good governance and financial accountability. As I have always told the affiliates of the DOC we do not spare any area to ensure that our governance and financial accountability is up to date and this has borne fruit.” Doctrove said.

Mr. Doctrove is optimistic that in the next few months the tennis enthusiasts, especially the schools in the surrounding area, can make full use and benefit from the the courts and the Dominica Club.

Minister Poponne-Skerrit extended a heartfelt thanks to the Dominica Olympics Committee for their invaluable partnership and also to Panam Sports for their generous sponsorship.

“Their contributions are instrumental in complementing the government’s part-financing and making this project a reality,” she noted.

She continued, “By Wednesday of this week the area will be transformed to an active construction site.”

Therefore, she is appealing to the general public to be vigilant and refrain from accessing the grounds.

Poponne-Skerrit added, “Your cooperation is essential to ensure safety and to facilitate the smooth progress of the construction.”

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  1. Miriam Didier
    July 3, 2024

    `I am sooooooo excited about the squash court. The former young players are now in their early 20s but they are super excited about the good news. Am looking forward to seeing a young adult team ready for competition……….Thanks to the sponsors, simple excellent.

  2. Bring back the kidnapped parrots.
    June 15, 2024

    Back in the 1950’s and 60’s the Dominica Club was for just white elite from Britain who played tennis there and socialized after when Dominica was a British colony. The British governor resided just down the street at Government house. The workers from Belfast Roses lime crushing would stop by there also.

  3. Labour power
    June 14, 2024

    If Jesus Christ were to come to Dominica today and show UWP and their acolytes the wound in his side and the nail prick in his hands they would still crucify him.This government does not have to give UWP and their acolytes any satisfaction.

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  4. RandyX
    June 14, 2024

    More words of Superlative from this shallow vessel. One wonder if action is going to follow?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 2
  5. Ahab & Jazebel
    June 13, 2024

    Ever heard of Jazebel, the wife of the Evil King Ahab? yes we all know she was a wicked Queen who influenced her evil husband to do more evil than any King before him in the history of Israel. But here is how they died: inspite of their fame and riches :”This is the word of the Lord that he spoke through his servant Elijah the Tishbite: On the plot of ground at Jezreel dogs will devour Jezebel’s flesh.[f] 37 Jezebel’s body will be like dung on the ground in the plot at Jezreel, so that no one will be able to say, ‘This is Jezebel.’” 2 Kings 9=24-37

    So the Ahabs and Jezebel’s better take heed

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 1
  6. dissident
    June 13, 2024

    what if panama sports didn’t put up de funds now.
    all de time de space sitting in her constituency but you see who funding de development?
    observe who does de begging for de funds
    observe who is in de front ready to take credit before we even see de light!
    de work so far ahead there’s no mention of de contractor

  7. Edwin Francis Grégiore
    June 13, 2024

    Belle Ti Beffe…
    Blessed Assurance!

  8. Lycas
    June 13, 2024

    Roseau needs a bus terminus, pavements, covered drains, a bay front free of tents, a soup kitchen/shelter for the destitute, a hospital that actually has medicines, working equipent and a non leaky roof, no parking on pavements such as King George V St (so, out of town parking with free shuttle) … So, yes, let’s spend money on an entertainment and events venue. Nice one.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 0
  9. JAH KAL
    June 13, 2024

    The dumbest minister in the caribbeam, nosence no vision in Dominica, recently i was in roseau the smell is unbeleivable , the drains need to be covered .
    There is a fever in the caribbean today they call it the world cup fever ,the only part thats dead i mean dead is dominica what a shame if you as the MP for roseau you said nothing about the world cup cominig to the place you say you represent, there is so much i would like to say but who cares, is so it is, bunch of you know what.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 1
  10. JAH KAL
    June 13, 2024

    The dumbest minister in the caribbeam, nosence no vision in Dominica, recently i was in roseau the smell is unbeleivable , the drains need to be covered .
    There is a fever in the caribbean today they call it the world cup fever ,the only part thats dead i mean dead is dominica what a shame if you as the MP for roseau you said nothing about the world cup cominig to the place you say you represent, there so much i would like to say but who cares, is so it is, bunch of you know what.

  11. if we knew better
    June 13, 2024

    Where are the plans? Who is the company that will be executing the development? Is this a private venture or a public? will it be open to all or locked off like the windsor park? us more details on usership

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 22 Thumb down 2
    • Gary
      June 13, 2024

      Lol, Do you really think when you write such comments. Why do you look at things with your partisan lens, is this how you go through day in day out on this forum with your comments wow. Why are you always against change and ask silly questions, are you a creator of decay, well that is what you do, so long

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 33
      • Confuse
        June 13, 2024

        what the person’s comment is partisan? is there something wrong in the person asking for transparency, accountability and for clarification ? why any time the calls come for this government to follow good governance practices guys like you always jump on one being partisan…I wonder why?
        well I have additional questions ..were the people of Roseau (high street , ) and Newtown etc consulted ? or once agaiin is this another bedroom governance where the Skerrits on decided that’s what is going take pla e there and no one should bark?

