Review and improve management structure at secondary schools – PM

Students at DGS. Photo by 365 Photography

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit wants the management structure at secondary schools reviewed and improved on.

That’s one of his recommendations to help address current difficulties being experienced in the school system, following two incidents of attacks on teachers by students at the Dominica Grammar School (DGS), one of the country’s leading secondary schools.

“I have been advocating for some time now for a new administrative structure at the secondary  schools,” the prime minister said while addressing the matter on a local radio talk show, Kairi FM’s Heng programme on Friday.

He said given the student population at the DGS – 963 students – it could not be fair to expect the school’s principal to be effectively managing 78 staff members and almost a thousand students, more than half of whom are boys.

“It is unfair for anybody to expect extraordinary things even if the person is trying his or her best, from that principal or from that school,” PM Skerrit said.

He is proposing that established posts of deputy principal (rather than existing informal arrangements) be put in place.

“We give the school two deputy principals – one will be responsible for the social well-being of the students, so issues relating to students welfare and so on he’ll be focusing on that.  The other would be responsible for academic pursuits, the time tabling, managing teachers and so forth,” the prime minister explained, adding that this would free up the school principal to oversee the entire operation.

He also wants to see put in place as well, two additional posts of assistant deputy principal, who like the deputy principals would have no teaching responsibilities.

Heads of department positions should also be formalized, according to Prime Minister Skerrit.

He says these changes would provide”an opportunity for upward mobility which would provide greater motivation for teachers within the school system”.

PM Skerrit said as minister for finance he was willing to provide the funding required, in an effort to be proactive, instead of trying to fix problems in the future stemming from lack of action to reduce violence and disrespect in schools.

“From the Minister of Finance standpoint I am prepared to make the money available because I understand that I rather invest upfront than have to invest for corrective measures,” he indicated.

He has also suggested that a large school like the DGS should have three guidance counselors stationed at the school.

The prime minister said he has been throwing out his proposals for feedback, and hopes they will eventually be taken up and implemented.

He identified September when the new school year begins, as his preferred date for putting the measures in place.

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  1. gosh
    March 4, 2012

    i think that the pm proposals are excellent and we need not politicize everything.

    i must say though that i am a bit wary that Grammar School seems to be the driving force for change. For years PSS has been asking for support with security, including fencing and day time security, ministry officials have sat with the school several times and years go by without things happen. now incidents arise at dgs and everyone is crazy.

    the issue of class and favoritism still exists in dominica and we need to get rid of it. portsmouth, roseau, marigot, la plane grandbay, colihaut is dominica. lets give every dominican a fair chance. regardless of where the issue begins it is a dominican concern, lets be fair and treat everybody’s concern with the respect it deserves. lets not minimize one and work with urgency with the other because it is ‘the DGS.’ And i trust that this doesnt turn into a ‘DGS hater’ thing. cause thats not the intention.

    well done mr. pm with your proposal, but u are head of gov’t make it happen and while you are it pls increase teachers salary they deserve it.

  2. teacher
    March 3, 2012

    hope this is not just more talk. so long they goig to provide tools for the auto shop and assist in farming project at the school and that has not been done. the fire hot all ideas there but the first solution is to give grammar school some higher achievers in the next few years, this will assist in lessening the disciplinary problem. i am sure i teacher there. too many low achievers leads to poor discipline at the school

  3. Corner Stone
    March 2, 2012

    All things considered, parents must accept much of the blame for the situations in our schools. Parents do not provide proper guidance for their children and when discipline is enforced at even the primary levels parents hurl threats and angry words at the school and its staff. They encourage their children to be disrespectful and defiant at school. They do not understand that these children will eventually turn on them as well. Teachers cannot do everything and no system is without flaw. Let’s all understand that time has changed and so have students.

  4. March 2, 2012

    :-D cheers to the PM. After a few weeks of the incident happening he and not the Minister responsible for education can come up with such a so called brilliant idea. Hurray to PM!
    PM make pepper look like a lil boy. Such An intelligent man when he speaks. So articulate in him speech. I guess these opportunities to address public matters have turned to a competition for who does it best.
    Pure sign of dictatorship creeping up on us. One man show!

  5. Law and order
    March 2, 2012

    I am going to suggest re-calling Mr. Arundale Thomas as the head of the DGS.Those boys need a strong positive male model at that school.

