Former US President, Bill Clinton, will be visiting Dominica next week to view ongoing efforts to rebuild following the devastating impact of Hurricane Maria on the island last September.
He will also visit the US Virgin Islands which was struck by Hurricane Irma. He visited Puerto Rico last November.
“Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Caribbean community are in need, and we must answer that call,” Clinton said. “Together with leaders from government, business, and civil society, we can demonstrate what is possible when we come together and bring our collective will and resources to bear on this crisis. We have a responsibility to act, for the people who are still suffering, and for all the future generations in the region.”
Clinton has also announced that his foundation, the Clinton Foundation, will be launching an Action Network on Post-Disaster Recovery at the invitation of the leaders of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Antigua & Barbuda, and Dominica. This after meeting with leaders from these countries earlier this week.
At the meeting, Clinton described developments of several new Commitments to Action to be announced at the April meeting, including the rebuilding of schools and homes in Dominica, a statement from the Clinton Foundation said.
A statement from the Clinton Foundation said the Action Network will formally convene for a meeting on April 3rd at the University of Miami.
At that meeting, “stakeholders will continue to work towards Commitments to Action to address the on-going immediate response needs, as well as the long-term recovery in the region.”
“This Action Network builds from the successful Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) model, where leaders from across sectors convene to mobilize resources and implement solutions to addressing pressing global challenges,” the statement said.
It said the Action Network on Post-Disaster Recovery will be focusing on five key areas: energy, infrastructure, health, education, and economic development.
“The Commitments to Action will aim to improve disaster response and support the sustainable, inclusive, and resilient rebuilding of the region,” the statement said.
It went on to say that the Action Network will support this work by providing its members with opportunities to:
Identify critical areas of need where they can have the deepest impact;
Coordinate work and avoid duplication of efforts;
Network and build new partnerships; and
Share lessons learned, best practices, and common resources with a larger community.
The statement added, “The Action Network is expected to meet in person on a quarterly basis, with opportunities for members to coordinate across sectors and geographies throughout the year. It builds on the successful CGI Action Network model – for example, the Haiti Action Network, which began 10 years ago when four hurricanes devastated the country and continued through the devastating 2010 earthquake, has led to 130 Commitments to Action in Haiti worth more than $500 million when fully funded and implemented, in areas including health, education, energy, agriculture, and infrastructure.”
In November last year, the Prince of Wales visited Dominica.
Yes sa! UWP and it’s supporters ignorant! Just read the comments ON THE VISIT of Bill Clinton( a former president of the USA) to Dominica and you SHALL KNOW THEM.
Wow!!! That’s my President. That’s why you got my vote. The fact that you are visiting my country shows how kind and generous you are. You touch my heart. Thank you President Clinton. I love the Clintons. God blessings.
They need to ask Richard Branson if he wants to buy Dominica, that way he can build an international airport and 5 star hotels. Either that or ask the British to make the island a colony again.
There are still people living in tents in Haiti under un-sanitary conditions after billions was donated by the world community. What happened to all that money. Somebody needs to ask Clinton.
O.k that kool, good old “Slick Willy” is coming, It would have been better if he had come to jump up for carnival. let hope he checkout the carnival costume of the RUM band at dons and divas
Ask Hillary if she trusts Bill.
You all need serious prayers for putting Dominica down and wishing her bad. How can you all prosper when you all are a thankful. Thanks the Lord for like speared during Maria, thank the Lord the help and support, thank the Lord his mercy and his love. Hatred and jealousy is the devil destroying the place.
Trump we want. the Haitians don’t trust the Clinton foundation. how many houses did you build for them again?
