EHS: World Creole Music Festival 2013 full lineup announced


Organizers of the World Creole Music Festival (WCMF) have announced the line up for the 17th staging of the event.

The festival which runs from October 25, 27th at the Windsor Park Sports Stadium is expected to see young emerging artists and seasoned veterans in the music industry.

Marketing Executive for the World Creole Music Festival, Leroy ‘Wadix’ Charles said the lineup includes performers like Bracket, Kwasi Color and Zouk All Stars.

“On Friday night we have Nu Look from Haiti, Kwasi Color, we also have Marchal Montano and Triple K Global will be with Ole Benx and Nayee,” he said.

“Saturday night, we have Busy Signal, we have Bracket, we have the Zouk All Stars in the names of Jean Marc Ferdinand, Patrice Human, Orland and also Alex Alexy and we also have the Cadence All Stars in the names of Fitzroy Williams and his Band with Chubby & Co, Elisha Benoit, Halibut,” he said.

Sunday night will feature Swinging Stars with calypsonians, Uprising Stars, Kassav, Carimi.

Events Director of the Dominica Festival’s Committee Nathalie Clarke-Meade said the festival will seek to shine the light on young Dominican artistes.

“This year shining the light on young Dominican artists, seeking to shine bright like diamonds in the sky, we have identified them they will be in the park on the 26, 27and 28th,” Clarke-Meade said.

Now a mere 7 weeks away, the World Creole Music Festival, was conceived out of a need to provide a platform for Dominican musicians and musical expressions, and to increase the island’s visibility overseas.

The event will cost a nightly sum of EC$120.00 or EC$325.00 for seasonal tickets.

The festival will kick off from 8 pm on Friday and Saturday, but from 4.30 pm on Sunday.

This year homage will be paid to the Cadence-lypso icon Fitzroy Williams from Exile One

Companies who are interested in being part of the event is asked to contact the DFC Office no later than this week.

The World Creole Music Festival was created in 1997 as a means of boosting the flow of tourists on the island during its independence celebrations.

It was also expected to broaden Dominica’s tourism product base and to promote Creole music as a major musical art form.

See more posts on the Entertainment Hot Spot page.

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  1. Anonymous
    October 19, 2013

    First Serenade Back From The Dead(I Heard They The devil on their side too)and new demons… Question Who dig up Serenade???

  2. Nature's Choice
    October 9, 2013

    Why don’t we all jus shut out all this negativity and use this opportunity to enjoy with family n friends regardless of the lineup .who really spends all this money and come so far just to watch these artists sing the same songs we hear over n over again .

  3. didi
    October 8, 2013

    in the times of eddie we were having bands like tabou combo what about sakis and not forgetting the first serenade band to wild out the session and kassave coming in what nigths we were having today you the wcmf have made it so rubbish no one can under stand what a you doing wadicks you can do better than that

  4. dale nibbs
    September 6, 2013

    i be there good lime up .from bvi

  5. Jazzy Jeff
    September 6, 2013

    Clearly you are clueless… Do my homework???? I googled Braket found nothing!!!! Talking about not supporting local??? I support local if we having a local year then fine take out “world” and say Creole Festival and do not charge the same thing since you do not have the logistical challenge of flying in bands!!!!!

  6. hmmm
    September 6, 2013

    i think that the name should change to world music festival;there isnt much creole music..get entertainers that the audience will love,for both old and young

  7. ughhhh
    September 6, 2013

    creole fest is jus one word…BORING,EXCEPT FOR FRIDAY

  8. deesseafricane
    September 5, 2013

    If the festival committee could get the lineup out sooner they would get more takes time to plan for a DA trip and with short notice it becomes difficult to come. this is one of the most well balanced lineups in years. which appeals to visitors. i have friends on neighboring islands and in the states who are excited about this lineup.

