Senior Advisor to the Dominica Geothermal Development Company (DGDC), His Excellency Dr. Vince Henderson has said that the financing package for Dominica’s Geothermal Program has been secured.
The financing package, which includes $22 million in grants, was approved by the World Bank.
“On March 15th the executive board of the World Bank approved financing for geothermal projects which includes US$17.2 million of concessionary loan at 0.75 percent with a grace period of 10 years and a repayment of 25 years,” Henderson said.
He continued, “Also we are able to receive the approval of US$22 million in grant funding, a package of US$10 million from the UK [United Kingdom] and another $10 million from the Clean Technology Fund and $2 million from SIDS DOCK and these are all in US dollars”
Henderson said that the technical plan for the development of the project has also been secured, “and we are now awaiting the final approval of the tender documents so that we can go to market to invite tenders for an EPC contract, which is Engineering Procurement and Construction contract, [for] the entire development of the plant.”
He said that will lead to the construction of two turbines of 3.5 megawatts each in the Laudat area in order to generate power to sell to DOMLEC.
Henderson went on to say that the DGDC late last year finalized negotiations with DOMLEC on the power purchase agreement.
He said that in February 2019, the cabinet of Dominica endorsed that proposal, “and prior to that, the board of DOMLEC approved the proposal.”
“We have since submitted, that is to say Dominica Geothermal Development Company and DOMLEC jointly, have submitted the power purchase agreement with the Independent Regulatory Commission which will be their final authority to determine whether the PPA is in the best interest of the consumers of electricity,” Henderson explained.
Furthermore, he stated that once that is done, “they will approve; we will sign and that will determine how power is sold from the Dominica Geothermal Development Company to DOMLEC.”
Henderson added, “Later this week, we will be meeting, on March 27th. DOMLEC, DGDC and the IRC will be having a joint meeting to discuss that power purchase agreement.”
Hello and good evening my people. Why can’t our government used that money to build a dam on the Roseau River at lease two miles from Roseau. Then used the turbines to create electricity and this would also mitigate flooding of Roseau while providing electricity and we would solve two problems.
Who is going to watch the money? Is it going to be put into the treasury and watched by a board of trustees to make sure greedy fingers do not have a chance to help themselves. Large amounts of money under the control of nefarious characters have a habit of coming up missing.
Me thinks that this is going to turn into a disaster at the rate things as going.
After over one hundred million Dollars spent on this project, not one megahertz of electricity. Complete waste after 20 years in office. LIES AND MORE LIES.
Let me try to refresh my memory ,
weren’t we supposed to be selling electricity to our French neighbours by now .
Dominica is really de PROMISE land
look a people ein !!!!
sar pour fairre ?
I wonder how many millions have been credited to that project .
weh weh weh
I so shame to show my face dere again
I give credit begrudgingly to Skerrit and Company. Every election cycle, they recycle the same vote catching schemes and they work to perfection. I suspect there will be an article about plans for an international airport next week plus the cruise ship birth amongst others. Vince is now a Geothermal Engineer. After allotting some EC$70,000,000.00 for election, we are borrowing money from the World Bank. What a waste of time government.
The current regime really believes that Dominicans are dumbbells. Every election cycle they use the exact strategy, promises and platitudes galore. Will Dominicans fall for this yet again? Skerrit and his cohorts think that they can once again grotesquely exploit the ignorant among us. Words will not be able to convey the stupidity of those who may be swayed by these repetitive electioneering pie in the sky promises. Skerrit and the DLP has presided over a decay and decline in the quality of life for nineteen (19) years. Don’t be misled this time around. OUT WITH THEM!
Is Vince Henderson the manager of the geothermal development company? He appears to be more than an advisor?
What are Vince’s credentials regarding Geothermal? The guy went to a couple seminars and all of a sudden he an expert Civil and Environmental Engineer with specialty and concentration in Geothermal energy.
Vince what happen Washington DC did not work for you– no work just picking up a pay check so you wanted to make yourself useful….well jombie advisor you are – madness
Credentials consist of blowing hot air at election time.
You asked about Vince’s credentials . The man is a counterfeit civil, mechanical and electrical engineer. Vince shows a depraved indifference to the intelligence of all Dominicans. The geothermal resurrection is an obvious election gimmick. How many more times are these kleptomaniacs going to dangle the international airport and geothermal energy before the electorate? No more games!
why borrow money from the world bank when you have a billion dollars in hiding ?
Unfortunately this isn’t money which is earmarked for the benefit of Ma Dominique or its citizens but rather for the benefit of the PM, his ministers, DLP operatives, passport agents, some local hotels as long as in favour of DLP policies and other members of the Skerrit cabal. It’s disgraceful!!!
Election melee!!!
This time around it’s not international airport, it’s geothermal…!!
Vince will do and try anything to see that the status quo is maintained.He enjoys the life of Riley!!!
