PM Skerrit signs agreement with Morocco Government

PM Skerrit signs agreement

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has signed an agreement with another foreign state in a bid to foster relations between the two.

On his visit to Africa, Prime Minister Skerrit and Morocco’s Foreign Minister Taib Fassi Fihri signed documents geared at strengthening political ties, economic, technical, scientific and cultural cooperation, according to the Middle East North Africa Financial Network –

The two leaders are also in strengthening economic partnership through promoting investments  and exploring the business opportunities offered by both countries, a joint statement signed at the end of the agreement last week stated.

They see as important the process of international climate negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Middle East North Africa Financial Network article stated.

See full story here:

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  1. August 4, 2010

    Zero, this is the last time I will post a comment based on this particular article, and it is only to tell you that I appreciate your critics. You were a little bit too hard on me, since you do not know me at all, but I accept you because you showed me what makes you disagree with me. And that is exactly what I am asking our fellow Dominicans to do. To plead their case with a good form of reasoning, just like you did with your case against me. And I compliment you for that. You critics came from your level of wisdom and understanding, which always come from God.

    However, you nature of reasoning, though you did nothing wrong, has a lot to do with the fact that you do not know me at all. I may have gone a little bit overboard, but it is because of the fact that I perceived those who were trying to put me down are much, much lower than me. You would fight for your dignity too, would you not? And you would fight as hard as you possibly can, am I wrong or right.

    Perhaps you have read some of my post where I have referred to God and the Holy Bible, if not you are right to say that I have some scriptural background. Yes, I spend a lot of time with God, and I know that people with human pride do not give Him delight; I would hate to be one of those people. That is one of the first reasons I appreciated your critic. You may have pointed a fault in me that I need to correct, but you did so with great respect. I thank you again!

    I will learn to be more humble in presenting myself; keeping in mind that some people are very quick to jump to the wrong conclusions. Not because I want people (other human beings) to be pleased with me, I could never succeed in accomplishing that; but I know that God can be satisfied with me, and that is my only goal.

    I also know that when some people notice that others are stronger than they are, it provokes them rise in defense. So I need to present myself, but to be prepared for the defense against me. Remember that I was the one who spoke first. People rose against me in defense because they did not like what I said, not because they thought that I was wrong.

    As you mentioned, some people will disagree with the greatest person in the world, that is why so many of us do not agree with our ruling government and our Prime Minister in Dominica; it is not because they know better than them and him; otherwise they could have been in his place and their men in the place of his men.

    I have no intentions of placing myself on top of the world. I am aware that there are lots of people in Dominica who have a much greater level of intelligence than myself.

    But the person from Antigua who criticised our attitude and conducts so badly, he/she claiming that we demonstrate those same attitude and conducts in his/her country; and also, the person from Anguilla who so badly hit on the (maybe) Dominican journalist who reported about Marcia Baptiste and her outcome in (Nevis?); those two comments, along with we, ourselves, calling each other all sorts of ugly names, provoked me to shake up our Dominicans who responds to the blogs, base on their competency or incompetency of expressing their thoughts and their ideas.

    I love Dominica too much, I cannot allow our own people to break her down, if there is the smallest thing I can do to help prevent that.

  2. Democratic lover
    August 3, 2010

    I am glad the PM is making diplomatic ties but he must ensure that those ties are to our benifit. Our people will be better off in the long term. he must not sign with his eyes close. he must read the small print also.

  3. ZERO
    August 3, 2010

    @ elizabeth xavier My lady,honestly you make me laugh..You sound like someone who knows a little scripture,but you are spinning whatever bibical knowledge that you have acquired on its head,since you are pompously pretending to be a person replete with wisdom,knowledge and understanding, way and above that of the other bloggers.You want wisdom? Well go to God,and please don’t boast yourself to that extent. It makes you stupid,and you will qickly lose the respect of others.With reference to your writing skills,and whether people should or should not criticize it..Well my lady you live in a democracy,and people will talk.The thing is, if they are positive comments, you should gladly accept them,if they are not,you reject them..You don’t behave like a little girl who has gotten into a tantrum simply because others do not share your point of view…Let us agree to disagree.Do you know that people find fault with newspaper editorials written by well renowned journalist?People find problems with speeches written by professional speech writers etc etc…These people have surpassed you in this field of writing,and they are criticized from time to time..Give me a break!..
    DNO is not the place to come and cry for recognition of what you have written..I can tell you some of the bloggers are rough, tough and merciless,so if you know that you are doing a good job just continue, because i doubt that you will be pampered by many.Personally leaving aside all you self glorification you are ok..But too much self aggrandizement make you look bad and your message disapperas among the self praises….

    August 3, 2010


  5. August 2, 2010

    I meant to say: based on your level of wisdom; and, by proving your ignorance and your lack of intelligence.

    Also, it seem as if as Dominican Love could not find any other sensibles than the two lost individuals–Ryon and Elizabeth– whom he complemented, as he noticed that they spoke on behalf of their country and the people who truly love her.

    Once again another Dominican with a senseless identity passes insulting judgment on his fellow Dominicans, as he/she continue to use spoken words like SACKWAY SOT against another one of his people, just because he does not agree with what that person said. But that is true stupidity.

