Digicel staff gives APU facelift

Digicel staff on the project

The Acute Psychiatric Unit (APU) got a facelift last weekend when staff of Digicel and inmates teamed up to do a beatification project at the institution.

In December 2011, the company constructed a recreational center for the inmates and according to Sales & Marketing Manager of the company, Natalie Walsh, Digicel intends to do a phase three and then move about the island all in an effort at trying to assist the needy and less fortunate.

“It all started in December when we took the bold move to go to the APU and build this recreational center so the inmates there can have some better facilities to recreate,” she said.

As a result of that they then saw the need for the painting of the rooms and so decided to embark on that project, which is deemed as phase two. The cost, which includes the recreational center is $10,000.

Walsh said in the true spirit of giving back to the community Digicel will enter phase three at the APU where they will continue painting other rooms and also install some much needed benches at that institution for the inmates.

Consultant at the APU Dr. Griffin Benjamin said such activities are very good since they assist patients realize that they are not locked up.  “It’s a great thing for us and we are asking others to come on board to help us and I want to thank Digicel for doing a fantastic work,” Dr. Benjamin stated. “This is true community spirit and we are very grateful to them for taking up such a venture.”

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  1. lol
    March 6, 2012

    inmates DNO? really? lol lol lol .you are killing me over here. i find myself laughing so loud like a psyche inmate….oops i mean patient.

  2. Family Guy!
    March 6, 2012

    Digicel need to do more of that kind of work instead of sponsoring all sorts of UnGodly events, where they know they will make back their large sums of money,every dam event, you hearing…sposored by ‘Digicel’ i fed up of that, why don’t you’ll donate to all the needy centres in Dominica, and the less fortunate.

  3. Ronald Riviere
    March 6, 2012

    DNO, just an observation. It would be better if we refered to the people at the APU as patients instead of inmates. Good job Digicel.

  4. March 6, 2012

    This is fantastic! All companies should take the initiative to contribute to the less fortunate. This not only gives them a boost but promotes inclusion in society.

    On another note, let’s avoid calling them inmates. Resident is a more neutral term.

    • ON THE GO
      March 6, 2012

      i agree.they are not inmates.however i think they are called patients.

  5. Graduado
    March 5, 2012

    good communuity spirit,Lime does its share too so others buck up and pick a CAUSE

  6. truth be told
    March 5, 2012

    Nice job, but I would like to knkow who do you refer to as inmates. Are you talking about the patients at the psych.unit? Because as far as I know inmates are people who are in prision. Psych. patients are not inmates, they are not in prision, did not commit any crime, they are just sick. It’s called mental illness it is simply a disease of the brain but they are not called inmates. I think this is an insult to these patients.

  7. March 5, 2012

    Hats off to Digicel. What are the other so called merchants doing? Anybody can be a psyche patient. We are all crazy in our own little way.

  8. Cerberus
    March 5, 2012

    Great stuff guys! This has a durable value andimpresses me far more than sponsoring yet another jump-up!

  9. Irie
    March 5, 2012

    Is true, our APU should always be in top condition, so I must applaud Digicel for this initiative. You never know, anyone of us ‘apparently’ sane Dominicans could end up there. I mean seriously, every month when I see my light bill, I does feel like a thing taking me and is up there I will have to go and chill out….

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