  6. Law and order
    March 2, 2012

    Education is about ore than academics. The government need to consult with the people who have experience in Education, I would suggest that if the head mistress is unable to manage a school with less than 1000 students and she does not have a vision for discipline without physical abuse something is wrong with the system.The teachers need better training to discipline positively. The school need better after school facilities to give the children an all rounded education. Also their need to be a technical wing for the non-academic child who is gifted non the less in technology, woodwork, masonry,fishing, agriculture, sales,. W need to overhaul our education to suit the needs of the 21st century and our nation.

  7. tiny
    March 2, 2012

    @ aye Dominique… not me nuh..i used to put those teachers in their place even though i knew i would be in trouble when i went home….there was a teacher who felt like she had the right to pull my ear..well i slapped her hand..she hit me..i hit her back…she hit me again then i decided to quit and let it slide…

    like i said i was getting enough blows at my home for ridiculous reasons and i was not about to tolerate it from teachers…
    these teachers knew that the parents always sided with them… they knew they could ill-treat you and get away with it….child abuse need to stop homes and at schools

    • tiny
      March 2, 2012

      and i will say it again a lot of these teachers cant teach..they should be evaluated and if their students are not performing well,they should be replaced..

      i agree that there are some students with learning disabilities and they should be tested for that…but most students are average and they can do well if they study receive the support that they need

  8. Deputy Deputy
    March 2, 2012

    here we go again students are ill disciplined so you hire 4 police called deputy principals (two of whom are deputy deputy principals)and that will solve the problem. So how come the country has such a high crime rate and he has not hired some deputy commissioners and deputy deputy commissioners.
    And why not get some deputy PM’s and a few deputy deputy PM’s cause you Mr. Skerrit are making a mess

    And who is and academically inclined student and who is not and why is it that so many people believe that Technical school is for idiots. Go figure look at the state of the Caribbean and see that we’re all in a mess

  9. Anonymous
    March 2, 2012

    These structures are already in place Mr Prime Minister. What you should really be investing money into, are programmes for the students who are not academically inclined, instead of frustrating them. These insincere statements prove, that you are out of sync with the entire debacle, and you and you incompetent Ministry really do need to go back to the drawing board!

    March 2, 2012

    good suggestions from PM. however, those changes must begin at the primary level and pay the persons in those position a proper salary.

  11. Too little
    March 2, 2012

    Was Skerritt present at the recent meeting of the Ministry of Education Officials, parents and DGS staff? That was the best place that he should bring forth those comments. You see, he just cannot face the people. Instead he is on the Talk Show on KAIRI FM spewing words that should have been put in place long ago.

    The Minister of Education is part of his Cabinet. Have you heard any of those suggestions from St. Jean? Why didn’t he discuss the problems with the Minister, Minstry of Education and other stakeholders? The Skerritt DLP Govt. has failed the Dominican
    people and students miserably
    Those spontaneous,
    out-of-the-blue, too-little-too-late mouthing of words. Frankly, what emphasis or mechanisms are being placed at the Primary level?

    • me
      March 2, 2012

      why does everything have to boil down to politics ? that is what is killing this country is a good idea plain and simple

    • Farmer's son
      March 2, 2012

      I think that you have raised an interesting issue about important policy announcements in DA.

      The Prime Minister has concluded that there is a problem with the ‘administrative structure in secondary schools’. The problem is so serious that he has chosen to announce a policy initiative to deal with the problem. That is good news. Now presumably he has come to that conclusion after discussions with his subordinates responsible for administering the secondary school system. However we do not know that.

      It begs the question whether the proposed remedies under consideration were developed as a result of discussions with stakeholders. Here I am thinking of school principals, teaching staff, student representatives,representatives of parent groups’ school alumni and other interests. Or at the very least some form of internal investigation leading up to the proposed recommendations.

      In 2012 we should expect policy development to be preceeded by more open discussion of the issues and potential solutions. To do less than that is to short change our young people and the administration of the secondary school system.

    • Malatete
      March 3, 2012

      I, I, I, I !!

  12. tata
    March 2, 2012

    Ask my Black power bro.what we did in the 70’s in SMA & DGS,thats nothing. So cool it.

  13. forreal
    March 2, 2012

    what about police officers interaction with the students,for example an athletic club organized with the police and the students,all you need is one male one female police officer who are dedicated and willing to work with kids,and i think that can help,at least the school will have a daily police preasence.

