It’s not every day you walk on the beach, spot a bottle, see there is a message in it and realize it has been floating on the sea for the past six years.
Well, this is exactly what happened to Lena James of Marigot.
James, of the Classique Guest House in Marigot, was walking on the beach with a guest from Holland near the mouth of the Melville Hall River collecting driftwood on December 31 when they spotted a bottle.
Curious, they picked up the bottle.
“Then we realized there was something in there,” she recounted to DNO.
They managed to open the bottle only to realize there was note but it was written in German.
Since James’ guest know some German, he read it.
It turned out that the bottle was dropped in the sea by a 10-year-old German girl near the Canary Islands around June 2010 and has eventually washed ashore at the beach in Melville Hall and was discovered by James and her guest.
Contact was made with the relatives of the girl who in turn contacted James in Dominica.
“She said she had written the letter, placed it in the bottle and dropped it in the sea….. she was hoping someone would find it and return it to her,” James stated. “It was just amazing that it came all the way to Dominica.”
She said the young lady is excited about the bottle being found although she had no idea where Dominica was and thought it was the Dominican Republic.
“So what we want to do is to actually invite them to come to Dominica,” she stated.
She explained that her guest left Dominica on January 3 and has taken the bottle to be reunited with its owner.
James is amazed the bottle was even found.
“I don’t know when it washed ashore, but it was just amazing to see the bottle just lying right there,” he stated.
I loved the story and it was amazing that it got to Dominica. Unfortunately, there are not enough human interest stories that can touch the heart. Glade you published it.
Easy opportunity for some publicity. Make one of those showy 3 minute clips talking about finding the bottle and invite them over and record that and put some easy music over that. Viral feel good video. People lacking imagination
The Dominican who found that bottle should sign her name, dated it, put the location where it was found with a nice little quote and took a picture of it framed it and put it in her guest house. Maybe someday that same girl might just come over and recognised it.
This is a wise idea. If only they had thought of it. The picture would have been worth keeping. It would also make for a good conversational piece. This is really a missed opportunity.
When they found it they should have called the Media. They probably would have received good advice on retaining it or what to do with it and of course calling the one who placed the bottle with the note in the water/sea.
The comments here are hilarious…
Children are aware that messages are placed in bottles and placed in the sea or lake. We know those bottles show up somewhere years later and much longer than six years.
Children are adventurous and curious. Whatever she wrote, she hoped the bottle would be found and whoever found it would contact her since she wrote her telephone number on the message. She may not have expected it to be found within six years and of course in Dominica, a place she never heard of. Now she has heard. Do not be surprised if she Googles the name “Dominica” to know and learn more about it.
One thing, we are curious to know what was the message. Will we ever know?
Interesting story DNO. From time to time the Canadian Media relays such information of bottles and messages being found many years later. Pleased to know they were able to talk to the little girl. They must have made her day/night/week with the news. Now she will think of D/ca and consider visiting there someday.
Its not the first time something like this has happened in Dominica. Years ago, Bertilia Burton’s dad from Crayfish River found a message in a bottle on Salybia beach. He took it home to Bertilia who contacted the little girl whose name and address was written on the paper. The little girl responded by saying that she was amazed and that she found it to be strange to hear that it was found by someone who lives on the other side of the world. I think the child was from Australian and had been traveling on a cruise ship with her family when she wrote the note etc.
EH, The mother of all Coincidence”. Your guests is as good as ours. I Rest, strange things are happening.
The bottle should have stayed in DA, the guest should not have taken the bottle and he is going to take the credit of finding the bottle. The guest house owner should have given the bottle to the government or keep it in the museum it’s part of history. That’s a lost for DA.
Probably it should have been placed in a museum?
Finders keepers that\’s the rule of message in a bottle not retun to sender.
There are rules? I had no idea!
Domnichen fammi waychen . When did they give this historic piece if evidence get out of DOMINICA? Not so very smart. It does not belong to the little girl any more
Sigh… when a good pr opportunity fall in your lap and you don’t know what to do with it…
It SHOULD have never left Dominica. that’s the hole moral of the story she has to go when the journey of that bottle ended…NUFF SAID
Did you mean “where” the journey . . .?
what i laughing is if is a Dominican that see that bottle you know they will not pick it up much less open it!

but is a Dominican that found it
You are right lol, you know the amount of stories my grandmother told us about black magicians trapping evil spirits in bottles, and then throwing the bottle in the sea. I would never open it.
You right! No lie… I would not open any bottle I met by the sea. I can live without whatever excitement it may bring.
Why not? It was conspicuous and a strange looking bottle. Any one who saw it would pick it up.
This bottle should have never left dominica. It should be kept in the museum…. this was about to make history and we just let it slide of the door. This was our ancestors way of communicating before. If it could not be done this way then it would be nice to get this girl to come to dominica. Since she herself don’t even know that we existed. Hmmmmm can’t believe this
I agree
Nonsense. There is nothing historical or event-making about this. Just the work of a curious child.
So true. Dominicans just so petty and bored.
What do they want? Some message in a bottle from some curios Germany child to help boost our tourism, maybe we should give her a diplomatic passport? Smh. I cant believe this sh$t even makes the news
Do you reside in Dominica or overseas? It all depends on your type of mind, your mentality and those who agree with you.
So what did the little girl’s letter say?
What did the message in the bottle say?
I need a Dominican Passport….
I dyingg
That’s amazing. After 10 years!!! wow. I really wish they would come to visit Dominica as a result.
The story said SIX years …….2010 to 2017
Admin: Actually, the bottle was found on December 31, 2016
Actually when dno first published the story they said it was 10 years
six years. Sorry type 10 years was an error
Good idea. Germans are usually nice people. They love the islands and the friendly people.
She got an invitation. Bet she will not forget. I visualize her talking about the bottle being found excitedly to also her family, friends, school mates and the invitation to visit D/ca.
The others also never heard of Dominica. One day she may visit D/ca with her family. This could be the beginning of a friendship and more visitors to D/ca. You never know.
So what does it say?
And you all allowed the guest to go with the. Bottle instead of inviting the young lady to dominica to pick up the bottle? I
She is a young girl; a student. Her circumstances are not known. She may not be able to visit at this time. If she did she would have to travel with her parents. You can bet she will keep it in mind and probably visit D/ca someday, whenever that will be.
Wow! Amazing story! However since it isn’t about politics or Skerrit bashing I really don’t expect much comments or interest for that matte, especially on an island obsessed with negativity. Let’s hope that it helps to bring some more publicity to the nature isle
Man dominica is one of the most backwards country in the caribbean, just a waste and dno just helps to confirm that. Just look at the comments that people posts
Pete, my man you must be really stupid and backward yourself ,yes some of us do talk crap just look Lennox Linton, and his rubbishing supporters so don’t paint all of us with the same brush.
pete, you consider yourself smarter than the D/cans who commented on this article?
Your mind is extremely small. You are the soldier who was marching. He said he was the only one in line with the correct step; all others are out of step. Figure that out. The pot always calls the kettle black.
If you are smart you should know you can take such a story and make it into something big as also writing a book. People write all sorts of articles and books on simple matters which appear of no consequence. They make a mint.
The thought crossed my mind. I should copy the article and send it to Toronto Media including the Caribbean ones, if they are not aware of it. It would make an interesting story. Those who do not know Dominica and where it is located will know.
Be broadminded. Next time you write and criticize put on your thinking cap if you have one.
I wonder since when speaking of the realities that happens in Dominica became negativity. All you really expect to do all that crap with the affairs of the country and not get criticized ?