Dominica’s environment Minister Kenneth Darroux says Small Island Developing states like Dominica, are comforted by news that US$513 billion worth of funding has been pledged by governments of developed countries, towards a sustainable future.
This was one of the main decisions coming out of last week’s United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The 692 individual commitments from governments are for projects that cut fossil fuel use, boost renewable energy, conserve water and alleviate poverty.
Dr Darroux, who was part of a four man delegation to the Rio Summit – says this is a step in the right direction.
“Coming out of the Rio Summit, one of the most significant items was that a total of five hundred and thirteen billion US dollars was pledged by various developed countries and organizations towards sustainable development efforts. I think it’s comforting that at least the process has started”.
He says of the funds committed, $323 billion will be devoted to achieving universal access to sustainable energy by 2030.
Dr. Darroux says Dominica as a Small Island developing state was very fortunate to be part of the meeting.
“We had a number of bilateral discussions with various partners and international organizations,” he confirmed.
He says Dominica’s delegation was able to put forward the island’s low carbon resilient development strategy at the summit.
sustainable, here are a few things to try in order to ensure eco friendly.
Lets hope the new state house has solar water and lighting. Same for the new and very nice college buildings.
Anywhere new street or public lighting is to go up, ensure it is solar. yes it may cost a little more to install but the amount of VAT the current govt has stolen in arbitrary tarrifs is probably more than sufficient.
Next, ban all styrofoam containers, there are a great many alternatives all suitable for carrying your bean or bull foot soup, and all biodegradable.
In stores, you want a plastic bag, pay for it. encourage reuse and recycle, yes people use them for garbage, but they do not decompose do they?
pay attention to the reports from the test drilling for geothermal energy, it is totally viable and will drastically reduce what are some of the highest rates for electricity in the world.
But I bet the money goes towards a lot of conferences talks about talk and lunches, before you know it, no money left but certain people all had their free meal.
I take the opportunity, as Corrector asks the question,”is it Dr Darroux or Hon Darroux?” to raise something which has been on my mind for some time and at the same time answer the question. My response to Corrector is, it is Dr Darroux!
However when we refer to his position, I fully endorse that it should be the Hon Minister for the Environment. And that goes for all members of Parliament.
I base my answer on my perception that it is the position that is Honorable and not the holder. A rogue may be elected to our Parliament but does that immediately make him/her become honorable? I think not. He is a rogue holding an honorable position.
The position that one holds in our Parliament is honorable, irrespective of who the person is. His or her conduct will either hold this honorable position in the high esteem that it should be held or bring it into disrepute.
This goes across the political divide, And so I say Hon Prime Minister Mr Roosevelt Sherrit, Hon Leader of the Opposition, Mr Hector John, Hon Speaker of the House Mrs Alix Boyd Knight, Hon Min for the Environment Dr Kenneth Darroux, Hon Senator, Mr. Charles Savarin etc etc
Maybe,DNO, we can have some discussion on that. I believe this to be an educational matter
some of these ministers actions make them go from HONORABLE. to QUESTIONABLE….
and that’s my two cents….
some of them make it look like even an old touyan vagabond like me could run for elections….
Man somebody told me shut up this morning, because of what I said, so I am going to tell you to shut-up, what difference does it make wether people refer to him as Dr. squat, or honorable whatsoever, does that make him better than anyone else?
Jesus Christ is God; God Jehovah is God, when you read the Bible if you do, do find any title relate to your creators name?
The thing with some of us Dominicans is that we get carried away by there title someone attained because of some academic degree.
What matters so much in Dominica does not mean anything in some places in the world, a degree simply means that you studied certain discipline , or subjects, and remain long enough to finish school, therefore you can be employed and trained.
That is why medical doctors are always regarded as what is termed ” in practice.” A lawyer for as long as he is in law he is in practice, the same thing goes for a medical doctor.
