Homeless man hospitalized with “rectal prolapse”


A homeless man is presently a patient at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) after he was found “in distress” on the streets of Roseau on Wednesday morning.

Andy “Push Up” Carbon of Boetica was diagnosed with “rectal prolapse” Police Public Relations Officer (PRO) Assistant Superintendent Claude Weekes told Dominica News Online.

Rectal prolapse occurs when part or all of the wall of the rectum slides out of place, sometimes sticking out of the anus, according to WebMD.

“Whether mentally ill, whether paro, whether economically deprived…there are people who always look forward to taking advantage,” Weekes said. “We have had complaints where, especially the youngsters, move around and either throw stones at them, physically abuse them, verbally as well.”

Weekes noted further that the police are condemning this action.

“We are saying that it is wrong, they are human beings, notwithstanding whether they are marginalized, notwithstanding whether they are paro, whether they are vagrants,” he said. “If they breach the law of Dominica, obviously they have to be dealt with according to the law. But at the end of the day if they are just paro, if they are unclean, they are unkempt that doesn’t give anybody the right to kill them or damage them physically or otherwise.”

He stated everyone has right to life under the Constitution.

“They have a right to life. Our constitution says there is a right to life and if there is a right to life, the paro too or vagrant has a right to life,” he said.

The issue of vagrancy has been a long running one in Dominica.

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    March 20, 2015

    It is such a shame on the government of Dominica ,for not putting these people in a proper home where they`ll get food, shower and bed!!

  2. Truth be told
    March 16, 2015

    What the BUCK are you all talking about…..The guy can talk and he actually said who did that to him while he was lying on the sidewalk in town before the ambulance came for him. But if he does not know the last name of ‘John Doe’ how can the police arrest anyone….
    Not disregarding the causes of rectal prolapse.

  3. The Facts
    March 14, 2015

    It is extremely sad at the harm which occurred to this man. No one deserves this type of treatment.
    PRO you must discuss this lack of discipline with the proper government and school authorities. If this discipline is not taught in the schools from primary, elementary and high schools of all, it should be taught.
    Youths will one day be adults. They will be husbands/wives, parents and hopefully hold some important jobs. If they are not disciplined accordingly what type of adults, parents, husbands/wives will they become? What type of business owners, executives, managers, etc., will they be? What will also become of the society they reside in? These must be seriously considered.
    Lack of discipline and respect among some youths are the reasons why today they are disobedient and cannot be controlled.
    Be strict, be loving, assume your fair share of responsibility and to the youths. Commence giving them the appropriate needed training from youth.

  4. The Facts
    March 14, 2015

    Parents, the government and school authorities should teach youths to love, respect and help those in need.
    If they received this discipline at home, they will not act inhumanely toward others. Some parents may have taught their children these godly traits but they ignored their teaching to adulthood.
    Some people say and act without thinking. Whether they are children/youths they should ever be respectful of the vulnerable and weak, as the homeless.
    As God sees, the day will come when they will pay for their unkind actions and two-fold. The mark is on their soul. Those who do, who knows what will happen to them as they get older? This is the way the ball rolls.
    Never, not as a child to my present adulthood would I ever think of laughing at and ill-treat those who are down and out, who have an impediment and are at the mercy of others. If I can, I help them. I give due credit to my parents’ excellent discipline and nurturing. Thanks be to God! God bless them too!

  5. Francisco Telemaque
    March 14, 2015

    Facts, if you are smart you may find a way to perhaps relate this to the condition of the man: Despite the many anchoring ligaments, the principle support of a woman uterus which is provided by the muscles of the pelvic floor, namely the muscles of the urogenital, and pelvic diaphragms.

    These muscles are sometimes torn during childbirth; subsequently, the unsupported uterus may sink inferiorly, until the tip of the cervix protrudes through the external vaginal opening!

    “This condition is called prolapse of the uterus.” I am sure by now you may have heard someone said in none medical terms ” her womb drop down.” Nothing here states that too much sex caused such problem, and that’s all I will say about that; except to say boogering has nothing to with the problem unless someone violated him with a foreign object., and that would be criminal!

  6. question
    March 13, 2015

    How did the police manage to get his medical condition?

    • winston warrington
      March 14, 2015

      Thank God, there is an intelligent person who thinks in DA.

