It appears that the Discover Dominica Authority (DDA) is sticking to its decision to stage the 2014 edition of the World Creole Music Festival (WCMF) on new dates
Earlier this month the DDA announced that the festival will take place from October 24 to 26 this year.
The decision was met with opposition in some quarters and an online petition was posted asking for the festival to be hosted on its original dates of October 31st to November 2nd 2014.
But speaking on state-owned DBS Radio on Wednesday, chief executive officer of the Discover Dominica Authority (DDA), Colin Piper, sought to clarify the decision for the date change.
According to Piper there are two reasons for the new dates.
“One is, November 3, which is our Independence day will fall on a Monday and typically at 8:30 am there will be the military parade,” he explained. “That military parade will take place at the Windsor Park Sports Stadium which is the same place where the World Creole Music Festival will take place …and so if we were to keep the date of the 31 (October), November 1 and 2, we will have Sunday night’s event running into probably 2, 3, 4 am, then we will have have three or four hours to get the grounds prepared for the military parade, which was not possible.”
Piper further pointed out that the new date will favor the large number of nationals from the neighbouring French islands who attend the festival.
He stated that the DDA was alerted by the ferry service that November 3 is All Saints Day in the neighbouring islands which, according to him, is heavily patronized in the French markets.
“And so when they look back on their records they realized there is quite a bit of traffic between Guadeloupe and Martinique happening on those dates,” Piper said. “And so they advised us that if we wanted to get maximum patronage from Guadeloupe and Martinique in terms of availability of the ferry we should consider the 24th to the 26th…”
He stated based on those two reasons, a meeting was held between stakeholders, “and it was decided that those concerns would be put forth to cabinet and cabinet made the decision to take up the recommendation of the 24 to the 26.”
The official launch of the Festival is scheduled to take place in July.
we too like to go into consideration for french people and when they care less about us would they change their dates for us? they too have music festival and how many Dominicane artist u see there lol only think of french and they care less about us
If this festival was organized in a way that reflected its name things would have been much different. I would advice the executive of the DFC to take some time and travel to other international events that claim to be world events and observe how it’s done and make the necessary adjustments.
This festival has not progressed since the death of Eddie Toulon. The vision was lost or died with him.
The Creole in the park was an event where mothers with children and people who just wanted to enjoy a local display of a culturally entertaining evening could go, instead it has been turned into a blockorama.
Everything has to be a jam session.
Take some lessons from the St Lucia Jazz fest.
Explore the whole Creole music genre. It’s not just Tabou and Kassav.
There is also Creole jazz. Most of the music from Louisiana has Creole origins.
Let’s move away from the bacchanal and do something that can appeal to a wider audience, that way we wouldn’t have to be talking about French people and the ferry.
Trini’s, Grenadians, Vinci’s, Kittitians even Jamaicans want to come, but that BS that’s being put on now in the name of world Creole music festival is not marketable at all.
glen your queen love you enjoy Dominica for me see u for the festival your girl chat ma war
As long as MACHEL MONTANO & DESTRA on THE LINE UP, they could have it at Christmas time.
the DFC needs to change up. old boring ppl that there. Piper’s tone of voice alone is a turn off. then there is wadix with over the top tone of voice (turn off too).
As for the Lady, overly traditionally boring!
time for change at the helm. they all need to go.
every year this festival is boring boring boring!
I will always say and keep on saying, young, smart, talented individuals needs to be on that committee. Because i as a young person would surely make it work on the last weekend in October. these people only think of one set, good luck and all you festival, if i ever coming down is for the week of CITP. I think i will have more fun there
A group of us are planning to come down to Dominica for the WCMF and to be honest, we have to put our plans on hold until the date has been finalized.
Somehow, I do not believe this is the last of it. DD needs to say with the utmost conviction that this is the date and it will not change. Or of they plan to change it, they better do it soon.