    Yes, I will continue to emphasize on the attitude and conducts of those such persons, to protect the reputation of my Dominica, and her God fearing people. As the saying goes, whoever the cap fits, wear it.

  6. August 2, 2010

    For those of you who have negatively judged my comments, may I inform you that your judgment was based on you level of wisdom and understanding, which is way, way below my own. Some of you appear to have no wisdom and understanding at all. You also refuse to justify what I have said because you know that I spoke the truth, which is against you.

    It is not I who do not stick to the point, it is you who do not understand writing skills, so you cannot keep up with those skills. It is not that I care about what you have to say. But you people must know that you are further embarrassing yourself, by proving your ignorance and your intelligence to those who know better.

    You fail to realize that people with intelligence are shaking their heads in awe, against your attitude. As I said before, I do not want outsiders to think that we, Dominicans, are a bunch of people with the same empty heads, because we are not, you are just a few creating, this bad impression. And of course, the bad news always spread as wide around as possible.

    Cut off the foolish pride, and humble yourselves that you might learn from those who are stronger than you. Yes, there will always be those who are stronger than others.

    You want a whole set of comments with one, two, or three sentences that do not project any constructive idea, but you expect that the government and authority will respect your comments. How can they? Dominica needs a few people who have something to say, and it does not matter if the foolish and ignorants do not take heed of what is positively said.

    Most of you may place a comment, but you have no writing experience. That is the reason you disagree with people who knows how to write and to express their opinion. You do not have the wisdom that will cause you to understand and to discern the points they are projecting.

    Some of you cluster a million words, with poor punctuation, poor grammar, poor spelling, and not one paragraph on a page. If you were to write with my skill, many of you would have comments just as long as mine, except perhaps definitely empty. Go back through the comments of this same article and you will see the people that I am talking about.

    To the person who decided to evaluate people’s expressions. Let it be known that you have no idea of discernment, otherwise you would find nothing in my comments that was empty. You do not qualify to do that job.

    To the one who said that I have nothing else to do with my time. Notice that I write my comments late at night or in the early mornings because I choose to do so. Also, I do not comment on more than two articles. It takes me no time at all, since I am a skilled writer.

    To the person who suggested that a teacher would fail me, you are nothing but an idiot, you not know who you are talking about. I challenge you to go back and rephrase or simplify my comment in your own words. But just be honest in pointing out my stupidity and my wisdom. I know that every intelligent person can do that. Then you can decide if you, yourself, have the ability to decide who would fail whom.

  7. August 2, 2010

    GRADING TIME, I like you, you seem easy to get along and certainly structured.Keep your good nature up but you have to keep educating these half baked cookies, like croyon etc.Another up start one is Manchat : Conceptually confused and disoriented in time and space, These guys should not be permitted to own P.Cs they should just pack them up and return their P.Cs to Dell ,Apple etc or what ever company they purchaed it from.Anyway Grader be good be well

    August 2, 2010

    Sorry for referring to you as a male……Well at least i got it right: Maths and Physics lecturer..Thought you were a little harsh on Ryon in you contribution.

  9. Stupid UWP IDIOTS!!!!!
    August 2, 2010


  10. Grading grading time
    August 2, 2010

    GRADING TIME,I found you to be most spontaneous, original and intersting and creative. You classified me as having a mathamatical mind ,so true I am a math & Physics lecturer. You went on to state that am rude that too I can accept .I am of the inference that there are too many clowns who could use the time they spend here learning some logic.
    I gave you a C- because you jump to the conclusion that am I male.There was a 50:50 chance initially. Re-read your post .You stated with absolute certainity I am male by the use of the pronoun he.

  11. RYON
    August 1, 2010

    Lets us just be glad that we are forming new treaties making friends, bridging gaps all of this will pay in the long run, no nation can stand on its own. We just have to think positive about it.

    I we really want to see Dominica prosper, we have to work along with our leaders and pray for them so that GOD in his infinite power will guide them.

    Ryon is going to be positive in all his comments from now on, we need some mature thinking people on this site, not just people who thinks negatively all the time, my aim is to change hearts of stone in to hearts of clay, Dominicans need to think positively and take evrything to god in prayer because it works.

    I believe that the Prime Minister reads these blogs and if we are not positive then he will not adhere to our words, let us change our mindsets and speak as well educated people.

  12. RYON
    August 1, 2010

    @GRADING TIME:Stick to the point here…… DNO grading is just fine , we may tear down each other but we are still one nation.

  13. chiensal
    August 1, 2010

    But I really don’ t understand some people. Why are you embarrassing people when they make English mistakes? If you are concerned as a fellow Dominican correct them! This forum is open to people with primary school education all the way to Post graduate. Even people with no education. Don’t look down on your fellow brothers and sisters. Now I agree some people really over do it, I have to read their comments ten times and still don’t fully understand. But a little dialect and creole is good man, it adds humor and expression. Lets all get along!!!

