Dominica ranks second in CBI Index 2024

Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program has secured the second spot in the eighth edition of the 2024 CBI Index.

The CBI Index is a rating system developed to assess the performance and attractiveness of CBI programs across 12 jurisdictions or countries that offer such programs.

The ranking in the CBI Index is based on the nine pillars of excellence, which form the foundation of the entire ranking system. The pillars are Standard of Living, Freedom of Movement, Investment Options and Threshold, Mandatory Travel or Residence, Citizenship Timeline, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence, Family, and Certainty of Product.

For a fourth time in a row, St Kitts &  Nevis tops the chart and was named the “World’s top Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program” by the Index. It scored a perfect 10 in Mandatory Travel or Residence, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence, and Certainty of Product. The report stated that the twin-island country has set a benchmark as it always leads the industry with groundbreaking initiatives.

It scored 84 percent on the Index.

Dominica got a score of 80 percent, followed by Grenada with 77 percent, Saint Lucia with 74 percent, and Antigua & Barbuda in the fourth position with 74 percent as well.

The country received a perfect 10 points in Mandatory Travel or Residence Pillar, while receiving high ratings in the Citizenship Timeline Pillar. It also topped the Ease of Processing Pillar, along with Grenada, St Kitts & Nevis, and Malta.

In the critical Due Diligence Pillar, St Kitts & Nevis stood alone at the top. The CBI 2024 Index was released under the theme, “Transparency Meets Transition – A CBI Reset.”

The reports said that the CBI industry has been evolving with greater calls for due diligence, international cooperation, and timely improvements in the programs. It pointed out that global trends will continue to press CBI programs, paving the way for maintaining integrity and reputation to suit audiences in the future.

In a press statement, the CBI Index Communications Unit said this year it focused “on the challenges and opportunities that arise from an industry that is balancing global calls for transparency with transitions and innovations necessary to achieve transparency.”

The report was released on September 25, the same day that the opposition United Workers Party (UWP) announced it was taking legal action against the Government of Dominica as it relates to the island’s CBI program.

At this point, it is unknown what impact the legal proceedings will have on the program. However, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has vowed that his government is prepared to defend it in court.

“There is nothing for this government to hide. Absolutely nothing,” he said at a press conference on Monday.

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  1. Pj
    October 4, 2024

    I think uk visa is a big problem and domonica gov should solve the problem with uk gov and domonica citizens hope to go great Britain without visa application

    October 3, 2024

    They could even be 1st, it means NOTHING since the monies earned is not in Dominica !!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
  3. Labour power
    October 2, 2024

    I hope the government hire the best lawyers.I know for a fact UWP will lose,and the will pay cost.I hope the cost is in the millions.Lennox can fool his blue handful of a holes he cannot fool the majority of Dominicans.On October 1 2024 he admitted on q95 that he did not know, for SURE monies from UWP reengineered Citizenship programme was going into the consolidated fund.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 6
    • Mike
      October 4, 2024

      you need to stop your obsession with Lennox and ask your PM to give you an accounting of how the CBI was spent because we in Dominica are not seeing it and while you at it ask him how he was able to accumulate so much wealth on his salary and how labour party is able to spend 200 million dollars on election compaigning. I understand you are trying to get a house or Apartment, i get that, but are you not curious as to what happened to 11 billion.

  4. MEME
    October 2, 2024

    But what the hell is going on? You nean Dominica has such a fantastic CBI programme and Liar Skerrit is yet to have me celebrating with him, when he presents to the world the audited report of our CBI funds? Liar Skerrit when are you going to bring shame and disgrace to honourable Linton?. I am of the view that you and your kindergarten cabinet are afraid like hell, because as far ac CBI is concerned, you all are ‘in no mans land’. The inveterate and compulsive LIAR is totally lost, but the clock keeps ticking.

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