Achievement Learning Centre reports 100% pass rate, congratulates students

The management and staff of the Achievement Learning Centre (ALC) are pleased to announce  a 100 percent pass rate in CXC English and Human and Social Biology Examination 2010.

The students obtained passes of grades 1, 2 and 3 in subject areas such as Human and Social Biology, English, Social Studies, Principles of Business and Principles of Accounts.

The students worked real hard in their studies, especially those who have jobs.

ALC teachers and staff supported the students by working on past papers, emailing school work to those who cannot come to class for some reason or the other, among other methods.

With the determination to make its mark as the leading private school, we take the needs of our students at heart and ensure that they are comfortable.

Congratulations to the students of the CXC class of 2010!

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  1. My two cents
    September 8, 2010

    What was their performance like in Mathematics? A corner stone subject. It was not mentioned.
    While the students should be commended for achieving good grades in certain subjects we as a people should strive to give a more balance account of their overall performance because that’s the only way that we as a society really truly know if we are making genuine progress. We would have gotten to a competitive level when our students can perform reasonable well in math, English and other supporting subjects.

    Lets keep striving Dominica till we get there. I am with you all the way!!!

  2. sensible Dominican
    September 8, 2010

    Congratulations. Good vibes

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