Kalinagos march against elderly abuse

kalinago march

On Sunday September 20th, 2015, as part of its activities to observe the “Month of the Elderly 2015” the Kalinago Territory organized a “march against abuse of Older Persons”. The march began at the Salybia Government School grounds and ended at the Crayfish River Platform with stops at Sapit and Pointe.

At all four locations, various groups took time to express solidarity messages espousing the need for zero tolerance of elderly abuse.

This march brought together members of eight Senior Citizens’ Groups from the Kalinago Territory as well as from Grand Fond and Castle Bruce all of which make up Zone 4 of the Dominica Council On Ageing (DCOA) grouping.

At the culmination of the march, the large contingent of seniors, youths and concerned citizens listened to addresses from the President of the Dominica Council On Ageing Zetma Toussaint, who highlighted the vulnerability of Older Persons and need to handle them with care. She expressed her sympathies to the seniors and families who were impacted by the Tropical Storm Erika and called on the public to report any signs of elder abuse to the authorities.

The Kalinago Chief, Charles Williams congratulated the organizers of the event. He noted that ageing is inevitable, that being an elder was part of humanity and that senior citizens have pioneered many things we enjoy today. He called on the youth to be responsible in caring for the elderly and for persons to prepare for senior life. He thanked his Kalinago ancestors for inheriting the safest part of the island while referring to the perils of tropical storm Erika which affected many of Kalinago descent in other parts of the island.

Cassius Darroux, Minister for Kalinago Affairs and Parliamentary Representative joined the call to break the silence on abuse of seniors, highlighting areas of mental and financial abuse as requiring immediate attention. He remarked that there was need for a greater caring role by families and that the youth should not neglect communicating with elderly by diverting their attention to face-book and cyberspace.

Darroux presented a gift hamper to Centenarian Elizabeth Auguiste of the Kalinago Territory who was honoured at the event. He reiterated government’s commitment to Older Persons and announced the $400,000 solar farm that will be established in the Territory and from which persons like Auguiste will benefit from, free of charge.

The event ended with thanksgiving prayers by Pastor Albert Matthew of the Seventh Days Assemblies and closing remarks by Norwills Ellick, Field Officer of the DCOA attached to the Kalinago Territory. This theme for this year’s month of the elderly is “Protecting the Rights of Older Persons”.

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    September 26, 2015

    Nice that was are good cause, it would have been nice if they would have walked to atkinson, thank you all

  2. Passing cloud
    September 25, 2015

    When I see these kind of thing happening in the Kalinago territory I never take it to mean much. These kalinagos have been made a laughingstock by Pm. Skerrit and DLP Parliamentarians.

    “He reiterated government’s commitment to Older Persons and announced the $400,000 solar farm that will be established in the Territory and from which persons like Auguiste will benefit from, free of charge.”

    As a black person it hurts me to see how easily Kalinago people can be fooled, but it even hurts more to see their own Kalinago fool them for Skerrit.

    Mr. Darroux, today is September 29, 2015, Where are the tablets you and Skerrit promised those caribs? Where are those scholarships you promised them?

    “I am saying here tonight from henceforth, every single child in the Kalinago Territory who get accepted into the Dominica State College shall have a full scholarship from the government of Dominica,” he revealed. “You will be provided with books, tuition, uniform and a transportation…

  3. Truth and Justice
    September 25, 2015

    Well done this shows growth.

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