  9. Puzzled
    September 5, 2013

    Everybody asking about WCK…there time pass…they dead….what i want to know is where Asa Bantan.. The biggest thing in Bouyon right now…Hands down…

    • Bakes
      October 25, 2013

      What you know somebody who know somebody. Come on orignal WCK now dat is band

  10. Pedro
    September 5, 2013

    We expect to see many tourist from Venezuela and China at the creole festival. This will surely give a boost to the Tourist Industry.

  11. Happy and content
    September 5, 2013

    What hell WCK? The music is tired and yes they need to be put to sleep…they DIE. R.I.P. WCK:lol:. To no name you need to stop running your mouth about the PM payed for KKK and swinging stars to come to NY for labour day.You are an ignorant fool. WCK did not get work visa to travel…If you vex get lost…lol

  12. Pharoah
    September 5, 2013

    In regards to the cost, I think the amount is fair per night $120. As someone said the prices of things 16 years ago is very much different from what it is today, price of gas for example. As a result, the organizers have no choice but to grow with the times. That’s just how it is.
    In regards to the lineup, I would have to say that the organizers could have tried harder to find more Creole bands. Anyway I wish all that attend lots of fun. Enjoy! One life.

  13. possie
    September 5, 2013

    Friday night missing we expect nu look an marshall to play for two hours each? Because is not everybody dat wa t to hear is 120 for d night…

  14. honesty
    September 5, 2013

    its negative comments ike urs that will continue to keep dominica backwards. i am very impressed with this yrs lineup. and “small minded” because u do not kno a band or individual doesn’t mean that they’re not good. it just means u’ve got to do ur homework. i am sick and tired of hearing dominicans bring dominicans down. WCMF is our own.we should be proud of it and support it. when we make comments like these on public forums, what do we expect foreigners to think and do? I love Dominica, and i am Dominica…ARE YOU?

    • Anonymous
      September 30, 2013

      I agree 100% to that!

    • brown sugar
      September 30, 2013

      I agree 100% to that!

  15. pac
    September 5, 2013

    busy signal does speak creole na can some body give me the definition of creole they bringing people that speaking English into something name creole festival them festival committee people killing the culture

    • yessa
      September 5, 2013

      bring an artist of your own nuh

    • d/can
      September 5, 2013

      LMAO….u need to read more we pal!! creole actually means a mixture of cultures. DUMB

      • neutral
        September 5, 2013

        Apparently this person does not know his/her history. The whole Caribbean is creole.There is french creole, English creole, Spanish creole etc.The West Indies is a port of boiling cultures, and yes it is creole.

  16. RV
    September 5, 2013

    This is a great line up.. Super!!!

  17. wow
    September 5, 2013

    stupes.. i i doe worry if wck not there cuz they always playing bord lah meh …

  18. Ambrose B
    September 5, 2013

    If i had ever buy my plane ticket in advance for the festival i would prefer to loose twenty percent of what i pay for the ticket and ask for a refund, this line up is just not attractive, is this the best line up there is? are we runing short in our search for compa bands?? Wadix a lot better can be done. What is so attrctive about this that would encourage me to come home for the festival, where is the attraction to the local content? have we forgotten Gordon Henderson and Exile One? I would encourage the selection committee in the feature to do a better search and listen to the new releases of compa music hiting the air waves in the US and French Caribbean Islands

    • chiensal
      September 5, 2013


    • happy
      October 9, 2013

      woow I agree!! So much nice compa bands there is and I’m sure they would gladly come. When you listen to compa you hearing music!! Real music, what about nacio fountain, I remember he was invited in creole in the park few years ago and people came from all over to see and listen to him. Good conscious lyrics,

  19. d/can
    September 5, 2013

    good line up, but why is busy on the same night with the cadence lypso crap? After busy perform i suspect majority of the peeps just gonna hang around to drink rum. cause the rest of the night sounds boring.

