Foreign nationals charged with possession of cocaine denied bail

Two St Vincent nationals were denied bail for possession of illegal substances, specifically cocaine. Philon Kevin Joseph and Jamal Cordice Delpeche were arrested on May 28, at a hotel in the vicinity of Delices for trafficking 573,000 grams of cocaine with intent to supply.

The two accused appeared before Magistrate Pearl Williams at the Roseau Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, June 4, legally represented by attorneys Wayne Norde and Gina Abraham Thomas. However, due to the matter being indictable Joseph and Delpeche were not allowed to enter a plea.

The prosecution disfavoured bail application. Referring to section 7.1(C) of the 2020 Bail Act, he expressed concerns about Joseph and Delpeche escaping jurisdiction. “If they [are] granted bail, they would not surrender to court as they are foreign nationals and a flight risk.” He further mentioned the seriousness and nature of the offense, asking that the court practice discretion.

According to that section of the Bail Act, when a person is charged with drug trafficking, the court shall not grant bail to
that defendant unless it is satisfied that appropriate circumstances exist to justify the granting of bail.

Magistrate Williams replied that his classification for flight risks was not applicable, “being a non-national doesn’t make you a flight risk.” Attorney Norde rose to respond, expressing similar sentiments as the judge, adding that the
prosecution’s grounds are “very weak.” Drawing attention to matters that resulted in bail approval, Norde defended his clients, “The court should not look at the seriousness of the matter alone. The court has granted bail for murder, rape, even Jason Grogg was granted bail and that was a serious offense. The grounds offered by [the] prosecution are very weak and the defendants should be granted bail with or without conditions.”

While Magistrate Williams agreed with Norde’s standpoint, she shared her concerns that supported that of the prosecutor, considering their lack of affiliations with Dominica. “Taking into account that they are foreign nationals, they were arrested in a hotel, it means they have no family or ties here, it is possible they may escape jurisdiction.” She further noted the defence’s failure to provide bail conditions and settled on her decision to deny bail.

Joseph and Delpeche will remain remanded at the State Prison until Preliminary Inquiry at the LaPlaine district court
on September 25, 2024, followed by a hearing at the High Court, as requested by both accused. The prosecution revealed that one other suspect in the matter is currently seeking medical assistance at the national hospital.

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  1. Bwa-Banday
    June 7, 2024

    Mr. Valarie looking good boy…. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    Nuff of the drug papas destroying our people. Hold them down until they fear visiting this land with their poison.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 1
  2. Ibo France
    June 7, 2024

    Anyone importation illegal drugs, guns and ammunition should, by law, not be eligible for bail. Prosecution should be swift with the minimum of twenty five (25) years incarceration.

    This should send an unmistakable message to all those criminals and would be criminals – Dominica is Ground Zero for illegal drugs, guns, ammunition.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 0

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