  14. chiensal
    August 1, 2010

    @GRADING TIME: agreed. lol

  15. August 1, 2010
  16. Wait a minute's Idiot
    August 1, 2010

    Qui calite’ sort ou’ yeh wait a minute?The Pot tells the kettle its Butt is black? Aren’t you alias wait a minute ?There in lies the premise of your absurdity.Now may I ask who ‘s the IDIOT? It takes one to know one right? Now we have that behind us, let’s discuss from a non idiotic point of view. You jumped to the inference that observing belongs to the UWP, maybe not . I’ll say it again and repeat after me: Maybe not ,Wait a minute’s idiot(alledged) maybe more clever than wait a minute is able to deduce. Wait a minute aren’t you a coward also ,writing under a pen name too??? tickle me wait a minute.
    You are acusing Observing with treason lol! You have ball/testicular fortitude , gwen, cojones( not C.O Jones) like somone called yesterday on between me ) was that you by chance wait a minute? So how are you going to locate and try Observing with treason when you are such a coward hiding behind a pen name too? Any ideas? Maybe i can learn from you ,am open. So you going to arrest Observing based on your concept of treason? gGad for you Bozo. If an uprising were to occur guys like you would be found under your bed. Coward ,just mouth you got. I am certain you cannot fire a catapaul.

    August 1, 2010

    I am now going to assign grades to these blogs…Ryon 25%, Zero 80%(seem to have a firm grip of the english language,not just in this particular blog,but on others and he makes sense) elizabeth 51%, (does not stick to the topic,long and empty),W and STAFFE and Lcm 75%.Yes and 4ALL U 2C 10% (expand on the topic),Silkcotton has a good mathematical mind and an analytical mind,but he is a little rude(70%),Can’t Believe,for your research work and terse respnse75%…

  18. barbsal
    August 1, 2010

    @Democratic lover:

    You know what!!!! This is getting out of hand now.. When Dominica was BLACK LISTED FOR OVER 5 YEARS Which Government was in power? What major development was taken place during U.W.P? aprt form that big ugly billboard up in marigot.

    P.J made a deal with a Klu Klux Klan grand master and they were planing of taking over DOMINICA to make it a casino sinners paradise. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! You actually think we going to stand here and watch our island get run over by KKK? You wanna praise a traitor to the soil go head. You maybe his relative or something. Dominica is in a much better state it was THAN when Blue Backwash was in POWA..Good to fro keep them out of business. People like you was bashing the stadium and ppl like you were the 1st in line to V.I.P. Why don’t you form a comity a private comity and make a change on your own. Raise funds and do some development. You don’t need to wait for it since you think it’s not in existence. you claim no one is doing anything so why don’t you go ahead and do something. In the mean time let the people who are qualified and educated for the job go ahead and do their work. They are doing what they can.. I don’t expect how any of you in here bashing the government expect major development on an island which more than 90% of it’s terrain is protected as a rain forest. What you want? you want them to demolish the land and build hotels malls and fast food chains? then what? what would we have to attract visitors??? we don’t have golden sand beaches we got natural beauty and if you take away the natural beauty what would we have to attract people????? So many investors fly over Dominica love it but when they land they change their minds cause of the winding roads and long drive to the capitol..That is why this new high way wold make a difference. I am quite sure it would keep their minds intact about doing business on the island it is worth it for their part. This is not going to be easy. but with a steady path we could get to a position where we can rest comfortably. That day is coming and when it arrives the other 5% of people in Dominica still would not be satisfied. So my friend do something about it.. I’m gearing up to return home and donate my skills. I will not be apart of the Brain drain. I will actually step up as a Dominican and help do something and not flap my damn gums on the internet about the gov this n that. DO SOMETHING!!!! AND LESS PALE!!!!

  19. barbsal
    August 1, 2010

    @Democratic lover:

    You know what!!!! This is getting out of hand now.. When Dominica was BLACK LISTED FOR OVER 5 YEARS Which Government was in power? What major development was taken place during U.W.P? aprt form that big ugly billboard up in marigot.

    P.J made a deal with a Klu Klux Klan grand master and they were planing of taking over DOMINICA to make it a casino sinners paradise. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! You actually think we going to stand here and watch our island get run over by KKK? You wanna praise a traitor to the soil go head. You maybe his relative or something. Dominica is in a much better state it was when Blue Backwash was in POWA..Good to fro keep them out of business. People like you was bashing the stadium and ppl like you were the 1st in line to V.I.P. Why don’t you form a comity a private comity and make a change on your own. Raise funds and do some development. You don’t need to wait for it since you think it’s not in existence. you claim no one is doing anything so why don’t you go ahead and do something. In the mean time let the people who are qualified and educated for the job go ahead and do their work. They are doing what they can.. I don’t expect how any of you in here bashing the government expect major development on an island which more than 90% of it’s terrain is protected as a rain forest. What you want? you want them to demolish the land and build hotels malls and fast food chains? then what? what would we have to attract visitors??? we don’t have golden sand beaches we got natural beauty and if you take away the natural beauty what would we have to attract people????? So many investors fly over Dominica love it but when they land they change their minds cause of the winding roads and long drive to the capitol..That is why this new high way wold make a difference. I am quite sure it would keep their minds intact about doing business on the island it is worth it for their part. This is not going to be easy. but with a steady path we could get to a position where we can rest comfortably. That day is coming and when it arrives the other 5% of people in Dominica still would not be satisfied. So my friend do something about it.. I’m gearing up to return home and donate my skills. I will not be apart of the Brain drain. I will actually step up as a Dominican and help do something and not flap my damn gums on the internet about the gov this n that. DO SOMETHING!!!! AND LESS PALE!!!!