The best thing for Dominicans to do is just sit down and Skeritt will give them house because he was responsible for the hurricane, why couldn’t you pay your insurance on your houses cars (PROPERTIES) yet had tickets and DANDAN/outfit from America for Creole festival? You’ll use your DANDAN for Calypso show and not buy an extra nail/bolt to hold down your roof come next hurricane season and blame Skeritt. Every one want a nail but never wonder where it’s coming from…We all prayed for Gods protection during the hours of fear but yet we are doing the same thing that we did yesterday because we think the God forgot the promises we made to him, HE IS NOT SLEEPING and he knows when its time to blow out that candle.
FANTASTIC NEWS!!! This will help bring the necessary high level attention to Dominica from other pledging nation who are supporting efforts for rebuilding better. although Dominica is a small country we have partnership with every country around the world and thus were able to start the recovery effort much quicker than other Caribbean nations.
Hopefully people will stop throwing garbage on the streets and in the gutters because the cleanliness of a place is an indication of the mindset of its people.
Well said.
I must add that we have a prime minister who have lots of power.
The man brought president Chavez here and we seeing the results of petro caribe sea defence in stott head and tan tan just to name anfew. In housing roads gas electricity to areas
The man had the foreign minister of Mexico coming to him nit he going to him this is record breaking in dominica history. Then we see Marigot getting a brand new hospital something the Marigot Pam could not do when he was their prime minister
You had president maduro coming and u see the support dominica get as a result of this visit
Then we see royalty making a prestigious visit here after hurricane then £25 million pounds for Dominica
U had secretary general of the united nation coming to small dominica making a plea to the world for dominica and pm GOT $1.4 billion• NOW former president of the USA is coming? Hmm just wait and see.
This show the respect this PM command around the world. GO PM GO
Pal in case you forget Bill Clinton and Roosevelt Skerrit have a big benefactor in common, Ng Lap Seng.
None of you who put the negative comments can do better than Clinton.
Broke as hell.
Same set of ppl was complaining for relife
Mr.Clinton Dominicans are unhappy that you are visiting, obviously you are too good for this country..
The people that comment on here are UWP, they are against themselves and anything productive or positive. its easy to see the trend of their comments on any topic is always negative unless the article itself is a negative one.
Maria must have blown your brain away …
With people like you that a putting curse on DA.
Watch it ,digicel giving houses too,,just wait,,The clinton foundation made it in Haiti dat only with a digi phone u could get the relief txt msg after the earthquake so the 11 milion pple get digi phones ,,
They are not to be trusted.
You people are sick and so is DNO for constantly allowing comments that denigrate the government to be posted. Nearly every article that even hints of something positive is flooded with negativity. If Anyone even speaks positively of government the opposition supporters are like ticks seeking blood on here and DNO is only too happy to oblige them.
Seek help people. Its a disease.
True say they push more negativity.
Yes Dalit it is a terrible disease which should be treated someway or somehow
Its between you all and the opposition, DNO is only a platform where you both come to vent. Doe big
“You people are sick and so is DNO for constantly allowing comments that denigrate the government to be posted.”
And yet, tolerating the free speech of others, however much you may dislike it, is integral to maintaining a free society.
Oh no! Keep this guy away. His record of helping poor black folks is wicked at best. Don’t forget his actions in Haiti and our banana industry. Don’t forget it was this guy that sold us out for Chiquita banana.
I am so disappointed that mister is coming to our shores. First was the prince now this con job.
You ppl complain too much, some of you say he needs to stay away? How would you feel if you were not welcomed in a country?
You people make it harder mere than it should be.
Every effort by an individual, corporation or foundation, as long as it is legal, to help Dominica post Maria,
should be welcomed. We need all the help we can get.
I find their aim “to improve disaster response and support the sustainable, inclusive, and resilient rebuilding of the region ” to be quite laudable.
Clinton come for the carnival to see boom-boom tan.
