DNO to implement its comment policy

Dominica News Online has implemented a new series of policies concerning comments and the approval of comments.

DNO believes in the freedom of speech and the freedom of expression but at the same time believes these should be done in a manner that is respectful and non-derogatory.

Hence DNO is alerting readers to the following:

The comments posted do not necessarily reflect the views of DominicaNewsOnline.com and its parent company or any individual staff member.

All comments are posted subject to approval by DominicaNewsOnline.com. We never censor based on political or ideological points of view, but we do try to maintain a sensible balance between free speech and responsible moderating.

We will automatically delete and not publish comments that:

– contain any material which violates or infringes the rights of any person, is defamatory or harassing or include ad hominem attacks.
– a reasonable person would consider abusive, profane or offensive
– contain material which violates or encourages others to violate any applicable law
– promote hate of any kind
– refer to people arrested or charged with a crime as though they had been found guilty.
– contain links to “chain letters”, pornographic or obscene movies or graphic images
– are excessively long and off-message.

We may also delete those comments that:

– are essentially unsubstantiated rumour. “I have documents that prove that….”, “I was witness to….”, “I know this for a fact…..”, and especially “I heard it on the main road….”
– are not necessarily sufficient “proof” for DominicaNewsOnline.com. However, this is up to the discretion of the moderator.
– are annoying to read. Please avoid hitting that caps lock button or highlighting parts of the comment in bold.
– have too many links. Including one or two links is OK, but our comment section is for readers’ opinions, not to highlight news and views from around the web.
– have descended into bickering between bloggers (which generally makes tedious reading).

Please also note: If we receive a comment that indicates an intent to commit an act of violence or any other criminal act, or incites others to do so, we may contact and fully cooperate with law-enforcement agencies.

The new policies can also be seen at the end of each story posted on DNO.

DNO is asking for readers’ full cooperation in this matter.

Copyright 2012 Dominica News Online, DURAVISION INC. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or distributed.

Disclaimer: The comments posted do not necessarily reflect the views of DominicaNewsOnline.com and its parent company or any individual staff member. All comments are posted subject to approval by DominicaNewsOnline.com. We never censor based on political or ideological points of view, but we do try to maintain a sensible balance between free speech and responsible moderating.

We will delete comments that:

  • contain any material which violates or infringes the rights of any person, are defamatory or harassing or are purely ad hominem attacks
  • a reasonable person would consider abusive or profane
  • contain material which violates or encourages others to violate any applicable law
  • promote prejudice or prejudicial hatred of any kind
  • refer to people arrested or charged with a crime as though they had been found guilty
  • contain links to "chain letters", pornographic or obscene movies or graphic images
  • are off-topic and/or excessively long

See our full comment/user policy/agreement.


  1. Roseau
    March 4, 2012

    Good idea, But add character limits.. Apparently some people one to live their careers as authors on DNO.

  2. 4progress
    March 4, 2012

    DNO…I would like you to define “Too Long”….
    How many characters is too long.
    Can you impose a character limiter to the site

  3. hmmm
    March 3, 2012

    first ting dno needs to do is block TINY

    • lol
      March 5, 2012


  4. Gig-la
    March 3, 2012

    ADMIN boy i know u good, let me say a couple tings to u bway if not for the comments the story is never spicy just how we use to discuss our SOAP so we talking about DNO comments i dos call my fren n sister and ask them to read the blogs we does choke with laughter de blog is our stress relief boy u u want to remove the best part when the bloggers going at each other u have no idea that makes our Headline Discussion if u censor our views we cant sing calypso wa we go do?

  5. st.joe on
    March 3, 2012

    Its bout time you all did this.

  6. professor
    March 3, 2012

    i am going to start a news online agency. the name is no spin zone. which means freedom of speach

  7. effects
    March 3, 2012

    If it aint broke, Don’t FIX it!
    leave bloggers express themselves DNO.
    Duravision inc? since when?
    wait for the effects if all u want to mess with bloggers freedom of speech.