  20. Gary
    August 1, 2010

    @Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque:

    Why do you think that you are Mr “intelligence” and everyone else is stupid and ignorant, What makes you think that way. Why you’re so rude and insulting to your other fellow Dominicans, trying to show some kind of superiority putting them down and belittling them, Why? That does not show intelligence as you would like to think. You must stop attacking people personally, comment on what is written, and stick to the subject matter. You have aright to your opinion just like everyone else, reading your comments you’re a very opinionated person, that’s fine, but you must have regards for others and their opinion.

    In regards to your comments about Grammar, do not be so quick to judge and condemn, insulting peoples education level. That is not what this forum is about, it is the differences of options and the different ways people use to express themselves that is what makes it so interesting.Let us remember half of being smart is knowing what you’re dumb at.

  21. Can't nbelieve
    August 1, 2010

    Democratic Lover??? Did I read you clearly? PJ didn’t try to sell part of Dominica? Are you kidding me,are you high or what? Supporting these two lost inividuals you mentioned in your post is the craziest statement ever. Then you have the gull and nerve to use P.M New-Jean-Claude Duvalier’s phrase you have the intestinal fortitude to talk about uneducated etc you need some education as well as your two poor choices.
    Ryon is 26 years young, what does he know?Ryon just got potty trained give me a break Democratic lover! Go find two other sensible people to mention. As for you, you better give up that crack pipe, it has totally damaged your brain leaving unable to judge and work your way out of this political maze of stupidity Da is in currently.You cannot be serious. And whilst you’ve working on giving up that pipe change your name too. Sacaway sort! It’s people like you who need re-education as well as your P.M.His dad must be turning in his grave. Morroco is one of the country’s in Africa which is not part of the union. What does that say about Marroco? see a fundamental reason you need re-education? Sleep on it.

  22. JIM
    August 1, 2010

    @elizabeth..You are confirming what most people think of you..This was a long piece of nonsense,for which a teacher would give you a failing grade..Thing is facts will remain facts,and it can’t be denied.Hence your total and shameful failure to defend it.

  23. fela
    August 1, 2010

    I applaud you sir for this making this diplomatic links with this very important counntry on the african continent.The only country in Africa who still maintian there king and goverment for 865 years un iterrupted. Who can say this save this Long live the king of maroc..
    You people need to wake from your ignorance it is not workin any more..

  24. fela
    August 1, 2010

    I love the trip Mr Prime minster t this is the best thing to happen to dominica since Columbus,christianity and there band of murderers ,robbers ,rapist stole us from mama africa and brought us here 5oo years ago to work for them..The brainwashed uncle toms will never understand this situation unti they dead and gone..
    I applaud you sir for this making this diplomatic links with this very important counntry on the african continent.The only country in Africa who still maintian there king and goverment for 865 years un iterrupted. Who can say this save this Long live the king of maroc..
    You people need to wake from your ignorance it is not workin any more..

  25. SMDH
    August 1, 2010

    @elizabeth xavier:

    You ever heard of public opinion. I will say this again all of them secret deals the will be Dominica well be equivalent to Haiti and Jamaica.

  26. Democratic lover
    August 1, 2010

    Elizabeth, and Ryon thak god for a ray of intelligence on here. These people supporter of the UWP do not like Dominica. They are the desperate, and desperate men take desperate measures. Just keep writing the intelligence stuff, show the world that not all Dominicans are of that low level of intelligence.
    These people dont know or dont understand, and they are fooled by their leaders.
    P.S Patrick John did not try to sell a piece of Dominica, again misinformation to arouse the uninformed to riot.
    P.J tried to develope Dominica and bring jobs, the same programme is now making money in Negril for Jamaica Dominica lost, Jamaica gain, everytime a Labour government try to build Dominica it have a sector of people who have one aim in mind keep Dominica underdevelope, and they used the lack of education of the people to incite. That is so sad.
    Yes by all means question, that is why we have question time in parliament. But you will have to attend parliament to do that.

  27. Black Nobility
    August 1, 2010

    @elizabeth xavier: For you to take the time to compose such an enigmatic response, clearly shows that you have nothing else to do with your time. KEEP IT SHORT NEXT TIME.

    August 1, 2010

    @STUUPES: I guess you are the PM press secretary now, so you get all his secrets before he gives us a 6 for a 9!

  29. Ryon
    July 31, 2010

    @elizabeth xavier: well said, thanks for the putting sense into our heads.

  30. July 31, 2010

    Thank you Francisco Etienne, that you are a person of intelligence and you clearly understood what I am talking about. I understand that the more ignorant people are the more stupid their reaction. And for that reason I am confidence that their stupidity cannot discredit my wisdom and understanding. I also know that if those in authority at DNO do not accept my comments they will not allow it to be displayed. So I do not care one thing about ignorant reproach.

    I have read a lot of your comments and you make a lot of sense, so do not think that foolishness will ascend above your wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. Of course, fear of your intelligence will cause those who feel weaker than you to rise up in defense against you, but just keep in mind that wisdom, understanding, and knowledge will stand high up. Continue to build those statures for yourself. The important thing to remember is that there are much more of the intelligent than the UN-intelligent, otherwise Dominica could not stand as a civilized country.

    And now, to those of you who attacked my comments, I am sure you know that I am right; but then that is the problem–people who know they are wrong always refuse to acknowledge their guilt.

