Work is said to be ongoing on the one billion dollar international airport project.
“Work is ongoing, we are building the site offices that is ongoing, work has started,” Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit stated on his Annou Pale talk show recently. “The lab is basically completed and all the necessary equipment are on island.”
He mentioned also that there is a final stage of tendering taking place.
“I believe there are 4 companies that have been shortlisted for this project and we will go through the list of the tender documents and make a determination on the award of a contract,” Skerrit revealed.
The Prime Minister assured Dominicans that in this International Airport construction his government will certainly carve-out opportunities for Dominicans, “but we have to be diligent; we have to understand that we are engaging ourselves in business and we need to be serious when we get work and be diligent when we get work.”
The one billion dollar contract for the much-talked-about international airport project was signed between the Government of Dominica and Montreal Management Consultant Establishment (MMCE) on June 9th, 2021 signaling the official commencement.
According to Prime Minister Skerrit, during the signing ceremony, the People’s Republic of China has committed to providing support for the construction of the airport but the bulk of the money for this billion-dollar project will come from the Citizenship by Investment Programme (CBI).
He said Dominica will have a modern International Airport, equipped with air bridges, and fully outfitted to receive international passengers and cargo.
The construction project, which will be executed in five phases, is expected to be completed within five years and will be built to meet Dominica’s new resilience construction standards.
What is the status of the airport now. Site clearance completed, workers accommodation completed? Thanks
Who is going to own the airport after the prime real estate beautiful land is destroyed. Overseas investors and yours truly friends? No need for a new airport jets can already land at Melville Hall. Who in Dominica government is going to benefit financially while the people still remain in poverty with no jobs. Who is going to staff the new airport? Foreigners brought in by China? The runway will also be able to be used as a military runway.
Oh oh. Dominica you have five years or so, then growth and change will come. Bigger hotels will be built, jobs will come…..serving drinks and washing dishes, driving tour bus. Is that good or bad? Not really for me to say. Hang on to your quaint, I hold you in my fond memories and prayers.
Be content with your belief.
“The lab is basically completed and all the necessary equipment are on island.”
Something is naturally wrong with Roosevelt Skerrit; we know how corrupted lie and wicked he is; but this is new level: And so, because I know Roosevelt is not capable of giving an explanation for the garbage he speaks, I would like someone who knows to explain to me the concept and purpose of a ” lab” in the building of an International Airport.
I mean I was a little boy when Melville Hall municipal, airport was built; however, in all the building I saw next to the Bridge over the Melville Hall River, I cannot remember seeing anything that remotely resembled a scientific laboratory.
The only lab remember is the outdoor lab (toilet) used for defecation!
He lie so much, just a few short days ago someone from Wesley informed me that Roosevelt informed the people of the village that they were still doing some feasibility study, as such they were drilling a hole in front of Roland Marie house, if…
If the drilling of a hole in front of the Marie’s residence is true, I am more than convince that Roosevelt is a very mentally sick and delusional boy!
You know someone will eventually build an International Airport in the country; but it is not going to be built by Roosevelt Skerrit, nor this present-day corrupted labor party!
In the first place, how can anybody; let’s say my friend with no knowledge in the construction or building of International Airports build such an Airport in Dominica?
If you all do not believe me do some research on International Airport builders, you will find that Roosevelt Airport building company is not on any lists:
They are unknown; never heard off!
Oh, poor Dominica, we are under the curse of Mr. Punjab Roosevelt Skerrit; that damn little river rat!
Naciinimod, you are absolutely correct! Not even in a dream can you build an international airport for $1 billion EC dollars considering the terrain in the proposed site. $2 billion US will not even do it! If anyone says otherwise have them show you the plan
It seems a bit contradictory that site offices are already being built yet the tendering process is not yet completed. That being said, would it be possible to obtain photos of the so-called site offices for publication? Just to ensure that they are structures that might resemble construction offices and not mansions…
And another thing – mention is made that all of the equipment is on island – again, despite the incomplete tendering process. So who has financed the acquisition of this equipment (like, I don’t already know)?
