DOMLEC’s outgoing general manager commended for her sterling contribution to the company

Member of the Board of Directors of Dominica’s sole electricity company (DOMLEC), Patrick Pemberton has commended outgoing general manager of the company, Bertilia McKenzie for her contribution made over the years.

McKenzie, who served in that position for close to 10 years, tendered her resignation on Monday.

Her resignation is expected to take effect on March 3, 2024.

McKenzie has been employed at DOMLEC for 26 years and was appointed as general manager in September 2014.

“She has made a sterling contribution to the company…,” Pemberton said while delivering remarks at a press conference on Monday.

According to him, although DOMLEC was faced with challenges the company also benefited significantly during her tenure.

“The Board of Directors are grateful for her many years and thanked her for her many years of service,” he stated. “On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff, we extend best wishes to her.”

McKenzie’s academic background includes a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the City University of New York and a Master of Business Administration, Distinction, from the University of the West Indies.

The position of a new general manager for DOMLEC will be advertised.

Patrick Pemberton

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  1. Frustrated in Dominica
    December 7, 2023

    Mr has too much guts. I thought Mr at his home watching CNN, you mean Mr still there doing the dirty laundry…he not tired? the same set, same set. watching the country fail and just interested in their cut…once they get their money..choupool. magwe sa! McKenzie’s integrity and ethics are contrary to the CardBoard of directors’! despicable set of people! making way only for themselves, their children and immediate families…! scraps for the rest, and Dominicans happy with mediocrity.

  2. Cardboard
    December 5, 2023

    this country stinks….skerrit get ppl like you pembo to do his judas work….so u pembo u never knew those are old machines at domlec….and like us one day we must get sick and one day we must die….same as machines….u should tell d PM is is time to have geothermal up and running….honestly with this failure d whole card board should be fired….all of all u know what is wrong with domlec….tell skerrit to stop giving huge increases to himself and his lazy ministers and help domlec….wake up Pembo…all d card board should resign to…all u just as useless as skerrit

  3. Galileo
    December 5, 2023

    What a ridiculous statement. See what our problem is and why these boards need serious changes to made. You can thank the lady for her many years at the company without saying all of the things you say. They lady is resigning as a result of her failures which led to outages that seriously affected businesses and hence the economy of the island. Additionally, the residents of Dominica suffered tremendous. All of this because the manager knew there were generators almost 40 years old, told us so herself but did nothing to replace. Yet Pemberton says she made a sterling contribution. Garçon look jokes. Until we can learn to be fair and honest and not based our comments on who we like or who we hate Dominica will remain where it is and we will continue to complain. With a board like this I am not sure we will get a better more futuristic manager for Domlec.

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  4. Bwa-Banday
    December 5, 2023

    Man come out there Pembo! As I read this I can hear the song “hypocrites, all you hypocrites” playing loudly in my head. After you all treat the lady like sheet and forced her to resign you coming with some twet words? The SOS must fall one day and some of you all will also fall with him. Dca is really and truely a whole planet. HYPOCRITES :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: !

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