    • March 14, 2015

      If this happened it is incredible!

      If it happened in Canada and a doctor was responsible he would stand to lose his licence. If it was a nurse or other hospital staff member they could be fired. If the “victim” was a vagrant or person of lower social status it would be taken even more seriously in Ontario because we have this thing here about “equality”.
      Everybody must be treated equal. There is not suppose to be any exception. Personally, I believe this is a good thing.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

    • The Facts
      March 14, 2015

      Whatever, the point is he was harmed in a worst manner. Some people treat other human beings as themselves worst than they would treat an animal. It is upsetting to think what happened to him.
      Wherever we reside, this is what we should concern ourselves about. I do not think he did this to himself or it is an ailment. I hope he is well-taken care of at the PMH and hopefully will recover in time.
      May God assist him and guide the hands of those at the PMH who are responsible for medically taking care of him.

  7. Fr. Franklyn Cuffy,
    March 13, 2015

    Rectal prolapse
    Rectal prolapse is when part of your rectum (back passage), or the lining of your rectum, protrudes through your anus.

    Your rectum is the last part of your digestive system. Food passes through your small bowel (the longer, thinner part of your bowel) and nutrients are absorbed. Food waste then travels through your large bowel where it becomes solid faeces. Your rectum, at the end of your large bowel, is where faeces collect before passing through your anus as a bowel movement.

    Your rectum is made up of three layers and includes:

    the rectal wall lining (mucosa)
    a layer of muscle (muscularis propria)
    fatty tissue surrounding the rectum (mesorectum)
    Rectal prolapse occurs when the wall of your rectum, or part of its lining, protrudes through your anus. This may happen when you’re having a bowel movement. However, it can also happen when you cough or sneeze, or even when you’re doing everyday activities, such as walking or standing up.

    Rectal prolapse…

    • mine
      March 15, 2015

      You should be planning readings for your congregation , stay off posting comments on the internet.

      • March 16, 2015


        You are out of order.

        Father Cuffy is either writing out of one of his areas of expertise or he has researched the subject.

        He has something to contribute which is not true of every commentator.

        It is not unusual for a clergy person to be involved in social issues and community matters. It is one of the ways we seek to help people.

        The priest has a right to share his knowledge. Please do not tell him to stay off the internet.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill, International Evangelist. :-P

  8. Ronnie
    March 13, 2015

    that disease is very common in gay men.

    • show time
      March 13, 2015

      Ronnie you make my day :-D that disease is very COMMON IN dominica.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      March 14, 2015

      So you see what I am talking about, when people such as you Ronnie are missed informed, you believe any crap you here, and run with it. I do not condone homosexuality; I do not associate with anyone I know to be homosexual, and indulges in homosexual activity.

      However, I am here to inform you that homosexuality has absolutely nothing to with rectal prolapse, if that was the case millions of homosexuals would be walking around with their rectum dragging on the ground you see. If the nonsense you wrote means anything how do you account for vaginal prolapse. And how do you account for rectal prolapse in women? I have a medical background, I studied Health Science: I majored in health science, so I can tell you “prolapse is simply the falling down, or downward displacement, of a part or viscus.”

      I can teach you about the disease; but space is now limited on DNO.

    • March 14, 2015

      This is true.

      This is also one more proof that homosexuality is not meant to be. It shows it is unnatural and harmful.

      It also causes mental health issues, the spread of AIDS, a higher rate of alcoholism, increases suicides, and results in a shorter life span.

      Christ said “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (St. John 10:10)

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

    • hisan
      March 14, 2015

      So it may be seen also with Intestinal parasitemia,, which he is most likely to have knowing his impoverish history.

    • A. Ameritus
      March 14, 2015

      Don’t call me name.

  9. March 13, 2015

    I agree that this man’s name and medical condition should not have been revealed.

    When we see a man in such a condition we should not see him as he is. We should see what he can become by God’s grace!

    Those who tortured him – a poor homeless, sick, and probably hungry man – are the vilest of the vile, and less than human. They should be hunted down, and punished to the full extent of the law, and beyond.

    But thank God for those who took this man to the hospital and those who are giving him medical care. Please be kind and nurse him back to health. The eye of God never closes and you will surely have your reward.

    A situation like this reveals the worst in some people. But to other people it gives them the opportunity to be God’s hands extended.