A degree does not make Kenneth better than anyone blogging here, for all I do not know is what sort of doctor is he:
He could simple have a PhD in philosophy, and they call him doctor, he could be a horse or chicken doctor, that does not mean I or anyone have to revere him or hold on to his coat tail because of his degree, he is mere man; the same as even the drunk in the streets of Dominica.
As for the word honorable?
I doubt there are any honorable minister of government on the planet, if they wore honorable they would not lie through their teeth, at every opportunity they get!
An honorable person will not lie; name me one politician in Dominica who does not lie constantly, or have never lied.
Whoever you are, plenty of us holds more than one degree, in high science, greater than even a medical degree, when we perform our function we have to be successful at each and every time, medical doctors fail everyday, they operate and treat yet the patients dies.
There are other ways one can earn their respect of others without been called Dr, or Honorable whatever title they crave. If you think he is that important or that special, tell him when nature calls and it is time for him to defecate, tell him to hold it back and see what will happen, since him is doctor, and greater than human!
Honor him if you wish, but do not dictate to people who they should address, comment about him, he has nothing that I personally want, and he is not better qualified than I academically, if anything he cannot fill my shoe educationally, and I have no wish desire or intention to become an honorable government minister, because that might cause to become a liar!
So now you have it!
Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
Now this Francisco Ettiene-Dodds Telemacque sounds like one bitter old man
DNO Its DR. Kenneth Darroux or Hon. Kenneth Darroux
Dominica is unique among sovereign nations. We are presently carbon neutral and could easily go negative.
(1) The government should put a major push on the geo-thermal project. And secure whatever funding is needed. Less expensive energy generation would go a long way to improving the island’s economic condition.
(2) Remove all import duty on solar panels, wind turbines, and hybrid, and small electric vehicles.
(3) Make tail pipe emissions a part of mandated vehicle inspections.
(4) Make an inventory of all rain forests and limit the amount of logging of old growth trees.
It all sounds promising but…get some of this $ to nationalization Domlec.
“projects that cut fossil fuel use, boost renewable energy, conserve water and alleviate poverty.”
Domlec can help, but who is going to make them fix our HYDRO plant they killed and invest in Hydro to alleviate poverty?? Instead of passing cost of their friends fuel to Dominicans who pay the HIGHEST RATES thru their nose.
Domlec can take care of all this all by themselves, that’s why many are calling for their nationalization.
DNO, the initial silence of the Dominican delegation upon its return from the Rio+20 Conference was deafening. I now feel that this statement is made after mounting criticisms from Lennox and Arthie. Secondly, was Dominica’s delegation really “four man strong?” DNO may wish to verify that information with the reports that the delegation was eight, including hitherto unknown, non-Dominican nationals serving Dominica as diplomats in New York.
Based on the two main themes of the conference i.e., a focus on (a) a green economy in the context of sustainable development poverty eradication; and (b) the institutional framework for sustainable development, the intended thrust of Dominica’s future development appears to be well within the focus of Rio+20. However, based on the Minister’s report, it would appear that Dominica does not expect much from the Conference.
I had hoped to hear from the Minister and his delegation that Dominica’s participation at the Conference was a renewal of Dominica’s commitment to sustainable development and that the government intends to create or facilitate that environment in that regard. I took note of the commitments of the international community and the several forward-looking and action-oriented proposals, including an agreement to develop sustainable development goals to complement the MDGs. However, the Minister’s statement was devoid of that kind of substance.
This conference, like so many UN Conferences may well be another talk shop, filled with fancy, recycled statements, well-meaning declarations and commitments. Nevertheless, it is always refreshing when the international community pledges to inter alia;
-increase funds available for sustainable development projects;
-strengthen the environmental pillar of sustainable development
-strive for sustainable consumption and production;
-ensure food security, clean water and sanitation, and affordable, and sustainable energy for all;
– act on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity, and to curtail marine pollution, overfishing and ocean acidification;
– strengthen social protection and tackle global unemployment, especially youth unemployment
– build more livable and sustainable cities and communities with decent housing and sustainable transportation for all; and
– enhance support to small island developing States, the least developed countries and other countries in special situations.