  20. spoil
    September 5, 2013

    people that are asking for wck when last have you seen them perform where are their followers what markets do they dominate when was the last time they played out of Dominica and had a sold out crowd do you all remember when first serenade was left out ck should ask them selves a question should the band still carry the name ck is the music they produce still of the wck quality when last you hear them play one more sway (those who dont know what one more sway is i guess you never knew ck)

    • Anonymous
      September 5, 2013

      You sound like you have a grudge against those guys in CK

    • Tell it like it is
      September 5, 2013

      …. & Triple K ? what are they playing and where are they selling out ?

    • no name
      September 6, 2013

      You seem to have a problem with CK, if you knew about them you would not be asking when was the last time they out of D/ca

    • Bouyon
      September 6, 2013

      Are you serious Spoil???? Just last month WCK played i two major festival in Anguilla and St. Thomas….its sad those like you never take the time off to follow the band and see what its doing but you guys are so quick to spread lies, talk foolishness and try to do all in your power to bring down all that is local…..As times changes so does man, if you take some time and listen to the lyrical content of the recent tracks instead of running your mouth you would say otherwise…..just as in the time when “one more sway” was a hit to the younger ones, the older guys then were saying what foolishness the band was playing then…..clear you are one that don’t believe in the evolution of time. So stop speaking crap and follow the band on their face book page, listen to the musical arrangement and lyrical content before running your mouth

  21. stupes
    September 5, 2013

    Where is WCK BAND!!!!

  22. just me
    September 5, 2013

    Sigh, so much for us young artist’s trying to make it in dominica!!! and wen we come big all you does say is fresh we fresh we doe want to perform in Dominica…..hmmmmmmm count how much time Jeff Joe perform in fest and is when he die all you know he was alive!

    • Lanie
      September 5, 2013

      Lmao… Who ever say allu going to make it big? Dream on

  23. stupes
    September 5, 2013

    Politics killing our CULTURE!!!!!!

  24. Better days R comin
    September 5, 2013

    Everyone complaining about WCK not being on the line up. Seriously? WCK needs an intervention. KKK too needs one, help them, please. I feel something big coming and it is going to be the balance between WCK and KKK music. Asa music is also too controversial, if we really want to go somewhere, we are going to need that balance. It is in our face, but we just haven’t began to give it the support it needs. Carnival 2014 will be BIG!

    • Bouyon
      September 6, 2013

      clearly you have a problem in appreciating whats local and you have no musical sense whatsoever!!! Respect the likes of wck, kkk and asa for they are the same damn bands that keep DA mas alive.

  25. Patriotic B
    September 5, 2013

    Triple K on night one? Really???? Is that the kind of welcome we visitors getting? The lyrics of their music is a disgrace for such quality event. I hope the festival commission set standards and sensor their music. Stewps…. I guess I will take my break when they come on stage. Or better yet have them perform last so I can go home.

  26. D/can2debone
    September 5, 2013

    God spear my life i will be there has not been to one for 15yrs now and i have my plane ticket done paid for.mAJOR LIAT had better not come with them shit that week.
    I waiting to hear when the special will be and for how much. Dominica here i come.

  27. really?
    September 5, 2013

    Now tell me. the price does seem a little much but when you think of it, it does really actually make sense. Break down $120 a night. Let’s take Sunday Night. How much would you spend to go to see a Kassav if it was just a regular show during the year? the ticket would cost between $50-80.00. Carimi, $40-60, Swinging Stars, $20-30. You would still have cost for the Calypsonians and Swinging Stars. Take Friday, Machel Montano on a rgular would cost maybe $50 plus for a ticket, Busy signal as well. When they bring the artists Dominica for a mini performance, we would pay the long money for it. Although it may seem much, really, it is actually worth it. besides giving away too much free tickets, I would understand why the organizers are at a lost now an then, they have many other costs besides just paying the artist. We must stop be negative and instead give advice or constructive criticism.

  28. daughter of the soil
    September 5, 2013

    wow creole music festival, where is chubby and the midnight grovers, that is utter disrespect to our Cadence band. Wadix you mean you did not have a say in picking the line up. What about WCK they die nuh.