    Some will say “It is my job. I am only doing what I am suppose to do.” True. But when you do it you are doing what Christ would do. You are making HIS presence known in your world.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill…

    • Francisco Telemaque
      March 13, 2015

      Mr. Hill the people who are talking about abuse of this individual is not talking about it in the context relating to his illness, in one of the earlier comments someone wrote “I want to be diplomatic about it.” I believe his opinion is that the problem is caused by homosexual activity.

      That is why I wrote a comment, explaining a little about it and the treatment in both adults, and children, I do not know why DNO has not released that information. I see lots of people are not educated to the subject, nevertheless, if they read the medical and scientific information I wrote their opinions might be different.

      One should not be ashamed if their medical condition is reviled, since we are all vulnerable to illnesses, every human alive has some form of disease in our body. I am plagued with diabetes, and arterial fibrillation, I’ve had to go to the hospital on occasions to have doctors shuck my heart back into rhythm.

      • March 14, 2015

        Mr. Telemaque:

        Thank you for your comment and further info.

        The news article does seem to indicate that people took advantage of the homeless man and abused him in a manner that amounts to tortured.

        Nobody has a right to do this. It is a sin and a criminal act and should be punished to the max.
        (This is my opinion. I do not speak for anybody else but I am confident many share this view.)

        I do not know if the victim is a homosexual. If he is his condition could certainly be caused by this behavior. However, this would not give anybody the right to abuse him or do anything that would make the affliction worse. I oppose homosexuality but I firmly believe homosexual individuals should be treated with the same respect and kindness we would show to anybody else especially if they are in need or suffering.

        Christians should share the gospel with this man and lead him to Christ who can both heal and deliver him.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

      • March 14, 2015

        The hospital had no right to give out the information about this man’s medical condition. I am not saying thy did but I don’t know how else DNO could have gotten it.

        I also suffer from diabetes and arterial fibrillation. If I wish to share this information with somebody of course I may do so. But for my doctor or the hospital staff to do so would be totally unethical. There is no shame involved. It is just that health care is a personal matter. Everybody is entitled to the same privacy. There is no exception.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

    • mine
      March 14, 2015

      Always on the internet giving comments wow for a Pastor.

      • Mane
        March 17, 2015

        Pastor DNO must hire you. It seem like you an expert in every area.

  10. Anonymous
    March 13, 2015

    I find this article to be very mis-leading – for one there was no need to give the detail of the problem and two – “homeless man hospitalized – suspected abuse” would have sufficed. I read the article and had I not known prior that there was some abuse, I would have dismissed the article as irrelevant as there is a medical condition which could lead to “rectal prolapse”. DNO, every article does not have to appeal to the emotions; in so doing sometimes the gist of the article is lost.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      March 14, 2015

      You know, I have a problem with the word abused based on the context it is utilized here. I understand people claimed that thugs; and I deem such people to be animalistic who kicked the victim of an already bad situation!

      What these no conscience animals has done to that sick man is criminal; and if Weaks can identify the culprits, he should have then arrested, and hold them accountable for their crime against humanity! However, to contend that some form of abuse is responsible for his illness is total nonsense.

      If I am asked I would be accurate if I say he was born with that condition, the man was predisposed to that, and whereas there is no specific treatment for the disease, he must been a suffering soul who for a long time been dealing with his illness, as for all those people talking about his medical condition should not be reviled to the public that is hogwash, if the people who kicked him knew what his condition entails perhaps they may have pitied him.

  11. Moreihei Ueshiba
    March 13, 2015

    @Views Expressed you are right De money spent on Donnie McClurkin could go a long way in helping this young man in the hospital today, something is wrong with our Govt.

    • Ronnie
      March 13, 2015

      fool :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • A Doubting Thomas
      March 14, 2015

      The Praise and Worship at the Windsor Park Stadium was an awesome way to spend an evening. The prayers and singing was a welcome break from the normal campaigning.

      Maybe you are thinking of the money spent by those who crossed the seas and oceans especially to show Dominica and Dominicans in a bad light? Maybe that is the money you are referring to should have been used instead to help the young man.

      Because one (The Praise and Worship) was very good for our citizens and made us feel very good and the other one was very bad for our citizens and made us feel very bad and ashamed.

