Dominica stages successful 22nd edition of World Creole Music Festival

After a two-year hiatus, Dominica has staged a successful World Creole Music Festival as part of the island’s 44th Independence celebrations. The festival hosted 23 artists, 11 of which were “local” or Dominican artists in the genres of Cadence Lypso, Bouyon, Compas and Dancehall. Soca, Zouk, Reggae, and Afrobeat were performed by other regional and international performers.

According to a preliminary count and provisional data, there were 7,421 visitors who arrived over the normal WCMF period of Friday, October 21 to Saturday, October 29.

This is a 5% increase in visitor arrivals over Visitor arrivals by air were 6% ahead of 2019 while visitor arrivals by sea showed a 4% improvement over 2019.

Attendance for the festival in 2022 surpassed the attendance figures from 2019 as well. Preliminary reports from scanned tickets into the park total the attendance at 33,173, approximately 14% greater than 2019. Patrons had the option of general attendance, seating in the stands or patronizing the Coastal Village VIP.

A combination of increased ticket sales and an increase in ticket prices resulted in gate receipts which are 31% higher than 2019 gate receipts.

Over 200 media and influencers were accredited to cover the World Creole Music Festival. As such, Dominica has received coverage regionally from Trinidad and Tobago in the south to St. Kitts in the north.

Patrons generally enjoyed the performances with each having a favorite based on their preferences.The Minister of Tourism, Honourable Denise Charles stated that this year’s festival has been

coined as the best Creole Festival by many patrons. The aim was to take the creole festival to a new level in terms of the variety of bar and food options, standard of entertainment, expanded grounds area, and the entire experience. Additional grounds area space was provided in anticipation of the expected crowds, a new elevated experience was introduced in the Rainforest Lounge; new genres of music formed part of the exciting line up; ten premium bars were added to the grounds in addition to picnic benches; and several young local artistes were given an opportunity on the international stage. The World Creole Music Festival is proving to be one of Dominica’s most attractive experiences as it highlights talent on an international stage as well as creates an atmosphere for unity and enjoyment in the Nature Island.

The dates were also launched for World Creole Music Festival 2023 from October 27-29, Mas Domnik, Dominica’s Carnival from January 14 – February 22; and for Dominica’s Jazz’n Creole on April 30, 2023.

Discover Dominica Authority (DDA) extends special gratitude to this year’s World Creole Music Festival sponsors which include presenting sponsor, the Government of Dominica; headline sponsor, Digicel; gold sponsor, Tropical Shipping, silver sponsor, Coulibri Ridge; bronze sponsors, RCI Guadeloupe, RCI Martinique, and premier banking partner – National Bank of Dominica; corporate sponsors, Tranquility Beach, Belfast Estate–Kubuli, Josephine Gabriel & Co., Ltd., DBS Radio, The Wave, Spektak TV/TRACE, L’Express des Iles, and PDV Caribe Dominica Ltd.; and business sponsors, Wandy’s & The Nook, Pirates Ltd., Carib, ABS Antigua, Hott 93/GEM Radio, Philipsburg Broadcasting, and Q95 (WICE FM). Special mention is made of partners CNC3, Trinidad Express, The Sun, The Chronicle, Kairi FM, DOWASCO, DOMLEC, and Multi-Solutions Inc.

For more information on Dominica’s World Creole Music Festival, contact the Dominica Festivals Committee at (767) 448-4833/255-8221, visit the official website, or follow Dominica Fests on Instagram and Facebook.


About Dominica’s World Creole Music Festival: Dominica’s World Creole Music Festival celebrates the creole culture and is held annually in October. It seeks to augment Dominica’s creole month festivities and Independence celebrations as well as boost visitor arrivals to the island. The World Creole Music Festival features various musical genres to include reggae, zouk, kompa, cadence, bouyon, salsa, dancehall/hip hop, meringue, soukous, and zydeco. The festival is dubbed ‘Three Nights of Pulsating Rhythms’ for its wide repertoire of musical genres on showcase each night.

Join us for the 23rd World Creole Music Festival: October 27-29, 2023.

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  1. Jonathan Y St Jean
    November 14, 2022

    How come the minister didn’t see it fit to quote any of the local performing acts to justify the success of the WCMF. One can see the lie with the types of numbers released. These lacked real substance and can be categorized as lying with statistics. The creole cultural acts were a footnote to the whole affair which didn’t recognize the local performers and culture but was a backdoor treating and bribery act like happened last year since the announcement came only days after the festival. The original WCMF has lost direction and no amount of spinning will justify the shameful treatment of local performers. Factor in that the main act from Africa stood up the country for days. It’s clear that anything which the DLP puts it’s hands on turns out bad for Dominca. Isn’t the same thing which happened to RUSM? When you spit up in the sky it will fall back in your eyes. I’m sure carnival will have a huge turnout but it won’t be because Labor party organized it. Go figure

  2. Dedits
    November 14, 2022

    Best ever WCMF and probably the most money spent to attract big name acts.The big name acts attracted people from the entire Caribbean region, Americas and Europe. So the point is increase the budget for WCMF and guarantee new visitors and large number of visitors to the nature island and enjoy the nature Isle experience- real special. This the way Togo the high standards have been set the bar has been raised.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 6
  3. RandyX
    November 14, 2022

    Well, well, well Dominica for sure is the island of Make Believe. Anybody seen all these vacancy notices for management positions at Discover Dominica Authority?
    To me that’s a clear indications how well it all went. The CM thinks he is so clever and think he can fool people ALL the time. Skerrit, you can never fool me nor were you ever able to fool me in over 20 years. Take it from me, you are not half as clever as you think you are!! Let me sing a little rhyme to you: Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, all the kings horses and all the kings men, couldn’t put Humpty together again. To me this rhyme must have been specially composed for you, even though it clearly much older than you.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
    • Harry B
      November 15, 2022

      Right on the money, Randy. He thinks he can fool everybody. He is just an arrogant p…k.

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