Government has temporarily given the go ahead for hunting and fishing in fresh water streams on the island.
This means between October 1 to December 31 licensed hunters and licensed freshwater fishermen may hunt crabs, fresh water species such as crayfish, mullets, shrimp, agouti, manicou and rammier only.
However the Forestry, Wildlife and Parks Division is warning that a valid license is necessary to hunt and fish in Dominica’s streams. “The general public is reminded that it is an offence under the Forestry & Wildlife Act to hunt or fish in freshwater streams without a valid licence, and that the hunting of all other species of animal, including the Mountain Chicken, all Birds, and Iguanas is strictly prohibited,” the division said in a release.
Outdoor enthusiasts are advised that hunting and fishing licenses maybe be purchased at the office of the Forestry and Wildlife Division on the Windsor Park link road and the sub-treasuries in Portsmouth and Marigot beginning October 4.
Those interested should call the Forestry, Wildlife & Parks Division at 266- 5863/5852.
that thing looks cool
I am preparing to visit the awe inspiring island of Dominica. I am a hunter and live off the land in Idaho (U.S) . You have to do what you have to do to feed your family. Here we eat rattlesnake , deer, elk, bear, porcupine, squirrel, and and thing else that will make a meal. There is a place for all gods animals ……. Right next to the potatoes and veggies! Would love an opportunity to spear hunt wild boar in Dominica.
i have caught over 345 cray fish and counting
Yessa dat one der wud go down gud…. Years I ain ate dat stuff.
I ate manicou long time ago but I don’t think I
will never eat it again
it looking like some body i no haha lol

mwe mem maca mange sa awa ca se sal
Alas! look at that bright face….
in the worls of love and cheese no!!!!!!!
I have never seen a manicou or Agouti. I cannot recall ever eating the meat.
It is educataing. We live and we learn.
I am not too proficient in patois. What is rabbit called in patois? I cannot recall the patois name. I also do not think I ate the meat. I do know they love to eat carrots.
I never heard of the name, rammier. Could it be a wild ram? Please correct me if I erred. This name is not familiar to me.
I was not aware that Dominica has shrimps. Would they be also called titiwi?
See, when I do not know something and want to learn about it, I ask questions.
T & T has a lot of shrimps and some big ones. When I visited there I had some. I love shrimps.
Someone mentioned about wild pigs. I was also not aware that Dominica had wild pigs.
How times change. As a child, Dominicans were free to haunt at any time of the year during the seasons. I suppose the reason for this restriction is to preserve them and give them time to breed again for the next season that they may not be extinct. It makes good sense. When haunting them, is there a set quota?
Happy hunting. Hope you catch a lot.
Some answers to your questions:
Rabbit= Lapein (like patois for “the bread”)
Rammier is a bird- slightlty bigger than a dove (feeds mostly on tree seeds)
Shrimps is a small version of the crayfish..
D/ca has an abundance of wild pigs (hogs in North America)
Not sure but there may well be a quota. But since most hunting is done at nights, who is there to enforce it??
Hope this helps
. you talk alot =-.-=
All i want for Creole Day is crab callaloo and agouti water…well made…nothing beats that!
That thing is just plain nasty looking. who in their right mind would eat such a stinking nasty looking thing. Grosses me out.
to me huntin season never close cause the way things runin here wew have to continue to feed our families year round wid the wild life
Thats just a big rat, thats a rat family,omg
I dont think the authorities are doing enough to curb illegal hunting during the closed season. They need to remind the public of the fines! I know some of these fines have been raised recently. But to me I only hearing about them fining ppl trying to leave the country with illegal wildlife.
well all those dominicans that eating possum or manicou that is all u me is one person that desn’t eat that
was that pic meant to dissuade people from hunting? ugh! Fugly!
That is a well fat Manicou, smoke that and boil it with dumplins and dasheen, cant wait to go back to DA
thoze manicou cud send a prettier one for the foto shot wii
Oh God poor little possums please give them a break aleee that’s gross. I see them walking around my pool in Hollywood Fl all on the patio my dog chase them all the time why would someone eat something so ugly and disgusting beat me.
get over your self its a big world with many different people who eat many different things we a dominicans not califonyans we eat manycou and califonyans dont thay a not better than aus and we a not better than them we jost eat diferent foods
You got major issues.Kindly deal with it first learn to read carefully. I’m not in California i’m in Hollywood Florida ha ha makak you can eat all the possums in the world but I will NEVER touch nor eat it thanks.That’s my story and I’m sticking to it, never said I was better than others after all we are all Dominicans I smell a little jealousy here.
They would eat them because they never saw them alive. I recall that when a few people caught crabs and crapaud – frogs which today they call mountain chicken, they would especially clean them, take off the heads of course and bring them to my parents’ home to sell them. They were cooked and were delicious. As an adult, today, I do not know if I will eat frogs.
What is the status of wild pigs? Can they be hunted with a license? I noticed that wild pigs are not on the list in the story above. Also, can anyone advise whether a license is required to harvest titiwii?
You will have to ask the authorities. I wonder if crayfish falls in the category of titiwi and vice versa?
wild pig is not native to dca as well as wild goats thats why its not on the list to my understanding it can be hunted without a licence year round but dont take my word on that i still got to confirm that
Thats just plain nasty..
What is?
mais sa lead wi, cumma moun ca mange’ sa non??? ca cest enfant sin et shame.
When you were a child did you not eat them? They are healthy to eat. They have not killed anyone yet.
In Canada there is a lot of beef recalls and is expanded because it is contaminated with salmonella and have made many people sick. I am trying to recall if it was stated anyone died from it. For a while now people are not purchasing beef and ground meat. What a financial loss for the processing plant and especially for the grocery stores. This Thanksgiving weekend we will have to settle for turkey, chicken, pork but no beef.
Great Idea.
It is interesting where our interests lie. This story has no semblance of partisan politics so it does not attract the atention of the bloggers since it was posted earlier today.
Dominicans let us enjoy the season and do whatever is right to ensure that our island species are conserve for us now and our generations to come. Happy hunting and fishing
Based on the facial expression of the Manicou in the picture above, I think we have a very clear idea of what it thinks about the reopening of the hunting season.
LOL, I like that comment. Appears to be true
The manicou looks sad. Its eyes are shining as if it is crying.
It looks like a little helpless baby – manicou.
…And healthy too. There is a reason, as rabbits why they are in Dominica. Agouti and Manicou and the others survive without being fed by humans. Yet, they are healthy to eat. Is this not something? Good seasoning will make them tasty and enjoyable.
So hunting season opened on October 1, but hunters can only purchase licences from Oct 4.
It looks like the people at the forestery division just realized there was a hunting season this year?
eh beh manicou sa la belle papa..vi ni pou mweh majai ou
i hope those paro in possie get that message .(all year round is hunting season for them)THE FOREST IS THEIRS,THEY CAN HUNT ANYTIME
lololol hahahahahahahaha DNO You just make my day.that pic hahahahahaha u just couldnt have gotten a better pic