Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit’s calls last Sunday evening for citizens of Dominica to take responsibility for the beautification of their communities was echoed yesterday by Mayor of Roseau Cecil Joseph.
“I am in full support… We as individuals must take charge of what we do,” Joseph said during a meeting with the press.
The mayor cited several initiatives he initiated that were shunned by the people. He said these initiatives could have made a notable impact on the appearance of the city.
According to the mayor, the “mindset” of Dominicans “must change”.
“We are calling Dominica the Nature Isle…. We are dubbing Dominica as the destination to come and see nature but many of the times that nature isle is not very tidy. That isle is not very clean. I think what we should now do as individuals is to find out what role we can play… see how we as a community can come together and tell ourselves what green space and what tree we can plant to assist ecosystem,” the mayor said.
Joseph spoke about ideas for prosecution of persons found littering and violating public spaces. The mayor said a request has been made to secure some 15 rural constables with the authority to arrest and charge individuals caught violating the city.
“I’ve made that request so that we could curb the nuisances in the city,” themayor said.
@Watcher: IT IS ALWAYS NICE TO MEET A PERFECT INDIVIDUAL BUT IT IS NOT NICE TO MEET AN IGNORANT ONE. If you read my comment carefully, you would see where I suggested the use of street cleaners. Also, if the police are litter wardens why are they not enforcing the act? Roseau is not that big. The very same way you see it, they see it also. What are you doing to educate the public? I have never heard or seen you in any kind of way educating the public!! If you live in a glass house do not throw stones. The public needs to be educated yes but that is a long term solution. The short term is to clean the darn place!
whats that bottle in the picture background ??
To: FOLLOWING THEIR MASTERS LIKE POODLES: Yes, to say it more easily, Cecil Joseph is a man of extreme contradiction. But what many of us may not have realized is that this is an unfortunate character in the man. What does he expect people to understand by the speeches he is making? Today he is negative and tomorrow he is positive about the same subject. And yet, he is a man with the role of authority; getting a paycheck from hardworking taxpayers.
One day he is swearing that Roseau is the second cleanest city in the Caribbean, which is untrue, and the next he is talking about us telling people that we are the Nature Island, but we are inviting people to a dirty country.
The man just does not present himself with a sane shape of mind. Maybe people should stop putting words like “Worship” before his name. Those kinds of identification may be exalting him to far up, and pride in this extreme exaltation is distorting his way of thinking.
I truly agree that it takes everyone of us to transform our Roseau, our Portsmouth, all our villages, and our natural images of Dominica. But we have to have some form of law enforcement to abide by.
I love the attitude and conducts in the person named Watcher, and I am glad to know that this person is in Dominica. But how many local citizens do we have in Dominica who is like Watcher? Because it takes almost all of us to be like Watcher for us to accomplish our goals without law enforcement.
By the way Watcher, you are familiar with my real name on DNO, I changed my identify to avoid the enemy. If you can tell me whether you are a man or a woman, I would be glad to refer to your pronoun name instead of saying “person”.
Law enforcement must come through the authority of people like Cecil Joseph, and yet he is full of contradictions. As citizens, we need leaders, we need a top man, two or three, to keep us in control and organization. An army cannot go to war without an Arm Commander.
I am sure that we are mostly law abiding people. But we cannot function to perfection if those who take leadership do not take their roles with a mind that is in shape, and focused on leadership, to exercise authority in his/her organization.
Our leaders of Dominica, be they in village councils, city councils, youth group, sports group, church groups, and most importantly in the top governing roles or posts, need to wake up and take up their responsibilities as is expected of them. It is time for us, Dominicans, to put away our old age lifestyle. We need the guidance and leadership of those who better learned or intelligent to help us do so.
It.s a shame that Mr. Joseph is blaming Dominicans for the job that he failed to perform to beautify Roseau. The heat is on him for not taking the appopriate actions that would have been welcoming for tourist to walk around Roseau. Some advice to you Mr. Joseph (1) Get rid of all the derelic buildings and old ugly houses that were built a century ago. Build more modern buildings (2) Smoothen the sidewalks (3) Curb the homeless and vagrants who harass the tourists (4) Remove obstacles and steps that are forcing the tourists to walk on the street (5) A modern mall with facilities for the convenience of the tourists.