  8. Justice and Truth
    March 3, 2012


    DNO is a reputable Website. Let us keep it clean, dignified and classy with our comments and responses. Let us also love one another according to the teachings and command of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We cannot leave Him, our Blessed Lord, King, Savior and Just Judge out of this. His eyes are on us and every footstep that we take including our fingers on the computer and what we forward over the Internet to specifically DNO Website.
    I read your posting with interest. This is a wise move. First of all ever since I commenced accessing your Website, I love it, including the format.
    As you are aware of, in previous years prior to the advent of computers and On-Line Websites and yes phone cards, we who reside abroad depended on telephone communication which have been costly. Writing letters took a few weeks to arrive, if they ever arrived to the point of destination and into the hands of the addressees. We may not always be fortunate to receive a reply which depended on who we wrote.
    Your Website has been extremely helpful in that pertaining to posting current events in Dominica we are now able to keep abreast of occurrences in DA. It has personally brought me ever closer to it and no doubt others who reside abroad. For this, we are obviously grateful.
    I also love reading some of the comments and providing my comments. A few could be humorous. :) We need to have a sense of humor.
    No matter what, comments inform me of what people are thinking and what is imbedded in their hearts which tell us a lot about them. How else can we know and learn about our fellow people but through interaction, be it over the Internet or in person, far and near? It is for these reasons that I have continued to access your Website.
    There is a reason why the Internet was devised for On-Line communication and other matters. However, as we have observed, it could be abused and utilized for non-intelligent, immoral postings and discourses of certain nature.
    Pertaining to long writings and some irrelevant responses, some of us have more to state based on the articles and the comments of others. One action could set an area, a country and world on fire. It could also change them. So is it with the comments and reaction of human beings. Thank you for your patience.
    Your new regulations should eradicate this and also the bashing, insults, domineering and derogatory discords on your Website. Hopefully, from now on readers’ discourses will be amicable, intelligent, and conducted in a dignified manner that others could learn something from, pay heed and practice. A good laugh is helpful and also goes a long way. Otherwise On-Line communication will defeat itself.
    We are teachers one way or the other and we are to teach the children well. We must also not overlook the youths who also read the articles and comments. Therefore adults should project good examples and also lead by examples by what they state which they could emulate.
    Please accept my apology if this writing is too long. It has never been my intentions as always to write a long one but just providing my comments. Thank you for your consideration. The next one should be short.
    You own the Website and we must adhere to your policies and regulations. New policies are good. They show us where we have gone wrong in the past and to rectify the wrong to a better way. God bless you. Good luck and success in all your endeavors.

    • March 3, 2012

      It is an excellent move on the part of DNO and I commend its management for the initiative. Free talk is good but we must also encourage–even sometimes INSIST – on RESPONSIBLE talk.

    • ayay_ay
      March 3, 2012

      So DNO, how comes you allowed this ESSAY from Justice + Truth?? Huh??

  9. Shucks_01
    March 3, 2012

    As long as DNO distances themselves like they’ve always done by making it clear that our comments do not reflect DNO’s opinion, what’s the problem? Let us talk!

    ADMIN: Shucks man! The problem is that if some one defames another person on DNO, the website is just as liable as the one who made the comment.

  10. tiny
    March 3, 2012

    ok dno.i see you haven’t posted my comment yet..just to let you know i was just kidding..and i was hoping that you would play along :)

  11. well
    March 3, 2012

    You know compared to a lot of other news websites on the internet out there, DNO’s comment section is INCREDIBLY TAME! Now granted yes literally fewer millions people, but even still! Compared to the likes of Yahoo! News, AOL and even NBC News, DNO’s commentators are incredibly tame and well-behaved.

  12. En Ba La
    March 3, 2012

    Admin you need to let the people know this is not new – Some of us a soooo used to this that I have placed my own disclaimer.

    Now where is my comment :lol: DNO you are censoring me a little much. I will just think I am right NOT MY COMPUTER.

  13. yep
    March 3, 2012

    Gosh! You people are something else. You would think that DNO said NO comments.

    What they are saying is better moderated comments. And that is a responsible move.

    How many of you would say some of what is said on this site using your real name? There is a reason why we use anonymous names because oftentimes the comments are jabs at people and situations that we would not have the courage to do using our real names.

    And you people are clamouring because you think your ability to do that will be curtailed?

    You mean there is no confidence in your ability to make sensible, respectful comments on issues, which BTW if you missed it, DNO says you will still be able to do.

    • me
      March 3, 2012

      No…we’re NOT saying “that DNO said NO comments.” We’re SAYING that their guidelines and rules for comments now (such as no bickering between commentator) is damn close to censorship, and that no good forum can exist with comments without bickering between the readers.

      Not only that, but there have been SEVERAL TIMES where DNO will reply back to their own commentators on their own comments and tell them “to go read a dictionary” and say “you crazy papa? SMDFH”

      So there have been times where DNO itself has “attacked” its own readers.

      ADMIN: First of all, the ‘bickering’ rule comes under the part of the policy which says ‘We MAY delete comments……so really, this is a discretionary matter and would depend on the extent of the bickering.

