Solid Waste Management Corporation resumes lead battery collection

A lead battery

The Dominica Solid Waste Management Corporation (DSWMC) is currently spearheading an awareness campaign to alert the public of the dangers of lead to humans and the environment.

Public Relations Officer of the organization Jeno Jacob said in keeping to its mandate at protecting citizens from health risks, the Corporation recommenced the collection of used and damaged lead acid batteries from communities.

“Last week the Corporation collected batteries from garages and owners of vehicles in areas between Scotts Head to Newtown. The Corporation has developed a collection schedule to gather these items island-wide.  So far, 40 tons of batteries have been shipped overseas,” he said.

According to Jacob, Dominica is signatory to the BASEL Convention of 1989, which recognizes lead batteries as a hazardous waste.

“It obliges its 156 member countries to ensure that such waste is managed and disposed of in an environmentally sound manner, and prevent transboundary pollution. The Corporation is the sole legal entity to manage lead batteries in Dominica,” he said.

Used Lead Acid Batteries or ULABS as they are called present a serious threat because of their lead content. Lead can enter the body by ingestion or by breathing lead dust.

The negative effects of lead on human health include problems with reproduction, high blood pressure, nerve disorders and muscle and joint pains. Lead is even more dangerous to children because their bodies absorb more lead than do the bodies of adults.

According to Jacob, if lead batteries are disposed of in the landfill or environment they can release sulfuric acid, which can pollute drinking water sources such as rivers, streams and ground water.

“Efforts at recycling and reusing spent lead acid batteries would protect human health.  The collection effort supports the Corporation’s theme of ‘Recycle, Reuse and Reduce’ as the way forward for solid waste management in Dominica,” he added.

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  1. John
    May 25, 2013

    You can get $5.00 US per battery at a re-cycle facility in the United States some people make a business of it. They ought to give people in Dominica at least $5.00 EC make it worth wile to them to bring in batteries it is also illegal in the US to transport batteries in a vehicle like a truck unless it is in a plastic or rubber container the fine if you get caught is heavy.

  2. Nathaniel Peltier
    July 21, 2010

    Tell people that you get at least US 250 for a ton as well and mentioned above give people some incentive to bring it to you. I wish that every incentive in Dominica was not pushed by simply economics.

  3. thinking man
    July 20, 2010

    solid waste should be paying people $ 10.00 for every bateery that is brought in . that would give people a good reason to dispose the batteries properly.

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