Skerrit Must Go
Skerrit Must Go
Lazy Skerrit Must Go Now
% typical of you and my street DOGS to attack anything that move, whether it’s a fly or a bone. Dr. Vince Pierre Henderson has spent more that half of his life making a difference. Dr. Henderson was born to a single mother in Back Street, St, Joe, he didn’t look at his circumstances and blame society, but silently and humbly attained. Unlike you, % who was born with your hand in butter and your 2 left foot in oil, Vince had to climb the ladder. Now without completing a level of higher education, you feel, you could talk your way into holding the highest office in the land, WHO FOOL YOU! We the people of St Joe are proud of our Doctors, %!
Although we may differ about ethics and political orientation I agree that Vince has come a long way. However, calling himself Dr. is not a sign of humility. He could use the title J.D. instead, which would be more appropriate. He earned his J.D. degree, which is a graduate entry level degree,equivalent to a B.A. (L.L.B) or B.S. and he can be justifiably proud of that. The next level up would be a Masters degree and ultimately a Ph.D. in law.
I would not expect our A.G., who has similar qualifications to Vince and who practiced as a barrister in London, to refer to himself as Dr. either. Vince does not have to compete with Roosevelt Skerrit on intellect and he knows that. There is no need to embellish himself like that.
As usual Labor Government is putting the cart before the horse. They have already negotiated with Domlec before any guarantee that funding will be secured for the project. They didnt open the process to other companies willing to provide electricity services to Dominicans. Monopoly keeps prices high. Secondly, what the significance otf tenders for the E.P.C.if funding has already been secured? If tenders were not sought how did they know the amount needed to bring the project to completion? Now that they are seeking tenders with s set figure in mind will they accept the bid from the lowest tender and do the creative enrichment and picket the surplus? Further Eveytime elections are near and labor want to make themselves visible they resurrect something sweet to tickle the ears of Dominicans. If that’s true this time Linton and his administration will see it to completion. Labor has fooled Dominicans enough. Their time is over. Its time for change. Its UWP time!!! All hail PM Linton.
These DLP gentlemen are Failed Jokers…..Execution ,Execution and Execution which they don’t have when it comes to Dominica’s development .
This is just another loan on the backs of the poor Dominicans as the monies goes to waste.
Please leave the funding alone for a competent GOVT who is capable of developing the economy.
DNO i believe you are biased in your selection of comments. you have deliberately not posted my comments especially when they are critical of government and government agents. In my last comment, i asked how Vince ended up being Senior Advisor to the Dominica Geothermal Development Company (DGDC) when he doesnt even live here? I thought he was an ambassador in the USA. also what are his qualifications to hold that title. what doe he have his doctorate in? ,
ADMIN: We appreciate your feedback. In attempting to verify your claim we found that all previous comments (several of which were also critical of the government) were all posted – including the one you are referring to.
Every time election is around you hear from Vince. Ridiculous.
And how will this benefit Dominica wth the current matter at hand in Venezuela? I’m so sick of this government playing mind games with the people of Dominica. Chupes
Who are the shareholders of DGDC? Furthermore the citizens of DA should be informed of the contents of said d power purchase agreement with Domlec. But as usual with Skerrit and Co. everything is on a need to know basis and very hush hush. Why on earth is it beyond us to keep this kleptocrats accountable and honest? Why??
On their website the DGDC (Dominics Geothermal Development Company) state that at present its sole shareholder is the Govt. of Dominica, leaving the possibility open for other participations in future. Should that happen I hope this will be done trough a public share offering. Apparently the company was registered in Dominica in 2016.n
As the law stands they must sell the eclectrity through Domlec since they have sole right of distribution, negotiated under the previous UWP government. They are the owners of this distribution network.
Your statement is out of date and that’s why I asked for clarification of ownership in the first place!
why sell to domlec , when u can provide the power to the country at a reasonable price
Is there a source (repository) where we can see the full details of this geothermal project? For example, design, environmental studies, output potential, safety, costs to design and build and more importantly the “consultants” advising the government.
Another important issue is what happens when the money runs out, as I am sure will likely happen. Will the government be put in that uncomfortable position to cover the shortfall? I just have that funny feeling that taxpayers will face a double whammy. Costs overruns and higher DOMLEC rates.
Is there an expert who can break this down for us? I am so tired of inept government officials feeding us unreliable and perhaps misleading information.
Blah Blah Blah
does vince even live here? isnt he an ambassador living in the US? has he returned yet? How he end up being “Senior Advisor to the Dominica Geothermal Development Company (DGDC)”? What are his qualifications? i see he is a “Dr.” too. at least i know he was in school so i assume he actually earned that degree.
Of course, Vince Henderson can call himself anything he likes but to me he is not a Dr. since he did not qualify as a Ph.D. In the U.S.A. or anywhere else.
Ok Dominican. But please be aware that you can earn your Doctorate in most fields of study. Not just Medicine. Doctorate refers to the highest university degree. comes after you achieve your Master’s.
Vince Henderson has JD – Juris Doctor. It does note equate to a Phd in academic circles, nonetheless, He is has entered some level of academic rigor.
On the other hand our PM has not perused higher education to be called Dr. This is reserved only for when he is on the grounds of the institution that awarded him the doctorate. Please do not call him Dr.