Sometimes I think some people have a problem keeping track of all the tall tales they tell. And think the rest of us are equally forgetful.
We LABOURITES built this country,if Views expressed,IBO and the other UWP AHOLES do not like what is going on GET out and STAY out.This government is working in the interest of the people.
Next election it is going to be 20-1 both Danny Lugay and Lennox Linton are going to lose.
@Lin clown, I hate to waste my time responding to garbage you put on here. How can you want to tell a citizen of Dominca to “get out”. This is ridiculous. Sounds like the white rednecks in the US telling people born in this country the same thing. Maybe the Caribs ought to say the same to you, but I’m sure that they are more intelligent than you. Try and articulate something intelligent that makes sense instead of sounding like a clown.
The second flight coming from communist China will definitely overwhelm our country. You will have to look very carefully to see a black person anywhere in Dominica. Our country has been under a load of pressure already from foreigners including several thousands of Haitians dirtying the entire country. Time for labor party to vanish.
There will be a heavy electricity bill, why not build a geothermal plant, get it on steam first and hope Domlec lowers the rates within the 1st 5yrs. I suspect the European and European-American World Bank has shaken up our government fellas to take loans to build this behemoth, even after taking so many loans for the geothermal project. What’s the deal?
Dear Dominican people, please be aware of this Skerrit. His priorities are obviously Irrelevant Visionless for all to know and see.
Five years this Prime Minister in office has failed we the people of Dominica and also the Failure if any Meaningful Development Concept that has made a difference for the unemployed people, Suffering Families, poor roads all over and now is getting money in our behalf that we have NOT Seen any meaningful development concept taking place in our Dominica’.
How long this “Go to HELL.. Go to Hell” concept will keep our Struggling, Poor Country and people under this on-going failed Labour Party Government under this Immature Visionless Failed incompetent PRIME MINISTER. We have had enough of this Failed Incompetent Irrelevant Visionless LABOUR GOVERNMENT and its incompetent Failed Immature Visionless Prime MINISTER. It’s time for change and focus on meaningful Socio-Economic DEVELOPMENT thoughts. Our people have been waiting for years. Time Skerrit…
Stop posting negative garbage about Skerrit and government and be on the development side.. I am sick and tired of your rhetoric and garbage. You talked the same garbage about Handbag and all handbag got was 161 votes compared to Vince who got over a thousand votes. Don’t you have anything better to do with your life? You just keep spewing recycled garbage day in day out just like IBO France, %, Jonathan, Frankinstein and, the rest like you. What have you done for your country? Nothing. You are just as broke as I am. Sol, shut up and face reality. Dominica is moving on under Skerrit. Ugly Lenny will never be the PM of Dominica, not on this earth, not on the next one.
Yes. @ds, it is not strange, that the whole group is saying the same thing “word for word”, it must be that they all have the same “stupid” broken record which they play at different times–using DNO as their turntable–good heavens!
This time, that viewsexpressed added a new one with his “Five years this Prime Minister in office” –what kind of madness is this?
Madam Clown 🤡. No one takes you seriously, therefore your comments and faked concept makes no sense to sense. You need to wake Up quickly from your Blind Dreams and focussed on the importance of the needs and meaningful Development of our Government, our People and our Ailing rundown Dominica. This SKERRIT’s government has failed the people of Dominica.
It’s time that our people wake up and discipline this on going FAILED PRIME MINISTER Skerrit and blind Loyalty.
Our People and NATURE ISLE COUNTRY comes First. We need focussed trusted, committed leadership in our Government on behalf of our Poor People and ailing DOMINICA.
We do not need to hear or read from this Madam 🤡. Stay focus on our Dominica that comes first as our Farmers, businesmen and People need to move on towards meaningful Socio-Economic development concept.
“ds” get smart; learn how to discern the truth from fiction; learn to decipher and unravel the truth from a lie; just because you see movement of earth (dirt); and three trucks on the site does not mean work on an International Airport is in progress.