    • d/can
      September 5, 2013

      learn to read!! cause i know Chubby dere

      • Asterix
        September 5, 2013

        @ d/can: Chubby is there but with Fitzroy Williams and his all star band. You are the one that should learn to read because there is no mention of midnight groovers

  29. Tall
    September 5, 2013

    Same old bands all the time
    U all just killing this damn festival
    Stupesdd and the bloody money is
    Much for locals like me call centre
    Lay me off alteady

  30. Dominicain
    September 5, 2013

    Where Is WCK where Is those bouyons band to close those festival night good Line up but missing those bouyons bands

  31. KittyKat
    September 5, 2013

    No Ck….and KKK there …stupppppppessss – Pure rubbish

  32. September 5, 2013

    I wii be there to enjoy myself! Already packed waiting to shoot out London next month..see you soon Dominica if god spare life!

  33. stupes
    September 5, 2013

    A band that is a disgrace to DOMINICA is on the lineup????????like seriously datz pure madness…….

    • Mr, Gouty
      September 5, 2013

      How can Chubby & co can be there without Groovers the other members should pull out from the Groovers and let Chubby & Co play all by them selves in any other shows

  34. gwada angel
    September 5, 2013

    it to hot for one nigth dominica come on…… :( :(

  35. inspector R
    September 5, 2013

    …The World Creole Music Festival was created in 1997 as a means of boosting the flow of tourists on the island during its independence celebrations….
    The WCMF started at $60 Nightly its now $120 Nightly is that Fair or encouraging to the average Dominican who wants to attend at list One night?

    • Jay
      September 5, 2013

      So what you want? You paying for gasoline now only twice what you paid 16 years ago, despite our special agreement with Petrocaribe? Typical Dominican, we want everything cheap at the expense of quality.

    • qstorm78
      September 5, 2013

      Its been 16 years and you expect the price to remain the same? What did you buy 16 years ago that’s still the same price today?..

      Common sense is not very common..

    • plawey
      September 5, 2013


  36. adana
    September 5, 2013

    zor pas feb eh allu go nd import all kinda coshonie band overs and allu leaving out allu own, people jus gan stand up nd watch wii.. where WCK??? i know for a fact if nayee was still wit them allu wud take dem, wam to SOS band?? ah nu luke from haiti , pple know who dat na??? get allu act together eh nd give dominicans nd others that will b there somthing day will say YESS!! i didnt regrete dat money .. zor ka feh moon daygoutay wcmf

    • Me Dat
      September 5, 2013

      All you crying for CK. But so many times CK playing all over Dominica and you all not supporting the band. When last you all went a CK jam. Good line up. Stups

      • adana
        September 6, 2013

        nobody wasnt cryin for CK , is just dat they making leaving our bands out to impress other people and wen dem man like mfr nd encore ck etc stop play aluu does really wonder y!! ya is one sett!! nd idk wen las ck play so yaa

    • happy
      October 9, 2013

      You don’t know nu look cause you don’t know music period!! And if they only take bands from dominica you won’t have a festival period!! I would even bring ASHER THOMAS on stage instead of some of those bouyon bands u all promoting there.

  37. Just Blaze
    September 5, 2013

    I think the whole make up of that festival might need to change. Doesnt make sense bring in all these bands from right where ever because nobody doesnt be at d front of d stage when they playing. (Braket ole benz etc.)Give more of the local creole artists a chance. That will save allu money on hotel and air fare and will allow for reduced ticket prices. Bring Carimi and cassav because is that Dominica people like. Secondly that business of 8 pm till day break should stop to. Start at 5 finish at mid-night and let those who want to make daybreak go to melvinas and crazy. That way the older people who not into that day break ting can attend the fest.

    • finalempress
      September 5, 2013

      If old ppl cannot make daybreak then they should stay at their home!!!!! for one how can you be in front de stage and it block? I was there last year and was hanging on the railing they had blocking the stage and I plan on being in the same spot from 8 pm to daybreak this year again!!!!

