Report on below average rainfall experienced in Dominica

We should all be aware of the present drought conditions affecting the southern islands of the Eastern Caribbean.  Drought Alerts are at present in effect for a number of these islands. Dominica however is not under alert.

From October 2009, the western coast of Dominica (TDCF) has been experiencing below average rainfall while, the Eastern coast began experiencing similar conditions from December 2009. (These conclusions were drawn based on rainfall recorded at the Canefield and Melville Hall Airports which are located on the west and east coast respectfully.)

From October to December 2009, the Canefield Airport recorded below average rainfall ranging from 10% to 30 %.

The Melville Hall Airport recorded 91.2mm or 3.6ins in December. This was the driest December on record (over 41yrs) for that station and this amount accounted for just 40% of the normal December rainfall.

For 2010, rainfall totals continue to plummet below the normal levels across the island.

On the West Coast: January’s total of 32.8mm or 1.5ins was the lowest since 2001 based on the twenty-eight (28) year record at the Canefield Airport.  This amount accounted for 30% of the January’s average. February’s total was just 0.4mm or 0.02in making it the lowest on record at the Canefield Airport, this was a mere 0.6% of the average February rainfall at that station.

On the East Coast: January’s total of 76.1mm or 3.0ins was the lowest in the past 19yrs (1991). This level accounted for 55% of the normal January rainfall. February’s total was 4.2mm or 0.2in which was the lowest on the 42yr old record at the Melville Hall Airport. February’s total accounted for just 4% of the normal February total.

It can be noted here that the driest period on the west coast is between March and April while on the Eastern coast the driest months are February and March. The Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology has been monitoring the drought conditions across the Eastern Caribbean and will issue an outlook on the months ahead in the coming week. The Met Office will inform the public on the likely trend of the drought conditions when that information becomes available.

Meanwhile, DOWASCO has commenced a water conservation campaign and the Met Office encourages all citizens to adhere to the regulations stipulated by the company and make every effort to conserve water as much as possible.

Farmers will have to make some important farming decisions and the necessary precaution has to be taken with regards to bush fires to protect life and property since the driest months are still ahead.

Sheryl Etienne-LeBlanc

Senior Meteorological Officer (Ag.)

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  1. Mellie
    March 6, 2010

    Great job Shewo …although DBS mess up ur name its all good …good work am proud of ur analysis

  2. danielson
    March 5, 2010

    This is impressive analysis….finally we are applying scientific i can quote this article in my reports…..

    good work sheryl

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