Ministry of Agriculture promotes awareness of Black Sigatoka threat

Crops affected by Black Sigatoka/photo credit:

In an effort to develop Dominica’s response capability and promote public awareness of the threat posed by Black Sigatoka, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in collaboration with the Dominica National Fair Trade Organisation (DNFTO) will host a two-day Black Sigatoka training workshop for staff of the Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry, DBPL, Fairtrade, Customs and Ports on 3-4th February, 2010.

Black Sigatoka is an invasive species which was recently confirmed in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and other Caribbean territories.  This disease is categorised as a ‘Critical Quarantine’ disease which primarily affects banana, plantain, cocoy, ornamental heliconia and other host crops.  These crops significantly contribute to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Dominica and the potential destruction of these crops by this disease will have disastrous social and economic implications.  In this regard, hucksters and other travellers are reminded of their responsibility to keep exotic invasive pests and diseases out of Dominica.  The relevant permits and documents must be obtained to import plant and animal products into Dominica.  Special attention should be paid to souvenir and craft items made with plant products.

Technical sessions will follow the opening session on day one and practical sessions will follow on day two at the La Plaine Agricultural Training Centre.


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1 Comment

  1. van
    February 4, 2010

    Dominica should start to take a firmer role in what is brought into Dominica. Plants and seeds should not be allowed, because of there potential for bring harbouring diseases which could prove distructive to Dominica’s wildlife and agriculture.

    It is better to spend a little money now, employing extra staff at airports and ports, to thoroughly check everything coming in, rather than pay a much higher cost later.

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