@JUST GIVING MY 2 CENTS: what a brillant idea! hale the man or woman (just giving my2cents )
Those suckers would have to include many undesirables in high places>They have just yet been arrested. is that fitting or not? Just my 2cents, there are all categories of suckers those who are up by charter and enroute to Charter’s place.How about my idea?Have them do community services as leaders then when they get the taste they might(might) give up the dirty way for fear of having to do this job as suckers.
Cecil you are a fantastic CLOWN l..So you agree now that Dominica is dirty and smelling pee pee..Actually you are the last to have known that..Start walking around Roseau.Men have their rod in their hand urinating anywhere,the gutters are dirty,garbage strewn all about,paros want to take your money from you,dog poo poo,rats in abandoned houses,,and the list goes on…Mind you in many villages people are trying their best to beautify their surroundings,and this is commendable..However you are unaware of the state of Roseau..
I was tempted on my recent visit to Dominica to bend down and pick up the litter laying in the streets of Roseau, in fact I did pick up some garbage and deposit it in a garbage can. Roseau is dirty, people eat and throw the containers where they sit. This will stop when concerned Dominicans call those people out that are littering. Don’t get me wrong the litter problem is not exclusive to Roseau only, the problem exist in villages and communities all over Dominica. Issuing fines for littering is a good start, but that should be coupled with community awareness. KEEP DOMINICA BEAUTIFUL.
After reading the first statement of cecil and then this one i was forced in to my dictionary and came out with:
a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”
the was best suited word i could find to describe Cecil, i mean his statement
And why can’t the criminals/ prisoners not clean up Roseau? That’s what they should get while on vacation in Stockfarm.
They should be used to clean up the streets!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that would be good for them – embarassment and beautification of the City.
I want to submit my idea to whomever is in charge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Put those suckers to work!!!!!!!!
How can the Mayor call lack of cleanliness or littering a nuisance!! Flies, mosquitoes etc are a nuisance. Adults urinating openingly in public and everyone throwing litters whereever are down right DISGUSTING and UNHYGENIC. Luckily the majority of Dominicans personal hygene is tops but we have developed some disgusting unhygenic habits and these have escallatted over the years.
I blame Politicians of all colours for these behaviours. They should have clamped down on these bad behaviours years ago by implementing on the spot fine and/or community work. My belief is that Politicians ignored these behaviours for fear of losing votes. Dominicans are not easy people to change so I strongly suggest government put into place my suggestion above. The culprits should also be made to clean the area they urinate and litter. Government/villiage councils should install litter bins at bus stops and other appropriate places.
I agree every individual must play a part in the upkeep and the cleanliness of their Communities
EACH ELECTED LOCAL COUNCIL MEMBER MUST BE ALLOCATED A PORTFOLIO example ENVIRONMENT etc and that Councillor with a team of volunteers will be responsible for the ENVIRONMENT and PARKS
@APG: Yes thanks for your objective criticism and making some good suggestions. We need more persons like to read DNO and make constructive criticsm and making meaningful suggestions. i agree with a lot of things that you have said. Persons and business places come aboard and assist.
@BEST INTEREST: Yes persons who litter should be punished pay a fine… For your information there is the litter Act. when we talk of litter we talk of the styrofaoam and litter – paper , plastic bottles (you know what I mean). Do not try to sidetrack the isssue – it is not about leaves etc .
Also people should take responsibility to do what they have to do by not littering. I personnally have seen the Roseau City Council worker sweep the Gutter and no sooner , he is not even a yard away and a person throw a glass in where he cleaned. Well you know I am not like you all who turn a blind eyes on such things and just talk talk. I immediately scolded the man and asked him to pick up the glass. He did praise the Father because I would call the authorities – even the police (The Policeman are all Litter Wardens for your information). We should be each others guard, not turn a blind eye and be the first to criticise on Radio and DNO . ??? What are you doing to educate and prevent those persons from littering. It is a community effort and when persons are cognisant of what is happenning around them and talk when they have to talk, we can stop the irresponsible attitude displayed by the littering public.
Liken – Power hosing the drain would not solve the problem. First we have to keep the litter out of the gutters by not littering. Otherwise when you powerhose, you are sending the styrofoam, plastics , bottles under to block and then we can have a disaster – Flooding. Take note.