      Secondly, if there’ve been “attacks” by DNO Admin on readers as you claim, rest assured that this will not continue to happen under DNO’s new ownership. And by the way, this policy is not new, eh. It’s been there all the time. People have just not taken the time to read it.

    March 3, 2012

    but DNO no disrespect but i come here to the site mainly for the comments..yes at times they are out of place but hey most people still get a good laugh and what they have to say most times makes alot of sense : :-?

  15. March 3, 2012

    “Have too many links. Including one or two links is OK, but our comment section is for readers’ opinion, “not to highlight news and views from around the web”—–Dominica News Online

    Administrator, I agree with the above alert. Someone mentioned that you are not a forum–public or private–that is true.

    If I am going to comment on a news article, I should be sure that I fully understand the main subject of the article, that I can use wisdom and understanding to speak my own ideas.

    If, for some reasons I have confirmation, of my ideas from outside sources, I should be able to speak that confirmation in my own words–with a short reference to where my confirmation came from–without sending readers all over the Internet. I, for one, do not follow those links.

    Thank you for listing the plan of your agreement with us. I am a person with the tendency to write long ones. And so, if my comment is not posted, I will just assume that it was too long–and nothing more.

    Meanwhile I will hope that you consider the importance of what I write and to ignore its length–not that I will not make a sincere effort with my words.

  16. Maryland USA
    March 3, 2012

    DNO You are the best we have so many Dominica doing good things out of Dominica and we are note taking the time to see that. When i heard of the Dominica mother donating her kidney to her daughter I had to find out who, just to know is my high school friend, she has been a very good friend. I also found out that she is the first mother in the Caribbean Dominica should be proud of her, she made national news, people are still taking about that. Thank you DNO

  17. ron rainbow
    March 2, 2012

    when i read all the policy changes, i knew something was different, the publishing company is now DURAVISION INC.(thanks andrews)

    AMIN: Let me repeat myself. The comment policy is not new. It has been in existence from the inception of DNO under the previous ownership. The new management just posted it in a more prominent position.

  18. Hm!
    March 2, 2012

    Good move DNO.

  19. a non
    March 2, 2012

    wow!!! it must be a stiffling experience to live in Dominica… 8)

  20. CANDID
    March 2, 2012

    Thank you DNO. I think that this will help us to respect each other more, and promote a cleaner more reader-friendly forum for all of us. Stick to your policy. You will soon get rid of the undesirable comments

  21. March 2, 2012


    ADMIN: Please people cut down on the all caps. Please read our disclaimer on all caps

  22. tell us the truth
    March 2, 2012

    This is just another attempt to silence the truth. DNO, are you all busy working to try to keep the people from speaking the truth? Your so called new comment policy is nothing new. You have always been deleting true information that you think will cause political harm to certain people in authority but when it is against the other side, you gladly accept. Also, how are you going to differnciate truth from rummour when you guys FAIL to investigate information against a certain team?
    Your new measure is nothing new to us as it just sounds like your first official step to stop truth from going out.

  23. me
    March 2, 2012

    WELL it looks as if like comments here on DNO will soon be gone forever :D XD

  24. Agree
    March 2, 2012

    I strongly agree, at least there must be some law and order somewhere in my sweet Dominica.

  25. tiny
    March 2, 2012

    @ truthofthematter

    the Dno moderator love me……

    so eat your heart out……….

    • tiny
      March 2, 2012

      correction..i THINK that the Dno moderator loves me

      so again eat your heart out

      • March 4, 2012

        tiny, rose is giving you blows with her shoes eh?

  26. D/ca
    March 2, 2012

    All you ‘fraid Skerro man?? lol
    Is not DNO that making comments, it’s we (the readers)… don’t be afraid DNO.

  27. Too free
    March 2, 2012

    Frankly even though one does not agree to another’s comments of a political, economic or social/cultural nature, let all ideas contend. Once the content is non-libellous, not defamatory or deragotory, let people express themselves. Those new rules hinge on Censorship. Dominicans, didn’t you feel that was coming. Not after those lyrical calypsos. Those in Power are on the defensive. What fear of legal implications?

    Dominica is too free. Dominica is too free. Remember those words. Fear envelops the entire nation. Some people just do not want citizens to voice their genuine comments and express themselves freely, without fear, their honest views. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as our Constitution give people the Right to Free expression since we do not cuss. Pressure!!!Pressure. Censor. Censor. Something’s happening DNO. We are no fools. The spoken or written word is like water which will find its way and flow irrespective of stumbling blocks in its path. (Hope my piece is not too long).

