Dominica State College Environmental Club wraps up semester with Island Tour with Purpose

“Rooted in Dominican soil, Growing Sustainable Future” was the theme as the DSC Environmental Club brought down the curtain on a spectacular semester on June 1, 2024. The Environmental Club took their Awards Ceremony to the picturesque Emerald Pool, where they could luxuriate in nature. They embarked on this incredible Island Tour with a Purpose which commenced at the Roseau Cruise Ship berth.

One phenomenal member of W.A.V.E  (Waitukubuli Advocates for Viable Environment), Ms. Margaux Larocque, was honored and recognized with tokens of appreciation and gratitude for partnering with the club. In March, the Dominica State College Environmental Club was part of W.A.V.E International Action for Rivers Day 2024 March  and World Water  Day, “Water is Life Initiative.”

DNO spoke with Ms.Larocque who said “All eyes on the Dominica State College Environmental Club for their steadfast achievements, educating themselves and others in the practice of growing a sustainable future. They say, ‘Teamwork makes the dream work’ and it shows through the pride and dedication of the President, Tana Valmond, Vice President Mya Belle, and the team.

We at W.A.V.E, are inspired by DSC’s ‘Rooted in Dominica Soil’ initiative and stand in support of their goals. On behalf of the Waitukubuli Advocates for Viable Environments, thank you for your certificate of appreciation. Keep up the good work.”

President Tana Valmond said in an exclusive interview with DNO, that her club is tremendously blessed and honored to have that incredible opportunity to boldly march in Roseau, advocating for the health of our rivers. Citing their overwhelming support as inspiring the, ‘Clean the River in my Backyard Initiative’, where Clubites cleaned the rivers in their respective communities.

They celebrated their environmental clubites with certificates, medals, and prizes at the Emerald Pool.

“Our devoted Clubites worked tremendously hard in elevating our club with their words and actions, so it was imperative that I honored them for their spectacular performance during the academic year,” Valmond stated.

Speaking with DNO an elated Annicia Coipel, Chief Communication officer said “It has been a tremendous opportunity and pleasure working with the Environmental Club throughout my tenure at DSC. I am immensely grateful for being recognized for my hard work and dedication. This club has really opened many opportunities for me, as an individual and has shown me that with teamwork, we can accomplish anything. This token of appreciation will be greatly cherished and will forever be held dear to my heart.”

The highlight of the award in Nature Ceremony was Destiny Williams and Dameon Gusite, veteran clubites, who both expressed their appreciation and gratitude. Destiny Williams successfully captured the prestigious title of Miss DSC Environmental Cub, and Dameon Guitse, Mr Environmental Club.

‘Winning the Mr. Environmental prize fills me with immense gratitude and pride. This recognition validates my dedication to environmental causes and inspires me to continue making a difference. I am also grateful for the support and encouragement from my friends, whose belief in me has been a constant source of motivation. This achievement is a testament to the power of community and shared goals,” said Dameon.

Destiny added, “Capturing the prestigious title of Miss Environmental Club gives me great honor and gratitude. The club has enhanced my great leadership skills and team-building skills. This also motivates me to move forward and also inspire others to volunteer, and build strong community relationships. I vow to continue to lead by example as I will take on a leadership role to continue the Legacy .”

On their East Coast Island Tour With a Purpose, they visited tourist attraction sites such as the Emerald Pool, L’escalier Tête Chien, Barana Aute, and executed a mega clean-up campaign at Woodford Hill Beach. The day culminated at the  Concord River, a bittersweet moment as they passed on the baton to the potential club leaders.

The prizes for the Most Outstanding Male and Female Clubites in the Western, Eastern, Northern, Southern, and Roseau Districts were sponsored compliments of Ms.Diandra Charles, Youth Officer for the West, who shared her views with DNO.

“Tana Valmond and the Environmental Club have been a real blessing. They have participated in several beautification projects not only in Saint Joseph proper but also throughout the constituency, such as the beautification project in Belles, and several beach and river cleanups hosted by Hon. Darron Lloyd. In addition to showing professionalism and commitment to the environment, the students also demonstrated remarkable discipline. l look forward to future partnerships with all of you. You are awesome!”

Ms.Valmond expressed her gratitude and appreciation to the generous sponsors who made this Award in Nature Ceremony very impactful and memorable.

“I am eternally grateful to our God, our heavenly father, for bestowing upon us his tremendous blessings and favours. The kind sponsorship of the honorary sponsors, the Dominica State College, the DSC Environmental Club executive, and of course my personal advisor and mom, Ms Yvette Charles. While I will miss the super amazing club members, I am very confident that they will continue the Phenomenal work.”

Prize for Most Outstanding Female Clubite in the East District sponsored by Kalinago Foundation, was allocated to Mrs Amanda Theodore Langlaise, and her organization, in acknowledgement of their consistent support to the club particularly to clubites in the Kalinago Territory. They Participated in the Youth Rally and the Children’s Christmas Party organized by the Kalinago Child Support Foundation Inc., where they pledged their support and commitment to speaking out against child sexual abuse.


Prize for Leadership Excellence, Male and Female  Executive was sponsored by Ms Lydia Leblanc Youth Officer for the West, who sponsored a gift basket during the Island Tour with a Purpose, West Coast edition where they honored outstanding sanitation workers along the West Coast down to Portsmouth.


The Environment Club has a track record of 150 clubites successfully completing their service learning hours, a very important component required for graduation.

The Most Outstanding Club Executive Annicia Coipel and Zedan Edwards

Most Outstanding Clubite in the Northern District  Juliany Dubois and Alina Douglas

Most Outstanding Clubite in the Western District Sherniker Anthony and Jovanni Burgins

Most Outstanding Clubite in The Southern District D’Janoah Dangleben and Cadel Casimir

Most Outstanding Clubite in the Eastern District Aliya Fancis and Kenny Edwards

Most Outstanding Clubite in the Roseau District Dyahl Francis and Derbria Matthew

Most Outstanding Club sub Committee, The Community Outreach

Most Outstanding Clubite  for Club Promotion, Artistic Director, Kaylyn Gumbs

The Top 20 on the President Honor Roll List were awarded with certificates and medals as tokens of appreciation in honor of their significant contribution towards the club’s tremendous success.


The Criteria was as follows: 80 percent of their service learning hours had to come from the club’s projects; they had to have participated in 10 or more club project activities; must promote club, school, and community spirit; must demonstrate exemplary leadership skills and team-building skills; must maintain a GPA of 3.0.

The Top 25 Most Outstanding Clubites  on the Club President’s Honor Roll were:

Zedan Edwards
Annicia Coipel
Dameon Guiste
Destiny Williams
Aliya Francis
Sherniker Anthony
Kenny Edwards
Franadella Auguiste
Jovanni Burgins
Cadel Casimir
Dyahl Francis
Kaylyn Gumbs
Brohim Georges
D’Janoah Dangleben
Jaywana Bellot
Nahyar James
Mekaela  Royer
Amanda Bruno
Leon Alexander
Jonelle Seaman
Lenon Hypolite
Pooja Sadarangani
Kimberly  Titre
Sherlon Drigo
Dimitri Hypolite


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1 Comment

  1. Concern
    June 5, 2024

    Keep it up!! Our future depends on you all. Remain focus

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