Japanese Government funds new dormitory for DAPD

Japanese ambassador Okada and DAPD's Murphy at the function
Japanese ambassador Okada and DAPD’s Murphy at the function

The doors to the Dominica Associations of Persons with Disabilities’ (DAPD) new dormitory was officially opened on Friday, thanks to a grant from the government of Japan.

The grant, US$36,254, was made available through the Japanese embassy in Trinidad and Tobago under the Grass-Roots Human Security Project (GGP).

“Today’s ceremony truly demonstrates how strong bilateral relations are built and I look forward to the continuation of such efforts of cooperation and friendship between our two nations in the future,” Japanese Ambassador to Dominica, His Excellency Mitsuhiko Okada said at the opening ceremony held at association’s office in Goodwill.

According to him, the dormitory allows for overnight accommodation for persons living outside of the Roseau district who may choose to stay at the facility.

He indicated that in today’s world, persons with disabilities still face a widespread lack of accessibility, “which contributes greatly to the disadvantageous and vulnerable situations that disabled persons must live with.”

“In this connection it deserves high praise that the DAPD has provided support to the holistic development and welfare of persons with disabilities in Dominica for over 30 years,” he stated. “Over the years, the Government of Japan has partnered twice with the DAPD, in the capacity of a grant-funding donor, and continues to recognise and applaud Mrs. Murphy and her team for their invaluable contributions to the community.”

Executive Director of the association, Nathalie Murphy said the facility includes, not only the physical structure, but also equipment and appliances that make it ready to be used immediately,

According to her work on the dormitory began in 2012 when a few officers from Japan visited Dominica to scout for projects and DAPD was asked to submit a proposal whcich the association began working on immediately.

“We submitted our project idea to them late 2012 and by mid 2013, when they had done all their assessments and evaluations, we were notified that our project was one that was approved … this made us very happy,” Murphy explained.

She revealed also that the association has secured funds approved by the Caribbean Development Bank to construct an auditorium accessible with an elevator, costing in excess of $500,000.

Meanwhile, Minister for Commerce, Enterprise and Small Business Development, Roselyn Paul said, Dominica looks forward to continued partnership with Japan as Dominica rebuilds after Tropical Storm Erika.

Paul indicated that in recent years through much advocacy, the DAPD has brought about increase public awareness of the existence of persons with disability in Dominica, and the fact that they play a significant role and is able to contribute positively to national development.

She pointed out that the absence of a suitable facility to conduct activities has sometimes restricted the sustainability of the DAPD’s programs.

“This will enhance opportunities for the personal, social, educational and economic development of its members,” she noted.

The association also received a yearly contribution of $2,500 from the National Bank of Dominica (NBD) to assist with administrative expenses.

The ceremony was attended by the President of Dominica, His Excellency Charles Savarin and Mrs. Savarin.

Dignitaries at the function
Dignitaries at the function

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    September 26, 2015

    that was very nice of the japanese government, thank you, for you help toward the disable, good job :-D

  2. Selizee
    September 25, 2015

    Well done to the Dominica Association of Persons with Disabilities for opening their new dormitory.

  3. DeauxCoCoZyaye
    September 25, 2015

    Can we see some pictures of the facility please?

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