Dominicans react to death of Chavez

Chavez in prayer

Dominicans have been adding their voices to those of millions around the world who have been reacting to the death of Venezuelan leader, Hugo Chavez.

Prime minister Roosevelt Skerrit issued a statement on Tuesday night in which the depth of his affection for Mr. Chavez was clearly and unreservedly demonstrated. Skerrit declared a National State of Mourning in Dominica for the deceased president starting today, to continue until the morning after the Friday March 8, burial of the Venezuelan leader.

Apart from his personal affection for Chavez, Skerrit and his Labour Party government have good reason to be grateful to the Venezuelan leader for the millions of dollars in assistance which he gave to Dominica over the past nine years.

Some of the Venezuelan-funded projects which have benefitted Dominica include the Petro Caribe Initiative, the $30 million Soufriere/Scotshead Seawall, the Tan Tan Sea Wall, the Salybia Primary School, the Petite Soufriere to Rosalie Link Road, $2 million worth of national security vehicles and a marine patrol vessel valued at $1.9 million.

Other major projects funded by Venezuela in this country are, the $3.9-million Grand Bay Police Station, sea defence and road works at Melville Hall airport totalling $26-million, and water projects at Delices, Warner and Campbell at the cost of $7.95 million.

In addition, several young Dominicans have received scholarships to study at Venezuelan universities.

Now that the godfather of ALBA (Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas), is dead, it is unclear whether Venezuelan assistance to Dominica will continue and if it does, to what extent.

It is against this background that some Dominicans on Wednesday gave DNO their reactions to Chavez’ death.

“Our prayers and condolences go out to the people of Venezuela” one man indicated when asked what he thought of the passing of the leader.

Another individual indicated that although the country sympathizes with the Venezuelan nation, she does not feel that the death of this leader will have any significant effect on Dominica. “This should not affect our relationship with the people of Venezuela, for some time people will be sad that he is dead, he will be missed but his work and contribution to Dominica was significant so his passing should not affect our ties with Venezuela,” she stated.

Meanwhile, another young man was of the opinion that the leader’s passing will definitely affect the Dominican economy. According to him, Dominicans should hope that the ties between Dominica and Venezuela are not severed by a new Venezuelan leader.

He explained that if this happens he believes the unemployment rate, education opportunities among various other projects will suffer.

“Mr Chavez was a leader like no other. He assisted Dominica and we have to say thank you to him for the many projects which his government funded for us. We have students studying in Venezuela, we have Petro Caribe, and no amount of money can repay Chavez for the amount of assistance he gave to the Dominican people. We have to be forever grateful,” one woman said.

Chavez died on Tuesday after a two-year battle with cancer.

Click here to view photos of Venezuelans reacting to the death of their leader.



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  1. Soldiers of Jah
    March 8, 2013

    After all the struggles through the ages, it’s sad to say BLACK PEOPLE DO READY YET.

    The SLAVE mentality of dependence still runs through our

    They gave us trinkets to steal us away from Afrika, now they give trinkets to keep saying massa.

    Holy Emmanuel I.

  2. "O" STRESS"
    March 7, 2013

    R.I.P commrade Chavez, and thanks for all you did for mankind all over the World. Least we forget “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters you do unto me” says the lord,and he without sin cast the first stone” Commrade Chavez we have a long lasting legacy by our ‘PM” who will carry on in your name. Here today Gone tomorrow.Thank you, Thank you, and have a safe trip to your maker the only one fit to judge you. Amen!

  3. Rule
    March 7, 2013

    If Petro caribe was such a success in Dominica, why is Gas $15.00 a gal. Obviously it did not decrease the price for Dominicans. The man was simply selling his product, and only Venezuela benefited from it not us.

  4. Big Bannan
    March 7, 2013

    NO: Skerit reacts to Chavez’s death and he does NOT speak for all Dominicans even if it may seem that way.

  5. Morihei Ueshiba
    March 7, 2013

    Analysts from Criminal Justice International Associates recently estimated that the Chávez Frías family in Venezuela has ‘amassed a fortune” similar to that of the Castro brothers in Cuba – value of $2 billion. :wink:

    • Soldiers of Jah
      March 7, 2013

      In the FIRE Gettin BUN and I na praise nuttun for he was just another white pagan fooling Jah people with material satanic verses disguised as the Word, while carrying out his master’s plan to keep Jah people down.

    • Faceup
      March 7, 2013

      And aso death by violence from 5000 four years ago to twenty thousand last year.