    I have read quite a few comments where you, yourselves are calling each other all sorts of names like, SACKWAY SOT! That name was stated from one Dominican to another Dominica just yesterday. Now do you know what that word mean in English? DAMN FOOL! What is more rude and insulting than that? My place and my comments is to let the world know that the people of Dominica are not all idiots, that it is just a few on DNO who are creating this sorry impression about us.

    Someone said that the Prime Minister does read those comments. Well that is what I am saying. After he reads those poorly composed comments, he decides that you guys are too incompetent to consent with. But I am just saying that because you are asking for him to consent with you all, that too is foolishness.

    The governments are elected men, appointed to rule the country for whatever period of time. It is foolish to think that they must be asking the people “what should we do” about every idea they come up with, for the development of the country. They are to inform us about what they plan to do, even if the information comes out at the last minute. There could be all sorts of reasons for that. Also members of the opposition sit at parliament, they know about the ideas that the ruling government comes up with.

    Some people are for what they decide, other people are against their decision. You people would have to be going to the election poles every time the government come up with a new idea, to decide the opinion of the majority of Dominicans. Does that make any sense to you all?

    However it is not that I am explaining myself. I noticed a serious problem among those who express their opinion to the world, on behalf of our Dominica. The world is used to that kind of habit. But those expressions are full of error and stupidity. And so, I spoke my mind, for the sake of my Dominica. And those of you who object, you know that I am right. Furthermore, your objections made no sense at all; they just further confirmed your lack of intelligence.

    But I would advise you all to take note of the amount of times you call each foolish, stupid, and what other insulting names that you use in patois, just because you do not agree with each other, and then you can decide if I am wrong.

    Here is one that I noted just today, for example, from one of us to another: “You comments proves my point to the lack of intellectual maturity that exist among us”. “It continued by saying: elevate yourself…..step up to the plate with something constructive to say.” Yes, I fully agree with that comment.

    That is what I am saying, the majority of those comments on DNO lack the constructive feature that would influence authority or the ruling government to show them any kind of respect. Again, I am saying, take it or leave, but my observation is factual.

    And by the way, those of you who doubt that my identity is correct check with my family in Giraudel. I have nothing to hide. DNO might just a web page that Dominicans respond to. I respond to blogs where people from all over the world make comments and I use my full name just the same way. In so doing I have responded to people and they respond to just as if we were good friends who know each other.

  31. W
    July 31, 2010

    @winston warringotn: Why did you take this part literally?

    As yourself this for me, What will be Morocco’s advantage/benefit from signing such an agreement with Dominica? Morocco has a population of 31, 627,428, a GDP of about 146.7 Billion, revenues about $23.65 B and expenditures $25.59 B, Median age about 26 years, go look up some info on Morocco. Man nothing is given for free in this world, you got to bring something to the table, so what will Dominica put up or have agreed to that you or me and countless of Dominicans know nothing about.

    I will ask you as I did in one of my previously post, Explain to me how is this a good move! What information did the PM give to you or the people he represent about his intentions about establishing strengthening relations with Morocco?. You simply assume that the more he goes out there and sign these documents of agreement that we as a whole benefits from it. How many Dominicans are currently working on the road project? Man, all this has to do with Morocco’s bid for a non-permanent sit on the united nation’s security council and they are doing what all other nations do buy the votes of economically challenge nations like ours.

  32. honest
    July 31, 2010

    @Ryon: Ryon says ‘he maybe whatever he is, but we love him.’ So many loved Papa and Baby Doc of Haiti? Many loved Idi Amin. Hitler had many admires. Botha, Ian Smith were all loved even by blacks of South Africa. Dictators of Latin America had many supporters. The people who loved those leaders came from all walks of life. Lawyers, Doctors, teachers, farmers, engineers, businessmen and women, poor people, church and civil society leaders supported many corrupt leaders. You are not even ashamed to admit that you love leaders who use public office to gain massive wealth quickly? At least you are being frank in that instance

  33. @Less We Forget!:

    Elizabeth, you see what I am talking about. Because it is a blog, they believe that they are entitled to conduct themselves in any ridiculous way, and that’s perfectly okay!

    Only in Dominica!

    Some of these people are actually walking on the little commence they have, they spend their last dime in an Internet cafe writing all kind of nonsense that serves no useful purpose; there is nothing to benefit from what they are saying, yet they will critique people like you, as I state previously, they will elevate their crap over any constructive argument others make.

    There are two fools from Wesley, like a phantom in the night, they come and go using all sorts of fictitious names. About a week or so ago, one calling himself/herself:

    Prevailing Wind, launched an attacked on me claiming that I said something about Spags. Everything he/she commented on was a lie.
    The trouble is I am certain that Hector John (Spags) does not know this creep, but certainly I am acquainted with Mr. John.

    They claim to belong to a place in Wesley called ” Bottom Wesley” I suppose they sat so long at the bottom, they became prone to the carbon dioxide 2Mg(s) + C02(g) -> 2MgO(s) + C(s) eliminated by the rectum of Wesley.

    While at the same time perhaps bathing too much in poopulterrow oil!


    You know what that is?

    It is something we call Co-waine, it is a very fresh nasty smelling animal from the sea, I believe it to be a Seal, or an animal similar to the Seal species.