    • mine
      March 15, 2015

      You could a good servant of God to help him. Why politics again.

  12. SMH
    March 13, 2015

    and yet you clicked on it to read it.

  13. upset dominican
    March 13, 2015

    wi to impossible in dominica i find.so bcz the man is a vagrant wi have the right to just abuse them and get away with it?he nt an animal he have life just like all of us.some of us to lik eto tak advantage of plp

    • show time
      March 13, 2015

      what the hell you saying [wi] for as if all dominicans abuse vagrants,and if u doe like my comment ill see you on judgement day.

  14. sad
    March 13, 2015

    why you guys talking like the inspector don’t know what he saying or talking about? the guy is not deaf and dump, he can speak. the inspector would not go giving wrong information to the public and the world. its painful to take advantage on a homeless man. his cry will fall on the culprit.

  15. hurtful
    March 13, 2015

    what goes around comes right back. the poor boy was abused by somebody. he was not sick, he was walking around begging like the rest of them on the streets. why take advantage of him. there are young guys kicking and spitting on them when they come around asking for money. some people fail to realized the wickedness you do, follow you and your generation. just a matter of time for whoever that did this to push up to confess or join him on the street. :cry: :-|

    • Francisco Telemaque
      March 13, 2015

      Do you understand the term rectal prolapse? Your argument here has nothing to do with the reality of such illness: abuse what? That is a medical condition many people are born with; each time someone with such illness goes to the toilet to defecate their rectal protrude outwards.

      That is why I said for the first time in my life I feel sorry for another human, there are more people in Dominica suffering from the same illness, don’t make a big deal out of it, the man is just unfortunate to be in the streets, and maybe simply forced to pass gas (fart) thus causing his rectum to protrude outwards. This is not a new disease, or illness, you just discovered it existence, try to educate yourself about it rather than indulging in nonsensically rubbish talk about it.

      • GaNibbs
        March 13, 2015

        I am so concerned of people privacy rights in Dominica.Yes this man is homeless by all accounts given, but that does not make him less. human. tTHE commissioner of police must know in this era that people.s privacy rights have to be acknowledged and that posting a patient,s name and his medical diagnosis is no0 other person business cther than those concerned in his immediate medical call, look upHIPPA.

  16. Withheld
    March 13, 2015

    I agree that his name should not have been stated. However, I think that we should know when a vagrant has been hurt. We often forget about vagrants or think negatively of them. This news reminds me to be vigilant of everyone, even vagrants. It brings back my sensitive side. It reminds me that as a citizen of Dominica, I have a responsibility to uphold the law and be my brother’s keeper. I am hoping that this diagnosis is not the result of any sort of abuse. May God heal this man and ease his pain. Remember: IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING!!!

    • March 13, 2015

      Better still, if you SEE something DO something :!:

      Why is it only when a tragedy like this becomes known we hear about the need in the streets? I have always felt the churches should be doing more in the streets to reach the lost and suffering with the message of God’s love.

      When he was on his death bed William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, was asked if he had one last message for the forces. He said “Tell them to go for souls and go for the worst.” “Why the worst?” he was asked. The old general replied “Because they suffer the most.”

      As General Booth’s life was slipping away he was asked if he had a final word for the soldiers. With a voice scarcely above a whisper the esteemed founder uttered one word. “OTHERS.”

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  17. sam
    March 13, 2015

    I don’t think he meant to put the man’s personal business outside I felt he said it out of concern and anger. A lot of people have been abusing this guy just for fun and joke. I am sure that many of you have passed by and saw people abusing him and said nothing or laugh as well. I am pretty sure that this was caused by abused. Not to long ago some guys pushed a stick up his butt near the market. The problem here also is some of these vagrants refuse to stay at the grotto home where they are protected.

    • mine
      March 15, 2015

      Sam if you knew of the inccident why did’nt you report it maybe that was the cause of the prolapse. Shame of all the ones who abuse this guy and also shame of who saw it and did nothing.

  18. Sherrie
    March 13, 2015

    His complete name and medical diagnosis has been publicly exposed. That is or should be against the law in Dominica.. No mater what his socioeconomic background is, he needs some privacy. The point of the article is do not mistreat the homeless because they can become victim of a serious medical issue. That could of been explained without his rectal issues that we do not know how he got without being exposed.. I am a Psychology PHD student from the states and when I read this article and saw the man’s name published, I had to write a comment.

