Five Dominicans arrested, jailed for drug trafficking in Guadeloupe


Five Dominicans have been arrested and sent to prison for drug trafficking in Guadeloupe. French media identified them as Ned Nicholas, Niki Thomas, Dorian Title, Tyaran Vache, and James Xavier.

Reports indicate that they appeared in court on Monday, June 3.

According to the media reports, the men were arrested on the night of May 30 on a beach in Les Salines au Gosier on the neighboring French island. When they were apprehended, they had in their possession 93 kilos of marijuana, a handgun, and ammunition. The drug had an estimated value of 938,000 Euros or close to three-million EC dollars.

It has been reported that before the men were arrested, French police were alerted of the possible arrival of a boat named “Still Rising” by their counterparts in Dominica and the military in Guadeloupe set up a surveillance and geolocation system that alerted them as soon as the vessel entered French territorial waters.

The five were picked up as they were disembarking the boat.

It was also reported in the French media that the men did not know each other however investigation of their telephone data showed that they were all in contact with a person who goes by the nickname “Major.” The investigation shows that Major was the person behind the entire operation.

The men received jail sentences ranging from three to six years.

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  1. Bwa-Banday
    June 6, 2024

    I pray god guada police will lock them up indefinitely and throw away the keys. Enough of the drug trade and those who partake in it. They tired spoil our name! Throw away the keys souplay! :twisted:

  2. Hungry Dominica
    June 5, 2024

    Dominica police called Guadeloupe police to arrest their citizens for cannabis. LOL

  3. Labour power
    June 4, 2024

    The CID and Special Branch in Dominica should keep a record of those names and photograph of the convicts,and the names and photographs should be posted in all police station.

    • Long-term Results
      June 6, 2024

      That’s what you all have brought our little island to, persecuting people for cannabis on the island when others are exporting is precious oils. You can’t even export food so they take it on their own to export.

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