FRIDAY September 27th, saw Dominica’s first ever Climate Strike, held at the Roseau Bayfront led by Sahara Sky, a 15-year old student at Orion Academy.
Dominica joined millions around the world in the Global Climate Strike. Friday’s strike, and the thousands of strikes worldwide, were to push world leaders to act now and to inspire others to join. The Global Climate Strikes were inspired by the “Fridays For Future” movement started by Greta Thunberg, a well-known youth climate activist.
The demands of Dominica’s Strike, inspired by the demands of The Friday’s for Future, and 2,000 other strikes that took place today are:
- To transition to 100% clean energy worldwide! (Dominica is already on the way with our hydro power generation and the new electric vehicle policy)
- Keep fossil fuels in the ground!
- Help victims of the climate crisis! (including those in vulnerable, small island nations like ours)
Dominica is a small island state that does not put large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. But we still suffer the consequences of climate change. We, as Dominicans, are on the front lines of the climate crisis, from experiencing it first hand. This is why it is important that we participate in raising climate crisis awareness and take action to help secure a promising future. Youth have the most to gain, and the most to lose, if we fail.
Friday’s strike was held from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. At 10:00am Sahara Sky, the organizer and strike leader, gave an inspiring speech about the importance of taking action now and the reasons for the September Global Climate Strikes. She was followed by Dominica’s delegate to the recent Global Youth Climate Summit in NYC, Ashfred Norris. Ashfred gave a truthful speech about the seriousness of climate change and spoke about his experience at the NYC Global Youth Climate Summit. Lastly, Jeannelle Brisbane, the founder of WildDominique, told a story about her personal experience surviving Hurricane Maria in an uplifting speech about the true Nature Isle we share, and the importance of protecting its beauty. The presentations led to a discussion on ways Dominica and Dominican youth can get involved locally and be apart of the solutions to protect Dominica.
Those of us who attended Friday’s event felt that this Climate Strike is only the beginning for Dominica. We hope to hold many more climate actions and awareness events including strikes, beach clean ups as well as the formation of environmental preservation groups and more.
Dominica’s first Climate Strike was a success and a first step for a brighter future for our youth!
The climate change deniers will only believe that the world is getting hotter when downtown New York subways and streets are flooded by sea water and FOX news building basement is under water. All the sea has to do is rise a few inches and the New Your subway system will be flooded. The city is almost at sea level. Anybody can see that hurricanes are getting stronger because the ocean waters temperature are rising. Soon it will not be category 5 it will be category 6 and 7 hurricanes with winds close to 300 MPH like a tornado.
There is a saying.
“Never remove a landmark unless you know why it was put there.”
Here comes some children ,who knows nothing about what they are talking about,just like the 16yr old girl from Sweden,who became expert in climatology.Even demanding every nation to leave fossil fuels in the ground,and take a gamble on what they know not.I would like to tell these children,in the I980s there was a project ran by an N.G.O.I think Athie Martin and Ron Green were involved.Using compost materials to generate gas to cook.Why don’t you go to these elders and asked.Why your project failed?,since evil fossil fuels was not involved.?
These children are living in luxury, and they think what they are now enjoying was always available.In 1963 we had hurricane Delia,1979 David.Two yrs ago Maria,before that storm Erika.Maybe 10yrs from now no major hurricanes.The climate always change.Just as in life, nothing remains the same.
Excuse my errors,I was in std.when I left school at age 14…..bye
Y is a pachay white people children that there in that. In one of the previous comments someone asked y wasn’t Athie Martin or Bernard Wiltshire wasn’t invited to give a speech as they have been long serving activists, and i agree!!! Those people in that to soft to be activists, ita a cheap attempy to get some clout. Thier 1st point proves that- Dominica well on the way to 100% renewable energy- what a joke!!!!
Not that i agree with their eco-fascist agenda!