    • March 16, 2015


      Most of the commentators to this news article agree with you. I am so glad you took time to add your voice. I hope those responsible will feel the full force of the community’s displeasure at this man’s medical condition being disclosed. Excuse me for being blunt but an apology would go a long way in showing what these people are made of!

      We are told that mental illness plays a big role in homelessness and people living in the streets. I am wondering if the mental illness causes homelessness or does the homelessness cause the mental illness.
      We have the same problem in Canada but it is worse here because of harsh winters and severe cold. It is a community health issue our governments should be looking more closely at.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill, D.D., International Evangelist.

  19. Truth be Told
    March 13, 2015

    How we treat the least fortunate and vulnerable amongst us, says a lot about us! I am always amazed that Dominicans believe themselves to be a Christian nation. While they who imagine themselves Christian never walk the walk, instead they bling, dress up, flash money, and indulge in materialism, quite the opposite to the practices of Jesus Christ! When last did a church in Dominica walk the streets of Roseau to feed, clean and take in the homeless. That is what it means to be a Christian, to act like Christ! Not to quote scripture and act holier-than-thou like the Pharisees and Sadducees!

    • March 15, 2015

      I keep coming back to this page because I cannot get the story out of my mind.

      Each time I bow my head at my computer and pray for his salvation and healing.

      There are equally needy people in the streets of Toronto and other great Canadian cities. The measure of any nation’s civilization and culture can be seen in the way it responds to the needs of its homeless, the outcasts, and the down trodden. Our churches need a fresh emphases on outreach. We need to go into the highways and byways to those who do not come to us. We need to go not only to share the gospel message but to extend a helping hand by ministering to people’s physical, medical, and material needs.

      People do not care how much we know until they know how much we care.

      “Lord, let my heart be broken with the things that break the heart of God.”

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. International Evangelist.

  20. March 13, 2015

    Respect first of all should start by saying just a vagrant or by mentioning his name only …his health issues should never be disclosed to the public…nonetheless the health problem which is mentioned can happened to every human being and even worse…
    Concerning the people who are abusing vagrants by what ever means ,they either was never taught to respect others no matter what race,creed or someone’s condition…some might have been taught to respect others but turn away from the education that they received…these people should normally be reported to the police ,get arrested,charged ,compensate the victim and be imprisoned in order to deter the others from treating another human being in such a dispecable manner..what about if the vagrants were a family member?what goes around comes around,when your friend beard is on fire take water and wet yours…wishing the best for this man and may God open a way for him to get a better health and life…

  21. Cyrique
    March 13, 2015

    This man’a human right has been violated !!! I strongly believe that far too much information was disclosed in this article!!! This very unfortunate man’s full identity has been revealed to the world!!! Why was it necessary to mention his name and the Paris which he hails from ???? Plus full details of his medical condition and indicating that he might have been physically abused!!! This is disgraceful and I’m surprised that DNO allowed this to be published. Just because he’s homeless doesn’t mean that he should be stripped of his dignity!!! Do I hear an apology DNO?

  22. The Facts
    March 12, 2015

    It is sad to read about this man. He must be suffering and in pain. I hope he gets good medical care and recovers. If he does not have a family to take care of him, he is considered a ward of the government and the necessary government department should ensure that he is properly taken care of.
    If he survives he should be rehabilitated. No one should be out on the streets and vulnerable to the wicked whims and wiles of others. He is a human being, a child of God and two people’s child.
    How this saddens the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Dominica has advanced in technology and in other matters. It should be advanced in taking care of its people, the poor and vulnerable as this man. I realize there are others. None of them should be cast aside and forgotten to roam the streets, unfed, unclothed and homeless. If only something could be done about taking them off the streets and giving them a comfortable accommodation.

  23. OneDestiny
    March 12, 2015

    Sad,. We need to become more empathetic., although as others have said this can happen all on its own. These hobos need a safe house.