It is hoped that Dominica will get its act together in order to benefit from the potential benefits that can be derived from the focus on sustainable, green, environmentally friendly developmental projects. For some time now, the international community has been earmarking funds for sustainable development but one is not sure whether Dominica has been well-positioned to take full advantage of these opportunities. Based on the Minister’s statement, one does not get the impression that Dominica has or intends to position itself to claim its fair share of the $513 billion commitment for sustainable development. Our delegation seemed more focused on bilateral agreements and supporting anti-us resolutions with leftist minded governments rather than setting Dominica on a sustainable pathway to a safer, more equitable, cleaner, greener and more prosperous Dominican society.
Have you even made an effort to familiarize yourself with Dominica’s Climate Resilient/Low Carbon Strategy?
Do you even know that this strategy has been endorsed by the World Bank and we have already begun to tap into some 16 million US dollars for projects? Thatthe world Ban team was already here a couple months ago for project identification?
Do you fool?
Do you even know that this strategy makes us perhaps the only Caribbean nation with such a document/policy paper that plots the way towards a sustainable development pathway and green economy?
eh? eh? eh? do you know that fool?
Read between the lines Dr. D. Sustainable means communism. Money isn’t free. The whole carbon thing is a hoax as well as the global warming. But boy are those that consider themselves “educated” buying into it. Just shows you what mind control in the educational system can do. That UN meeting in Rio was orientated toward eugenics…..the elimination of most of the people on the planet… except for the elite and the foreign bankers. What better way to boost energy, conserve water and alleviate poverty than to just get rid of the people. Time to wake up.
I’m glad someone else is wise to the grand orchestration.
If the world was serious about global warming and carbon foot print then Nicola Tesla would have become a house whole name by now. Like the Egyptians and pretty much later, he discovered how to generate alternating electricity from virtually nothing and how to transmit it without wires as well. Oh and how to illuminate bulbs without wire.
But wouldn’t that cause some multi billionaires to go “broke” and become insignificant? Yes it would. I saw stop all of the bombings and nuclear testing and we will have no “global warming” to worry about. Also, if the USA will close down H.A.A.R.P up in Alaska and end the environmental war fare / weather manipulations then the ice in the north / Alaska will stop melting.
Kenneth, it is too good to be true, you are fooling yourself with that lie!
I do not care what lie you tell about this Rio thing; which I believe you are talking about the ALBA nations, which Dominica should not be any part of: without Venezuela, these nations are worst off than Dominica and all the rest of it member nations.
Chavez would have to sell quite a few billion gallons of oil to come up with more than five billion dollars,so that you can benefit from it.
Your lies will eventually return to haunt you!
Come o, Francisco! this meeting in Rio was sponsored by the UN – not ALBA.
So what, how many billions have you ever heard the United Nations made available to any poor nation as our?
. Do not forget when we are talking about the United Nations, if you extract America, France Grate Britain (England) Germany, Canada, and Australia, what do we have left?
A pile of helpless nations, including our country Dominica which is a member of the UN.
I hope you get the drift here, I read a quote on DNO earlier today, and I will tell you now the person who wrote is a young genus:
The person wrote:
” a promise is a fools comfort. ”
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, that made me laugh my belly out, but the person is right, no one could have said it better.
Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
Keep working is right! Dominica’s Geothermal project fits right into that but there ae hawks out there who will squeeze us out with a smile while they push their nebulous dreams for funding under sustainable development. Keep our geothermal on the front burner in their faces. Get commitments early.
this is some low level vibes… this administration may as well sit on the floor as low as they stoop…
this was not done on my behalf…. I claim no representation by these unmentionables..
a fox is indeed as cunning as it’s sly smile and bushy tail….
Keep working guys, these are the things a working government does.
a promise is a comfort to a fool…
Only if the GOVT is truthful and the USA is no fool
Alas poor you.