Bill Clinton is a very smart politician that knows how to eat pie and prepare for wet days. He must have said look, Diezani Madueke was a famous petroleum Minister in Nigeria and after a new administration came in power, she was wise enough to get a Dominica Diplomatic Passport and a big job, in the event there was going to be an investigation, she would have safe haven to hide. Then he heard of the former Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis, Hon. Denzil Douglas secured a Diplomatic Passport from Dominica after losing the election, so that in the event there was going to be an investigation, he too could have a safe haven. Bill must have realized that he too might need a safe haven because Hilary lost the election and the ongoing investigation could expose somethings. So with word that Skerrit has cheap passport dealers in the middle east, Bill must have said let him get one from his boy Skerrit and who knows, maybe Bill coming for his diplomatic passport and a top job.
I don’t think that Clinton is interested in a Dominican passport, however, he has been sent on a fact finding mission by a higher up, the purpose of which may be questionable.
Let’s not forget he was the one who killed our banana industry.
Of a Truth dat!
Glad someone remembered.
He slapped a 100% Tariff on perfume and wine from France!
Really? I thought it was Roosevelt Skerritt wi! Hmm, interesting.
At Say what, I had the same thought as well, because I thought they said that Eddison James started the kill and Pm Skerrit finished it wee! That is what I heard when I was in Dominica in 2013–good Lord!
Oh my!!! so banana died before labor came to power?? so you all know the truth then.
Haha look joke,,,
Hey is was the our good friends of the united nations WTO (world trade organization) who ruled against dominica, in the banana case. then the companies asked “slick willy” to enforce the judgement
No, he is coming to hand the country to you so you can continue to drag it to the ground. I see why you helped Put Trump and the Ku klux klan in the U.S White house Id10t.
Amen to that these people are dogs
Just pulling down the country
In recent times we were visited and judged by ts Erika and hurricane Maria, I hope Bill will not bring hurricane MONIKA, because she will definitely punish us for bringing Bill here, especially at a time when President Trump is alleged to be under investigation
What is Bill going to do in Dominica at this time especially when there are so many questions regarding the national security of Dominica? I know as President the US is providing him with good security but the state of our police must also be taken into consideration. Also, Bill Clinton doesn’t have a good track record as we know for a fact that since 1997 the Macau friend of Skerrit who is now jailed in the US, was also being questioned in the US for alleged corruption involving Bill Clinton and let’s also remember that when Erika exposed the nakedness of Skerrit in 2015 and blocked him from flying into Dominica on his way from Macau, where he was seen in photo cutting ribbons and signing documents with Ng Lap Seng, Bill Clinton was also present and seen in photo along with the late John Ashe, whose sudden death still raises a lot of questions in the US.
What he coming to do? He was one of the main reasons Hilary did not win the election. Furthermore, let’s not forget he too, like Skerrit was a very good friend of NG Lap Seng, who is now convicted of all counts of corruption and is in jail awaiting sentencing. Is he coming to help Skerrit cover things that may point to the US?
pple take granny advised…BE CAREFUL the TRUTH IS HIDDEN……….
always remember the a promise is comfort to a FOOL…
Please what he coming for tell Mr stay where he be
Sams, I’m sure if he came to handout $10K to each dominican you would refuse to take yours. You never know how your blessing may manifest itself. He may not be a perfect messenger, but sometimes Jesus uses imperfect people to do good.
Birds of a feather flock together. He will look at Dominica as a hiding place in case of… The same consequences he went through might bleach on one of our political representatives because his secrets are hidden for the moment. When Clinton was president he had full control over the funds that he could use to help Dominica, he used it to improve his own interests.
After the earthquake in 2010 in Haiti millions of dollars for the Haitian victims, yet that money did not reach the common man on the road. After 8 years of the earthqualke people are still lving in tents in Haiti.
too much talk and NO ACTION.!!!
this is not about Haiti or Guatemala or St Croix or Puerto rico. This is about Dominica, every country has a different relationship with other countries and different people and processes managing the invested money.
dominica has see many disaster after the Haiti quake yet ll or children are in school and everyone has access to water, Communications is 3/4 implemented, electricity is available to important buildings, roads are completely cleared and and all the bridges are functioning.