If you ask me that is another election ploy!
When Roosevelt thought of using this ploy; he claimed that his International Airport was going to be built by an reputable American Company; assisted by a Canadian Company.
The sucker almost fooled with that lie, I almost believe him.
I knew that was a lie from the beginning; the first question which came to my mind was (if a reputable company ‘airport builder’ from the United States) was going to build the Airport; why would they need any assistant from a Canadian Company?
It does not work that way, or make any sense!
On the other hand I did some research on this supposed Airport Builder Roosevelt have in Dominica, screwing up my village, only to find out among…
On the other hand I did some research on this supposed Airport Builder Roosevelt have in Dominica, screwing up my village, only to find out among the many in the business constructing International Airports; these people Roosevelt have in Dominica; company or what have you are unknown.
They have never built an airport cousin to accommodate Mickey Mouse in his cartoon aircraft, never mind an International Airport anywhere on the planet earth.
I read, and I believe they made up the lie claiming to be in the business of maintaining some municipal airport; nevertheless, if even that was true, maintaining could mean rendering some sort of Janitorial service; that is a far cry from benign involved into the engineering and construction of an International Airport!
He claimed that it’s going to cost a billion EC$ (dollars) to build; that assures everyone that corrupt crook does not know what he is talking about; because more than ten years ago that is what he quoted in a town Hall…
Why don’t you address the matter before you, “PM SAYS WORK ON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT IS PROGRESSING” When you say quote “It’s time for change and focus on meaningful Socio-Economic DEVELOPMENT thoughts. Our people have been waiting for years.” What the PM has stated, isn’t that a meaningful Socio-Economic development the people of Dominica has been waiting to hear for years. When are you going to stop deceiving yourself. I’m not asking you to abandon your support for the UWP, it’s your right to support the party of your choice, but your support for the UPW should not be a constant denial of the reality or turning a blind eye as to the reality taking place in The Country, who benefits from this development, isn’t it not Dominica., stop your silly ranting, the UWP promised Dominicans an International Airport, it never came to fruition, so now we have seeing The DLP going forward with such plans why can’t you just accept it.
Yours truly will flee Dominica with all the money when the country falls into total chaos, he will do as most despots do when things get bad and out of control. He will leave with all the money.
When the plane land I will believe you.
20 years and you still tendering? Still have four companies waiting to award contract? 2014, it was supposed to start the day after you win, 2021, you still tendering!
So the whole ting with MMCE was for what then? Big ceremony for what?
China funding for what in return? They just took control of an African nation airport under similar circumstances, is that what you setting us up for?
More questions than answers with that Airport business!
If you are tired of waiting, why don’t you get up and build one yourself? You are nothing but recycled refuse. You just want some attention from your UWP a..holes.
DS – Do people like you read your posts before you make it public? Read back what you just wrote, you find you making sense? Pure emotion, no logic! Just posting because your DLP obsessed brain commands you to!
On which planet does the average citizen take responsibility for building an international airport?
This post has nothing to do with UWP, but your brain capacity too limited to understand anything other than red vs blue.
Read what I wrote, is any of it untrue? If it’s facts then why do you feel the need to challenge it with an inarticulate rant?
@Waiting For Airport, if you have not yet believed him, then why do you claim to be waiting?
Who in the World waits for something they don’t believe will come forth?
When will you people realize how senseless your minds are?
Elizabeth Xavier, you sound like one of these older folks who have lost touch with current cultural norms.
My name is simply a reminder of what has been promised and not delivered. Every time I post on here, everybody who sees my post is reminded that Uncle (and all PMs who lead before his time) has been promising us an airport for decades now and to date has still not delivered.
Understand, my issue is not just the DLP… My issue is democracy itself. This airport business is a metaphor for democracy – promises that are used to manipulate the population into servitude, subjugation and conformity without ever delivering the end product.
Democracy = a carrot on a stick approach to leadership where a select few people grow ridiculously rich while the vast majority of the population sees no benefits. Anytime a government feel the populace is getting fed up of the BS – here comes a few token hand outs and the metaphorical Airport.