  24. So Sad
    March 12, 2015

    It saddens my heart when i read such news about the condition of people in my country.. Why are they referred to as paros? they are human being like all of us. these men and women have mental illness and should be treated. No one in the right mind would want to live off the street eating from garbage can.. Dominica is a has change for the worst.. what a shame…

  25. Funnybone
    March 12, 2015

    I rather doubt that this man’s problem was caused by abuse. It’s a rather ignorant statement to run to such a conclusion without evidence. Very often homelessness is caused by mental illness. Many homeless people suffer from severe claustrophobia and cannot stand to be indoors. The opposite can happen to people who suffer from agoraphobia – they never leave home because they are terrified of the outside.

    Even if they are provided with homes, there are many who would still return to the street. Only God can deliver from such sickness.

  26. gentle e rest
    March 12, 2015

    N e ways thank god he is alive. Mr weekes all these that hiding behind computer screens and typing about HIPPA and all this Ask yourself- When was the last time i stopped and assisted one of these deprived persons? Worrying about Weekes statements were you aware that the air was rife with the news he was Sodom and Gomorrah and killed. A quiet fella like push up that earning his dollar through entertainment of his peoples is thankful that he is and will continue to be assisted and if you know how many persons were disgusted all around the town to hear of these things that may have happened to him tonight i am quite sure they are pleased to hear he is going to be better. I know i am., So may this time off the streets bring him closer to getting off these drugs and into productive life…. smmfh

  27. Francisco Telemaque
    March 12, 2015

    This is one of the times in my life I can truly say I am feeling sorry for another human. When I was eleven years old there was someone in my village a year older than I who suffered from the same problem. He is long dead. All his grandmother used to do is push it back using the leaves of wild vine, to this day there is no proper treatment to this day.

    In adult patients, treatment of rectal prolapse is essentially surgical; no specific medical treatment is available. Children, however, can usually be treated nonsurgically and by managing the underlying condition. Which repair constitutes the best treatment is the main controversy in surgery for rectal prolapse. All of the procedures have their proponents, and there is no right answer.

    A laparoscopic approach to rectal prolapse repair has become increasingly popular. This approach has intensified the controversy because it has decreased the morbidity of the abdominal approach to rectal prolapse in appropriate candidates.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      March 12, 2015

      “to this day.”
      Extract those three words(redundant, repetitive, and fragmented).

    • Fe charles
      March 15, 2015

      Thanks for your comment.It is very wrong to have the mans name and diagnosis for thw whole woekd to read. Every patient regardless of gender,race, socioeconimics no one should be exposed in that way.
      The Policw should know better notr to around talking about people like that.He the officre should put himself in that mans place for a few second and think of how he would respond if people wold refer to hom like that.
      The patients have to be protected from this scanerlous behavior. I hope the people in charge look into this matter.

    • Fe charles
      March 15, 2015

      you reallneed to stop

  28. ?????????
    March 12, 2015

    But the police just assume the guy was abused??? There are. There is more than one reason for this!!! After all he is a homless paro on the streets…. poor sanitation, disease ,forcing to defecate can all cause this…. u mean somebody wud actually put their private up this dirty stinky paro???? Lets be real…

  29. %
    March 12, 2015

    Since so many Dominicans are poor, the state should lead the way in helping these people. Why so many millions were spent on international singers to win/steal an election, but we cannot take care of our own.Wicked sets of leaders!

  30. cb dominican
    March 12, 2015

    I agree because the last one they found half dead burnt they did not publish his name wrong wrong

  31. Ivory...
    March 12, 2015

    Guess any thing can make news in DA. The man was not found beaten on the street… but in distress, all he needed was medical assistance period. If for some reason I am to faint at the market while buying dasheen and was taken to the hospital would my medical condition be publicised on DNO? no… guess the less fortunate are important to our country yes but are recognized only after the fact…when something goes wrong, is that what human rights are all about?…please…

  32. me
    March 12, 2015

    Come on. You people are too small minded. The police pro just wanted the public to be aware of what the vagrants went through.

  33. Bod
    March 12, 2015

    The man has a right to live, but apparently not to privacy.