  14. March 2, 2012

    The administration and the PM seems at odds with each other. No mention of structure by the investigators. So Parry is right these guys in the civil service is a waste of time or not. So many things happening in the this DGS and no mention of structure. All of a sudden PM comes out with a “brilliant idea”. Where was that all the time? and will it work? The PM really lack management skills. no wonder DA in this rot.

  15. Rastafari
    March 2, 2012

    Now we wait…waiting for the PM to deliver on his promises to this national crisis! The inevitable: you are born, then you die. What happens in between, we can control.

  16. ok
    March 2, 2012

    ok pm just to let you know…. the most critical time is at primary improve the management structure at at an early stage and there will be less stress later on ….if you really care about these kids please focus on the primary schools too

    either that or take my advice down below

  17. Anonymous
    March 2, 2012

    The problem with the school is the universal secondary school education program which is not being properly administered. Children have different aptitudes and skills, some are academic and some are not, you cannot bunch them all together. Children who are not academically inclined will always be disruptive in an academic environment since they will feel marginalised.

    • Senior Citizen
      March 2, 2012

      Good point! There is an urgent need for a TECHNICAL SCHOOL or College where skills like sewing, culinary arts, woodwork & joinery, masonry, plumbing & electricity, etc can be taught. These skills are in great demand and the graduates will be self sufficient and well armed to face the world of work.

    March 2, 2012

    The DGS should have a School Board. The School Board should combat bullying, assessing and improving the school climate. The school needs three school guidance counsellor. An assistant principle is needed,school security and more teachers are needed. There are too many students in a class-room
    The DGS needs a website and all High Schools should have their newspaper.

    • Malatete
      March 3, 2012

      Nothing can happen unless it is sanctioned by the supremo.

  19. Anonymous
    March 2, 2012

    My comments on DNO are never published, but I’ll make this contribution which will determine whether I’ll ever make another contribution.
    As a former DGS student it’s painful to witness the condition at the school. Way back in 2002 my investigations revealed that discipline at DGS was deteriorating and based on that I sent my son to SMA.
    I was an admirer of DGS but sadly the powers-that-be have allowed the school to hit rock bottom.
    The recommendations of the PM will not solve the real problems at DGS. Factors which contribute to the present state of affairs include the leadership of the school, it does not appear that the Principal has what it takes to lead the school, the lack of vision of the Minister and ministry of education, the poor implementation of the Universal Education Program where DGS has become a dumping ground of bad students, the physical environment, lack of sporting facilities, in my days one could never pass by DGS and not see basket ball, cricket, table tennis, or the Cadet corp or the drame club.
    I was a rebel but disciplined.
    I wish to appeal to the old boys of DGS TO COME FORWARD to save DGS.
    I’ll make the appeal in a more formal environment shortly. We can save our school, our boys and our Island.

    • me
      March 2, 2012

      this is our major problem in Dca we never accept our blame . it is not the PM or Min. of education failing it is us the PARENTS . and some of us are always there to critic the PMs recommendations but we never give alternatives

      • Malatete
        March 4, 2012

        OK, here is my remedy. Secondary shchools should have the final say in whom they admit or not, based on aptitude. There must be a measurable min. standard prospective students must meet. This would put the onus firmly on the primary education system to perform and stop the situation where students are just passing through without attaining even adequate reading and wrting levels, not to mention maths.Today a lot of them arrive at secondary schools without being properly prepared to the detriment of not only the students themselves, but also teachers and ultimately the general quality of our education.
        It is a simple but stark message. The quality of the end product is largely dependent on the raw material you are provided with in the first place.However, this never takes away from the fact that Govt., regardless of its colour, is reponsible for fomulating, implementing and overseeing education policy.

  20. Aye Dominique
    March 2, 2012

    The proposals are not going to hurt, they will help most likely to contain the problems at the school but this is not a school problem, it is partly displayed at the school but these are home problems, parenting problems. Families need to be strengthened and parents have to take their responsibilities more seriously.

    I could not go to school and fight with a teacher in my days, because if I do I would be in trouble, first of all I would have to think of where I’m going to sleep and how I’m going to eat, my mother would not tolerate that one bit. So parents are failing in their responsibilities and this is seen in all areas.

