Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has said that in disasters like Hurricane Maria investors tend to flee but in the case of Dominica, they are actually ‘flocking’ to the island.
He said this is because his government has conducted the affairs of the island in a responsible and transparent manner.
According to Skerrit, in 2015 90 percent of Dominica’s GDP was affected by Tropical Storm Erika and just last year 226 percent of the GDP was affected by Maria but investors are placing confidence in the island.
“Yet still there are shrewd investors out there in the region because people in the private sector, their only motivation is profit who are demonstrating their confidence in this government and this country by investing in our country,” he said last week. “I think this is something that we should not set aside as a country, it shows that notwithstanding the fact that we may be on our knees, there are people who believe we can get back on our feet and we will get back on our feet.”
The Prime Minister added, “In disasters like this you will have investors fleeing away as far as possible but we have investors flocking to our country and it speaks to the fact that over the years this government has developed a reputation of its seriousness, the responsible manner in which we have conducted the affairs of the state and the transparent character of this government.”
He pointed to treasury bills which the government has issued in the past.
“We have not only provided the potential investors with the prospectus on the state of things in Dominica, we have published all our economic and fiscal indicators on our website to be scrutinized by anybody who wishes to scrutinize it,” he noted “And I have heard investors said this is the first time they have seen a government so transparent with its information. I have had the occasion to go on the road to promote our treasury bills and interact with regional private sector entities and so people are calling us to ask us when next we are going to issue a treasury bill because they want to be part of it.”
Why would a rich investor invest in a hurricane ravaged island if there would be no financial gain? That makes no sense and would be crazy unless they are seeking to conduct some underground illegal operation far away from international law enforcement.
When I call someone stupid as that fool who is defending Roosevelt lies and stupidity I must prove to the idiot that I know how it works, hence, I can educated the fool’s mind!
Note: all treasury bills are short-term investments and mature within a year from their date of issue. You have the option of buying bills with maturity periods of one month, six months or one year. Generally, the longer the maturity period, the more money you will make from your investment. The face value of a treasury bill is called its par value, and the most commonly sold bills have a par between $1,000 and $10,000. The minimum amount you can buy a bill for, is $100. T-bills (treasury bills) are sold in increments of $100 up to $1 million.
The purpose of treasury bills is to help finance the national debt. They are a way for the government to make money from the public. People and corporations can buy treasury bills. A Dominica dollar is US$.37 ($37,000.00) profit on a million Foreign Investment?
Look at what my country has become! Can you imagine this statement? “According to Skerrit, in 2015 90 percent of Dominica’s GDP was affected by Tropical Storm Erika and just last year 226 percent of the GDP was affected by Maria but investors are placing confidence in the island.”
1. “In 2015 90 percent of Dominica’s GDP was affected by Tropical Storm Erika”.
2. “Just last year 226 percent of the GDP was affected by Maria”.
3. “But investors are placing confidence in the island”.
Do you see the problem with this Prime Minister? This conclusion cannot follow from the argument! Totally incorrect, incoherent and delusional conclusion! You have to be mad to believe this!
Blatant lie!! Skerrit doe tired lie like satan. Give us their names and areas of interest!
So the IMF Report is fake?
{{emanuella voice}} ‘eh heh!! uncoo, let us flock out ohhhhhhhhhh!!’
I am just seeing this news Item. I think the reporter did not understand the context of what was said or is just being deliberately MALICIOUS.
The PM was referring to a Treasury Bill Offering on the Regional System of Fifty Million Dollars which was over subscribed by nineteen Million Dollars. No where in the DNO news report mentioned that context.
Hence the PM was making the point that after a hurricane like Maria investors are rushing to invest in Dominica. Isn’t investing in T Bills an investment. And if such is oversubscribed ins’t people rushing to invest in Dominica’s T Bills?? DNO please answer
“Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has said that in disasters like Hurricane Maria investors tend to flee but in the case of Dominica, they are actually ‘flocking’ to the island. ” (Roosevelt Skerrit).
Guy you are an idiot who lack comprehension of the English language!
I suggest you pay Skerrit to translate what he said in the quote above into patios, or whatever other language you are fluent in, or understands. Only an ignorant shallow minded uneducated person would indulge in the garbage you wrote! It appear to me you did not go past kindergarten!