    ADMIN: “Too Free”. If you carefully reconsider what you’ve written you will realize that you and DNO are not at logger heads here because like you, what we are really concerned about is material that’s defamatory, obscene and derogatory. Everything else is secondary.

  28. WOW
    March 2, 2012

    DNO you have began to go back on your words. Why is this comment all Caps, besides being rude to write in caps it makes reading very difficult.

    • Justice and Truth
      March 3, 2012

      @ WOW

      Internet etiquette, caps mean and project that we are angry and shouting. Really, they should never be used.

  29. Anonymous
    March 2, 2012

    I think that it is a good move, everyone has the right to free speech but should not be able to defame others maliciously. We can all express ourselves in a manner that does not offend the rights of others.

    • Reality Check
      March 3, 2012

      We have to be careful when dealing with morality. What may be highly offensive to one sect may be everyday to another.
      Not withstanding the obvious, cursing, hateful words, violent comments,etc. I think we have to be careful about who decides what is too much.
      But, the site belongs to someone and that person may have a particular view of the direction they want their property to take.
      If you feel censored or limited, feel free to make your own and bring some competition.

  30. Anonymous
    March 2, 2012

    ” – are essentially unsubstantiated rumour. “I have documents that prove that….”, “I was witness to….”, “I know this for a fact…..”, and especially “I heard it on the main road….”
    – are not necessarily sufficient “proof” for DominicaNewsOnline.com. However, this is up to the discretion of the moderator.”

    In the above I sence fear, it would appear to me that someone has breath some fear into DON, I can understand porno, and profanities not acceptable, porn in definition must carry a visible picture of some laude act!

    I cannot understand if some has proof of what they are saying and declare they have that proof that can substantiate their claims, I find it ridiculous that their comment should be censored, simply because the moderator deem the persons cannot produce this proof.

    If the evidence the person has cannot satisfy DNO, I then perhaps the perhaps it is time you close the forum which gives people to express their opinions.

    In general most of everything the people post comments here is nothing more than an express opinion, and in a court of law DON could not be held responsible for any comment for that matter.

    On the other hand this decision is biased, because I read comments mad here by people who claim to be medical doctor!

    Your moderators post what appears to be sound medical information, when in fact when people who has medical knowledge read their opinions, we find lots of hole in what they have said, why because they are not properly informed regarding latest development in medicine, yet you let there program though, when it is misleading, and could cause harm to people,

    How about to the powers that be at DNO.

    Sometimes we usually screw up a good thing when we have it going. Will my comments here be censored?

    If the ax falls on it,it does not matter, as long as the powers that be reads this.

    Yesterday, I wrote something on your site simply reminding the man who’s comment I responded to that he singed a contract with a none existing company supposed to located in Solvang California, I said I have pictures to prove that the address given to him and Dominica, is not that of a recycling company, I was bold enough to make the photographs available to people like Parry Bellot, and others.

    If an individual can substantiate their argument why not print it?

    I would prefer to read a long comment that makes sense rather than read a one line insignificant piece of garbage that makes no sense as we read on you site everyday!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    ADMIN: Mr. Telemaque. You’re mistaken when you say that DNO will not be liable in a court of law for posting defamatory material. I can’t presume to know what happens everywhere else in the world but here in Dominica, we would be just as liable as the blogger and in many cases, it’s easier to find us.
    With regard to the length of comments, what the policy statement says is “excessively long and off-message” which is open to interpretation, yes but what we suggest is that if you want to address the matter at length, you can send a letter to the Editor or send it in as a commentary. We’ll be happy to publish it.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      March 3, 2012

      I screwed up on that one so badly that even I have difficulties reading what I wrote at the very beginning, and continuing.

      Anyway yesterday, and last night was my Dominica rum drinking day and ight too, may that’s why it is bad drink and get drunken oui!



    • Francisco Telemaque
      March 3, 2012

      Well Okay, I do not know it all either, however, with all things warped in Dominica, maybe you are right, but in most cases as long as you have a disclaimer stating that DNO is just a conduit through which people voice their opinions, and DNO does not support or condone the opinion, of the author; and therefore shall not be held responsible or liable for the opinions of the author; that in most case should render you clear of any law suit.

      By the way please feel free to call me simple Francisco, Etienne, or Son, remember I out of de mud in Wesley eh, and that is what I am called here and in Dominica too.

      I cannot get accustom to this Mr. thing, in all the places I have traveled, and lived people are called by their first name; even on their jobs, they refer to their boss on a first name basis.

