Excavation completed this week for construction of geothermal plant slated to begin early 2025

Dr Vince Henderson

The construction of a 10-megawatt geothermal plant will begin early next year. This was according to Minister for Energy Dr. Vince Henderson.

“We are well underway for the construction of our 10-megawatt geothermal plant,” he said while speaking to State-Owned Radio DBS.

He said the site is being prepared and the first set of equipment has been brought on site for several months now, “and we are expecting the completion of the site, the preparation of the site where the power plant will be actually installed, and I was advised when I visit last week that actual excavation will be completed this week.”

Furthermore, Dr. Henderson indicated that later this year the government is expecting another shipment containing the actual power plant equipment, directly from Israel.

“We pray to God for safe passage that it gets here and we will see construction picking up in early 2025,” he revealed. “That is great news and I am really happy.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Henderson stated that in addition to the construction of the geothermal power plant, a transmission network is being constructed.

He said a construction company from India is presently on the island and they have been mobilized and getting themselves organized to begin actual construction work of the transmission network.

“There will be a series of consultations in the communities affected and we really appealed to the public to give us all the support that they can, to ensure [they] cooperate with us and we will cooperate with them to minimize disruption and to ensure that we protect lives and property during the process because we are looking at a 10-kilometer line and it is a lot of work,” he stated.

Dr. Henderson added, “75 percent of the lines will be on the ground, so that is also going to require some excavation. Fortunately, it will not be too disruptive in the communities, but we want to always ensure that we have safeguards for lives, livelihoods, and properties.”


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  1. Missie
    December 3, 2024

    We still not going to get the plant back from the foreigners in under 25 yeats so that we can see any savings on our electricity rates. Smells of bad rookie dealings before it starts, no business skills at all.

  2. December 1, 2024

    Beware of those DLP hungry hyenas who have Dr before their names, and who believe it makes them superior to all other Dominicans, and that they can pull wool over our eyes, an elderly man once told me “any time you have been fooled by a fool, that makes you a foolish fool” just build the damn thing bro and spare us all that fancy talking; we have waited 25 years and looking forward to another 25 years; so What!!!!! else do you have on your mind Dr, “it’s been said that a little bit of learning can be extremely dangerous” that’s so true when dealing with these intellectually, dishonest recalcitrants.

  3. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    November 30, 2024

    “Excavation completed this week for construction of geothermal plant slated to begin early 2025”
    Am I reading the words of Henderson in the quote above correctly, or am I going crazy, simply mad?
    In simple terms excavation imply the moving or digging up something on a site such as archaeological site! Vince is so damn lie he has completely forgotten that they claim that construction work on some geothermal plant began more than ten years ago.

    Vince Henderson, you are a confounded confused liar: If your story is correct, what happen to the years, and money spent paying Amorous George Son, as chief engineer, scientist, and project manager, building the plant without any knowledge of geothermal energy.

    How many times in the past ten years we saw bellowing smoke in the sky’s, as you crooks claimed you were testing, and soon will be selling electricity produced from you plant to the government of Martinique, and Guadeloupe?

    Have you forgotten Vince; you lie like a dog, shut up!

  4. LifeandDeath
    November 29, 2024

    I just pray that the Airport has better luck

  5. Lazy
    November 28, 2024

    one day sir…it will happen may b when cock grow teeth
    …hope it will be affordable and investors will come in….for Dominica is on its last breath due to the lazy party… paying minister for none performance……

  6. Clean hands
    November 28, 2024

    vince as you said you doing what you have to do and come out from there. what did you mean 😳 🤔.

  7. Labour power
    November 28, 2024

    That is not the land UWP take from St.Valle in Tarreau to build a power plant.Vince the ghetto man from backstreet St.Joseph a nightmare for UWP.

  8. Ibo France
    November 28, 2024

    If promises were people, those made by Roosevelt and all the spineless members of his cabinet, would be in the orthopedic wing of the hospital with multiple broken bones.

    A broken promise is a dagger in the heart, leaving wounds that may never heal. Roosevelt has brown many hearts of Dominicans.

  9. SilentMajority
    November 28, 2024

    OMG! Just build this thing already.

    Enough talk. SMFH.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 1

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