  6. Justice and Truth
    March 7, 2013

    President Hugo Chavez immensely assisted Dominica. It is more than I had visualized. Consider also those who received monetary assistance to study in Dominica and Venezuela all because of his generosity. We can conclude that he had a compassionate and generous heart. All Dominicans should be appreciative for his help n various respects.
    I am hoping that many Dominicans as possible, out of love and gratitude, will attend the Memorial Holy Mass on Thursday. I will remember him in prayers on that day and also on Friday, the day of his funeral.
    Rest in peace Hugo Chavez. God has taken note of your kindness. You are gone from this earth but will not be forgotten for your generosity to especially Dominica. I am certain your good works will continue to live on.

  7. Anonymous
    March 7, 2013

    Chavez shared his life and abundance with the people of Dominica and made the island better off than it was 10 years ago.

    May he rest in peace. His death at the young age of 58 is another reminder that nothing lasts forever. Nothing.

    • Soldiers of Jah
      March 7, 2013

      No he didn’t, he gave you trinkets to blind you of his true purpose, to dominate you and keep you down and your greed fell for it.

      Holy Emmanuel I, Jah

    • Anonymous
      March 7, 2013

      Guess we are doomed now?

  8. Prophet2
    March 6, 2013

    The red ants are crawling on DNO.

  9. Desmond
    March 6, 2013

    The reality is, with the cold war ended in the 80’s the first world countries no longer looked to small islands like ours to give aid and hand out as had been the norm in those days so God sent Chavez to our rescue and it would be ungrateful of us not to acknowlege that, may you be replaced with a like minded leader and may you rest in perfect peace and may some of us ungrateful bastards go to pcs.

    • Soldiers of Jah
      March 7, 2013

      Rescue your self, instead of waiting for another chavez

      Holy Emmanuel I

  10. Rusty
    March 6, 2013

    The photos tell the story. That is a man who was loved by many for the good that he did. I am sure many never met him personally.

    • concerned
      March 8, 2013

      I fully agree with you..the photos tell the true story of his devotion to his people..If he was really a dictator as he was called ,why was he so loved by his people. Never in history has there ever been such an outpouring of grief for any leader of any nation..The only time that the world had mourned any one was for the death of Princess Diana..As a human he surely had his flaws like all of us do but we can clearly see that he was loved….

  11. Sout Man
    March 6, 2013

    The struggle continues!! My deepest condolences to the family and friends of President Hugo Chavez and to the Venezuelan people. The Comrade will be missed but never forgotten. He will take his rightful place alongside Che Guevara and Simon Bolivar.

  12. nice
    March 6, 2013

    Rest in peace Daddy Chavez.Your job on earth is over. You’ve run the race and the appointment came. May your soul rest in peace. To the family, accept the fact that he is gone but,never will he be forgotten. My sympathies go out to all relatives and friends.He will truly be missed by us Dominicans, who benefited a lot from him.My country is much more improved because of your intervention. May you rest in peace.Thanks for holding my PM’s hand in friendship. I’m glad you did , the time you did.You impacted us a lot and we are grateful to you for all you’ve done. Bien Gracias. Adios.

  13. true dominican
    March 6, 2013

    Don’t be ungrateful people. What about the eye program me to Cuba. My mother -in-law and my aunt were recipients of the program. My aunt’s sight is perfect and that of my mother -in -law.Have we forgotten. The trip was to Cuba, but the air fares and boarding and lodging was paid by Chavez. Roll back the curtains of your minds people of Dominica , and even if you hate the PM, you can see and hear all the wonderful developmental programs Mr. Chavez blessed our country with. No other Government, no other Prime minister has done that before. Give Jack his jacket and Jacqueline her lip stick. Ah , mague sa. God will punish us for lying and for deceiving others.This is the Lenten season so speak the truth and nothing but the truth. I love my Pm more. Pm cry if you have too. Tears is a language God understands. Chavez was a man with a big heart. Those that rejoicing , let them rejoice. Things hard everywhere. Relatives in The US cannot help as they should. Chavez time was brief but I’m so very glad that PM responded just in time to begin that relationship with Chavez and China. God bless you tremendously PM.People come into the shadows of our lives and quickly they disappear, but all I ask of you Pm is forever to remember Mr. Chavez as loving You first of all and them Dominica, especially the Calingnago People. Spread the Love. Stop hating. Spread the love beginning today. Tomorrow will be your turn. That’s an appointment we must face. (Death) Take stock of your lives, each and everyone of you. Jesus is coming soon.

