Dominica Hotel and Tourism Association ‘Nature is Calling’ Hikefest dubbed a success

The Dominica Hotel and Tourism Association recently reported the success of Hikefest 2024, which was held with the theme “Nature is calling.” This annual event, known for its focus on adventure and exploration, took place every Saturday throughout May. Drawing a crowd of over 100 enthusiastic hikers of various ages, the event demonstrated a strong interest in outdoor activities and eco-tourism on the island. The highlight of the event was the Fresh Water Lake night hike, where participants embarked on a memorable journey through Dominica’s mysterious landscapes in the darkness, guided by headlights, flashlights, and laughter.

The association thanked all participants, sponsors, partners, staff, and volunteers for their contributions to the success of Hikefest 2024. Special recognition was given to Fine Food Inc for their support as the official Blue Water sponsor and provider of Stamina energy drinks, ensuring participants remained refreshed during the trails.

Plans are already in motion for next year’s event, promising more exciting trails and experiences for nature enthusiasts. As Hikefest 2024 concludes, the Dominica Hotel and Tourism Association eagerly anticipates future collaborations that showcase the island’s natural beauty.

“We are delighted by the positive response to this year’s Hikefest,” said Ria Williams. “The event not only promoted physical wellness and adventure but also highlighted the natural beauty and environmental diversity that Dominica has to offer.”

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  1. June 4, 2024

    :-o :oops: :oops: :lol: 8-O

  2. Lucas
    June 4, 2024

    Given HikeFest doesn’t actually attract overseas visitors, but instead is attended by nature and trail loving Dominicans, why does it have to be framed within the context of tourism? Wouldn’t it be better – just for a change – to switch the focus to Dominicans, to encourage Dominicans to get out and walk in nature. Just for once, can’t we forget about tourists?

  3. EDC
    June 3, 2024

    Sad that these good things take place and persons like me aren’t aware :(

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