Perhaps you will not understand the word “you are stupid,” so, count yourself “sot” you are sot; stupid!
Hello and good afternoon my people. Sir I don’t reside or vote in my place of birth but I visit a regular basis sometimes twice a year. Sir can you please tell me what are the investors investing in or can you show me something physical they have invested in. I also know that you are also the Finance Minister so can you please open the books for an audit.
This guy is beginning to blow his gaskets and will soon be foaming at the mouth. I can’t understand why on earth if this guy got a loan from the world bank which he has to pay back look alike to him as a flock of investment to Dominica, something is wrong here.
Tell the investors that you want to start working on Dominica’s infrastructure, that you don’t want to be building houses for Dominicans. In the United States government do not build houses for people, they place them in shelter, till they can manage. We are not rich America is rich, build shelters for when the country experience disasters. STOP BUILDING HOUSES FOR PEOPLE
That’s the problem with America, only the fittest survive.
The previous topic indicate the IMF indicating that Dominica is the only Caribbean country with NO GROWTH yet the Prime Minister is stating the country is flooding with investors. Did he get a different statics or is he the only one with growth?
Roosevelt Skerrit has said that in disasters like Hurricane Maria investors tend to flee but in the case of Dominica, they are actually ‘flocking’ to the island……..in your dreams-
Skerrit you are a …. who has done absolutely nothing for Dominica apart from enriching yourself and a chosen few. Corruption is always unacceptable but even more so when economic growth is absent and particularly when there is gaping disparity between the opulent life style of the prime minister and that of the masses in Dominica. Lets see how much longer the people will tolerate such a farce and the constant lies of a elected ‘servant’ to the country and its citizens. The next election is around the corner and Dominicans have a clear choice: either vote for your own prosperity and that of your country or for that of your PM. For me the choice is clear…
Is that the type of investor he is talking about? People who “flock” to buy treasury bills at a premium?
I prefer investors who invest money to open new businesses employing people.
May be those investors are investing in treasury bills, citizenship by investment, money laundering, the 7000 feet long runway at Crompton Point instead of the 10,000 feet long runway across woodfordhill/ Wesley. build it on compromised land and build it shorter may be bigger liat planes will land
Who are those investors? What have or are they investing in? The dominican public is not seeing these investors.
Yes they flocking ,but not for the reason you believe, Dominica is a beautiful country with so much potiential and we fail to see it. While others see it a nice place to invest , yes they already know that they can come and get what they want from incompetent politicians. Yes I mean GREASE THE PALMS. And get what you want.
You think all the millions come for free , when all is said and done . Dominicans will be shocked. They will own nothing in their own country.
You get nothing for free it’s a real world.
Investors are not dumb, they know an opportunity when they see it . This country is so under development that it’s a play ground for the rich and famous.
Please don’t loose the focus and think widely.
The PM should advise of specific areas investors are looking to put their money for the benefit of both sides. Dominican people and the investor. I am on Dominica currently and hard pressed to see where outside investors are investing their money. I have witnessed the generosity of several friendly nations helping Dominica get back on her feet.
The devastation by Maria has created a clear canvas on which investors, confident in the leadership of the country, wish to capitalize. Pure and simple. This is capitalism 101, investors will move into areas where they smell there is a need, an opportunity, with minimal risk.
You are an idiot!
Dominica is a dead place clean canvas or all the lies people you and Roosevelt tell is not helping, nobody is going to invest money in such a backward place where corruption is the order of the day!
Skerrit hope by telling that lie, will reverberate around the world, and that will enticed investors into the country! People are not dumb, investors usually invest money into places where they see progress, Dominica’s failed economy is based on the sale of diplomatic passports, and regular travel passports who the hell would go into a place like that to lose their money?
If investors are flocking to Dominica name them and their business!
If you all could not keep Dragon Windows, Colgate Palmolive, The Paint Company Brisbane and the people who operated the Tran in the jungle, your chicken slaughter house, and coffee production business never got started, who can you attack!