Everyone – the cry is to stop the littering / Stop the sending of material- Food particles from Public eating houses and then we can hose the gutters without the possibllity of blockages and then floodings and stagnant water for mosquito breeding – Dengue is here. We all have a responsibility not to litter. What about the roadside as we travel to other villages. We fling nonbiodegradable stuff on the side and it looks awful. Take pride in our surroundings. Play your part do not fling out of your car or buses. Also the little bin in the bus is not for your big bag of gabbage , it is for the small sweetie paper etc. The Bus driver is not Solid Waste and to have standards, he have placed the small bin for cleanliness for little pieces of paper. not for your styrofoam glass and KFC big box.. when you place such a big item as those , there is no space for the other passengers who travel on the bus to place a piece of paper.. Take note and heed not. Let take responsibility fo rour actions. You are not the only person travelling on the bus.
The Bus Driver is not looking to see who is flinging things outside and by your irresponsible behaviour, a charge can be brought against him. His registration number can be taken and you would not care two hoots about him . Be sensible and think of others when you plan to do things.
I do not litter myself. I carry my litter with me. If I eat at KFC – I leave the litter there. There are provisions and Bins there. If I want to eat whilst I walk the street, I keep my gabbage – in the bag provided and carry home and I add more gabbage (the plastic bag becomes handy) and I place my bag in my poubelle and the DSWMC truck will pick it up in my community on the designated day.
Another thing again , DSWMC have placed bins in strategic points aroung town for small litter – sweets paper, mt plastic, paper bag etc and have you noticed that they still litter around the bins. Householders you should only put out your gabbage on the day in question from 5.00 pm. Why do you put it out on the days when the trucks are not going to pass. For example by ACS and the Woodstone Shopping Mall.(you know what the dogs do to the gabbage) Keep your gabbage at your home in a receptacle and only place on the designated days. You gabbage is you who manufactured your gabbage. So please manage properly and help keep the City of Roseau and environs clean. Play your part and teach your children not to litter. When we travel, we have to adhere to the rules of the other country and we keep our gabbage or else we can be fined or jailed in some instances.
Do just this little for our lovely Nature Island of the Caribbean – Dominica Land of our birth. This is not asking too much. Is it
I agree with Cecil about the clean thing. I am a labor supporter to de bone, but this should have been top priority…
this MAY be part of the reason why CARNIVAL cruise lines pull out.
Rather than the BIN BOBOL ting the money should have been spent in that area of cleanliness.
Mayor & Primey…see Charlotte Amalie in St.thomas, much smaller than Roseau and tourists like it . THINK….Priorities!
Yah! Yesterday, Mr Joseph said Roseau was the cleanest city in the Caribbean… and today he admits, afterall, we can clean the isle …although that’s more than just Roseau. Nontheless, if it’s matter of cleanliness, the City should have jurisdiction to do whatever in their power to keep this place clean, including fining people for littering.
If we are trying to impress tourists (most of which come from mostly clean industrialized countries/cities), then we must make our environment something that resembles where they’re from. Fact is, most tourists shun dirty places, and if we have piles of garbage on City corners, unkempt vendors hawking unsightly wares, folks harrassing tourists, and what have you, then yeah, I could see why people would want to avoid Roseau – or any other Dominica venue, for that fact.
I don’t know of the political setep of the Roseau City Council – in terms in revenue collecting, but Roseau needs to get its own funding to build infracstructure and beatify the city. The government should provide grant/loan funds to the City (above and beyond their revenue generating capacity) to provide services for the city. The laws of Dominica should be modified, if not already, to allow municipalities (cities or parishes) to levy additional taxes (property, sales taxes) in their respective areas.
Mr Joseph should explore (along with government and private sources, both inside and outside the country) revenue generating projects for the city:
Parking garages
parking meters
Tourist attractions (encourage museums, parks, etc) in the city
Taxes (sales, utilities, etc – not sure is this is currently possible under Dominican law)
Property taxes (I’m sure this is already done?)
Special city police force (enforce traffic laws, safety, etc)
City Business licenses/permits
City Center – multipurpose center (recreation center – fee based; offices, visitor welcome center, etc)
Fines – illegal/unsightly vending stalls/locations, etc
parking permits
Building/construction permits
Incentives (provided by city & central D/ca gov’t) to clean up buildings – eg rebates for painting roofs
Bonds (not sure if allowable under Dominican law)
Toll roads
Jetty – accomodate restaurant, stores, etc – owned by city and space leased to companies
Riverwalk – promenade along Roseau river – featuring stores, tourist attractions…
… among the monay other (I’m not a municipal revenue expert)
But, the problems with Roseau is not limited to just Roseau, but if the government does not provide for the adequate operating structure for cities and communities in Dominica, then this problem will be with us for some time to come.