      In any event no one has the right to come on your site and abuse or defame anyone, and you do reserve the right to censor such postings, when they are riddled with profanity’s those should be thrown into the garbage bin, actually; I would not give you an argument on that at all!

      Anyway keep it going some of us in the Diaspora more or less depend on your site to be informed, and I personally do not want your business to get sued.

      They say he who carries the weight knows how heavy it is!

      Thanks for taking the time to address me on the matter, you are very kind and polite; that is something lacking in our country these days, perhaps your conduct, and how you treat others has caused you to be in business as long as you have.

      My greatest respect you have earned

      Have a happy Dominica day!

      I had me a very happy Dominica rum drinking day yesterday, and last night also, so I cooling out now oui!

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      ADMIN: Well thank you, Son (I hope this doesn’t make me sound like your father!). We’re glad you understand and we hope like you, others will too. Keep on reading!

  31. Sout Man
    March 2, 2012

    “We may also delete those comments that…….
    – have descended into bickering between bloggers (which generally makes tedious reading)”.

    I don’t get it. A little back and forth is good and spicy. What makes it tedious reading? If someone has the conviction to make a comment, he should be prepared to defend it. Otherwise, you might as well delete the reply button. Honestly,
    I enjoy the bickering between bloggers. It’s stress relief; as long as it’s done respectfully.

    ADMIN: We’ve made this point before but I think it bears repeating. I don’t think you should worry too much about this “bickering” rule. The moderator is allowed to use his discretion in such cases and that I believe, would depend on the extent to which the bickering occurs. Please note as well that the policy is in two parts. I would recommend that readers pay more attention to the first part. The rules contained in the second part are not hard and fast but are really subject to the discretion of the moderator. You see, these rules are not new. They’ve been there since the beginning of this website so there may be need for a review of some of them, going forward.

    • March 2, 2012

      the only reason d.n.o can do that is cause of some kind of ‘monopoly’ on dominican news… nothing is wrong with the ‘bickering’… all bloggers know this drive traffic… in fact blog writers like the ‘negative’ outburst since it makes it interesting… d.n.o still relying on dominican ads… i seeing millions can be made off that site… passive income… only if i owned that site… put some google adsense and see some money trickle in with the kind of traffic you all getting… and that is just the tip of the iceberg or bottom of morne diablotin…

    • Anonymous
      March 3, 2012


  32. March 2, 2012

    It is about time … This sort of intervention was long over due

    • a non
      March 2, 2012

      ehmemmm brenton it is written all over you that you are one to flee from any confrontational situation, just remember that ignoring a problem does not make the problem go away. would u like everyone to bury their heads in the sand like you?? then who would fight the good fight? since you so dread confrontation? I only responded to your comment because we know each other, sometimes the trump move is to lift your head up high, open your chest and speak your mind without fear. ladies love the projection of confidence and would be opportunists, capitalists and con men fear it dare not bring nonsense to your front door.

  33. haiansh
    March 2, 2012

    Woosh mama !!!

  34. Rabbit Foor
    March 2, 2012

    Many times (not everytime) DNO does not publish comment that are critical of the way they do things, and it has nothing to do with violating any of their rules. I just think it depends on the mood of the moderator at the time.

    • anonymous
      March 2, 2012

      That’s sooo true. They dont publish comments at times; and those comments in no way violate their rules. DNO should set rules for their moderators so that they are not bias or filled with hate.

    • by stander
      March 3, 2012

      I totally agree with that comment.

    March 2, 2012

    I am very happy that you have re-issued to soemextent this directive. There are many persons who THINK THET ARE SMART who attack politicians left right and centre with a win lose and draw mentality. They think that they cannot be recognised but claerly there trend of thought and mindset is known to those and the same is applicable to myself and others alike. So its pointless to do jabbing behind the coverted names and anonymous games set; At times the more such sensitive persons try to hide their trueselves thats when the full exposure comes out. Too often we think that its only those whom we speak to at FAMILY CHATTER-SESSIONS that are aware of our disposition alas no way ! OBEAHIC CRUSADES and BU-WAY FACES have never solved any problem nor even hypocritical pseudo christian-chuch going activities.

    I pray to papa God to help all of us to be forgiving , even to those who have wronged us and to those whom we have wronged . For all have sinned and come short of Jah Glory ! Too many times we have made ridiculous comments ( myself inclusive ) which may well be very counter-productive and negative and I do hope that we as citizens take a really good look at what we have to write and think positively before we submit our comments.

    whatsoever we do unto the least of these my brothers that you do unto me.

    God is watching every letter we typed even vefore the word or sentence or phrase is complete.