I’m in the same situation as you. I can’t proceed because of this issue. But they better resolve it soon because a lot of time, and money, is at stake here for an organization who apparently only cares about the Frenchies, who can swim to Dominica if they choose.
I don’t think they worry about us who need planes and days to get to D/ca.
we use to be number 4 in the world for being happy we have lost that to politic . everything is not about politic so these of you out there don’t wish for the festival to flop remember some of us benefit from this as well and i mean the local people that make things to sell enjoy the festival be happy again Dominican it’s a healthy thing, and put god first enjoy life
Have the WCMF at the Pottersville Savannah and please the Locals as well as the Overseas Nationals. If our locals get paid month end they will spend more. The French people do not please us when they have to impose their rules and regulations. If they want to come they will. Dominicans go all out to patronise the WCMF so listen to the outcry. Pottersville Savannah and close the arguments.
why do we have to bitch about everything life is too short for to waste time on non important things we need to go back to church like we use to do ,we use to be a better nation back,than we have lost god and also lost our self ,we in DA must go back to basic.let start loving each other like we use to do.and most of all let’s enjoy life and Dominica pace out
What should have been done is some market research. The DDA should have put all these circumstances on the table and then asked Dominicans what they would have thought about the date change THEN decide what decision was favourable to the Dominican public. We do appreciate the large support that we have been receiving from the neighbouring French territories, but at the end of the day this is Dominica’s music festival and the locals should be the ones to be considered first.Their is always talk about supporting local but if Dominicans are to truly support local, they have to first first like what they are supporting is truly theirs.
The Festival can be held at Pottersville this year. The village set up there was very good, the sound came through better and people were together, a real family atmosphere.
That military “majee” parade must stop…too much/many guns on showcase
…who all you out to kill?
…..or just kill the music completely!!! 
Did you guys read the article. And the explanation they gave for changing the dates. The French have been heavily taking part in the show. Because of the French holiday they want to accommodate the French people which a the right thing to do. life is to short to have pity party going on. i
Mr Piper.
Hello and good morning my people. Well Mr Piper many of us who reside abroad have to purchase our tickets and make reservations for a rental vehicle. So please stick to the dates you released because a month from today we don’t want to hear you are changing the dates. Also please work with the airlines to make sure we have enough adjoining flights from Puerto Rico straight to Dominica.
team stupids dat dfc dr u kno…..set of nonsense

dat dfc team there is the worst…these people thinkin backwards man….awa wi…
The dates aren’t the only thing that needs changing for WCMF we need a shake up and change in the DDA offices as well and not to mention these weak artists that they are bringing in these past times.
And another issue is why in heavens name i gotta pay to listen to WCK & Triple K @ CITP and then I gotta hear them again @ WCMF?
I say scrap them both for WCMF and use that money to either get The Original WCK or a major artist with some real pull factor.
Events like this should be memorable and not be treated like it’s a last minute jam.
Also there needs to be accountability. How are you guys gonna run an event like this with no signs of profit for the past couple of years and still hold it the following year with the same results? That’s just bad business practice. SMH.
HMMMMMMM! that’s all. We go see how the Martinique and Guadeloupe World Creole Music festival turns out I wish the commission well. We are who we are Win, Loose, or draw. Other stakes holders say do so we must!!! who vex lost, or do not participate, stay home, keep your money in your pocket. “Team Dominica”. Stay out of this one. We are not boycotting this year. Cause the next big Date change is for our General Election. Ensure they do not catch you all wit your pants down. labourrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can we just leave politics out for a change.. Gosh man!!!
Can we leave politics out of this for a change??? Gosh Man!!!
Tehbeh allu self tehbeh! so everybody coming from Guadeloupe and Martinique alone? what about the rest of the world? and what about those who bought their tickets already? and hello the rest of us in DCA aint get paid yet! what we drinking and eating?
someone please change their minds because apparently they not listening to the masses who are the reason for the thousands of dollars that they make on that event!