    Anyway, whenever one touches the fat (lipids) and oil from that mammal, it does not matter what type of soap, or cleaning agents one uses, the smell never leaves your body, until the smell fades away by it self.

    Perhaps those two uneducated clowns from the Bottom, has eaten too much, and drank too much Co-waine meat, and oil, that it has confounded their mind.

    So, that’s the sort of people we are dealing with.

    It’s not funny when a person name themselves ” Stupes.” I searched different versions of dictionary’s only to find there is no such word in the English language, the only word closest I came to stupes; is stupid!

    Yet, some in Dominica has argued with me that it is a word, soon to appear in the Guinness Book of World Records, and also in dictionaries.

    When we suck our tooth in frustration, the sound we here, they say that is “stupes,” nonetheless, there is a place in Africa, where people speak with sounds know as clicks, and so on, however, stupes is not one of the clicks, or sound they use.

    So, again; only in Dominica, perhaps we are all to smart, or perhaps we are all just too dumb, or perhaps we simply like to ware our ignorance on our forehead as a badge of honor, according to the late prime minister out from Grand Bay.

    I am surprise that there are so many unintelligent people still existing in our society.

    I don’t know what to make of that!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  34. Wait A Minute
    July 31, 2010

    @ZERO: SHAME ON YOU ZERO!! for your idiotic, hateful rants agaianst the PM. You certainly are ZERO for true (in BRAINS)!!!!!!

  35. Wait A Minute
    July 31, 2010

    @Observing: Hey why you idiots who are calling for coups and May 1979s in Dominica don’t put your REAL NAMES so you could be tried for treason, YOU COWARDS! Come out in the open. Don’t hide behind a computer screen. If you are a man or woman put your names to the crap and hate-filled, terroristic rants that some of you unpatriotic idiots are posting here. I mean, even if you do not like the PM or his party, preaching violence and absurdities ISN’T THE WAY TO GO! We need to get more mature here!. It would seems that these fools realizing that their political party will never get in through the ballot are now threatening with using the bullet, BUT, YOU GUYS BETTER BE CAREFUL!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. texas
    July 31, 2010

    suppose we sign an agreement with moroco and that agreement was the bridge to us getting an it airport evebody would be singing sank. They would then say we were blind sided

  37. July 31, 2010

    @W: Why do you use words that are meaningless like “putting us up for sale” and “selling Dominica”. The last attempt to sell a portion of Dominica was attempted by Patrick Roland John. I am not forgiving of any government that is unable to provide for its people, and in this instance, Skerrit has been unable to stanch the exodus of Dominicans who lacked economic opportinities at home.

    Meantime, every attempt at cultivating relations for potential economic partnerships has been criticised by those living overseas for the most part, and those living at home who are the world’s professional political critics. Dominica can’t be sold. It is a Nation – not a piece of real estate.

  38. July 31, 2010
  39. @elizabeth xavier:

    Elizabeth, be careful, that some fool does not call you to the canvas on your sentiments.

    Though your thoughts seem to flow from an intellectual mind, some of the offenders will seek to belittle your thoughts, and elevate their rubbish above anything you write.

    In Dominica trash seems to take precedence over educational, and intellectual logic!

    It appears that some of the trash writers have never attended School, on the other hand perhaps the patios influence has compromised their diction; pertaining to speaking, and writing in the English language.

    One idiot who seems to specialize in single letters such such as ” U ” and wz, with the hope that everyone is down to his or her foolish level understands that in our world the letter ” u” actually means: you, and wz means was!

    How stupid can people be?

    Another common nonsense we encounter is ” PPl ” what is that; what does that mean?

    If it is an abbreviation of something, I suspect the full word that it is abbreviating should be included somewhere in the sentence. Not everyone understands the crap they write, if they believe that they are impressive, and are impressing people internationally who reads this; they had better understand all they are doing is simply giving outsiders an opportunity to look down on our people and country.

    I wrote a few intellectual pieces here some time ago, and one idiot responded and told me that this is not the forum for me to write the things that I write about; I suppose he is unable to understand anything intelligent, and so he prefers to condemn me, rather than read listen, and learn.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  40. XAVIER
    July 31, 2010

    @ Elizabeth you are no better off academically than anyone who writes on this blog…You are extremely rude,disrespectful,and insultive to my countrymen.Find your place.You sound like a shrewish lady and a semi illiterate..Behave yourself lady..

  41. Less We Forget!
    July 31, 2010

    Bondieu hoye @ elizabeth xavier so because you put your name up, who is to say this is your real name, nobody cares, this is a blog. People must put their real names, and not write in a certain manner because miss prim and proper say so. Woman fall back.

    If you want recognition find marpin or the sun newspaper. Why can’t people demand more of their leaders because they write in abbreviated format on a BLOG? sometimes all you too smart and proper for all you own good. Take a chill pill lady, every thing is a long letany with you, dapres you stay so still.

    you ever get a text from the PM or see some of his postings on a blog? lady please he can understand and doh need you and your uppity forwardness to clear anything up for him. GSYAD

  42. Edwin Paul
    July 31, 2010

    Madam, you just confirmed it in essence .You took notice so will he.Don’t you think he reads DNO just and more than you? Or have people read for him ,tell him and he then do it himself? lol!.
    You spoke of lack of proofreading you better begin to ideaproof yourself ,cause your logic seems skewed.

