Over 200,000 trees are expected to be planted as a new environment preservation programme kicks off in Dominica.
The project known as the “Million Hour Tree Planting Project” is to be launched on Monday and the trees are to be planted over a one-year period.
The project is seeking to mobilize youth and other community-based organizations to invest one million man hours in the planting of the trees with special emphasis on soil conservation and development of green spaces along Dominica’s coast lines and throughout the interior of the island.
The project will also include sensitization workshops and village beatification competitions, organizers said in a release.
The project was developed in response to a call by the government of Dominica for a national effort towards clean up and beatification around the country.
It is anticipated that thousands of Dominicans will join in the tree planting effort during community day of service this year and throughout the life of the project.
More than 10,000 plants and just over 50,000 man hours are expected to be established on November 4th this year observed in Dominica as Community Day of Service.
The Million Hour Tree Planting Project is being mainly funded by the Global Environmental Fund (GEF) and has received support from a number of private and public sector institutions including LIME, Dominica Social Security, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Tourism, Public Works, Education, Environmental Coordinating Unit, Local Government and Ross University. Also on board are DBS Radio, Josephine Gabriel, SAT Telecoms, National Bank of Dominica, Dominica Solid Waste Management Corporation and DOWASCO.
Extremely good project for a country who projects itself as the nature isle.
Good idea… and tell those haitians stop cutting everything that look like wood to make coals… while we planting they coming here and cutting wild like mad man saying is coal they making… hope the government is aware of the poor environmental practices of these people and look they putting humsn msnure in plastic bags and dumping it in garbage too… yeah not relevant but important
There is no need to use charcoal for cooking now that we have plentyful, and relatively cheap bootled gas. Tell those guys to stop that bad practice, which caused their own country to be denuded. It is false economy.
I will replant what I cut, count me in.
I gave people this idea in New York city. I should have pass it on to Dominica first,now who gets credit for my idea???? Smh.
Let us all join in this tree planting effort. This will help restore our waterways. Planting or replanting trees along our River banks will help secure our Rivers for the next generation and beyond.
I wish we could plant breadnut tree and lime tree then dominicans would never ever go hungry again.
nothing better than breadnut and lime squash!
The Ministry of Agriculture will be donating citrus trees to be planted in strategic areas for use by the public. This will help bring down the cost of limes and other citrus crops.
The project known as the “Million Hour Tree Planting Project” is to be launched on Monday and the trees are to be planted over a one-year period. There are 8760 hours in a year, so I’m looking at 114 people working 24 hours a day? or 480 people working 8 hours a day for 52 weeks with no vacation or 500 people working 8 hours a day for 50 weeks with 2 weeks vacation. Who is ready for the challenge? LOL
The objective is to get as many people involved and not a challenge to particular people!!
Dominica have a good enough population that everyone dedicate a couple hours a week to achieve this.
GENERATION OF OPPORTUNITIES is FULLY RESPONSIBLE for this project…this should clearly indicate who is responsible for utilizing the funds…
thought is was a Generation of Opportunities thing. would not support But now that i’m reading otherwise i’m on deck full time. my community adventure club will take full part in this
Infact Generation of Opportunities is the organization taking the initiative! Stop with the petty ignorance “X GO”.
Amen Sistah! Some people just dont know when to appreciate good things. i’m sure if a stripping club was to open in Dominica they would all be for it but here it is we are talking about GOECO everyoneeee wants to know about money and who is responsible! goshhhh
Some of you really need to grow up, you people will one day stop hating on this organization, the more you try to pull it down the more God raise it up. GO on GO and just keep GO-ing, leave the X GO in God hands as usual. Dominicans must learn to be positive when they see good things.
We in that.
Some people never grow up and go past the hand in front their faces, One day all of you will realize that GO has gone places you have not and will not reach and you will still be there standing looking at you hand in front your face. Allow positive impacts on OUR country, contribute and stop your jealously. SHAME on you X GO.
I love the greenery of my homeland but I think we have enough trees. Perhaps they should donate those trees to Haiti. As we know deforestation has had a detrimental impact on Haiti. Please donate those trees to Haiti. We do not need anymore in D/ca.
We do have soil erosion and a reduced water flow in our rivers. It is exactly because we don’t want to end up like Haiti that we are planting those trees, not to mention the esthetic appeal. This is an excellent intiative.
Trees have more than just green leaves. They have flowers,fruits,aroma. They protect the soil. Dominica is a young island. Just check the number of landslide along our roadways. While I agree Haiti need trees with just 3 % forest cover we can never have to must if you know the multiple function of trees. The project include the planting of flowers etc. Any redevelopment of Haiti must inclde re forestation.
best i have read in a long time more trees less erosion,please add fruit trees also.
plant close to the river ,but besides the river we do not need more tree .just think of dominica in hurricane and rainy season
Dominica already a jungle u all still planting more trees. Hmmmm same thing i saying. Maybe they blind.