Have some sympathy for festivals Commission. You don’t see how long they looking for an explanation. They thought they found one with that story about All Saints but nobody check the calendar or their own World Travel Guide which says that day is saturday 1 Nov. and not a public holiday. Well, their hands tied. The big man gets what the big man wants and all the rest can go to hell.
lol lol i like your style very fashay! talk to ’em!
If the attendance of French visitors from Guadeloupe and Martinique is an issue why not move the WCMF to the weekend following the Indepence celebrations? Tuesday 11 Nov., Armistice day is a public holiday and I’m sure most of our French neighbours will make a long weekend of it by taking the preceding monday off as well. This way you avoid any clashes with the Independence celebrationsand can follow on straight away with Creole in the Park and the WCMF without any hiatus.
If the date for this year’s World Creole Music Festival is not regularized to conform with Dominica’s established ‘Heritage Day’ and ‘Creole Week’ Celebration by this weekend (meaning that the event must always be held within the ambit of the wider National observance of Independence; including scheduling appropriate and standard dates and time), I shall have something to say about it.
Look out for my fb post next week! DNO, I shall share same with you and the media in general.
Nuff said for now. It is our solemn duty to stand up in defense of our nation’s sovereignty and cultural uniqueness.
Alex, what are you saying you can not say right now? Is it a secret?
Dear JoJo
I am still leaving some maneuvering room. I believe that the very people who presented the excuses are themselves unconvinced about their own explanation.
I promise that I shall post a comprehensive response to this decision (if it is indeed not revisited). If they do not move from their position, it won’t be for lack of a challenge. And history will mark them in whatever way it deems fit for such irregularity.
But I shall speak. Monday!
Stay tuned…
Two observations, Mr. Piper:
1. Why can’t the Military Parade be moved to another location? Does it have to be the Windsor Park? Has anyone given thought to having the Parade at the Gardens? Or Pottersville Savannah? Hey, it may just be the ideal opportunity to get the Parade out of Roseau! Imagine for moment if the Parade is held at Portsmouth! The President’s Party can be held at the Cabrits and the Cultural Gala held at Benjamin’s Park. Dominicans would flock to Possie and spend the day there. Oh, what a great day that would be for Purple Turtle and Bellehall and Coconut Beach and for exploring the Indian River! Think abut it, Piper! Possie needs that boost!
2. The French have been supportive of the WCMF for all those years, All Souls Day or not. What is so particular about the Day his time around?
Mr Piper, from where I’m standing, what you are saying is ‘pants’…. meaning you are talking nonsense.
Firstly, there is an obvious case of lack of forward planning on your (the DDA) part. Did you not know from since how long that was going to be the case? About time we in DA move away from this short term ‘lastminute.com’ planning when it comes to national events.
Secondly, is it at all possible that Sunday’s program could be started in the early afternoon? Hence with the right planning and coordination that should give you enough time to get the park ready for the National Day Parade.
Finally, you seem to be forgetting that the diaspora includes not just people from the neighbouring French Islands, and due to your lack of proper planning, those of us further afield have to make travel arrangements well in advance, and did so based on the precedence that the festival have been held on the last weekend before independence. On that note I’d be interested in knowing if they (the French Islands) would have given us such prestigious consideration in the planning of their festivals. I doubt it very much.
We love DA too Mr Piper…. so DDA please show us some love in return.
For all those who are saying this is good, and those who already bought their tickets can change it bla bla bla. I long for the day to come for YOU to have to travel to a long established event that you know for certain happens at a certain time and you are forced to change your plans, incurring unnecessary cost for no reason. For example – plan to come to NY for Labor Day, buy your ticket, book your hotel, get your vacation approved, only to have the West Indian American Day Carnival Association decide to have the Labor Day Parade a week in advance. Or have Barbados decide to change when they keep Crop Over. Or have St. Lucia decide to change when they keep Jazz Festival. See how you would feel and how frustrated you would be.
