NYC organizes ‘Walk 4 Children’

Roseau, Dominica. Wednesday 28th July, 2010. The National Youth Council in an effort to recognize the celebration of International Youth Day and the beginning of International Year of the Youth, the National Youth Council of Dominica is organizing a “Walk for Children.”

The Walk will also be used to raise funds for the House of Safety for Youth at Risk, previously known as the National Children’s Home.

International Year of the Year was commissioned by the United Nations under the theme “Dialogue and Mutual Understanding” to

This activity is expected to target all citizens both of Dominica who can walk for the cause.

The walk is scheduled for Saturday 14th August 2010 at 6:00 a.m. and will commence from the Ferry Terminal on Bay Front and will climax at Rodney’s Rock in Jimmit with a social gathering.

To register for this activity please contact the office of the National Youth Council on 15 Bath Road, Roseau or call the office at 448-6944.  A registration fee of ten dollars ($10) will provide you with a t-shirt and cover the cost for the refreshments after the walk.

Interested persons from Roseau and environs willing to participate in the walk are encouraged to contact the office for transportation arrangements to and from Portsmouth.

Let us all work together for the development of the youth of North.

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1 Comment

  1. August 2, 2010

    congrats NYC..May you find strength in the Lord always!

    Fr.Esprit FMI

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