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 1
      • MEME
        June 13, 2024

        Hear a politically tainted lackey asking someone not to look at things with partisan lens. This is someone that has spread gazillions of political garbage here and someone that has supported political skulduggery and corruption to the hilt. So shameless.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 1
      • if we knew better
        June 14, 2024

        I hold 0 allegiance to ANY political party and even less to any politician. I am neither a laborite, nor am i a uwp. I am a nationalist first. I am a tax payer. and i have the right to criticize ANYTHING being done in MY country, especially if it is being done on a national scale. Now, lets consider the word “change”. a reasonable well thinking practical man who is aware of his environment will always ask, whether the “change” is welcomed or not. What are the repercussions and benefits of such change. How will this “change” affect our future? Common sense will only show that your yourself welcome “change” only when it suits you. Otherwise, you’d have made a call to CHANGE this government and tried something different long ago. and if you didnt like that CHANGE, you could always CHANGE it back to the one you had before. Is like CHANGING clothes. you dont like how that one fitting so you CHANGE into something else. but no, people like you will do the same thing and expect other…

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
    • Ibo France
      June 13, 2024

      No honest person has ever attributed morality, integrity nor veracity to Melissa. The ‘goodly’ lady has a penchant to say things with the sole intention for attention. This latest utterance is just another tired replay of her empty assurances.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 1
  12. Just Asking
    June 13, 2024

    Club for the elite, playground and trivial stuff, and, people don’t have jobs? If Dominica is bursting with people who need a private club, where do they work, where are the jobs?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 4
    • Ibo France
      June 13, 2024

      My thoughts exactly! The people need good paying jobs in this tough economic times more than any other thing. Incentivize the lethargic economy for gainful employment of the thousands of citizens, including school leavers, who are presently unemployed and desperately searching for jobs.

      Everyday one hears about pipedream projects from this governing group of morally bankrupt, opportunistic liars. Most of these promises are fiction as they never come to fruition.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 4
    • Gary
      June 13, 2024

      Is this going to be a public club, wow, is this what you understood after reading the above announcement. Asking about work, aren’t there going to be people employed in the demolition and construction redevelopment of this property. Here you have a space and it is going to be transformed into a venue for recreation, sports, and entertainment in the new plans to transform the city and you making such a comment, lol.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 25
      • MEME
        June 13, 2024

        Gary i’ll never forget the politically asinine comment you made some months ago, in trying to defend Skerrits inability to account for your CBI funds. Your respone to someone then, was that the monies are in the houses being built all around Dominica. “”””That’s how Gary accounts for money””” . This comment surpassed idiocy, and it explained clearly to me how a fanatic can be transformed into a brainless and shameless accessory of corruption.
        You are politically blinkered my friend! Take a chill…!

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 1
    • Putin
      June 13, 2024

      So, once the facility is completed, who will operate it? Who will maintain it? The birds and bees? No, humans will; that is, humans will get jobs to operate, vend, and coach. The sports stores in town will also make money because we expect you to organise tournaments for the youth for whom you care so much.

  13. Colin
    June 13, 2024

    I look forward to once again being able to use Dominica’s only two squash courts after several years without. I hope it happens soon.

    • if we knew better
      June 13, 2024

      I know of a private one. Lets count 3.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
      • Colin
        June 14, 2024

        The Anchorage has one with a low ceiling that became a store room after Hurricane Lenny. Karl Nasseif built one in the Canefield Gymn before Digicel took over the building. The late Antoine Raffoul had one in Copthall with a concrete floor. Is there another one somewhere?

  14. JustSaying
    June 12, 2024

    First Lady of pronouncements. That’s this government for you. Lots of them.

    The last pronouncement for this very site was “The Halls of Justice.” And she wasn’t even on the scene yet. Thats how long ago it was.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 3
    • Labour power
      June 14, 2024

      First let me congratulate DNO for the photos,they being less bias.There are no unemployment in Dominica.There are people who cannot get the job they want,but there is work in Dominica for everybody.A Dominican will buy a $50 us shoe for a $120 us in Dominica with no problem.A pair of blue jeans sold for $15 us at Cee Cees in New York,is sold for between $100 and $125 ec in Dominica,and Dominicans buy it with no problem.A $1,500 us rent in the USA is a $500 ec rent in Dominica.The majority of Dominicans living in the USA do not own their own home,if they do they cannot finishing paying their mortgage before the age of $75.Dominicans are living a better life living in Dominica,than they do living in the USA.Things are expensive,but Dominicans can pay and do pay.

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