It’s good to be concerned about the preservation of planet earth.Let me tell you, God who created it is still in control.And for sure He doesn’t need man’s help,but if you are really serious.Do you know that before Adam and Evil rebellion against God in the garden,there was no hurricanes,?also no draught,no floodings? What I am saying is SIN is the reason of these disaster.So if you are concerned, why not turn to Christ and He will give you the strength to abstain from these common sins, like fornication/adultery.If you are married, be faithful to your spouse.If you are living in the U.S stop at Shoprite and buy some roses for her/ him.And the other sins we so loved run away from them. Be true to the one who cares for us,and may be we will see less hurricane etc.
That’s all, here is a brilliant opportunity for the government to be at the forefront of the climate change charge and there is no participation from them. What a bunch of jokers
The kids are clueless and just being used for the Agenda. And then there are the adults who should know better but are also brainwashed or under mind control and can no longer think. These are people that think petroleum comes from fossil fuel (dead dinosaurs). There is no such thing as fossil fuel. The earth underground forms the petroleum product. The same goes for water. But they don’t teach that in schools. Schools are for indoctrination, not education. Education is something that you have to do for yourself outside of the school system.
It is comforting to see the young people are taking a stand to safe guard the environment. They are on the right. I pray that they continue the work that they have started.
Keep up the good work. Young people you all are the future of tomorrow.
When will we start holding our leaders accountable for supporting the greatest polluter in the world, the country which is top of the list (by far) for carbon emissions, namely CHINA. Parading in the streets does absolutely nothing, especially in a country which is just a drop in the ocean.
Also when will we start cutting out the use of social media and force these companies to cut back on the vast amounts of energy that they use to run their data centers which keep all those instagram videos and other trash that we love to scroll through on our phones everyday.
Also when will we stop buying every new phone and other trash that comes out every year. All of these things are produced in China (including american products like Apple’s). Guess who’s carbon footprint we are contributing to.
All in all nobody really cares about this issue. If they did we would be doing things that would have real effect. Not banning plastic forks and spoons which have little to no effect.
Thank the youth!! And everyone who supports them, for cutting through the misinformation and taking a stand for our future. These actions help bring young people together and ease the anxiety young people feel about their future. Now there will be comments from a very vocal minority of climate crisis deniers. Let’s not argue with them any longer the science is clear and the time act is short…. BIG UP THE YOUTH!
you are right about one thing,the science IS clear
What are they going to do about all the recyclables being buried in the ground instead of being re-cycled. There should be a re-cycle plant on Dominica with a mandatory re-cycle program even for old worn out vehicles and oil. They can use the missing millions when found for finance of the plant, hello yours truly, minister of finance? Find the missing money. The people of Dominica need it now.
Distractions, distractions
We should congratulate these young persons on this climate strike.. Climate change is serious global issue with greater potential impact on lives young persons and future generations,,
If you really believe that hurricanes David and Maria would not have happened as they did if the world ran on cleaner energy, then I have some swampland to sell you for an unbelievable price.
A 1.2m (4ft) sea level rise is predicted in the coming decades, we can also expect fewer but stronger hurricanes. Roseau, like many of our towns sits at sea level. Climate resilience should also include significant infrastructure in building bypass roads. How does one escape Roseau going north, or through the bottlenecks of Massacre and Mahaut? Soufriere and Scott’s Head and Pointe Michel, as usual will have to fend for themselves.
Congratulations for making your voices heard.
This is just a colossal waste of time, since the technological revolution has not affected technology in such a dramatic way in order to counteract climate change plus people are not willing to change their ways of life. This isn’t something with just leadership but also individuals. Moreover is the fact that all the so called green energy is derived from fossil and other harmful procedures. This is the culmination of hundreds of years of a poor economic system and till we get rid of this system we are stuck with fossils and the likes.
In my opinion, Dominica is contributing very little to the destruction of the climate. Take this to the “Big boys” and innovators overseas. Nonetheless, I do appreciate the awareness.