Be content with the reality you create for yourself.
Irrespective of political party Dominica is not suitable for an international airport. This is like making a camel go through the eye of a needle. Unless we want to show the outside world how dirty and congested The Capital of Dominica (Roseau) really is. Skeritt want something big named after him; even if it’s a decommissioned Airport. Dominicans are hoping in vain. ” Keep vain hope alive.”
Weren’t you one of those clamouring for an International Airport? Now the Airport building has begun and you are backtracking. You are nothing but recycled refuse. Shame on you. Forward Ever, Backward Never.
You must not have known me. Check your crystal ball again because you definitely have mistaken me for your step papa. Never had I ever been in favor of international whatever port. I suspect that your crystal ball is cracked with crack.
well it’s been 52 years since we in dca have been planning surveying and digging up land for an international airport. Pardon me if i don’t hold my breath for this. I ain’t believing anything unless i see it done completed, and i self fly through it. call me doubting Thomas if you may. but that’s of your own doing. everything in dca is talk talk talk. next they might hear is dcans are going to do space exploration

“Cinderella of the Caribbean?” Not with all the government corruption and the Chinese taking over.
News must be really slow in DA this week. Suddenly there is a news flash on DNO that the airport project is ongoing (again!) with no details of the preliminary work in progress.
To think we can build an international airport in five years with taxiways, terminal building, cargo facilities and parking aprons with four jet bridges and automobile parking, all for for $1 billion EC dollars is a pipe dream. Wake me up when the first draft of the airport master plan is approved by the FAA and published by the Dominica Airport Authority.
I know our people are gullible but to commit to such a wild scheme without doing our due diligence is irrational at best and stupid at worst.
Skerrit has lied constantly to the people of Dominica but this is by far the biggest lie he has dished out so far. Nobody can built a proper international airport with 4 air bridges, terminal building, etc. for 1 billion EC$ (approx. 350 US-DOLLAR). A brand new regional airport was recently built in Hungary which cost the EU over a billion Euros!! So this Dominican Scharlatan is proposing a new state of the art international airport for a third. There you can see that it is all pie in the sky. Furthermore, didn’t he tell us some month ago he signed a contract with MMCE to construct the airport. Today he is telling us that 4 companies have been shortlisted for the construction. Dominicans, all you have to do is listen carefully what this shameless liar says today and then listen to him saying something entirely different in 6 month. He is a state of the art liar but unfortunately his has a short memory… and if people only wanted to find him out, it would be all so easy! Get a grip DA!!!
My GOD..Is this DECEPTIVENES For Real?”
Skerrit, you and your Failed Incompetent Irrelevant Visionless, Out-Dated LABOUR GOVERNMENT must Get the Hell Out of our Government, Our People and our Country.
Our overall Infrastructure all over Dominica in particular from Roseau to Marigot & the Melville Hall Airport appears NOT to be a priority to raise technical concepts and Socio-Economic Development Concept towards meaningful Upliftment for the Hard working Committed People of Marigot and Wesley etc.
There is alot of work to be undertaken all over Dominica, due to the hopelessness and lack of Meaningful Leadership concept of this Failed Incompetent LABOUR PARTY PRIME MINISTER and this quiet on-going Immature Labour Party and Failed sitting Government.
Our Nature Island Dominica and structured Government needs VISIONARY LEADERSHIP, Professional Political Party with sound decency and meaningful administration, Eloquent, well Professionally MATURED, Experienced and well Commited…
No news here. Compare to the geothermal energy initiative, how long has progress been going on? Do we have one megawatt of electricity to talk about? Therefore to come and pronounce that work is progressing isn’t news because there hasn’t been enough time elapsed or money collected to make a significant change in the fact that Dominca doesn’t have an international airport. If you spit in the sky it will fall back in your eyes. Liar liar your pants are on 🔥.
