Gov’t to get tough on littering

Garbage on King George V Street in Roseau recently

Minister for Tourism and Culture Senator Robert Tonge has announced the government’s intention to begin empowering wardens to charge people for littering.

He made that announcement at a press conference held at the Prevost Cinemall on Wednesday.

According to Tonge, it is important to take care of the environment and to dispose of garbage properly.

“It also comes down to the persons who walk in the city and who are indiscriminately littering, that needs to stop and through the government and also through the Minister of Environment, the intention is to begin to empower litter wardens to begin charging people,” he revealed. “We have to do that.”

He went on to say not everyone will adhere to the rules and those who fail to do so will have to take into consideration the fines will not be too exorbitant, “but if I charge you five to ten times every day hopefully you will learn from your mistakes.”

Tonge explained that there are signs that say $5,000 for littering but he thinks this is too steep and needs to be adjusted.

“Just imagine if you are a litter warden and you see your friend throwing garbage to charge him $5,000, more than likely you will say, I am not going to do that,” Tonge explained.

Tonge also stated that commercial entities should not be placing garbage on the street.

“Many times or all the time we see these commercial entities putting garbage outside. Commercial entities are not supposed to put garbage outside,” Tonge warned.

He called on all commercial companies and those at Portsmouth who host activities on the beach to dispose of their garbage properly.

“The disposal of garbage is not the responsibility of the town council, it is your responsibility,” he remarked. “You have to pay someone to dispose of your garbage.”

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  1. Liz M
    September 2, 2018

    Good try, but common sense things such as ‘The Bins’ should help get better results. Also the drains need to be covered. Please research and find out how others around the region and the world do before REINVENTING THE WHEEL. How about urine? Every keen stinks of urine, why? Gov’t may have to enact legislation requiring every business to allow customers to use their restrooms. Believe me most don’t. How is this done around the world, does anyone know, is it at the whim and fancy of a city official? You can’t keep trying without research or know-how.

  2. Nature Isle
    September 1, 2018

    Government has been talking about proper garbage disposal for more than 30 years. Have you identified WHY it is not working? WHAT the problem is? We are revolving through the same solutions generation after generation. Perhaps some more thoughtful solutions are required. Imposing penalties may not be the only way to approach the problem.

  3. anonymous2
    August 31, 2018

    So, who is going to enforce the anti-littering policy? People need to take some pride in DA and keep it clean. They need to teach the children in the schools to pick up any trash that they see and dispose of it properly. More trash receptacles are needed and regular garbage pick-up weekly is a must.

    • %
      September 1, 2018

      I think that the schools are really trying,but they cannot do it alone.Dominica’s problem is the lack of vision by an administration that is 18years old ….OMG!! This is unbelievable!!!!

      • Karl Orndem
        September 3, 2018

        the schools? so while they are in school studying and worrying about tests and exams they have to come and clean the rest of the country for us? Dominicans have no class and pride anymore. All they worry about is how much money they can get or who sleeping with who and what the next person have they they have more of or dont have any of. That alone we care about here wi. good time, dress nice and smell sweet. everything else can wither away.

  4. Sisserou
    August 31, 2018

    Ok, I was in Roseau today and boy Roseau sparkling clean. Let’s keep it that way. Put allu rubbish in the gabbage bins. :-P

  5. About Time
    August 31, 2018

    It’s about time. Children litter in the presence of adults and they don’t tell them anything. I saw a little boy drop a plastic bag in a gutter right next to a bin and the mother didn’t scold him.

    Look they are making this political! Some Dominicans are just ignorant.

  6. August 31, 2018

    The law been there but you guys failed to enforced it,When i was growing up in the late 70s i can remember police officers used to report you once caught littering and the court used to fined you once you found guilty.

  7. Truth Be Told
    August 31, 2018

    Government to get tough on littering, Government to get tough on crime, Government to get tough on climate resilience! How long has this Government been in office? What have you all been doing? Were you all asleep before hurricane Maria? All these ills have been going on for the past decades that Labour has been in Government! Do like Nike, JUST DO IT! This is insanity!

  8. %
    August 31, 2018

    Robbie this is a piece of confusion .Come on man tell the people that Dominicans litter too much and you will do:
    a), b) and c)…You mean with the seriousness of the litter problem you are telling us that “”it is your intention”? Robbie when will you wake up from that dream?
    What method will be used to monitor those who wantonly throw their garbage through the vehicle’s window???
    Robbie are your shame glands dried Robbie? Convert the intention into reality man.
    Skerrit Must Go
    Skerrit Must Go
    Lazy Skerrit Must Go Now

  9. My View
    August 31, 2018

    Chuppees. Have you been sleeping all these years.

  10. August 31, 2018

    Good. There’s simply no excuse for just throwing rubbish everywhere.

  11. RandyX
    August 31, 2018

    Talk, talk, talk and more talk. We heard it all before, last time some 18 month ago!!!

  12. Ibo France
    August 31, 2018

    Littering is a serious problem in Dominica. Education combined with legislation should be employed to discourage people to refrain from this unhealthy practice. Cleanliness is godliness if you ask me.

  13. Ki - ZERBO
    August 31, 2018

    “He went on to say not everyone will adhere to the rules… the fines will not be too exorbitant”. Now Mr. Tongue, sir, you see where the problem resides? You as the minister are saying that wardens will not want to charge their friends $5,000. This to me is foolishness. Why would an employee refuse to do what he/she is supposed to? This statement tells me that you are not serious. Indeed, the fees should be INCREASED and those found littering must be made to pay FORTWITH!!! It is ONLY when offenders are touched ECONOMICALLY that they take heed. So disappointed at this section of your statement. None-the-less, do have yourself a reflective day!

  14. Possie Direct
    August 31, 2018

    Like the international airport, when the DLP came in power they met a clean and litter free Dominica. The UWP had taken that litter thing very seriously to the point that people were scared of littering. In fact as a bus driver we were forced to warn our passengers not to throw anything out of the window because we would be charged. In fact it was at that time ALL buses were required to put a garbage bin in their buses. The DLP came and turned a blind eyes to the point that persons felt lettering became legal. In fact I believe it was Mr. Tonge that once said in words to this effect, that the then fine was too high and since Dominicans know each other it was hard for anyone to implement that law. These guys destroyed everything about Dominica and made Dominica a FILTHY nation in every sense of the word

    • %
      August 31, 2018

      This DLP has turned a blind eye to everything except their pockets.I refer to them as “”MISLEADERS””,not leaders .

  15. TopOff
    August 31, 2018

    All i have to say is i hope so and not no too show too flam

  16. Odin
    August 31, 2018

    YES! Please keep our streets clean.

  17. Moi
    August 31, 2018

    He went on to say not everyone will adhere to the rules and those who fail to do so will have to take into consideration the fines will not be too exorbitant, “but if I charge you five to ten times every day hopefully you will learn from your mistakes.”

    Tonge explained that there are signs that say $5,000 for littering but he thinks this is too steep and needs to be adjusted

    Boy after that crap just freaking resign!!! It’s exactly when someone gets charged $5,000 and this is PUBLICIZED, that others will behave. Robbie have you ever heard of the word deterrent?

    And as far as I remember we have litter wardens. What the heck have they been doing?

    • %
      August 31, 2018

      Don’t scold him too much.Let’s just agree that he has no shame ..

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