    • Truth and Justice
      March 3, 2012

      @ Evalina T.

      God knows our hearts and what is imbedded in it. I do think, as God, he knows everything while we are sleeping, when awake and until we retire for bed. Remember the song by Bette Midler or do you know it, “God is watching us from above.”

  36. F.J
    March 2, 2012

    Thank you for taking a stand! I left Dominica as a teenager, but is still very tuned to what is going on, and this site has been instrumental in relaying information. Keep up the great job!

  37. blackberry356
    March 2, 2012

    This is the only part I disagree with: “Please avoid hitting that caps lock button or highlighting parts of the comment in bold.”

  38. 1979 eTErNAL
    March 2, 2012


  39. true
    March 2, 2012

    let ppl have free speech. All other international sites posting ppl comment word for word. yet all u want to modify ppl opinion!

  40. Pundit
    March 2, 2012

    This must be some unique media. Cause in the real world media is not censored.

    • Rastafari
      March 3, 2012

      Are you serious? What part of the “world” do you live in? “…cause in the real world media is not censored…????? 8-O You need to get detached from your “real world” 8-O and move over to the Real world. Incredible!!!!

  41. March 2, 2012

    except for the “porno” this is unwarranted censorship. i was afraid it would come, but not under this management.

    the bloggers on DNO do not suggest to have any credibility and it is well understood by all.. and like MOTS said, although annoying long essays are also a feater of blogs.

    censorship censorship

  42. Trouble Intended
    March 2, 2012


    DNO, It sounds like you trying to close this thing down. If you exercise all those rules you have listed here, more than half of the comments here will not be posted. When you remove the real message that people are trying to send here, this becomes boring.
    I understand that you have to protect yourself from a legal perspective, but censorship is never good, especially when you are new and trying to compete. Please keep in mind that simple decisions like this can make or break a business.

    Best Regards

  43. Look It
    March 2, 2012

    Great New DNO.

    Unfortunately, many people may need to refer to some Adult Education before being able to comply. Sadly, I have read so many painful things here. I used the word painful because some of these people make “dominicans” in general look soooooo stupid and politically retardid.

    I read other Caribbean news sites and I do not see the level of foolishness. Where people just saying what they want, how they want without any sense in their head what so ever.

    Anyways let me stop there before my comment gets declined for being too long :mrgreen:

    • Truthofthematter
      March 2, 2012


    • by stander
      March 3, 2012

      My Adult Education made me understand that there is no such word as anyways unless you’re speaking slang and My Adult Education taught me IAE (Internationally Accepted English)

  44. Anonymous
    March 2, 2012

    To continue free speech post the link on face book and express yourselves there.. Them dictators in Dominica will not stop free speech!!!! No matter whet they try and who they intimidate!

    • March 2, 2012

      There we go again will Anonymous please name the Dominican dictators who are trying to stop free speech he refers to in his blog

    • anonymous
      March 2, 2012

      A must have got to them. DNO better stop the bugging.

  45. A Voice
    March 2, 2012

    I am in support of the rules…


    Is there any way for a poster to receive feedback if his/her post is not published?

    It is awfully confusing when you don’t see your post not knowing if it was something offensive in your post or it was a technical glitch.

    ADMIN: It would be too long and time consuming to give feed back on all posts that are not published. Additionally some posters don’t provide a contact email, hence there is no way we can get back to them.

    • A Voice
      March 2, 2012

      Ok cool. Thanks for answering.

    • Justice and Truth
      March 2, 2012


      Websites worldwide require that email addresses should be provided. How can this elude you? It should be the norm and compulsory that they provide a contact email.
      Your Website clearly stated that “Your email is never published nor shared. How else could they provide a comment? If per chance they do not provide their email, then you reserve the right to reject their comments. Your Website system should be programmed accordingly.

      • March 2, 2012

        email ad can’t do much since one can simply put a fake email… as of now i don’t think any word press plugin exists which validates an email address in the comment section… only email responders like aweber does this to my knowledge… even if that was the case… one can make an email address simply for d.n.o purposes… no biggie in an email… *sighs*

      • En Ba La
        March 4, 2012

        :lol: DNO has your IP – you maybe able to post with two three names here but take a look at theer POLLS you can only vote ONCE. why? My programming was basic (not my major just out of curiosity – correct me if I am wrong)

      • nope
        March 4, 2012

        @En Ba La
        Clear your cookies and cached data then you can vote again :D

  46. tiny
    March 2, 2012

    i love you dno moderator….