I hope to see the completion of the airport in my lifetime, what a day of rejoicing that will be . No more harassment, tiredness, and feelings of being a nobody. Alleluia. I don’t care how it is built just bring it on.
Can someone please correct me here if i am wrong? about this i thought there was a big hoopla ceremony about contract signing with MMC for this airport which Skeritt mentioned here but he says that he thinks about four contractors are in line to sign for this project which seems to need a voodoo man to untie. Please let him know i am available for a reasonable sum from his monthly rent
@MR DOMINICA, somehow I was thinking the same thing about that MMC situation, I also thought they were the chosen contractor.
Now that info coming from PM Skerrit which says: “I believe there are 4 companies that have been shortlisted for this project and we will go through the list of the tender documents and make a determination on the award of a contract,” have me a bit confused. I don’t understand how can the airport construction be in progress when there is not yet, a contractor.
You see that’s how stupid our people are!
Recently we here talk about feasibility study is being conducted; and the person who informed me of that from Wesley reference ” in front of your father’s house, where they drilled a deep hole, apparently looking for water or bedrock!
If anything it is more probable to find water at about sixty feet or a little deeper, but the type of bedrock they might be looking for will not be found in that part of the village.
This corrupted crook said that it will cost a billion dollars to build; that is the claim he made in a town hall meeting in Marigot more than ten years ago: so if the price of material, and labor increases, how can it still cost a billion dollars in 2021/2022?
“Argyle International Airport is the largest capital project in the history of the country, with an estimated cost of construction of XCD $700 million ( USD $259 million).”
That’s more than seven years ago!
Serves: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
I really wonder what “the bulk of the money for this billion-dollar project will come from the Citizenship by Investment Programme (CBI)” does mean.
What will the country offer in exchange for such a huge amount of money ?
Who in the world will be ready to pay millions of dollars just for gaining dominican citizenship ? That is the real question, and it would require a total transparency.
All these years the CBI has been operational in Dominica, and now you are writing such comment, showing your lack of understanding by the questions you are asking regarding The CBI, Wow. If the Sun is shinning, and you choose to stay in the dark and say the Sun is not transparent when all you got to do is come out of the darkness, and you will see the Sun it has always been there. The Government has gone to Parliament and made the CBI an Act of Parliament, so all Dominicans could go and read it, if you willfully decide not to read it and ask for total transparency then be content with what you believe by the choice you made or what you are told.
Keep going, our PM. Dominica is on the move. Next will be the building of a new, modern Deep Water Harbour in Rockaway. Dominica is striving to be the next Cinderella of the Caribbean. Let us all put our feet down and shrug off all negativity.
That would be most excellent and adding to our nation’s economic growth and history.
@ds, male pawpaw tree still waiting to bear fruits. Don’t worry, earthworms will bring you news of the accomplishments you are hyped about. Skerritt told the nation that every month a designated amount of money from passport sales was being put in a fund to build the airport and the first report he gave the country, years after, is that there was only about$1000.00 left in the account. What about the Good Hope to Rosalie road or the Ravin Cork bypass, or the geothermal energy initiative. Let me stop, it’s too much to mention that were promises and comfort to fools.
Jonathan, get a life. You just trying to hoodwink people with your nonsense garbage. You said so much about Handbag and where is Handbag today? In the trash bag.
@ds, the corrupt no electoral reform system which has been in the pipeline for way too long did it’s machinations and got Vince elected without electoral reform, so go ahead and bray like a donkey. How much money did the Labor cabal spend in Grand Bay compared to the other two candidates. You should be ashamed that after twenty years in power and having win the seat for every election since your corrupt cabal had to resort to treating and bribery to beat Handbag. Shame on you with your win at all costs mentally. Do you have a conscience? I doubt it. Fools are still waiting for the airport, the cruise terminal etc for over twenty years. After the big pappy show about airport going to be built the contractors haven’t been selected, the studies haven’t been done on the site, the cost isn’t known and clowns are rejoicing because the double doctorate dude says “work is progressing”. A bunch of fools being comforted by empty words.