  21. curious
    March 2, 2012

    this is nothing new

  22. ok
    March 2, 2012

    you know what …skerrit ..just do what some of these people are asking….expel these students who are failing because it simply mean they are slow learners or they can’t learn, they have some sort of learning disability… translation..they are dumb

    ..give teachers the right to hit students…allow the teachers to belittle them….humiliate them, use any means possible to get these little brats to respect authority. i repeat ..expel any kid that causes the slightest stress…

    parents parents.. please continue to beat your kids with leather belts….continue to correct them in the manner that you do….call them names,let them feel like trash because they should be perfect and therefore should be filled with guilt for not being perfect.

    their feeling don’t matter not one bit ..they are kids they should be seen and not heard…and only then will we have a better society….

    bye the way we need to build more prisons in anticipation of these evil defiant kids…..many of whom will be tomorrows criminals

    • me
      March 2, 2012

      Tiny is that you ?

      • tiny
        March 2, 2012


  23. Hm!
    March 2, 2012

    This is good thinking indeed. I just support all these measures for the new administrative structure at the secondary schools. This can surely help to alleviate the problem at DGS. Now we are beginning to get some positive comments on that matter.

  24. Daniel
    March 2, 2012

    Appointing an additional principal is not going to make a difference if they are for one, not capable, qualified and EXPERIENCED enough. There are other positions in place already, like in SMA there is a Principal, and VP, and a few deans. Each have their responsibilities. having 2 principals is just going to confuse things and frustrate students more. They need to be familiar with one head, someone that they respect and look up to.

    • me
      March 2, 2012

      did you actually read the article ?

  25. AP George
    March 2, 2012

    Split up the school… put a branch in Portsmouth.
    Give the kids state-of-the-art facilities that will promote self pride, respect and optimism.

    The new school China is building… will it have a gym, cafeteria, labs, lecture halls, library, sports facilities? My thought is that if you put and keep kids in a dump, that’s what you will get. Clean up the place!

    I would have thought that such a system would have already been in place. Where is the Minister of Education… what’s he doing?

    These people need to travel abroad to get new and bold ideas for Dominica.

  26. hmmmh
    March 2, 2012


  27. Just sayin'
    March 2, 2012

    Hmmmm…perhaps the Honorable PM should have placed himself as Minister of Education, rather than Minister of Finance?

    If the person with a staff of 78 cannot manage 900+ youths’ education, why should the person charged with accounting to 70k people micro-manage the school?

    Just axing…

    March 2, 2012

    Well first time in a long time I enjoyed a PM speech like that. That was his best public speech.

  29. Fairplay
    March 2, 2012

    The entire school yard should be fenced up and cleaned!!!

  30. Hmm
    March 2, 2012

    But that is so obvious and it is in operation at some schools. For example PSS has had deputy principals and heads of departments for years now.

    Also, there is a teacher who is responsible to recording all students who arrive late or who are not properly dressed etc.

    Come on, how can one principal have so much responsibility? Probably we need to start looking at schools more like a business in terms of the management style

    • ....
      March 2, 2012

      wats obvious?….apparently it not so obvious cuz some schools that dont have these management styles…

    • Anonymous
      March 2, 2012

      I totally agree, one person cannot do all the work.

  31. possie
    March 2, 2012

    i love dat, but the post of deputy principals should be an ADMINISTRATIVE position, somebody who has nothing to do with teaching, that person should be strictly administrative, that being done, the principal who is a trained teacher will get time to work with the wards that are being placed in her care.

  32. Rastafari
    March 2, 2012

    Let’s make this happen for the youths. As phones become “smatter” our youth seems to head in the opposite direction. It is very important that whoever is responsible for the well being of our youth, should take necessary steps to make this affliction go away! Please don’t linger, don’t take their future for granted. If we do, we may regret for generations to come, and then it will be too late.

  33. Satelite
    March 2, 2012

    Now that’s positive thinking.

    • Oh Ho!!
      March 2, 2012

      PM always thinks positively.

      • Look It
        March 2, 2012

        yeah, when he handling our passports too?

  34. Buffong
    March 2, 2012

    Good idea. I know of schools with more than 2 deputy principals ahving different responsibilities. Even a deputy principal for religious and social well-being. But agood idea which should be acted on. I hope it works and bring forth changes to the school and students.

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