    • d/can
      September 5, 2013

      u serious man? midnight? what happen New York that dere man!! not even in New York stuff ends at midnight!!

      • Just Blaze
        September 5, 2013

        Clubs go till midnight but I dont know of any outdoor stage show in usa that is day break. Dominicans just not up to di time. Keep living like that. Time for me to get out of that miserable country I have outgrown it.

      • adana
        September 5, 2013

        @just blaze … hold ur flat *bleep*!! miserable country?? woman know wat u sayin wif ur mouth eh .. after u ready let go allu u kwass in our rivers , lakes etc u comin nd call DOMINICA miserable????? tifi ou dwet faul. common man big woman like u (as i see in ur pic) i love my country so i will always answer , now if u dont like the way we leave get ur *&% outta here.. bonjaii dno y?? y i no publish people email so icud lick it to her

  38. text
    September 5, 2013

    The Creole Festival is quickly becoming ROSEAU’s puppet show run by the three stooges.

  39. inspector R
    September 5, 2013

    Where is WCK,,? No WCK am Not Coming D/ca for festival..

  40. 2 CuTe
    September 5, 2013

    Not that i want to hear na…what i want to know is when does the special begin…and i hope is 200..

    If UWP going and change the ticket price i voting them :mrgreen:

    • finalempress
      September 5, 2013

      I in dat!!!!!!! :lol:

  41. Juice
    September 5, 2013

    Ugh!!!!! guess I’ll be home listening listening to the kids in the’ll be more fun and I won’t have to spend a dime.

  42. September 5, 2013

    where wck?

  43. Anonymous
    September 5, 2013

    where is wck?

  44. HomeAlone
    September 5, 2013

    Friday is the only night I going because of montano!

  45. Looking In
    September 5, 2013

    What about our local greats? Ophelia, WCK, Mickel Henderson…..? They should have a yearly appearance. Coming to DA just to see some unknown strangers? Losing its appeal.

  46. Deauditor
    September 5, 2013

    St Lucia jazz festival, St Kitts, Barbados in fact the world over have similar music occasions but all have one other thing in common. They all start in the afternoon, say about 5.00pm, and end at 11.00pm. That way the “fete” can be viewed as a family affair. Children of all ages can attend thereby increasing the gate receipts. So why on earth do we start in the night and go on all night?

    • Just Blaze
      September 5, 2013

      U see you and I think alike. If you read higher up I was trying to tell that to these idiots but they insist on that daybreak nonesense. Creole Festival should end at a decent time and daybreak will make at the after party at melvinas.

  47. pan dem case
    September 5, 2013

    i think the people of wcmf need to carry out proper survey to find out which band or artist is hot at the time in the caribbean and even internationally before selecting,but find the did a fairly good job in selecting the year

  48. Almost
    September 5, 2013

    When i heard the dates i was kinda happy, said that finally i can take a vacation in time to get home for the festival, but when i read the line up, I do not want to see triple k and some of these other bands. Nayee cool though. I would much rather come for creole in the park.I would consider paying $120 a night if all that was on the night was, Nayee, KAssav, Busy Signal, Chubby and co. Carimi, the king Marshall Montano and Swinging stars. The rest is a waste of my time.

  49. grell
    September 5, 2013

    Nathalie and Wadix where is WCK?Where is Nasio you all have no idea about this our local artist.I will be visiting but will not attend,i will support creole in the park instead.and if midnight groovers is not on the line up for that i will boycott guys are throwing all our local talent away.

  50. me
    September 5, 2013

    where is asa?

  51. Pedro
    September 5, 2013

    Where is WCK?

    • Jay
      September 5, 2013

      One noisy band of that ilk is enough, we don’t need two.