  34. March 12, 2015

    dominicans are goin down the drain. this sorter thing would never happen before time now look at this
    it is just not right. action should be taken
    BUT. i strongly think that this vagrant/paro should be put away for there own safty and others
    it get annoying to hear “geme a dollar geme a dollar”
    i am not saying they should be killed but placed away i a nice warm house :)

  35. March 12, 2015

    shut ur face
    biness is bisness strictly finacial

  36. geneus
    March 12, 2015

    it should to let the public be aware fool

  37. March 12, 2015

    This act is a Diabolical one. One thing which I am sure of that Jesus Christ the son of God did not die in vain. Another thing which I am sure of that it is a reflection of the kind of people we have become, it’s a reflection on the nation . So many churches in the land, we go to church on Saturdays & sundays but we have lost our moral bearings and perhaps we have unknowingly become like the pharisees and saducees who only had a form of Godliness and denying the power there of. some of these people\ paros have families and relatives and they are treated like rejects and outcast . The time for lip service has past. What we need to do in this is to have a national week of repentance and to ask God to cleanse and to give to us a new Spirit. Let us stop the self righteousness and down with the false piousness . The so call salt of the earth seems now to be good for nothing & now you can hardly tell the difference between the children of light and the children of darkness.It…

  38. Views Expressed
    March 12, 2015

    How did he get there in the first place should be the question?
    Negligence, poor service, lack of intervention, homelessness are all questions to be answered.

    Millions spent on an election……. Our vulnerable people are abused and deprived

    • pingo
      March 12, 2015

      Even in the great United States have homeless people. Let’s stop making everything a political issue

      • mine
        March 15, 2015

        100 % right they are all over the place.

    • Rolls Eyes
      March 12, 2015

      I was waiting for an idiot to pop up with the election talk… ding ding ding…guess who won.

    • Annoyed
      March 12, 2015

      Darling is the government to be blamed for the bad decisions that lead to our young men and women mentally Ill and vagrants on the streets? Quit being a cliche. Stop playing the blame game. Unless we as a people own up to our actions or lack thereof there will be no progress. What are YOU doing to help the people on the streets. Evaluate yourself and the results of the good in your heart. What have YOU done. Let’s stop BLAMING and start OWNING up.

    • DEAL or NO DEAL
      March 12, 2015

      Why don’t you come forward and lend a helping hand? All of us have a role to play. One hand can;t clap.

    • The Facts
      March 12, 2015

      I always say, prior to making a judgment, first find out the root of the problem; what type of parents he had; what was his childhood like; how well was he nurtured. In order to determine a situation and to find out the cause, this is what sensible, considerate and compassionate people do.
      Babies are born and they are the cutest ones on earth. Generally, they are loved and their parents and other family members of all are proud of them. What happened along the way for a man/woman to become homeless and in such a situation, is something to be researched; not judged nor condemned.
      You cannot blame any government, past or present for homelessness. When some adults grow up they want the leisure life; no exception youths.
      Adults are responsible for themselves. The government is not their keeper and not even to feed, house and cloth them. However, and take good note of that: If they are in need of and have no one to help them, the government must assist them.

    • Malpardee
      March 12, 2015

      Usually Hippa applies only when the patient is hospitalized or at a facility. Anything happens on the street where everyone see is difficult to keep confidential. Also, since u mentioned hippa and it has to do with the us, whenever things happen, they usually say it as is, sometimes they do not call names until an investigation is completed. Its just sad to see the things going on in our country which was once called beautiful.

      • mine
        March 14, 2015

        The man is hospitalized and his diagnosis and name was mentioned thats a hippa violation.

    • LANlu
      March 13, 2015

      idiot, that is a very insensitive statement t make. wise up

      • show time
        March 14, 2015

        Thanks alot [LANlu] you just helped me prove my point. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • show time
      March 13, 2015

      when stupid people talking it’s good to let them talk,let them think they SMART :lol:

  39. Jackie
    March 12, 2015

    The police PRO should not disclose that information and this does not mean that someone abused the guy. This disorder sometimes occur in elderly people. Get your facts straight

    • because
      March 12, 2015

      you don’t think is because they know what happened that’s why he said it ?

    • The Facts
      March 12, 2015

      There is a reason why he got that way. How it happened is something which a doctor could probably determine. Being homeless and vulnerable, it could very well be abuse. God knows!
      The PRO did nothing wrong. DNO would not have posted it without the permission and approval of the PRO. The majority of people are pleased to know, although saddened at what occurred to him.
      Probably this case will assist the government, hopefully sooner, to build some sort of accommodation for them and permanently remove them from the streets. These people are in dire need of assistance and protection from everyone; no exception resident D/cans as you.
      If you are a Christian which I assume, refer to Holy Scripture, the Word of the Lord and that of St. Paul through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The poor are to be taken care of and assisted in every possible manner.

