Project Coordinator of CTCCBP sees project as means to minimise poverty

John Fontaine

Local Government Commissioner John Fontaine believes that an ongoing US$3.2 million Carib Territory Community Capacity Building Project (CTCCBP) may be the means to further minimise poverty in the area.

The project, which was funded jointly by the government and the Caribbean Development Bank, is aimed at capacity building and will provide the territory with two resource centers, new roads, skills training, among other benefits.

A recent Country Poverty Assessment (CPA) report revealed that there was reduction in poverty in the the Carib territory from 70 percent in 2003 to 49.8 percent in 2009. This report also branded the area as one of the poorest on the island.

Fontaine, who is the project coordinator of the CTCCBP, told Dominica News Online that the project seeks to address many issues affecting the Carib Community and that the Carib Council and other institutions in the area are expected to benefit from that initiative.

“Under that project there are several components. One has to do with institutional strengthening and capacity building. This one is targeting the organisations and institutions that are based in the territory and also organisations working with the people of the Carib Teritory,” he said.

He said that several contracts have already been signed for the construction and rehabilitation of roads in the area while two community centers are also on the way.

“Currently, the contracts that we’ve signed with these firms are for deigns and supervisions so hopefully both the community resource centers and the access roads, work should commence on the grounds in February,” he said.

“We are going to rehabilitate a portion of road from the Carib Council office to a point on the Horse Back Ridge and then to continue a new road from the Horse Back Ridge into Concord…” he added.

He assured that residents will be employed under that project.

“As you realize, there are a number of construction projects – the roads and the community resource centers.  While we must go through advertising for contractors, tenders, there is no guarantee but we will well understand that for the economic growth of the territory, residents will be employed… but for transparency and so on we must advertise,” he said.

The new community centers will be located in St. Cyr and Bataca. Their design and supervision will be done by Consulting Engineering Partners.

“The residents will benefit from numerous training programs that will take place at the resource centers. Actually the one to be built in Bataca is referred to as the training center, both contemporary and traditional training will take place in those facilities as well as provide space for emergency shelter,” he added.

Fontaine also said a house retrofit course was conducted earlier this year under the project; 28 residents were schooled in basic construction. The practical aspect of the course is ongoing.

The CTCCBP was launched in January last year and is being implemented by the Ministry of Carib Affairs.

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