Eight Dominicans graduate from Western Illinois University

Eight graduates from Dominica received degrees during the December 2024 Commencement at Western Illinois University. Among them, six obtained master’s degrees, while two earned bachelor’s degrees.

The following students achieved master’s degrees:

  • Verna Etienne, Master of Science in Education, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Jane Rose Romain, Master of Science in Education, Professional Studies
  • Monique Hector-Roberts, Master of Science in Education, Language & Culture
  • Kerwin Luke, Master of Science in Education, Curriculum & Instruction
  • Jean Thomas-Jeremy, Master of Science, Instructional Design & Technology

The graduates who received bachelor’s degrees are:

  • Monique Alicia Remy, Bachelor of Arts, General Studies
  • Fredmina Augustin, Bachelor of Business, Finance
  • Melissa T.S. Laudat, Bachelor of Science, Microbiology

More than 100 Caribbean students are currently enrolled at WIU, with additional students set to begin their studies at all degree levels this August.

“We continue to be impressed with the academic achievements of students from the Caribbean region,”  remarked WIU President Kristi Mindrup.

“This has been a stellar region of growth and a source of pride for WIU,” he added.

For more information on WIU’s International Studies:


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  1. Anonymous
    January 21, 2025

    I find it quite silly that an entire nation, let alone region, is celebrating the success of individuals purely because they are from there. If anything, their successes have nothing to do with you, unless they explicitly state otherwise.

  2. January 18, 2025

    Congratulations to those individuals who took the initiatve to further their education to advance their carreers without the assistance of government. You should be applauded. Now it is the government’s turn to recognize those efforts and to appoint those individuals to positions and remuneration which reflect their qualification.

  3. I'm Behind you and I want help too
    January 16, 2025

    congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 to them all and well done to the government of Dominica 🇩🇲,it’s not been easy.I wish they go on to bigger and better things .Now surely when they graduate 🎓 and get big jobs the should make a payment or donation back to the education department and create a kitty so others behind them can follow a similar path to success. Not doing such systems is weak Leadership, same as just giving out houses and no systems in place to put back so more houses can be built again weak Leadership.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2

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