You are an idiot supporting Roosevelt Skerrit lies, the man is the most notorious…
While another news title on the same website is saying, “dominica the only Caribbean country to experience negative growth 2018”
I was trying to figure out which one is true….
maybe he knew the news was coming out and he tried to get ahead of it
Another boldface lie

‘flocking’ – an interesting word., usually associated collections of animals or worshippers. Never heard it in the context of imagined investors …. #itsallflockingmadness
from teacher to minister to PM to doctor to ……multimillionaire!!! investor are coming and i only take 30% of what they invest for myself, no need to report to the people who put me where i Am , they too stupid for this, no need to tell them how many passport i sold , no need to tell them what i promise to China in the MOU, no need to tell them that i changing the law of this country for my benefit and peace of mind, no need to give them a 5 years plan , but i just need to say : investor coming !!! and they Happy.
Man, we need to get shot of this raving lunatic before it is too late.
What a bold face liar this man is. Would the PM care to give us the names of those shrewd investors he is talking about. Well, I rest my case!
It’s a real shame when a man who was an acolyte can lie so much… Garson monsier ka maati oui…

One word for that ‘liar.’ Only the crooks acomin’.
He is very correct!!!! investors are indeed flocking to take advantage. But there is very limited, in fact no production space. No adequate space for business operation. anywhere in roseau you pay 2 arms and a leg for a little hole in the wall, this does not make business viable. Yes they are coming, but they are also turning back. These days there are over 5 new roofing companies. More still to come. dominica has only so many roofs. For local investors, manufacturers cannot access funds at AID Bank that government put, Hoteliers cannot access, small business unit says they do not have money. So what are we really doing here? Are we just playing around the real issues in hopes of holding the country and its people hostage? or are we making dominica really ready for business?
Investors are flocking in but Jacko Parrots are flocking out???♂️
bring back OUR parrots!
The funny thing is there are foreigners who will believe this and that is his audience. Meanwhile Dominicans clap to lies like this knowing it is not true. Please, our leader needs all our prayers.
PM Skerrit says investors ‘flocking’ to Dominica after Maria . As Angelo Allen back in 1995 reading news when his party took power in a fluke elextion use to say ad inifinitum sorry I’ll take that again just like alvin Knight. Those guys were somethingelese Alvin wore thick glasses so we can maybe say he has eye problems.Angelo oh boy. But he came a long ways on radio. He still sound horrible b4 he quit /chickened out.I guess back seling Deverille’s lands.So my point was suppose to beB4 deviating
Sorry I’ll take that again this was suppose to read PM Skerrit says madness is flocking into my brains.
There’s a saying which goes as follows: “Those the Gods wish to destroy, first make them mad”
Skerrit Medard fou.
boy mister doh easy. flocking to dominica to invest in rubbish that all over de island
“Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has said that in disasters like Hurricane Maria investors tend to flee but in the case of Dominica, they are actually ‘flocking’ to the island. “(Roosevelt Skerrit).
Dr. Punjab, is this another of your bad jokes, a serious lie, or are you simply completely mad, or less than mad; simply delusional!
Shall I ask you in what sort of business are these foreign investors investing into?
What type of industrial business have they brought to the country, and how many natives has thus far found employment?
You have no shame, but I will tell you this, lies usually returns to haunt even the conscience of those who indulges in lies! Man you need to stop lying it is a bad thing to lie!
If they flocking into Dominica, can you tell us ” Where is Ross Medical School?” Are still operating in Dominica, or St. Kitts?
Shouldn’t Ross University be back already?
Boy you obsessed with that man! Bonjai!!!! Awa wii. Skerrit will have to sign an autograph for you. You beat those people on q95 by far!!!
This must be the joke of the year.Skerritt who are these investors you speak of? Any fool would know that this is the next logical question and so would list them.However the Punjab Doctor has no name of any investor to back up his joke. If after 18 years the only hotel you can point to is Range, who you gave our assets to sell so they could make money selling our passports, then word must have gone out to the other so called investors who want a share of passports to get rich too. Talking about transparency, it is clear that only crooks and international criminals, many convicted or are on trial that you have been associated with and openly tarnished the good name of Dominica.Liar, liar your pants are on fire and your head needs to be examined to tell a brazen lie like that.Skerrit is delusional
… and more to the point why doesn’t he talk about the investors that finally turned their back on Dominica. And the citizens that left because they just can’t see a future in the country. Skerrit is a fantasist or more to the point a bold face liar.