    • tiny
      March 2, 2012

      come on people i don’t think much is going to change…or at least i hope not…..or i will take back my love for the moderator…..if you see some of the comments on yahoo news…..

      there was an article on yahoo about a new species of monkey that has been discovered…someone commented if they hadn’t checked the white house..meaning Michelle Obama…
      and that is nothing compared to some comment that i read on there…i simply laugh at these comments…it will be so boring if they were to censor…for minor things like that …i would not check the sites asmuch

      • Truthofthematter
        March 2, 2012

        “it will be so boring if they were to censor…for minor things like that …i would not check the sites asmuch”

        That’s good news for everyone else.

      • anonymous
        March 2, 2012

        tiny, you seem to have put on aome weight.

      • by stander
        March 3, 2012

        I agree with you tiny…I’ve already stopped coming in here cause it’s boring. I only check out DNO when my cousin ask me to check out an interesting Dear Bella…anything else is just bla bla bla

    • Funny
      March 2, 2012

      Tiny, You will be the first to feel the wrath of this censorship…you better be careful what you say and how you say it.

      • anonymous
        March 2, 2012

        I concur.

  47. LetsJustOwnUp
    March 2, 2012

    Good work, but I have one query. Sometimes it takes a very long time for posts to appear online because apparently they need to be verified manualy. Because persons can post anonymously, they hide behind this and say ridiculous things.

    Can your system be set up to allow instant posts from people who authenticate themselves via an email address or Facebook? Maybe the IP address of the sender should also be displayed. In that way, if they say something that is offensive, they have nothing to hide behind and all can enjoy free and fair speech. Also, readers should be able to flag a message as offensive, then you can drill into it and remove. As your site grows, it will become impratical to manually manage individual posts.

    • March 2, 2012

      that would be good… if f.b posts be set up instantly…. but let me inform you… people have the wrong thinking about i.p addresses… i.p address can’t do much unless one has court ordered letter to the I.S.P… so the whole thing about i.p address in just when people don’t understand what it’s about…. trace my i.p… all you will see is a region… not a specific address… only the i.s.p can give that info.. now if d.n.o goes fully into facebook commenting… believe me my friend they’d be out of business next week…. the managers don’t have to go far… how much comments do you see on there facebook posts???? no disrespect but on d.n.o’s facebook posts u can hear crickets chirping

      it is no fault of d.n.o but blame the people in dominica who have discriminated the less fortunate… no one will share their real views on facebook commenting for fear of being marginalized… hence the reason d.n.o would commit suicide going into facebook comment postings… i have put ads on craigslist and competitors flag them hence they are automatically dropped… so asking to give viewers power to flag is a bit childish since i can flag your comment because i disagree… then staff have to look at it… try to see the ‘bad’ of it… when they have other work to do… the moderator already approved the comment so it’s not needed to flag anymore…

  48. Anonymous
    March 2, 2012

    With the exception of “contain links to “chain letters”, pornographic or obscene movies or graphic images” the rest is up to the opinion of the moderator and I am afraid we are entering into an era of censorship at DNO.

    The Internet was born to promote freedom of speech and expression. Let’s keep it that way please.

    ADMIN: You’re not really suggesting that we just forget about potentially defamatory material and let the chips fall where they may? We could do that if we were convinced that every one would act responsibly when posting a comment.

    • March 2, 2012

      i agree with you on this one… i thought the disclaimer could help D.N.O…

      “The comments on this page do not necessarily reflect the views of DominicaNewsOnline.com/Duravision Inc. All comments are approved by DominicaNewsOnline.com before they are posted.” the section that “all comments are approved” etc should be removed… since one would have the assumption that d.n.o ‘approves’ of a comment which may attack one’s character… it is contradictory to the disclaimer… if it don’t reflect your views then there’s no need to let people know that you approve all comments posted… this i believe will help in legal matters and keep your hands clean… this is censorship cripping on D.N.O… oh my if the U.S politicians had to sue yahoo, fox, cnn for comments it wouldn’t have had news lol

        March 2, 2012


  49. March 2, 2012

    it is sad to see that most of the people saying ‘it was time’.. don’t have a clue about what they are saying… go to yahoo news and read comments… go to foxsports.com after lakers lose a game and read… in Dominica we hate to read and wonder why students entering high school can’t read… the length of comments shouldn’t be a problem rather the contents of a comment… most regulars who post long comments on here are usually positive… for e.g liz and mr telemacque

    • March 2, 2012

      You recommend that we use Yahoo as the litmus test for free speech.Sir in American jargon a Yahoo is a country/bumpkin Which leaves me wondering who are the Yahoos who post those silly remarks,somehow there are quite a few Yahoos residing in Dominica