THIS IS THE REASON WHY OFFICIALS WILL NEVER TAKE THE PUBLIC SERIOUSLY!!! Dominican’s just sit there and take anything and everything, come what may, instead of standing their ground. Our french neighbors are NOT the only ones who fill the stadium, a lot of us Dominican’s come home at that time to help fill it.
To the claim we who already got tickets have time to change tickets, I suggest you read the fare rules for tickets purchased, particularly in the US. You have only 24hrs to change your ticket without a fee, and that was only implemented 2 yrs ago. After 24hrs you MUST pay a fee to cancel, which is $150US for almost all major airlines. So stop making fruitless comments.
This was something to have been a GREAT opportunity for everyone, and now it turns to people picking what they want to stay for. This was a stupid move and I hope that after it is proven that it was a stupid move Dominican’s will get back their voice. The 2014 calendar has long been available, Dominica will be independent for 36yrs this year. Say this to say that the DDA should have LOOKED at the calendar, SEEN when Independence was falling and announcing their ISSUES with this since last year instead of ADVERTISING festival at it’s original time only to CHANGE IT AFTER! This is complete BS!
My point exactly! it takes hundreds of dollars to change tickets because we have connecting flights/airlnes..where I live in North America, I need 3 planes to get to Dominica, this change is a wreck to pockets.
Also, the dates were released at 2013’s festival. This is crazy!
All they had to do is start the festival earlier like they did that one year. Start at 6 pm finish by 1 am. I find that is nonesense to loose the opportunity of the holiday after. What about people that would not go on sunday because they have work next day.
his name is piper but I dunno what he has smoking in that pipe.
Aint think piper have absolutely anything to do with this! You know why if this Military is the reason well they have realized that well late and i guess the whole organizing committee was high on something. Six hours is no big deal to set up for the so called parade. I more less think this is strongly politically oriented. Check with Skerrit on that don’t blame Mr. Pipper and his crew. Trust me on that! Lte’s all just wait and see
Be reasonable people. Adjust and adapt.
But Why Dominicans cannot let things be? We afraid of change? These are two valid reasons! We prefer the fest from the 31st fine but lets wait and see.You never know because of the change we have record number of visitors during the entire month of October! Now These calls for organizers of events to utilize October 31st – November 4th Very well so we all win! After Fest is CITP…One time long weeekend Garcon is still sewo all you will still show….Look at the otherside of it…Nous Konnet VIVE!!!!
Where you living now. you are not the one being affected go somewhere and scratch
What does that have to do with anything? So because you MIGHT live elsewhere you’re less Dominican for some reason?
Piper full of crap so is only martinique and guadeloup thats coming to the fest? what about other caribbean islands? it’s gonna flop this year i see that already. I definetly won’t be coming this year.
The French were coming here before on All Saints day and had not problem with the ferries. So what has changed now?