    • no name
      September 5, 2013

      They are not party aligned so they have been left out, everything is politics in D/ca. If you not for the party you cannot represent. The saem thing happen to them for Labour Day celebrations in New York, the government help Triplek and Stars go up, but no help for WCK. They still will not die because they have their die hard supporters.


      • Anonymous
        September 5, 2013

        hahaha, boy allu Dominicans does just come and say what allu want? hmmm

      • Tell it like it is
        September 5, 2013

        last time I check it’s promoters bring bands up New York not government ass clown get your Hate out of here you big Ma Look

    • finalempress
      September 5, 2013

      Is there still a WCK???????

    • deesseafricane
      September 5, 2013

      CK band has been very disappointing. still vex about dem at SXM carnival…. always an excuse for problems dem have :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  52. deesseafricane
    September 5, 2013

    this is an amazing lineup put together very well. i actually want to go every night

    • Chocolate
      September 5, 2013

      This lineup sucks if you ask me

    • finalempress
      September 5, 2013

      I am honeslty only coming down for de Kassav and Carimi.

  53. Those who have eyes.
    September 5, 2013

    no WCK? :o

  54. Glo Chaud
    September 5, 2013

    I cant believe this, every year the line up getting more dismal. Eddie must be restless in his grave. Yes its about exposing Dominican musicians but what is going to keep the festival going? Lets play…Population of Dca 58,000 aged 20,000 children 20,000,of the 18,000 left 11,000 are Christians 4,000 are unemployed 2,000 are broke… many people will take their vacation to come and see washed out bands who have played 3 and 4 times at the festival in the past 16yrs or somewhere in Dca in the last 2yrs. People 250,000 for a festival is insufficient trust me we will kill this festival sooner than later….

    • September 5, 2013

      you could be right,

      but yet many visitors still comes to D/ca for this event,and to see friends and family,yes the line up is not hot enough,for me to come down stay at a hotel,for over a 100 us a night,plus food and rental,and tickets,yet we come stil,so dont advice to stop it,advice how to improve it,

    • APACHE
      September 5, 2013

      the radio people are so much into blabla they don’t have time to play dominica music,so how can you promote our music;all we hear is foreign when they have the Guadeloupe and Martinique ophelia,exile one,grammacks,belles combo,midnight groovers,liquid ice can be heard at least 3 times per day!the radio stations are the first responsible for the promotion of our music.put it in your pipe and smoke it.

    • I love DNO
      September 5, 2013

      “washed out bands” what a rude comment. Good music is never washed out. these ppl have spent their life in the music business and should be respected and honored at all times. its amazing our quickly our negativity comes out. i always appreciate critcism however it needs to be constructive. In this enire paragraph that u waisted time constructing, where is the advise that u are giving? what is your suggestion to DFC? And plz bear in mind that different bands cost different prices. some band are way expensive and can’t be afforded by dominica especially when we have ppl compaining about the cost of ticket as it is now.

  55. Jazzy Jeff
    September 5, 2013

    Who can really objectively not agree with me that this Festival is fast becoming irrelevant?? ki moun kwasi color?? eh?? ki moun ole benx?? ki moun Braket??????? Father SMFH and these good folks coming and talking about $325??? Stupes wait eh??? wait I will come and buy the Ticket just now :lol:

      September 5, 2013

      who the hell dan know Braket the singers of yori yori and is not ole benx its a spelling error by DNO its ole Benz, Dominican artiste and singer of every body wan gwada

    • I love DNO
      September 5, 2013

      its negative comments ike urs that will continue to keep dominica backwards. i am very impressed with this yrs lineup. and “small minded” because u do not kno a band or individual doesn’t mean that they’re not good. it just means u’ve got to do ur homework. i am sick and tired of hearing dominicans bring dominicans down. WCMF is our own.we should be proud of it and support it. when we make comments like these on public forums, what do we expect foreigners to think and do? I love Dominica, and i am Dominica…ARE YOU?

  56. candy crush
    September 4, 2013

    dam $120.00

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