Earthquake south of Dominica

The yellow star indicates the location of the quake's epicenter

The UWI Seismic Research Centre is reporting that an earthquake struck just south of Dominica in the wee hours of Saturday morning.

The quake occurred at 4:40 am south of Grand Bay and 18 miles south-east of Roseau.

The epicenter was located at at 15.10°N and 61.13°W.

It measured 4.7 and was located at a depth of 148 kilometers.

As of late Saturday morning there were no felt reports on Dominica.

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  1. da passy
    March 8, 2012

    well thsts how it is

  2. The truth
    March 6, 2012

    All these earthquakes near and around Dominica cannot be good news at all, in my opinion. We’re the most volcanic Caribbean island and with all this happening near us on a regar basis I’m beginning to wonder. I haven’t done any research on this myself but is Dominica due an eruption? If so, we need to seriously think on all these quakes.

  3. March 5, 2012

    earthquakes happen everywhere,
    there are also moonquakes,marsquakes….he he

  4. hardlinesleek
    March 5, 2012

    you right Jim major stuff going to happen this year as the sun renew itself.Earthquakes,volcano and floods.The mayan calender prophecies will be fulfilled.A meteorite is in space right over northern Britain(scotland).Jah gonna cleanse the earth from the wickedness and filth

    March 4, 2012

    EARTHQUAKES IN DIVERSE PLACES….follow the news lately? Jamaica,Trinidad, northern Afghanistan,Japan….

  6. me
    March 4, 2012

    IS IT ONLY NOW THAT U PPL KNO HOW TO CALL ON THE NAME OF GOD? stupesssssssssssssssssssss!

  7. March 4, 2012

    I Thanks God The Grand Bay and the suroundings area community are safe.

  8. wavelenght
    March 4, 2012

    could i be a wake up call for many who are on the darkside….in Dominica…

    • Kazimi
      March 5, 2012

      Things happen all the time everywhere. I do not know if you know, but everyone is destine for death, regardless of faith or belief. We have no control over the earth. When death it will come to all.

  9. langsal
    March 4, 2012

    we need a good shakeup. to much wicked people here

  10. March 4, 2012

    Thanks God every body is save.

  11. Sar Casm
    March 4, 2012

    Induced seismicity from Engineered Geothermal Systems is only a myth.

  12. FamousK
    March 4, 2012

    We need to continue to pray for the safety of our country and for all the countries who have been greatly affected by earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunami and hurricane. As God to protect us all from natural disasters. Let us all unite in prayer and stop the hate. God is in control!

    • March 4, 2012

      As well as the criminals activities, undercover deals and putting wealth before God.

  13. la verite.
    March 4, 2012

    jah time is not man’s time.

  14. March 3, 2012

    did you all know that march of this year there will be a mega earthquake some where on the world and did you know that some major event will be some where in december to the next year all will take place in space and affect us on earth galactic movements major event will take place on eath. any way god is till in control

    • fedup
      March 4, 2012

      uh jim are you GOD for you to know this??

    • rone
      March 4, 2012

      So if GOD is in control…why tell us about these man made reports of destruction. Then just believe in GOD and stop spewing myths!

  15. LEE
    March 3, 2012


  16. look closely
    March 3, 2012

    the images of the islands shows something that i never saw before. if you really look at Dominica against Guadeloupe and Martinique you will see that we are dead in line with the mountainous regions of these countries. If we were a bit more into the atlantic we might have been less mountainous.

    • Concerned citiizen
      March 3, 2012

      You are so right! An explanation of this is that where the magma from below the water started spurring up… This is the “womb” of the island. It is also the edge of the Caribbean Tectonic plate!

    • Rastafari
      March 3, 2012

      You are correct and there would not be a Dominica. :?: The location you just described is just…ocean, right? 8-O

    • Yea
      March 4, 2012

      This is nothing new. This is because the mountainous parts of the islands follow the outline of the caribbean-atlantic plate. This is because the mountains were formed by volcanic activity occuring along the edges of the plate. The islands on the right (atlantic) side of the plate are mostly limestone as that side is slightly higher and is more open to the organisms that create coral coming from the vast atlantic ocean. Take guadeloupe for example, the mountainous side is inline with the rest of the mountainous islans but the limestone side is more to the right.

  17. March 3, 2012

    pray dat God is a good God and noone doe get hurt amen..

    • John
      March 3, 2012

      He is good God so you need not pray that He is good.

    • Student in Venezuela
      March 4, 2012

      Jehova God is always good AMEN

  18. repping hard
    March 3, 2012

    thanks be to God we are all safe. Just thinking of 2004 gives me chills mehn

  19. Dangerous mind
    March 3, 2012

    I hope everyone is ok! Pray people..

  20. March 3, 2012

    thanks and praises to the Most High for safe guarding our people… dominica is blessed… let’s fight to keep it that way…

    • Know it
      March 4, 2012

      Whaat/*^?? Oh oh MOTS says a positive thing about that part of D/a for a change, you doe realize is off Grandbay man, or you fraid it was so close to CaribAntic area where you from? you crying already,,,Capon,

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