Please educate yourselves before making such comments!
Go to Wikipedia and type the importance of trees and see what comes up.
Maybe you should emigrate to Haiti then…you’d be much happier there!
This is a wonderful idea. I just hope it is managed in a way where trees are planted in an organised way, in the right places. We can’t just go planting vi ki vi. Experts need to be involved. How can I be part of this effort.?
I hope the Forestry Divisin is making the Trees available to the communities, and properties owners.
not necessarily. u can plan coconut trees, ceda and others. there are plants growing all over the place. even breadfruit and bread nut too.just throw some breadnut in a spot and u sure to have a few plants in weeks.
There will be training in plant propagation so register
i saw a lot of beautiful plants in other countries …wish we had them in Dominica…..i guess he ones that loose their leaves during the winter will retain them throughout the year if they are brought to Dominica
if not leave them where they are… ..the ground is to nasty with all those leaves in the fall….but is is beautiful when they change color before the leaves fall
those that do not loose their leaves can be brought here
Dominica has a large selection of beautiful flowers. We just need to organize our landscape
I don’t think the trees that loose their leaves will grow well in Dominica since they need the cool months. I agree the trees like sugar maple are beautiful in the fall with the bright orange and rust colored leaves but not for here. Just like a coconut palm will not survive in the areas that have snow….Just saying…
Wish we cud plant mary jane..
ok i did not see where my comment went..i did not say European countries grow coffee for export….. early sailors brought the plant there, by rationing their water supply in other for the plant to survive the journey..they discovered a new drink that was irresistible so they had to take the plant with them…..and as for invasive species all one need is to be cautious
Count me in…we need more trees in Roseau…we can transform the place with street line trees.
Lets do it for Dominica and our kids future
I could not agree with you more. Some shrubs in planters would do the trick.
and tell them Haitians stop cutting them down like crazy to make coal to sell
and tell the government stop selling land in close proximity to the rivers where trees are cut down so homes can be built
and bring in some vegetation that is foreign to the island to…all we have is guava trees and mangoe trees
how do you think coffee got to Europe….early Europeans took trees from countries they “discovered” to and brought it back to their homeland…
potatoes peppers tomatoes and a whole lot of foods were not found in European countries…
Not just haitians cutting trees for coal…
Not sure what country in Europe grows coffee…but I do know coffee was planted in the former colonies of european countries including Dominica.
“and bring in some vegetation that is foreign to the island to…all we have is guava trees and mangoe trees” …one word invasive species!
i never said European countries grow countries coffee for export..but coffee plant was brought there by early sailors who had to rain some of their water in other for the coffee plant to survive the journey……..invasive species? give me a break …..there is such a thing but …………….
tiny you have 1 or 2 good points. HOWEVER, when you bring in vegetation that is foreign, they tend to cause many problems, namely: they have pests that have no natural pedators in the new country so those pests flourish and become problematic, and also they may carry a hosts of new diseases that are detrimental to local flora and fauna.
But you are correc no selling of land close to the rivers
Is the national youth council involved ?
boy scouts 4H CLUB etc.?youth arm of political parties ?
This should- begin the idea of a NATIONAL SERVICE PROGRAM by which young people are ONLY afforded- awarded- allowed- scholarships through a specific amount of hours spent in work
for country projects such as this …
why get from country if you dont give to country?
Here is the answer to your question:
” The project is seeking to mobilize youth and other community-based organizations to invest one million man hours in the planting of the trees with special emphasis on soil conservation and development of green spaces along Dominica’s coast lines and throughout the interior of the island.”
Should any of these groups pay particular interest getting involved in the project, unless you represent all of these organizations, feel free to contact the organizing committee of the project. REGISTRATION IS FREE.
the amount of trees we have!!!!! i really dont understand this sort of activity
Because there’s no prize for having a lot of trees overall–the problem is local areas where too many trees have been cut down.
Note the article already states this project places “special emphasis on soil conservation”, so that’s a clue to focus on that issue instead of just saying “I really don’t understand!”
Areas without trees are more subject to erosion, which worsens flooding and threatens agriculture through loss of soil, particularly given the steepness of much of Dominica’s farmland.
So try googling “soil conservation”, as well as “deforestation” and “erosion” to learn more.
If i could shake your bigtoe, i’d do it.
Too many at times people are always ready to put something negative where there’s potential. I hope people like “hmmmm”,”U too fast”, and the likes of the other critics actually paid attention to the launching which was broadcast live, to have a better understanding of the objective of the program!
Wait until you see the manifestation and you will no longer be a Thomas.
Love this, “you will no longer be a THOMAS