Development Institute aspiring to transform Dominica into clean and green economy

Atherton Martin. Photo credit:

As part of its continuing mandate to transform Dominica into a clean and green economy, Executive Director of The Development Institute Arthie Martin says the organization in which he heads has responded to a call by the local and international community to speed up the process.

Martin told a press conference this morning, that will be the highlight of a Green Investment Dialogue with the private sector carded for Thursday.

According to Martin, the Green Investment Dialogue will be the avenue for the private sector to craft an agenda for green investment, to be presented at the upcoming International Green Investment Conference in September.

“In conversations with Green Peace, National Geographic and several other environmentally inclined organizations indicated that Dominica is not the right place to begin the journey,” he said.

Thursday’s dialogue will also afford the opportunity to the Dominican people to craft its own agenda.

“It will give an opportunity to the Dominican business, scientists, public agencies to say what we would want to see addressed as a green investment agenda for Dominica. We are crafting the agenda for the international conference,” he noted.

After the Green Investment Dialogue, a conference planning committee will be formed to complete the planning for the first-ever Green Investment Conference to be held in Dominica.

Forty-two persons have been invited to attend the dialogue.

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  1. Just Me
    February 25, 2010


    Can you come out an tell Dominicans what is the status of the water project? Where are the millions of dolars investments to create jobs both on land and on sea, you promised at the time of signing the contract. It is four or so months since the contract was signed last October. Whathas been accomplished so far? Where are we. Give the people an honest answer.The type of honest answer you are campaigning hard for Skerrit to give Dominicans. Stand up to your moral and ehtical values that you so aptly vocalized – with a stright and hones fce, like noone else on local radio talk shows..

  2. only
    February 25, 2010

    Is that why he is involved with exporting the water …….because he wants DA to be clean and green…….and dry?
    He is definitely involved with the international community. Looks like he is selling out DA.

    I think that the “green ” agenda needs to be dropped because it represents the globalists who are buying up the resources of the world.

    I guess that it is an “exclusive” dialogue meeting. How many of you are on the “exclusive” list?

  3. BeeDee
    February 25, 2010

    Why am not hearing nothing about the license to export water that was given to Mr nor.
    There is where he should be spending most if not all his time to get this project going. Mr martin, we got it, therefore, Pleaseeeee get this water project started. You aleady have all the licenses and the water is still running freely into the sea.

  4. Chakademus
    February 24, 2010

    I have a few questions, or rather some things jump out at me.

    ” …its continuing mandate to transform Dominica…” Who gave Athie and co that mandate? Were they elected by anybody? Normally a mandate comes from the people, but it looks like these people have taken it upon themselves!! Of course as citizens they have the right to join the dialogue and to share ideas, but it looks like they are muscling themselves into a leadership role. Under the surface and between the lines, it seems that they feel that they have the right to chart a course for the rest of us, whether we like it or not!

    Because you have the ability to call a press conference, manipulate the media, issue high sounding cliches while name dropping along the way does not mean a person has any right to dictate an agenda for the country as a whole!

  5. Jude
    February 24, 2010

    N A T O



  6. February 24, 2010


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