  43. Silk Cotton
    July 31, 2010

    Ryon is this name a synthetic cloth or something? Ryon this seems a late 20th century invention. It is in line with shaqira, Shaquana,etc and all these dumbas names for starts. Now you stated:” Our P.M maybewhat he is” Hello red flag!So obviously he is something with negatives. Good let’s take it to the next level as you guys love to say.”He is what he is.” let’s just say what he is list them………………………………….. Now what will have? See why he is unfit and all the comess he has put DA in? Now another thing you said you are 26 yrs old I hope and pray other 26 yr olds posses at least not 1/8,1/16,1/32,1/64, 1/128,1/256, nor 1/512’s but say 1/2048 of your smarts they would be fine in selecting who should represent them. What you have posted maybe one of the fundamental issues facing the Commonwealth of Dominica in the 10th yr of the 21st century. A young genration who greatly affect the votes.(” All sexy ladies supporting DLP.”)whose words ?This is a plus but also a negative in our case. My suggestion to you Ryon ( sounds like crayon to me) go get yourself educated if you can’t get studiated, it will do you a lot of good.At least it will help you sort the sheep fromm the wolves, the grapes from the cherries.The material I suggest are as follows: European & west Indian history ,the complete works of Shakespere .More individualized the world according to Gap, Dr.Walter Rodney’s How Europe underdevelop Africa. Future shock, from Columbus to Castor.Maybe it has been upgraded to From Columbus to Skerrit lol! don’t forget your Bible.I am nowhere near being religious but it certainly makes good reference. When you have done that you can come back here and tell us of your conversion.
    So Nylon go send your time reading less video games , blockoramas etc then you’ll find yourself in a new world. Ask DSC president, the Dr.Honeychurches, the Wiltshire Dr.Parra even the newDrs of running a run even if they can’t take time to teach you they can suppliment the aforementioned list.Even the Dr.ALBA ambassador to Caracas and Brazil maybe he will suggest his book !(smiles)
    Another source old historian lawyer, former cabinet secretary now ambassador to Finland almost forgot the President, Ron Green ,Edison James former D/ca’s Larry King and John Mccain in laplaine with lazer beam scrutiny.All these people can give you a different take even in how to survive in the maze of D/can politics how to be opportunistic and jump party.Almost forgot! Blackmore & ignoramus (acting P.M )can teach you Jumping the gun 101.Last but not least Ambrose George.he has a wealth of knowledge from agriculture ( he can even teac you how to plant macaroni)to offshore banking and constituency organizing.Nylon if you give up partying and video games you can become very educated,even become one of the brightest young men in DA as per Ians mom..
    Good luck Nylon Ryon.

  44. Faruk
    July 31, 2010

    Stuups or stupid? this explains it all. if you were in America I would think you are Sarah Palin Like we say force stuip you stupid U sort.Is Palins like U who have Skerrit continue to make a fool of himself and Us.Sarah you like a donkey in a horse race you do not even understand what’s going on in DA let alone the world.You must be from Pluto because it’s no longer a planet.It has been down graded. You! can we grade your stupidity? No being Stupid needsnot to be graded.

  45. Observing
    July 31, 2010

    Let’s await him at the airport and take him directly to Stockfarm in time for lunch.He can have a game of monoploy post lunch.

  46. Observing
    July 31, 2010

    Even Idi Amin had the sense to know the Asians were in his country to exploit hence ordered them out.They left all their earthly belongings behind.All the postings above ,I am in accord with.We now need to take it to the next level to use this Jokers phrase.WE need to kick that shit head to the curb with a May 29th1979 x 1000 greater to free DA of this VC fool and his cabinet .

    July 31, 2010
  48. W
    July 31, 2010

    @RICK ROSS: I’m sorry but I could not allow you to get away with this, your comments proves my point about the lack of intellectual maturity that exist amongst us. However I’m a bit curious to find out what part of this article and the comments that I posted on this forum, stimulated your mind to have you think of Mr. Bush.

    And if it was just a case of trying to be funny through sarcasm I truly have sympathy for you, because this is not an issue for jokes, or for ridicule, this is an extremely serious situation and calls for serious thinking.

    Elevate yourself my friend and step up to the plate with something constructive to say, see the big picture, this is our future these politicians are playing with.

  49. Ryon
    July 31, 2010

    I see that UWP ministers and supporters are all over this site using it as some startegy to lure people away from supporting Development in Dominica but, if any of you can remember that ALL TALK AND NO ACTION IN DOMINICA SINCE FREEDOM AND WORKERS LED TO NOTHING.




  50. Ryon
    July 31, 2010

    @yes iiiiiiii: I support you 100 Percent, The Right Honourable Skerritt has a heart for Dominica and as a young person I can see the development all around, i’m nçot going to stay quiet and sit back to watch UWP destroy Dominica.

  51. Ryon
    July 31, 2010

    @STAFFEE: This is what keeps Dominica backward, if the PM told you all his plans to strenghen ties between Dominica and Morrocco then it will still be in talking and no plans to move forward. I am proud of his achievements soo far.