So what about all the other patrons that’s coming from all other parts of the world and had already bought tickets, pure nonsense
Ok, there we go. One major reason to try to get “other” types of patrons to the festival. If we are trying to go on the basis that the french nationals are key to the success then maybe we should try a little harder to reach the other markets. (not implying that we are not.) We appreciate the participation of the french nationals however i do not think that the report from the ferry will guarantee less persons attending. and fact of the matter is, the ferry will be available on either weekend chosen. The did say maximum patronage by the “ferry” but we want to know about statistics of the persons attending. the ferry is important but if they realise they can make the money better off then, then i bet they will go for what we want and work hard at it. They will participate, they are making as much money and will push for things to work, they are a business and although data from them is essential, they can only operate in accordance to our plans, and we know they will push and work hard. they failed to mention statistics on “attendance”, especially over the past few years when the dates where the last weekend compared to what they did last year. I read this properly and we only basically mentioned the ferry and not attendance comparisons over the past few years. In addition, i would not like to think that mention of the all saints day which will actually be on Sat 1st Nov 2014 will have any effect on what the organizers are trying to accomplish. It is not like the festival is in competition with another festival. it is all saints day. do we even recall or consider what is really done on that day? (no disrespect intended). In addition, the festival has a set time right? acts go on and come off at particular times. the organizers should have a clear idea of when the show will end and not a wide uncertain cap of 1, 2, 3 hours. if it starts early and you plan to end it at 2am i think we should have ample time to clean up. We all know if you include certain homeless persons to clean up they will do a very quick job in addition to the official other clean up team who could assist,guide and supervise. We can do this. Take a look at all the advantages and disadvantages then consider ways in which you can change your disadvantages to your favour. Speak to hotels ect. Speak to the ferry. Make a deal for the french nationals. We know there is a rush during that time, people dont want to spend for an extra night at the hotel. make a deal, let them get a night free or half off on something if they book early or for a particular date. we have to think of creative strategic ways to do this. I am not right about all this, it is just my opinion, but i wish it would be considered. thank you DNO for giving me a chance to do this but honestly, i think we should stick to the last weekend in october. let’s have a full two weeks of straight up Celebration of our sweet sweet sweet Island! 21Oct-4th Nov!!! Let’s do this! Please, I am soliciting likes of my comment so the organisers can reconsider. If you want to add something to it, please do. Also if you disagree on it, please say and give your views, all comments are welcomed.
Ever hear of using paragraphs? No white space makes it difficult to read what it is you are trying to convey.
Ever hear of using paragraphs? No white space makes it difficult to read what it is you are trying to convey.
The French are not the only ones to be considered, there are other patrons to. Move the parade to it’s original home which is the very picturesque Botanic Gardens.
How about Re-aligning the stage and placing another alongside it , or at the back of it , Or Catering for the changeover just like it’s another act coming on stage ?
The all saints day excuse is unfortunate … i am sure this is not the first time that the dates have fallen like this .. was there an adjustment in the past ? If not , what happened then ?
All you all got to do is have the parade in the afternoon you all fraid d sun but the people on parade can face it, (wicked)
dominicans just enjoy urselves
They have had parade in the afternoons and evenings before why not do it again?? Why this year it MUST be at 8:30.. Having it in the afternoon would facilitate clean-up and preparation of the venue post WCMF..
It’s not that. Because airlines consider September to March “escaping winter” so they jack up the prices to thousands of dollars; however if you book in late March, April, and early May, they are only hundreds. It’s a roller coaster ride booking tickets. Sigh
I thought so and I was right. I support the new date we need to stop bickering, we making a big issue out of every thing, it is what it is, let’s move on.
Sorry mr. Piper but I’m not buying that. First of all All Saints day is 1 Nov., not 3 Nov. as it has always been , everywhere not only in Guadeloupe and Martinique but also in Dominica. That is a saturday and not a public holiday this time. You always had that date in the timing of the festival so why should that be a problem now?
I think the suppremo made you all change that because it clashes with his plans for a grandiose independence celebration this year, especially since it is 15 yrs. of his govt. similar to what he sees in Morocco with big parade and important guest to come and salute him so they also need hotel space for that.
Tell me I’m wrong but maybe also this time that little child will pipe up and say “…but the emperor hath no clothes mammy!).
I wonder if they considered hiring more manpower to ensure that the transition from show to parade was smooth? visitors may miss Creole Day… to me that is a huge loss. I just don’t see the benefit at all.
Mr. Piper- the Dominican public is also a stakeholder FYI
What ‘military parade’? Do we have armed forces in Dominica? I don’t consider the Police Force a military organisation.
We have the paramilitary S.S. unit (…very unfortunate name that!)
That make alot sense.
DDA, yet again you have shown yourself to be a joke.
