Deliverance Baptiste Church Dream Team to host “The love of Money”

love of money

The Deliverance Baptiste Church Dream Team as it continues spreading of God’s word through Drama Ministry is again staging a powerful, fun and humorous play dubbed, ‘The Love of Money.’

The play will be held at the Arawak House of Culture from Friday August 14th to Sunday August 2015 at 8pm. The tickets cost $10 for children and $20.00 for adults.

According to a release the Love of Money will depict a young man (Jackson) blinded by his desire to get rich, plunge down a very slippery slope with nothing to stop him. Though encouraged and supported by family and friends and reminded that there are other treasure in the world other than money and quick wealth he remains committed to his hell bound goal.

“With his family being torn apart and friends giving up hope, will Jackson find his way home or will the love of money be his downfall?”

The release further explained that “a cunning business man and old friend might be the business deal that Jackson has been waiting for. With the promise of early retirement and relaxation while his pockets and bank accounts being filled daily, Jackson will be faced with the ultimate test of gaining quick wealth or losing the his freedom, love and confidence of his family.”

Will his wife’s (Joy) faith in God fail as she tries to stare him on the right path? Will his best friend Charlie honesty and words help him get through his addiction to become rich? Or will Jackson perish?

The sole intention of the ‘Love of Money’ is portray the consequences of wanting to get rich overnight and some of the mistakes that are made in one’s pursuits to get rich quick. The intention is also to send a message to the young people and viewers that if you seek God first in everything, you will receive what is due to you in its right time.

The Play is directed by Peter Panthier and Lesly Daniel.

“The Love of Money” features a hardworking and talented cast among them are; Kimran Jean Jacques, Peter Panthier Jr, Dynelle LeBlanc, Emerly John, Lenny Dover, Dwayne Bellot, Giselle Francis, Daniel Vital, Shervaughn Dover, Jed Ferrol, Chelsea Panthier, Khearn Bertrand and Sharon.

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  1. August 14, 2015

    For this of you here, who misinterpreted the idea of the show, please keep in mind that it is based on “the Love of money” as it is mentioned the Bible: “the love of money is the route of all evil 1st. Timothy 6: 10

    It was Judas’ love for money which caused him to trade Jesus, his Lord, for 30 pieces of silver. But in the end his conscience of guilt cause him to commit suicide.

    Know that money is the god of this world–Jesus referred to it as Mammon at Matthew 6: 24 “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon”

  2. Money is good
    August 14, 2015

    Bible can say all what it want wi. I love money and for all the love I love it der it never do me nothing. So stay brokes if you want, leave all the money you doh love for me, I will be glad to take it from you.

  3. Jack
    August 13, 2015

    How long have we been praying for prosperity after slavery the only hope we have is salvation which we dont understand . All over the world Black people are lead by people outside their race who does not have their interest at heart. Organized Religion is the most dangerous hoax that keeps them serving the slave master.

    • August 14, 2015

      “The only hope we have is salvation which we don’t understand” <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Jack August 13, 2015

      You said it right in the above quote. Most people, or may I say Christians, do not understand the concept of Salvation or if they did, there would be lest talk about religion, which is not God–it is of the world.

      Another term for "Salvation" is "Redemption" which means being "Redeemed". But why redeemed?

      It is because through the sinful disobedience of our Primary parents Adam and Eve, we enter this world in a state of "lost" from generation to generation–for God took back "His Likeness in Love", Life in us–because of what Adam and Eve did.

      Salvation or Redemption means that God has taken us back, or He wants to do so–it depends on what we choose. As we exist in this world there is obedience or disobedience, Life or death–God gave us "free will" to make the choice; He would like for us to "obey" and "live".

  4. money is good
    August 13, 2015

    Why do our churches and our society by extention try to teach us that the love of money is bad? Money is good, it is great, without it life is very bad. I love money and all the great things it does for me, my family and friends. Money is great.

    This idea of “you will receive what is due to you in its right time” is stupid. You get what you get up and go for.

    • My Views
      August 13, 2015

      My dear, you are very correct to state that money is good. But the LOVE of money is what causes the downfall of many and the Bible describes that as a sin. We need money to do a lot of things, and there is nothing wrong in being rich, wealthy or whatever you may call it, but what I believe they are trying to teach against is simply about the LOVE of money. Don’t try to put a negative light on the good that they are trying to do.
      1 Timothy 6:9-10 New King James Version (NKJV)

      9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

    • Tjebe fort
      August 14, 2015

      Right on brother. Be honest, every one loves money especially the churches. But they want to make you feel guilty so they will happily relieve you of the money and call it redemption. I say to them, get a real job and live by the sweat of your brow.

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