    • My brother's keeper
      March 13, 2015

      who says he was elderly?

    • SMH
      March 13, 2015

      read between the lines.common sense should make you understand what he is saying indirectly.

    • negativity alone
      March 13, 2015

      didn’t you see the link between some on abused the guy. so if someone did actually us a foreign object to cause such condition, did you prefer the pro saying all that?

  40. anonymous2
    March 12, 2015

    Man’s inhumanity to man continues regardless of race.

    • The Facts
      March 12, 2015

      Also on this Website, in words and sadly so. Keep this in mind.

  41. xerctfvygbhunijm
    March 12, 2015

    I’m trying to be diplomatic and vague when I say that I understand the PRO’s concern but rectal prolapse is not necessarily the result of the type of “abuse” that he is implying, and we should not be so quick to assume anything without a doctor’s report. Maybe I am just thinking out loud.

    • Merlot
      March 12, 2015

      You are thinking correctly. I share the same sentiment. Apparently Weekes needs to spend some time researching the causes of rectal prolapse before he tries to dazzle DUMBinicans with his “intelligence”

      • Anonymus
        March 14, 2015

        Yourself you talking about!!!

    • Francisco Telemaque
      March 12, 2015

      It is not due to abuse of any kind, and I doubt homosexual behavior has anything to do with it. Nevertheless, homosexual activity does contribute to the weakening of the muscles of the rectum. His condition might be due to predisposition; in other words it might be hereditary.

    • The Facts
      March 12, 2015

      I would not make an issue of it. However, you probably would like to know this: When I resided in D/ca and was a student, the news spread that evening a man was badly injured in that area of his body with a stick and died. Someone did that to him because he was a queer, as they were called in those days. This occurred in Roseau near the river bank.
      This could very well have happened to him. Consider, he obviously was in need of money and someone could have taken advantage of him in this manner. Now, this is speculation and as far as I would go to assume what probably occurred to him. If it was not an adult, it could be the wickedness of a youth. The doctor’s results should determine what exactly happened to him.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        March 14, 2015

        So Facts, queer, faggot, booger-man or what you chouse to call it: suggesting, the reason they may have kick and beat him is because they know him to be homosexual, and that activity resulted in rectal prolapse?

        Facts, you do not know anything about the cause of prolapse: I do not know of any case medically where homosexuality is documented as the caused of rectal prolapse. What I do know is that homosexual activity, causes the muscles of the male rectum, or anus to become very weak, hence most likely causes the homosexual not to be able control both solid and liquids in his bowels.

        Some tissues of the body are elastics, the throat, vagina anus, the male penis, all are elastic tissues, had it not been for that by nature, you nor any woman would not be able to bring forth a baby into this world. If in our country people were educated to the facts of life, you would not hear nonsense such as they should not disclose his illness, because is this disease was common knowledge…

    • Tijhan
      March 13, 2015

      Agree. We all know that if you sit on a hot stone your boyo will come out.

      • As if....
        March 14, 2015

        I know the article is not a laughing matter but your comment had me laughing. This made my morning.

    • just saying
      March 13, 2015

      seriously people?dont you think that the police officer knows what he’s talking about?how do you know that he dont have a doctors report?he did not have to tell the press that he has a doctors report.do you honestly believe he would make public these statements based solely on assumptions?people read, educate yourselves and think before you post stupid comments.

  42. March 12, 2015

    what a joke that :( :( :(

    • mine
      March 12, 2015

      Do you think its a laughing matter? The answer is no. Who laugh last laughs the best. He’s infront yours and yours behind. In life you never know. That kind of information should not be given by a police in the first place.

    • The Facts
      March 12, 2015

      For some people, everything is a joke. It is not a joke. It is extremely sad.

  43. mine
    March 12, 2015

    There is no HIPPA in Dominca? Where is patient confidentiality? The guy’s name nor diagnosis should not be post on the news.

    • Tea
      March 12, 2015

      I agree with you. He could have made his point without using the name or the condition. This shows a lack of respect for the individual.

      • Merlot
        March 12, 2015

        It shows both a lack of respect and professionalism on the his part. This is in very poor taste indeed!
        I guess HIPAA laws are unheard of in Dominica. SMDH