All I am asking for is the names of at least two investors, what they investing in, where are they located and how many people that are employed by them. No Skerrit Aliereza Monfared who once invested in my Dominica Trade House is jailed in Iran and I hope you not telling us he is back here as an investor. Your good frieng NG Lap Seng was sentenced in NY on Friday and I hope you didn’t find a way to bring him down as an investor. I checked on another friend of yours by the name of Diezani Madueke but she waiting on her case to call and cant travel. Did you bring her down to invest? Is Ross University back?
check next to where 4D was. Also go to the DCP site, there are various business operating there. That is 2
7 people dislike my comment because i gave 2 new foreign businesses when the person who commented above me asked for 2? there are more. but they have no place to go. right now there is another one from st lucia looking for 8000 sq ft of production space. nothing available. LIKE I SAY THEY ARE COMING. BUT THE REALITY IS THEY HAVE NO PLACE TO WORK FROM ONCE THEY GET HERE.
The Russians are coming
thank god for my islands natural beauty cause without it we would be nothing. the cities are the ugliest in the caribbean. the roads are one of the worst. the laws exist but make no sense and are not enforced. social system is for dogs. health is not the worst in the caribbean but it is a shame. so much so that the ministers and their families refuse to use it.
all the worst products on the shelves are reserved for us, haiti, venezuela and the dominican republic.
the hospitality is something to get a stroke over… but wait, where they taking me nah when i get a stroke?
it is being hit over and over by dangerous storms. insurance not paying out. looting roro in the air. we not ready for next hurricane which may be soon (god forbid), the terrain is against every development idea. no international airport. school system still kinda messy.
and investors flocking in?
buh where i b dere nah
Daddy not in accordance with son U saying?
In one word UTTER RUBBISH! A desperate and delusional attempt to save face. After 15+ years in office, shouldn’t there be something to show for it? Hurricanes notwithstanding, shouldn’t we as a nation not have built some capacity in ANY sector by now? C’mon!
the first thing honorable liar should have done after getting relief millions, is to build a hurricane proof shelter in each village cause the hurricane season is here already and the country not ready.
provide jobs that pay well so people can build their own hurricane resilient houses or get a loan to do so. when you create a population of dependency you will win again, thats what you know so thats y you are handing out
look how international orgs coming to share money and build houses themselves because they see the millions they sent during erika was not for the people. they are so smart to take care of things themselves.
there are two sets of laborites. the wise ones who gaining big time so they worship skerit no matter what **** he speaks and those who are so dunce that the simplest logical reasoning is beyond their abilities.
which one are you? wise up and stop listening to mr lies.
be transparent. throw ten names for us skerit and you will prove yourself truthful. A A!!
You want 10, I will settle for three. That pm just a bold face ….
The same investors that had open a Limo service in Dominica right? from Malaysia?
investors flocking in and jacko and parrot flocking out!!!!!
No, you are not the only one! It is quite visible; just look at your thumbs rating, it is most definitely not from the Reds people
People will be grazing for adequate food real soon, boy! This PM is over his head in lies and illusions!
Am I the only one who is seeing one side of people (the blues) who are commenting here. I guess there best occupation is to be negative in everything that is positive for Dominica. Yeah keep it up guys be what u are.
My dear ‘Jokers’,
One does not have to be affiliated with the opposition to criticize the government. Any person in his or her right mind, who actually lives in this country, should be able to tell fact from fiction.
well who have succumbed to skeritts dependency and recieving handouts to survive cause somehow they think that if it is any other way they will die, keep being red.
@Jokers, you sound just like your name.If it’s blues questioning things they are told then this is what intelligent people do. As for you, you are too lazy to question anything because you are a joker.I guess if your pay was short you wouldn’t even question why that is so, if your child was sent home from school you wouldn’t question why? Stay red
I wish I could LOVE this comment a million times! Perfect response I say!!
hey Jokers,
just be honest, tell us what you get in your hand to talk like this? please tell us?
if his statements are true, Then what’s this report?
Hopefully they flock to invest in hurricane shelters. 15 days counting.