  14. jessica james
    March 6, 2013

    :( r.i.p :(
    daddy chavez
    dominca really appreciated your help

  15. March 6, 2013

    What a shame!!!I can’t believe these guys are still building sea walls up until now.
    Since I was a little boy the government of Dominica have been building sea walls,at Scotts Head,Soufriere,Pte.Mitchel and various other locations around the island.
    The walls are built,the hurricane or storms comes
    and the walls are taken down,into the sea.
    Why do other governments give monies to these idiots,only for the money to thrown into the sea.
    Have they not yet realize that a change of plan might be all that’s needed.Such as divert the roads.Cut through the mountains or even bring the mountains down,transfer the soil to other areas,use the boulders(hugh stones)as wave breakers in the said areas,and then work on the roads.
    Hear me ..The amount of money that these guys spend on sea walls,from premier E.O.Leblanc to premier and then prime minister Patrick John,Olive
    Seraphin,Eugenia Charles,Edison James and now Skerritt.If they were to tally up the figure,monitary wise,there would be enough cash to give each and every Dominician a couple thousand dollars.
    Believe you me..Guys it’s time to get wise.Waste not want not..Put you’ll thinking caps on and use the money wisely.

  16. Anonymous
    March 6, 2013

    These are some really sad pictures. Wow R.I.P Chavez

  17. an observer
    March 6, 2013

    r.i.p mr chavez and may god give your family the strength to deal with the lose. his suffering is over and in a better place, where there is no pain, no sorry, no hatred. only peace. to the venezuelan hold strong god is with you all.

  18. 4u2C
    March 6, 2013

    Comrad R.I.P. Thanks for your gifts, we appreciate the out stretched hands. Wish our leaders had use all what you gave for the country the way it was supposed to be used.
    You are ahead and we will follow one day….Love always, for in love their is no hate nor greed, nor selfishness!!!

  19. ObserverDom
    March 6, 2013

    Hugo Chavez fulfilled his life’s mission. Without doubt he changed lives for the better through his social missions and other projects. The poverty rate was cut in half and those people had access to healthcare and education. His social reforms have violently polarised Venezuela and provided a model for new governments and social movements across South America. He made a huge difference for the better in the lives of so many. Rest in peace comandante, presidente.

  20. Morihei Ueshiba
    March 6, 2013

    Chavez was living proof that Communism makes nations poorer, just look at his currency devaluations. :mrgreen:

    • IPO
      March 6, 2013

      Do you say the same for Jamiaca and Trinidad?

      • KaliBud
        March 6, 2013

        also Japan and China

    • concerned
      March 8, 2013

      Jamaica’s currency has one of the lowest value in the Caribbean yet its not a communist nation,so where do you get ur facts.Venezuela may be a communist nation but we should never forget its financial contribution to Dominica..Rest in peace Chavez…AND THANKX TO YOU AND YOUR ADMINISTRATION FOR YOUR FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION ……

  21. Better Government
    March 6, 2013

    Well well well, where do we go from here? Time to start fishing..

  22. trute
    March 6, 2013

    It rough

  23. GraveStone Budget
    March 6, 2013

    I respect the above info etc…

    But let’s think deeply has the lives of Dominica Been better off..we do like it’s the first ever Regime or Leader that has given Dominica aid.

    When was Dominica born…is it only now Dominica Is Getting a road or a home being built..

    Sums up a typical third world kinda thinking..

    All these things and look at how Poverty is Rampant at highest scale in Dominica’s History.

    Dominica didn’t get value for all the aid..the Upgrade of Melville Hall, did we see any 747s Coming in etc..where are the spill offs..

    No wonder why the rest of the Caribbean bros and Sis and the International Community looks down on Dominica….their so call Brilliant Minds get the Back end of all things..

    Charvez is just a human being like everyone on Was Fortunate to be on earth.

    • IPO
      March 6, 2013

      Is your life gonna be better or worse with Chavez? You are puffing at nothing.

      Chavez did his best to help Dominica, he didnt have too….what have you done for the least among us?

    • Justice and Truth
      March 7, 2013

      Have you considered the millions of dollars it takes to construct and also repair buildings and roads? Dominica was fortunate to receive assistance from Chavez. This is thanks through the association of the PM with Chavez. Everyone in Dominica benefitted from his financial help. Be grateful.

      • Faceup
        March 7, 2013

        True !!

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