      • March 2, 2012

        so you left out foxsports and base your comment on yahoo… the type to choose to regard or disregard only what they want to see… smh.. all those news site is the same as far as commenting

    • Justice and Truth
      March 2, 2012

      @ mouth of the south

      Go also to the Canadian News. People provide their comments according to their mentality. Obviously, swear words are not acceptable. Yet some escape them and are posted. I had reason to ask one of them, how could certain comments be overlooked and posted on the Website. They are free to comment, even against government policies as much as they want and they are not prohibited. The Canadian and US governments expect and comprehend that but be respectful. This is indeed freedom of speech. I could cite many examples. DNO may lose readers/users.
      However, I do oppose pornographic information of any nature and will not access those links/ Websites. They really do not belong and are out-of-place on this Website or any Website for that matter. People must use their discretion.

      ADMIN: Who said anything about prohibiting comments critical of Government policies. You forget that part of the policy reads: “We never censor comments based on political or ideological points of view”. This is not our intention, my friend. All we are asking is that you exercise some responsibility and not post any comment that is likely to get DNO into trouble.

  50. Calypso Lover
    March 2, 2012

    Congratulations DNO

  51. Ebony
    March 2, 2012

    It was about time DNO!

  52. Anonymous
    March 2, 2012

    Thanks DNO. It was about time.

  53. uh huh
    March 2, 2012

    yipeeeee. I am all for this.

  54. March 2, 2012

    we are all aware or should be…that all news companies co-operate with law enforcement…. but this part is kind of troublesome and i quote

    “have too many links. Including one or two links is OK, but our comment section is for readers’ opinions, not to highlight news and views from around the web”

    it’s the comment section to give our opinion but posting links is not a bad thing since many people can get information from others in this way. i have yet to see a post with ‘too many’ links.. last time i checked D.N.O has a PR6 rating on Google… which makes it an authority site… easily so since it’s the main site for news on dominica. So i doubt the concern is backlinking for other sites since there is no competition… i’d like to let the people responsible know…. don’t forget it is the people who visit that brings the traffic hence having advertisers knocking at your doors… dont restrict for restricting sake but have a real reason to… once people feel restricted then the traffic will drop… the comments will drop and viewership will drop… as a regular on here… i can tell you most of ‘us’ don’t even come for the news but for the kixxes they generate….

    • March 2, 2012

      the name ‘d man’ refuse to move smh…. This is MOTS… someone else posted using my laptop and the name refuse to move lol

    • ha
      March 2, 2012

      well that just says a lot about the mindset of Dominicans. The news is not enough? U coming for the Kix?

      The comments can be humorous but some of you take it too far lambasting people behind anonymous handles knowing full well that you are immune to the same kind of attacks behind the safety of your keyboards.

      I have always said DNO is not a forum. It is a news website. If news followed by sensible comments is not enough for you all then that speaks volumes.

      Good move DNO.

  55. Anonymous
    March 2, 2012

    ” are excessively long and off-message”- i like that line i can think of one person who would be affected. lol

    • Justice and Truth
      March 2, 2012

      @ Anonymous

      You may learn something by long comments if you have the patience to read them and are willing to learn also, that you comprehend what is written. Some people are not willing to learn anything new which may educate and enlighten them.
      Those who moderate the writings may lack patience as well. Patience is a godly virtue. It is one of the Fruits and Gifts of the Holy Spirit. We cannot enter Heaven without this godly gift and others.

    • March 3, 2012


      What you do not realize is that most of those short comments–just like yours above–are still fruitless to the minds of readers! Those who agree with you are simply just like you–doing the same thing that you do.

      I am saying that no one gets any build up from a one or two sentence message;sometimes not even from a five or six line paragraph, such as those that I read here on DNO. I always give those kinds of comments thumbs down–and yes, there are many of those on DNO.

      But most messages that contain more than two, three, or four paragraphs has always presented a theme that feeds me, and I do appreciate them and I give them thumbs up.

      Anyway there is a saying: “One man’s food is another man’s poison, do I don’t blame you for not wanting to ingest poison.

      • Justice and Truth
        March 3, 2012

        @ lizavier

        I call them one-liners with no substance, no explanation and no learning progress.

    • Nicely Done
      March 4, 2012

      Haha the two guilty parties showed up instantly. Nicely done bro. Hope my comment gets approved!

      • Anonymous
        March 5, 2012

        lol.. no name no warrant but they know them selves… sorry not going to read your long response. Peace

  56. Wow!
    March 2, 2012

    Very good policy!! It was about time.

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