Did you consider the following:
1. Who spends more – Dominicans living abroad or French people?
I am asking because I am aware many of the French do no sleep in hotels or rent cars, like Dominicans. Rather, they sleep in tents and do not spend a cent on accommodation or car rentals.
2. Is it sensible to forfeit the contributions of Dominicans living in Dominica, many of whom will not have been paid?
3.- This is not a Question, but just a comment.
In planning a festival of this scale, it is unwise to change the traditional date with less than a year’s notice.
This is like changing the date of carnival to 2 weeks before Lent.
This is not Dominica where you can do things vikivy. People in the US, Canada and UK have to book their leave long in advance.
This year it appears you have sacrificed Dominican patronage for French patronage. Another DUMB move by a Dumb DDA
Last year the military parade was in the afternoon…and was well attended…thats not an excuse….Did they consider that most people are monthly paid?
yes most of our patrons comes from the french islands, but they come a week in advance for the creole in the park and creole day as well. Express des elle travells from dominica to marinique on wednesdays and fridays…so which means the french already know is the wednesday they going back….
The military parade has been taking place at 4 in the afternoon of the November 3rd( i stand open to correction on this point.) for the past few years. i think a change of date may hurt the festival and i think better planning and more long term planning could have avoided this predicament. Many foreign nationals book their holidays in advance as they already know that the festival is held at the end of the month. Does this also mean that the festival will be held before creole in the park? or is that event going to be moved as well.
So this change is ONLY in favor of nationals in the neighboring French islands… what about the nationals in the rest of the world???
Wait for the announcement date of election and then we will see how devious these people are. 16 years and now we talking about French people and All Saints; What about taking the National Parade to Portsmouth Benjamin’s park. What about taking putting the parade one day after – it is not going to change anything.
What a lame excuse – what about the vast number of returning Dominicans some of which have already scheduled their vacation and bought early tickets.
All Saints between Guadeloupe and Dominica and we have enough Tousaints ourself so we already halfway there!
That’s POLITICAL move once again a big event in the country is coming to an end… they killed carnival now festival such lame excuses………
Carnival not dead….no way, you are the one to enjoy yourself during the carnival season. Now the creole festival will surely flop this year if the date is not set back to the last month in october
Split the the festival between 2 weekends, Saturday 25th and Friday 31 and Saturday Nov. 1 which would leave enough time for the parade and give our nationals a taste of creole and independence within their time frame. And the frenchies can have Saturday October 25. My take.
Events like this should be planned at least a year in advance. Advertisement for the next festival should’ve happened during 2013’s festival so travelers would know ahead of time how to plan. People who are traveling from other places besides Martinique & Guadeloupe who are just next door need to plan a year in advance to save their money, plan group trips, etc.
I’m not against the date change as it’s too close to our independence day and would clash with many of the events leading up to 3rd November.
The announcement of the date was way too late. Poor planning on all involved in making the recommendation and final decision.
So, how about changing the venue just for this year??? back to the Pottersville Savannah!!! That won’t hurt, would it?…Change is ever evolving!!..
@cupid good point
Ebeh all you like fete, if 7 months in advance not enough for all you to plan all you vacation?
How you count? Do you have 20 fingers and 20 toes too? What “17 Months”? DDA advertised Fes for it’s original time up till the day before they announced the change! We don’t have “17 months” we have 6!!!
Why wait so late to plan and realize this after the original date was publicized and on the website etc? This is poor planning on the part of the commission. Its hardly an adjustment for locals but what about visitors? Shame on WCMF Commission!
Exactly! People have plane tickets to buy way in advance as well. . And book of vacation at their work. My opinion. Who in the kitchen feels the heat.
Only French people they worried about?? Cohshonee. How long it take to get grounds ready?
While I understand the Independence Day Parade issue and the ending of the Sunday night of Creole Festival clashing, all these things was supposed to be considered so patrons could be informed well in advance that the date would be changed this year and thus make plans accordingly.
I thought that’s what they are doing now Chipmunk!