Dwivayez Hiking Club celebrates successful expedition to Martinique (with photo gallery)

Brohim (center top with red head tie) on Mount Pelée, with several members of Dwivayez

The Dwivayez hiking club, renowned for its adventurous spirit and camaraderie, recently undertook a triumphant expedition to Martinique. This journey was not just a hike, but a testament to the friendships formed, lessons learned, and the social interactions that enriched the experience.

Founded in 2002 by a group that included Ibrahim Brohim and Rawlins Bruney, Dwivayez has evolved from a small group of nature enthusiasts to a thriving community of hikers. The leadership, primarily held by Ibrahim and Rawlings, is based on collective decision-making, often involving senior members in organizing events. As Brohim puts it, “We don’t have an official position per se. We take a two-man decision. And sometimes me, myself and Rawlings, and then sometimes we incorporate other members, senior members.”

The club’s annual trip to Martinique, a tradition started in 2017, is one of their most memorable adventures. This trip is a reciprocal gesture to support Hike Fest, an event organized by the Dominica Hotel and Tourism Association (DHTA), which sees participation from a French group led by Gilles Vrobek, a member of the Hiking Federation in France.

Brohim explains, “Our trip to Martinique is basically supporting Hikefest in Martinique…giving persons the experience of hiking in other countries and seeing what it is, the opportunity to see what other trails, other hikes in Martinique.”

The journey to Martinique offers club members a unique opportunity to experience hiking in a different country and explore various trails. However, the expedition is not without its challenges. One of the most demanding trails is Mount Pelée, a trail that requires a high level of physical fitness and a strong mind. Despite the difficulties, the group triumphed, with nearly 30 members reaching the summit. “It’s a very challenging trail. You have to have a very strong mind and will,” says Brohim.

The Martinique Hike Fest offers a selection of four to five different hikes. Even though some members were tired from the previous day’s hike, the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. The experience provided valuable lessons for future hikes and identified areas for improvement. “We learned a number of lessons you know things that we can correct for next year’s hike something that you know areas that you can improve upon,” Brohim shares.

These trips to Martinique and other Caribbean islands have significantly contributed to promoting the objectives of Dwivayez. As Brohim puts it, “The most important thing is the social exchange. One of the main things also, is promotion of hiking. We don’t want to let hiking be just in Dominica only.” He says one of the aims of the club’s is to encourage more people to start hiking and enjoy nature.

In conclusion, the trip to Martinique was more than a success. It was an enriching experience that extended beyond the hike to include social interactions, fun evenings out, and a post-hike beach visit . The journey ended on a high note, with members heading back home on the Monday morning ferry, carrying with them the memories of a very successful outing.

“It was a good hike, it was a good weekend. Persons in the evening went out, had fun, went out on the bayfront, went out by the savannah, where they had bars and restaurants, you know, they went to the beach after the hike. And then generally we woke up on Monday morning, hit the road for the boat, for the ferry, and headed for Dominica. Yes, so overall you would say it was a very successful  outing,” Brohim reports.

Brohim makes it clear that Dwivayez is not just a hiking club. He says they aim to promote hiking, appreciate nature, engage with communities, strengthen bonds, and promote Dominica as a tourist destination. They see their activities as a way to fulfill their members and provide opportunities for interaction and friendship. They are committed to contributing to the promotion of hiking and tourism in Dominica.

“Our maroon trails like Jaco Flats, these areas, we promote them, we let people know and when they hear of those things, they are astonished at the historical aspects of the country and that gives them the urge to want to come down,” Brohim exclaimed enthusiastically. “And that’s what we’re hoping, that we can open the doors, and we hope that the authorities now will take that up and ensure that our trails are properly maintained.”

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  1. Labour power
    June 13, 2024

    Thank you DNO for posting those photos.When it’s good say it’s good.

  2. Mark Tomkins
    June 13, 2024

    Nice – I hiked with you guys when I lived on Dom – best of times !!

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