Like bees around honey

Hahaha, it’s all in his head, keep saying over and over and then it will be true

Y’all, a flock conveys the idea of a large group congregating for a particular purpose.
Can somebody tell us who are these investors and where are they congregating? In Skerrit’s head by chance?
What sort of investments are these investors interested in doing in Dominica?
P.S. – Can somebody also let us know if the investors responsible for the Morocco Hotel in the north are among these recent flock of investors who have flocked to Dominica?
Well! well! well, can someone please remind me what did the Punjab PhD major in? “LYING” I want to quote the guy correctly (1)”—–the responsible manner in which we have conducted the affairs of state and the transparent character of this government” (2) “And i have heard investors said this is the first time they have seen a government so transparent with it’s information” . Boss whom do you think you are you addressing; The DEAF; BLIND and DUMB. Transparency extends to the real patriots of this country want who to know too, not only your damn fly-by-night investors.
Show us those receipts

All these investors, and negative growth. Dominica’s population is so small all the funds that we received, there should be no reason Dominica is still in the state it is right now. I was worried about the Agriculture But they are the only ones who seem to be back up and running.
Skerrit be a honest man once in your life,stop the deliberate lies on the poor people,enjoy all your luxury while the people suffer,but in due time Skerrit the tides wil change,God is in control.
lol….mr doz lie wi
They are flocking like flamingos, parrots, peepeerits, or vultures?

people are calling us to ask us when next we are going to issue a treasury bill because they want to be part of it LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE Pinocchio
Alleged Dominica diplomatic passport holder No Lap Seng received a four year jail sentence in New York last week.
AAALAAAS if i could insert a gif here i crying wi boy. weh weh weh
skero so you rest back checking all the smart people travel and you are left with fools to fool? skerro tell the people the truth. they are not fools. just people who have to wake up from their slumber soon.
people who are coming to invest are those who will make direct profit from the catastrophe. like the building company in st lucia etc. no logical business person would throw investment in a country hit so hard, with a terrible economy, very low population, very low prospects of growth, insurance companies that dont pay out, very low to no standards, systems that dont work at all, and a hurricane season in a few weeks that we are not prepared for.
I am concerned. Our P.M. Looks decidedly unhealthy in this picture. What happen to that svelte young man.
You are so right skerrit is seek he is talking to the people and he is of a distance just a mater of time u gonna have plenty rest days. Lap seng Ash dead Lorenso gone one man left is u skerro in the famous cake cutting Dominican read between the lines don’t say u didnot know.
That’s the mental illness showing – finally!
Sale of Treasury Bills and investors “flocking in” are two different kettle of fish. I strongly believe though, that this american company, Mercury, on a 90 thousand contract advises the Hon. PM to make such statements. These people are very good, but they are really paying big “box” to fool our poor gullible population. Its just a pretty picture. Interestingly though our people are so superficial and materialistic they fall for those simple tricks. Most people are unaware of the persons maintaining and managing Facebook accounts for Ministers. But as Bob says, “You can fool the people sometime, but you can’t fool the people all the time.”
unfrotunalty, BoB was wrong my brother……you can fool people all the time…..or at least for more than 15 years
” Investors” seeking to buy Government officials in order to set up criminal enterprises outside the jurisdiction of the United States and Europe.
♪, ♩♪, ♩♪, ♩ why you always lying, oh my god, stop . lying, always lying to me♪, ♩♪, ♩♪, ♩♪, ♩
Who are these investors? Talk is cheap.
Show the citizens the investors. Who are they? What are they investing in? What is the expected outcome of their investment? How is it going to benefit Dominica and its people? Please stop disrespecting the Dominican populace there are some of us who wise, knowledgeable or educated. Please stop it.
Thank you
“He said this is because his government has conducted the affairs of the island in a responsible and transparent manner.” LOL, true that’s the reason, um no… it only makes sense to invest when people have no hope, now is the best time to get crazy returns when people have no choice….
Transparent character? You still havent told us the contents of the MOU between Dominica and China?
Really pm have more money so he investing more my pocket full alas when we will open our eyes u can fool us but not god
Yes- Are they investing in planes to transport diaspora to vote so that you can keep talking nonsense and wasting peoples’ lives?
Power (Money + lies)= Roosevelt Skerrit ( nothing more)