So a clean city good city has to have alot of infrastructure to support it… and the most important is money to make sure the city is clean and operations are carried out. But revenue generation is at the heart of all this. So, Mr Mayor, find all the help you can and sometimes, it is not all in Dominica. Lots of other cities can provide consultancies/expertise on what best can move Roseau forward.
The Portsmouth mayor should take note too… because Portsmouth has so much more potential than Roseau.
It is sad to see that some people just want to open there mouths and utter garbage.
Many of you are posting just to say that you posted something on this website. Ladies and Gents,
Although the Mayor expressed previously that Dominica is infact “one” of the cleanest Islands he has visited – does not mean that there isn’t some areas on the island that could use some extra cleaning.
What on earth is wrong with what the Mayor said. SMH!!
The only response worth reading is that of LIKEN – He /She is not argeeing or disagreeing with the Mayor, rather he/ she (Who ever LIKEN may be) is voicing a concern. One which if the Mayor is reading should be taken into consideration.
As for the other comments, you have a right to a voice BUT PLEASE – Stand for Something!
I wonder why the Island is so backwards. Many of you are just to
see u wait once a year to clean then u say theres no work so all these guys not workn
y they kee up the tideness so come nxt year theres not much to instead off siting under a tree
all day saying theres no work we dominicans like to much hand outs i am willing to give a 1ooo us
any one willing to match that
Didn’t the Mayor say a few days ago that Dominca was the cleanest island in the caribbean second to none? So Why is it a few days later he is saying the nature Isle or rather the isle of the nature isle is dirty? So which one is it Mr. Joesph we clean or we dirty make up your mind.
Yesterday his worship the Mayor said Dominica was the cleanest city. Today “that isle is not very clean” Is it another case of not ‘thinking before your speak’. You can not talk out of both sides of your mouth. Is it clean or is it dirty?????
That, I assume is the next level. We were never told whether it was up, down, or stay where you are !!!!!!!
OMG!! This mayor is past insane!! You are speaking or prosecuting people for littering? Have you lost every brain cell you never had? First you speak of planting a tree. What tree? Is it a fruit tree or just a tree? Who would clean up the dead leaves? Who would water the tree? Who would maintain the tree? Can we plant a tree on land that does not belong to us? Are you giving us that authority? I am all for clean and green but Dominica already has a lot of green so let us work on the clean.
Mr. Mayor, exactly how much would it cost the city to employ 15 rural constables, train them, give them uniforms and material to do their job? How much would it cost the country to prosecute people for dropping a sweetie paper or an ice-pop plastic or a tamarind seed on the ground? I guess you did not give that idea much thought? If the city and by extension the country is having financial difficulties, wouldn’t it be much more cost effective to employ street cleaners? They were used with great effect for decades. What became of them? Roseau was never dirty with the presence of street cleaners! I am also certain that the cost of employing a street cleaner is much less than employing a rural constable!
We are much too hasty to punish people for our own gratification and to cover up our shortcomings. It is the duty of the MAYOR to ensure that the city remains clean. He is responsible for planning and implementing measures to achieve this goal. He has the authority to employ people to perform these duties. He has the responsibility to ensure that these duties are performed. Do not play the blame game. Instead, get off your laurels and get to work. Be a responsible mayor. You have lost focus of the role of a mayor. Instead you are concentrating on establishing a record of being the longest serving mayor. Get the Job, which you so feverishly campaigned for, done! You have become the BLAME MAYOR!! Blame it on the rain, blame it on the people, blame it on the circumstances, blame it on the trees, blame it on the ecosystem. The mayor, he did nothing!!!! Take responsibility as the HEAD. And stop acting as the BEHIND****@@@!!!!
Mr. Joseph, we should look into charging certain business in town for piling up garbage at the side of the Roads in the city, that is unsightly and also we need to power hose or wash those drains to get rid of the stench.This should be a common pratice, not just a one day thing.
Business owners should be responsible for their surrounding and should be charged for violating this act .