  52. July 31, 2010

    It is so difficult for me understand why we demand that the leaders of government ask for our consent to make decision for the country when the majority of those who make that demands cannot write a two or three line paragraph without using strange symbols and half-spelt words to express their concern. Also we continue to mix proper English with our broken dialect of both french and English. The worse part is that we do not openly identify ourselves, provoking others to make fun of our fake identity. I can understand a typing error because of lack of proper proofreading, I make those mistakes all the time.

    Do you people really believe that the Prime Minister would regard whatever you have to say, if he should be taking notes of the incompetent way you express yourself against his decisions? If not, what is your point of writing those comments? Whom do you expect to pay any attention to you?

    The Unfortunate thing about all of this is that people from other parts of the world are reading all of these badly written comments, most of which lack understanding of the subject that the complaint is against.

    If you think that you all are not getting any respect from outsiders, just imagine their perception about your nature of intelligence and you will understand why. Take it or leave it, but I say that we are demonstrating ourselves as a sorry people, as far as intelligence is concerned.

    July 30, 2010

    my spelling, courtesy

    July 30, 2010

    The problem we have with this Prime Minister is, he does not inform the people of Dominica of what he is doing.
    He is just signing papers black is white on behalf of Dominicans Head.
    I think he should have a little more curtessie by informing the people of his plans because when his Govt will be no more in power, we are the ones that will be kicking dust.

  55. July 30, 2010

    Skerrit stop using ur simpleton Labarite impressionable underlings to hold the real dominicans hostage! Please

  56. LCM
    July 30, 2010

    somebody correct me if am wrong. Would not a deal with a foriegn country be signed only if cabinet who represent the people know about it and the details and information would be out for everyone to know. I guess we will find out when the PM gets back what the deal was all about.

    Then again majority counts.

  57. watermelon
    July 30, 2010

    well i looking waching listening and wondering what next.

  58. trouble
    July 30, 2010

    boy,boy,boy yes lord whats next,well i belive you this is the next level…

  59. ZERO
    July 30, 2010

    @YES Whoever you are sir/madam,you are a culpable fool,and a doormat of the ruling party,maybe one of the cronies,(but i still doubt you are one of the cronies) because of your level of ignorance and stupidity..Typical of the labour fanatics..I wonder if you can sustain a meaningful conversation.I doubt it. But brainwashed idiots like you with a totally vacuous mind who seeks favour and attention by flattery and obsequious behaviour, will answer to Skerrit YES SIR if he tells you in HELL you’ll find only ‘grapes’ or ‘ice cream’.You need to listen to learn,but then i doubt it that a servile clown as you are can accumulate any thing sensible in you brainwashed mind…SACKWAY SOT!!!

    July 30, 2010

    @W: Is that a W like in George W Bush…man go back into your retirement

    July 30, 2010

    @4ALL2C: you are definetly a disgruntled uwp(3) supporters

  62. yes iiiiiiii
    July 30, 2010

    @ZERO: you is just a damn@#%…..way to go mr pm!!

  63. W
    July 30, 2010

    @moral discipline: Explain to me how is this a good move!

    Did you or anyone in the public arena had prior knowledge of this trip? And I don’t mean being advised by the acting PM after Mr.Skerrit was on route to his destination.

    Have you any knowledge of the potential benefits or disadvantages to be had from this agreement? was it discussed in public, or in parliament? maybe I missed it, have you ever heard the PM mention Morocco in any of his public statements?

    Man, I am sick and feed up with the lazy, lack of analysis, the uncle tom mentality and an absolute deficit of intellectual maturity from our people. This is not the 80’s when we were isolated from the world, we have the internet, the world has never been more interconnected, read, do some research, and [please try to understand that this behavior by this administration would never be allowed to be tolerated in any other society with an independent, engaged, intellectually Matured citizenry.

    Where’s the National Pride and Self Determination Gone too!
    The article said between Dominica, it did not say between Mr.Skerrit and Morocco, get it; people understand that we have been put up for sale by this man and not even to the highest bidders, read the article, this is all about a vote in the United Nations and Dominica’s support to Morocco and in return the pretense of something great for Dominica

  64. self
    July 30, 2010

    Zero, i am in total aggrement, with you. Very well said, the matter at the court, needs to be expidited, so , this french man can go back to Guadelope.

  65. 4ALL2C
    July 30, 2010

    Off to another dictatorial territory for further advise. What are we shipping to Morrocco so we can get some foreign excahnge? We cant sign a trade deal or negotiate a no visa deal with our immediate neighbours but we all the way in Africa where none of us is ever thinking of returning to live. We all heading for the white man country for fairness and $$$$$ — Canada, USA, England — who going to Africa? Please skerrit keep fooling yourself. History will write you like ERICk GARy , SADM Husen, IDI Amin, and many of those AFRICAN Dictators—-Poor AFRICA! So RICH YET SO POOR!!! Skerrit making a mockery of his people and Africa….Those White folks must be laufghing their heads off——-SLAVERY AGAIN!!

  66. ZERO
    July 30, 2010

    A total waste of tax payers money..He needs to put the details of the agreement,together with the MOU signed with china for Dominicans to see and critique..I know we have to be in a lot of trouble later with all these secret deals between Skerrit and all the crooks and traitors of the world..I wonder if he didn’t go to Macou for his entertainment.His people are in abject poverty,but he is taking free,unseless and uproductive tours and entertainment trips all over..SHAME ON YOU!!!!

  67. moral discipline
    July 30, 2010

    good move!

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